Gordon Brown is and will for ever be a cunt. He has warned that the UK may hit a ‘crisis point next summer’ as we get closer to brexit. He maintains there may be a possibility we will not leave the EU, (not if he has his way).
He is not advocating a second referendum (yet) but says there ‘may be scope for a reassessment ‘ when we all realise what silly boys and girls we’ve been in voting to leave an Orwellian super – state in the making. Apparently we could change our minds when we are generously supplied with ‘ new evidence ‘ which proves we were foolish cunts in wanting to be an independent, sovereign nation, making our own way in the world, making our own laws and developing our democracy as a free independent people.
This evidence will apparently be the realisation that we will be getting a shit deal, will not be controlling our own borders, we’ll still be under the cosh of the ECJ and we won’t be controlling our own trade……. In other words, project fear 2.0. Right………
Fuck right off Gordon, you wonky eyed, baggy arsed, fucking useless sack of Scottish shit. How dare you pontificate on anything when you were fucking useless at everything you did whilst in government. Selling gold at rock bottom, trawling the world for immigrants, shelling out vast sums for workshy bastards, the infamous ‘ bigoted woman’ comment which showed your utter contempt for ordinary working folk, allowing the banks to shaft everybody and his brother to the point of economic disaster, prattling on about ‘Prudence’, who ended up raped and slaughtered, support for the Iraq war, etc. etc. etc.
This fucking under achiever should be tied to a stake at low tide. Hirers of deckchairs and ice cream sellers would have a field day as the moon’s magnetic pull worked its magic.
He is just another cunt who can’t accept democracy, we voted leave and will accept nothing less.
Nominated by Jack The Cunter
Judging by the ads on the telly,my house must be the only one in the land not to have a a Coon living in it. I wonder if the buggers break in while the householder is at work? Housewives should be taught never to open the door to our dusky brethren,they can hypnotise the average white woman in the same way as a mongoose can befuddle a snake. Apparently they reverse the saying and use their snake to stupify the defenceless white gentlewoman. Once in they turn the house into a crack den with a reinforced door which they only open to allow deliveries of The Colonel’s Finest Fried chicken nuggets. The white woman is swiftly impregnated,however this is a blessing because it signals the swift exit of the dark gentleman. Finally the white householder can return home to a reamed out,drug-addicted wife,a tribe of delightful B+W children,several letters from the dole office regarding missed appointments and an untaxed,uninsured,bricked-up pimpmobile sitting on his drive.
If its not TV ads celebrating modern Britain in the warm glow of cultural enrichment then they are subliminally wearing you down into buying a fucking sofa/carpet/bed. I’m to waiting to wake up in a cold sweat panicking that i absolutely must get that half priced sofa, plus 10% off and hope they deliver in time for Christmas.
Always wondered why my 12 year old son has thick black curly hair, smells of coconut and has a bigger cock than me.
Mine smells of mangy beefburgers!
Would be very interesting to have complete clarity as to what these career politicians would gain, personally, by clinging onto the drooping milky tit of the EU.
Clearly something very lucrative is at stake for each of them, BLiar, the one eyed Scottish bogey eater, Dick Smegg and Alistair Cuntbell amongst an overwhelmingly gargantuan raft of talentless, screeching, socialist detritus.
Has anyone else noticed that all those remoaner wankers were cunts before the referendum and all the Brexiters were not cunts. No surprise really.
Boris was and is a cunt.
Just due you one eyed bastard
due – die
Fucks sake
Andy, you need a proof reader, unlike Kravdarth who needs a poof reader.
Don’t forget these whining cunts are our greatest tool. The more they try to twist their already warped logic the further in the opposite direction leave voters move. I’ve yet to hear or speak to anyone that says they would change the way they voted. Would anyone on here change??
No, I wouldn’t change… I was v v strongly pro-Brexit, and am even more fervent now.
But am just a tad worried that brainwashed snowflakes might believe all the smeggy-cleggy, Al-Beeb, pro-eu drivel that is being pushed…more so than they do already.
However, I think some people are finally beginning to realise that it isn’t “nasty, waycist little England” that is likely to bugger the eu, but also Poland, Czecho, Hungary, and Austria…and some others.
Yes the Poles and the Hungarians are definitely not on the same page as the EU idiocy on every EU cuntry taking in their fair share of “peacefulness”.
And good on them! I wish our Govt had had the stones to push back on the EU rather than being complicit and exaggerating that number like the nominee above and his cunt predecessor!
P.S. For parity, John ‘Bull’ Major was also a massive cunt in this respect. Another backstabbing non-entity twat!
