Pru Leith

Pru Leith is COTY without a fucking doubt. She Twittered the name of bake off winner before tonight’s show. She has totally ruined my fucking life. I bought a coffee liquor from Aldi and was going to watch the show, and then look at my Rachel Riley scrap book. It’s all ruined now.

Nominated by Cunts n Roses

82 thoughts on “Pru Leith

    • True. But the wonderfully delicious smoked salmon is 3.79 for 200g.
      M&S is crap at 10 quid. Go figure.
      Also it says a lot about our society when nice intelligent graduates are on the tills with 30k student debt.

  1. I don’t understand why any fucker here would watch the GBBO shite. The program is a wanton waste of time, staged and engineered to hook the mentally feeble , and those feckless fuckers who have fuck all else to do with their lives.
    And again, it seems the continued positive promotion of ethnics is the real theme behind the show.
    Pru Leith? Who the fuck is she?

    • The biggest crime committed by GBBO was re-launching the careers of unfunny BBC gravy-train interlopers Sue Perkins and Mel StupidCuntSurname.

      A pair of tryhard posh bints in the same mould as abominable colossalcunt Miranda Hart, these two cunts should rightly have been left in the late 90s/early 2000s ‘comedy’ vault, filed under ‘comediennes who make the shit hang sideways’. With a bit of luck, now GBBO is out of the Al-BBC silo, Mel and Sue will soon be plummetting back to obscurity.

      • Just to cheer you up TECB, these days the presenters are Noel Fielding and Sandy Toksvig…..

      • I liked Noel Fielding in The Mighty Boosh , but now he is a fucking celeb whore that has got a head like its been stuck in a massive pencil sharpener and sharpened to a fine point.

      • I truly hope so , young Ben Elton lookalike Perkins and her equally unfunny pal giedroyc are all that’s wrong with modern day TV, utterly talentless Cunts that blight viewers lives on a weekly basis, personally I would rather take an hour in the dentists chair than listen to their inane (so called) banter…..
        The sooner their careers are launched back to obscurity the fuckin better!!

  2. Paul Hollywood is the biggest cunt I’ve ever seen in any kitchen, apart from Flabbot-sized axe-wound Jamie Oliver, of course.

    • Although a bit of a Cunt himself Gordon Ramsey slaughtered Oliver in an interview recently, apparently there’s some history.
      On reading the interview I had a new found respect for Ramsey for calling out the mockery twat..

      • Ramsay is a bit of a cunt but I do envy his opportunity to be able to be paid stupid amounts of wedge to just swan around call people a cunt all day for a living.

  3. Great British Cunt Off.

    Bread and circuses for the feeble minded.

    Mel and Sue are as funny as a brain tumour. Fielding is a hook nosed, toddler frightening cunt and Toksvig is a sans-neck, tuppence licking butt nugget.

    Cunt them all and their cunt-off programme.

    • Cheers PM, still laughing at “Fielding is a hook nosed, toddler frightening cunt and Toksvig is a sans-neck, tuppence licking butt nugget.” bloody brilliant, just wiping coffee off the wall now.

  4. I loathed the Great British Cunt Off to begin with… But now those cunts, Tuppence Flicker Toksvig and Noel ‘Thinks he’s one of Sweet/Slade/T-Rex’ Fielding are on it, I hate it more than ever…

    Also, I wonder if this new winner will get the publicity, ghostwritten books, slots on news programmes, and her own TV series like the BBC’s sacred cow, Nadiya has done?…
    No? Well, that isn’t fair, is it? Oh sorry, I forgot…. Nadiya is a peaceful person, so is entitled to everything….

  5. I enjoy it.
    I like to sit and eat my Frey Bentos tinned pie while it’s on. There’s always a Poof,a lezza,a coon,a paki,a geriatric,a Scouser etc. for me sit and shout insults at. There’s also normally a fit filly for me to make sexual innuendos about……”You’d get my cream horn straight up your soggy bottom” etc. Unfortunately the only ones around to hear my devastatingly Wildean wit are my dogs. Perhaps that Googlebox programme would like to film me ?

    P.s. Good nom, Cunts n Roses….reminds me of ANDZ who used to post.

    • I hope you were not knocking one out to Queen Nadia on her prearranged quests to Success of the Peaceful? That would be Haram. Only her Father, brothers and Goat are permitted to do so.

  6. I too had never heard of this sad tranny fuck. Not until C n R callously brought its existence to my attention – thank you C n R.


