41 thoughts on “iPhone X buyers

  1. Just look at the picture, it says it all.
    From left to right :Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt……

    • A cunt gathering or “shower”of cunts: A group of cunts numbering more than 8 that are gathered in the one place.i

      • I feel I should know this, but what is the collective noun for cunts?
        We have a parliament of owls, a pod of whales, but what pray the fuck is the correct one for cunts?
        Might it be a “Spread of Cunts” ?

    • Just a quick you are aware. This devices has several scanners that work to together to build a numeric 3d model del of your head. This is then used as a password. The data is then passed to the NSA to their face cegognition systems, so they can track you 25/7. Forever. Talk about Orwell. And they queue up to buy it. Too about fucking stupid. If it was a law to do the there would be library outrage. Cunts.

      • Mobile phones are just cunts that provide bosses a tool to annoy employees 24/7.

        Smart phones invasion of privacy are frightening and if anyone gets handed one of these from work, I would advise not taking it inside your home, use for work related calls only, do not store personal information or contact details within it or use the internet.

        I took the sim card from mine and put it in an old unsmart Nokia. Pisses them off something rotten that Face time calls always seem to be unavailable. Invasive Cunts.

    • Sorry for highjacking new post.
      Was unable to comment for a couple of days due to javascript telling me to fuck off.
      I think i may have fixed it myseld after fucking about press on buttons after buttons after………howdy…

  2. Liberal Millennial: Yah, no yah yah no I mean like… yeah, capitalism is like literally SOOOO evil?! Donald Trump, white people yah.

    Also Liberal Millennial: Yah, no yah *sips Starbucks soy latte* I’ve like… literally got to have the new iphone? yah.

      • I am an iPhone cunt BUT there is no way I’m paying a grand for a fucking telephone. These iPhone cunts outside the store would probably buy it even if the screen was black and white.

    • and the way the cunts say “laaah-tay”. Mummy’s and daddy’s boys, the lot of ’em…

      if I’m not mistaken, coffee was more or less post-Turkunt invasion of Vienna, then the Italians specialised…

      So it’s “latt-ay”, (rhymes with fat-day) more like latties in Round the Horne…or not.

      • Bona to vada your dolly old eke , fresh fag. I can’t afford one. No , I am not on the national handbag but because I spend it on my riah and lattie.

        Bet you never thought you would find a polari speaker on here!

  3. There was a cunt selling one of these on a car specific enthusiasts forum for the princely sum of £1800.

    Nothing like helping out your fellow forum friends beat the waiting list / shop queue.

    Taking the cunt out of a product price that had already been cunted to full effect? Now that’s a real cunt.

    Yet we laugh at these Yanks prepping for troubled times. In stockpiling their guns, ammunition etc they really know how their friendly neighbours will be if and when the time comes.

  4. £999?????
    I don’t think I’ve spent over €80 on a phone.

    Remember when fads came and went? This fad of every cunt showing off and wanting to appear part of the plan is twisting my melon.
    Growing up we hated posers and show offs, now it’s the only way to be.
    I bet in years time they will love telling the story of the time the slept out all night to buy a ……..
    Cunts should be ashamed of themselves and their need to be part of it all.

    Talking of expensive purchases, the missus bought a kg of Lurpack Spreadable. £7. Seven fuckin’ quid for butter!!!!!
    I think I’ll go and buy a cheaper brand and the Lurpack will get used for my iPhone owners party.

  5. Queuing for 3-4 days in the cold for a £999 iPhone?
    Surly it must be a world record for utter fucking stupidity?
    The picture reminds me of sheep waiting patiently to be sheared!! ???
    Daft Cunts…….

  6. Embarassment of riches with posts and cuntings today.

    IPhone beatniks encapsulate many sub-categories of cunt – millenials, hipsters, general beareded twats and the faux-nerd cultures. Any cunt who queues overnight just to be among the first to get a phone, or see a film, or get a video game is always going to be the same sort of desperate, borderline-autistic freak. But Apple devotees take this type of cuntishness to a stratospheric level.

    I did hope in vain that when premier cunt Steve Jobs died, he would take this whole ‘tech-evangelical’ bollocks with him – but it strongly lives on in Apple, with Faecesbook and countless other self-indulgent institutions of the modern age now adopting these new product ‘preachings’ as standard, convincing susceptible cunts the world over that their lives will end without the latest battery-powered shite,

    I always wonder if Apple (and others) pay fuckers to form a queue and then rely on herd mentality to snowball into crowds – then again, I suppose there are more than enough obnoxious dickheads ready to rabidly wank outside the Apple store overnight, without any insider incentives.

  7. Queueing in the cold to pay a thousand pounds for a fucking phone that does just a little more than the last one whilst the next model is already manufactured and packaged ready to sell to these mindless pricks in a few months.
    Maybe there is a coveted CuntKing of the World prize that no one intelligent has ever heard of and buying this phone propels you right up the ladder?
    This is mindsapping cuntishness of the highest quality.

  8. A cunt gathering or “shower”of cunts: A group of cunts numbering more than 8 that are gathered in the one place.

  9. 999 quid for a poxy phone?
    I thought the average UK citizen was supposed to be skint and languishing outside food banks with all the underpaid NHS nurses etc.
    At least, that’s what the Daily Mirror said.

  10. How long before we see the iPhone XS?? Let’s call that £1499.00
    And if they did there would be no shortage of fools falling over themselves queuing for it……

  11. I have a landline phone with an answer machine and that’s it. Tell me what this thing actually does, and if any of it is of interest to me, I’ll buy one. Can’t see it happening.

    • You won’t beleve this.
      It has athings called animojis, which on trend people use to send little pictures of how they feel. These ones are animated with about 4 frames of movement. So you can send a picture of a turd with a face that moves about the screen to your missus, ex-missus or your boss when you are pissed. this and the 3D digitised picture of your face and head they send to the NSA, CIA and FBI for Big Data 25/7 tracking as they go about their business is worth the cunts 50 price increase,
      Anyway, here is a Spanish Apple bastard, theeeling you the truth.
      Watch it is very very good.

      • Superb !!
        His teeth must be related to Verminhofstadt’s…
        Check out the Hitler rants one, where Stalin is outed as an Apple Fanboy…

  12. you can just imagine the APPLE bosses sitting around and saying lets charge a £1000 and see if the mugs fall for it, if they don’t we can always bring the price down. but they do !

    • I’ve got one in cream that might suit you..? (Not a joke – I really do have! Haven’t used it for years though).

    • You can imagine Gorbachev in the Kremlin and Reagan in the White House waiting around for the old dial up to ring and then launch nuclear Armageddon. Trump would just tweet ” nuke the cunts”.

  13. I’m getting right pissed off listening to that cunt T ‘ardy advertising the phone for the Sly Mobile™ network, nearly every ad break.

    Quite appropriate a cunt advertising a phone made by cunts on the network ran by cunts.

    No doubt a subscription price increase in January to cover the peaceful sympathising, sugar lump thieving cunts fee.

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