    The wife of course knew who she was – would virtually have had to punch her in the mouth to stem the inevitable Facefuck type trivia that would have projectile vomited for the best part of 30 minutes had I not fled to the john for a dump.

    As for GBBO – the wall to wall 24hr trailers I’ve been subjected to over the last decade have at least put me off cake and related shit forever, and for that reason alone I am grateful, remaining in pretty good shape despite being a wretched old cunt in every other department.

    • “put me off cake and related shit forever”

      Apart from my own, award winning, home-baked shitcake obviously! Though to be honest, I’m growing a crack weary of that too…

  7. The saddest thing about this (and “programming” of this nature is sad enough) is that the story about Pru revealing the winner early attracted more attention and media coverage from Al-BB-Cera than the NYC “peaceful” terrorist drive-thru killings.

  8. I cannot stand this type of gormless shite on tv its so boring and the presenters look like they belong to that 1930s movie freaks.

    every “contestant” is of some fucking minority, black , queer, old ,disabled ,peaceful, ginger or poly-sexual gender neutral attack helicopter.
    its fixed , its pandering, its un funny its dull and its dull of cunts .

  9. The continued ABBC hand-wringing over sex allegations in Westminster is in full force on Derbycunt again this morning. An *allegation* of rape being reported this time.

    What about the hand-wringing over the *actual* rapes of underaged teenage girls at the hands of “peaceful” grooming gangs?

    Not a dickie-bird – two-faced cunts!

  10. There’s not many other Television programmes that fuck me off as much as that GBBO dogmeat!! It really is the lowest common denominator shite!! I don’t even watch it and I have to wade through posts about it on Facebook from 2 women I used to go to college with… shut up and get a life you pair of boring hags that I am only friends with on Facebook so I can look at your knockers!!

    Sue Perkins, dictionary definition of a retard waste of space…

  11. Back to Fallon for a moment –

    At a Q&A this morning, May admitted:

    ” A number of issues were raised with me that didn’t appear in the press.” (that’s a direct quote, the exact words she used).

    Tories leaning on the tabloids to hush things up…?

  12. GBBO is a pile of steaming cat faeces, Hollywood, vac-pack faced alien cunt Berry and the re-launch on C4 With Noel Fielding who looks like he’s been recently dug and left over from Halloween, all no mark B listers.

    • Noel fielding is looking more like jigsaw from the saw ( horror) films by the day!! Only fielding is nowhere near as funny or original……

      • Somebody needs to put a stop to those saw films when I saw (shitty pun) the 1st Saw film in theaters. I didn’t for the life of me think it would spawn another 7 sequels.

        Literally the worst horror franchise ever Horror genre doesn’t need more sick intellectual torture porn to inspire sickos. The characters are boring even including the jigsaw character are stupid as fuck

      • Screams another load of utter dross, final destination too…. The only thing I find remotely frightening is my gas bill…..

      • Fielding was funny once. Once as in on one occasion. He was some sort of undead in the IT crowd. Typecast maybe but funny. Once.

  13. I get it when Arsenal lose. There is wankers throughout the organisation, and they don’t pay living wage, so are cunts. It doesn’t even hurt any more.

    But what I won’t stand for, and I promise I’m not being racist, I won’t stand for the blue team to lose at Bargain Hunt. The red team are always cunts, so it’s pure dog wankers when the blue team lose. It’s a further example of Mays incompetence and I’m going to vote Green at the next election. Fuck me.

    • Ok, consider yourself fucked. But beware:

      As a previous post put it: the Greens are like watermelons – green on the outside, red on the inside…

  14. What good are the dutch for? expect promoting globalism The Dutch are a small irrelevant nation with no natural resources. They need hyper-liberalism and access to global markets in order to be anything more than a bunch of Gouda eating tulip farmers. Boycott dutch beer henekein is the mcdonalds of beer

    • Heineken in Holland not bad. Or it could be the general jet-lag and fucked upness of Schipol. Don’t agree about the Dutch. Alright in my experience. In fact we should get together with the Dutch, Danes, Swedes and Norwegians and invade the rest of Europe. And ban fucking hip hop.

      • Windmills and wooden shoes what’s not to like??
        Been going to Holland since early 90,s and generally find the Dutch friendly, they like a beer and banter, and unlike some other European countries they seem to like the English….

    • Michael van Gerwen and Raymond van Barneveld are two of the greatest people to have ever lived.

      • “Jan Akkerman, Golden Earring, bestiality? Dutch not all bad!”
        You see bestiality as a good thing? fucking hell.., I agree with the 1st one tho Focus was a pretty good band

      • Arnold Muhren, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Johan Cruyff, Rachel Ter Horst, Diana Van Laar, the Van Breeschooten twins… No, the Dutch certainly aren’t all bad…

      • Sorry TS, mistaken about bestiality – that’s Denmark!

        Irony! Irony! They’ve all got it irony…

  15. Question for all you married cunters, does your wife ever leave the house without her wedding ring?

    Celebrity wives leaving the house without their wedding rings is front page news these days and there’s a few “scoops” about this weekly.
    Investigative journalism at its best.
    “Sshh, she’s leaving the house,, snap, gotcha. Oh what’s this, no wedding ring?, i better call the editor and tell him to hold the front page”
    How can such tat make the rags, never mind front page?

    We truly are a nation of dumb and dumberer cunts.

    • If you think about the number of readers of the Mirror, Sun, Mail and Express, it’s no wonder we’re semi-fucked.

    • Mrs Fistula always goes to work without her ring on, says she hates wearing jewellery. Well that’s what she tells me .

      • My good lady has recently started going to work in my (nearly) brand new Focus RS….she has a few “new starters” in her team.

        I am relegated to the Fiat 500 which I don’t mind because men pull up expecting to see a pretty woman and not an angry looking cunt.

        I have no idea why but I have my suspicions, good on her, go girl LOL

  16. Why is this shite “news” anyway?

    Running order on ABBC news, Pru Vinegar Tits Leith reveals winner of GBBO, oh, and some terrorist attack, MP sex scandal, mass shooting, Hollywood rape allegations.

    But to the most important story of the day, the GBBO.

    Utter, utter cunts, the news.

    • The funniest news article of last week was on LBC where there was a worry Grenfell cunts would be traumatised on firework night.

      • Exactly!

        The majority of “peaceful” Grief-fell cunts probably don’t mind a big explosion when it’s to maim innocent infidel kids minding their own beeswax at a pop concert.

        Couple of Catherine Wheels on the 5th within a 40 mile radius and all you can hear is: “Compo, compo maaaaan! I’m gonna be a compo maaAAN!” (© Village People 1978)

      • Maybe we should ban guy Fawkes night?? Don’t want to upset the GT illegals now do we!!
        FFS!! ?

    • And not forgetting the massive hoo- ha a couple of weeks ago when SCD judge Bruno tonioli wasn’t on the show!!
      My wife’s hairdresser was in meltdown!! “ oh I hope he hasn’t left, I’ve only just got over len going” GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK……
      And on the subject of len goodman I didn’t know he had a game show?? I was sitting around scratching my nuts when I accidentally sat on the TV remote and landed on his show partners in rhyme!! Basically catchphrase done in faux Cockney rhyming slang? , the only thing that could save this utter dud would be to get part time cockney ( full time Cunt) ray winstone presenting it!!
      Len your a Barclays banker me old China………

  17. I’ve got some programme on about benefit claimants in Jaywick,Essex. Fuck’s Sake ,what a bunch of inadequate,oxygen-thieving parasites. Our very own untermensch. Work would set them free.

    • Don’t you think it ts possible that the system has failed at least some of them? What has created this culture?

      There’s places like that all over waiting for the media to single them out for a telly series. Pity they never show any good about any of the places they choose and afterwards the residents of these places are rather pissed off when they see the “edited footage” used for broadcast.

      Instead of deliberately shaming the society, they should look at fixing it and find out where it has / is failing.

      Another that springs to mind is the one shown about the welsh areas that had virtually nil unemployment, then Thatcher kills off coal mining and failed to invest & bring in replacement employment opportunities.

      I do have the odd laugh at parts of these if I catch any, but I am left more saddened at the medias manipulation and that there are people living a life like those in third world countries in today’s modern Britain.

  18. Load of crappy ads on itv foretelling of some tragic romance or some such cobblers…

    Harry and Miss Marple, Harry and Ms Merkel ?? One could outwit the half-wit, the other could just sit on his face and break his neck. I was going to say “deprive him of oxygen”, but suspect that happened at birth.

    Can’t be arsed.

    Think I might go and see Murder on the Orient Express, see how Michelle Pfeiffer plays my part…
    Although it’s got Kenneth Wankagh in it, a big problem. The only good part he ever played was Guy Pringle, who was an odious prat; obviously second-nature for

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