The biggest threat to Brexit would be a Labour Government. The current government do not inspire confidence, but Labour would sell us out big time and put the tin lid on it.
At best we would remain IN on similar terms. At worst we’d be technically OUT, but still paying a €10billion+ net fee of some description – and we know what Labour (Corbyn & Abbott in particular) thinks about immigration…
Like most of you I’ve waited fuckin years for my opportunity to tell overbearing EU exactly what I thought of them, although a cunt at least Cameron gave me that chance.
I was the first person down the polling booth such was my rabid excitement!
Do I regret voting leave?? Absolutely not!!
Has the tsunami of wonky eyed remainiacs and doom sayers swayed me ?? Absolutely!!
I’m far more intolerant of the EU and it’s legions of quislings now!!
Only if it was like a Nigerian election and i could vote leave three different times.
So the meeja is full orf “leading yank comedy star” denies filly fumbling. Allegation is the tosser has been wanking orf in front orf ’em. Name orf Louis CK. Never heard orf the cunt. OK.
Same thing as Winestein was up to,apparently. Wonder if it’s an American thing or just something for those of an artistic bent. Wouldn’t fancy trying it myself,I’d be terrified that nobody noticed.
The Blue Book version of Max Miller’s old WWII jingle goes:
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To have a playfull wank
Jill came down with half a crown
He musta been a yank…..’ere!
For callow cunters a “crown” was slang for a yank’s condom.
Never heard of the mother fucker either.
Gordon Brown is the ultimate Judas to the people of Great Britain… This sour faced ballbag could have at least attempted to reverse or limit Blair’s madness… His insane ‘open door’ policy, where every city and town is now filled with peaceful pakis, bogo-bogo africunts, and eastern bloc gyppos… Instead of quietly easing these bastards out before Twitter and the snowflake libmongs became Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four today, instead he indulged these scrounging scum at every opportunity and threw money and houses at them…. A pure cunt…
If I ever build meself a house it’s gonna have a masterbatorium.
Ich hadt eine mastoboriatum mit photo apparat in meine mountain gaff. Ach mein leiber, all meiner sneakiest.moves in ze var vas planned in zair. Den ze fucking yanks go and bombe ze crap out auf ze place. I still haff ze plans Herr Nag if you vould like but getting ze gass ist a bit auf a bugger theeze days.
Well said Cuntflap.
Welcome to Nigeria! Only kidding, this is Paris…. Once a city full of high European culture, now a third world slum thanks to mass immigration …and bogo-bogo cunts
Winston Churchill ? Funny you should mention him..“Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind.” The rest of you can fuck the fuck off.
And look where the Greeks are now! With Scotland not far behind…
The tide has turned up here .If it wasnt for the Scots, Corbyn would be in Downing Street as we speak. Think about that.
As Oscar Wilde so wittily put it:
“There is only one thing worse than voting Labour… and that is voting SNP!”
Cue howls of sycophantic laughter.
Btw, even if Labour had won every seat in Scotland, they would still be 5 seats short of a majority.
But we’re grateful to you Scotch cunts all the same… Cheers!
Dear Shitcake, educate yourself on how this works. Labour do not require to win a majority for Corbyn to be in number 10 they only need the Tories to loose theirs and be unable to do deals to keep them in power. If Scotland had not returned 12 Tory MPs then Labour would have had the initiative and done deals to put Corbyn in number 10. I can draw diagrams for you in coloured crayon if it helps but you sound a bit of a thick cunt tbh.
Cannae not read, Vermin me old cunter? Where did ah say Corbyn needed a majority to be in No.10?
You may be a bunch of thick, mooching, chippy, EU loving Scotch cunts, but at least you’d never vote overwhelmingly for a cunt the size of Tony Bliar, now would ya?
Hey, wait a minute…
“You may be a bunch of thick, mooching, chippy, EU loving Scotch cunts, ” Stereotyping rright there. This is why coloured crayons are required. He finds it hard to think in colour as opposed black and white.
Oh come now Vermin. Stereotyping? Moi? Am actually quite impressed you picked up on that, could’ve tossed me off with a 20 ft caber!
Alright, I know a wind up when I see one – you’re playing with me, ain’t cha Vermin? Tho possibly without a full deck. Ok, you can strike “thick” if you want and replace with… umm… “patronising”. Fair?
Still mildly concerned you feel unable to make your points without coloured crayons. What’s that all about – bit infantile innit? Wouldn’t really work on a site like this, imo. The wife thinks you’re “sweet”. Not an SNP supporter by any chance?
Would send you a pound but you probably only take euros.
Either way, you clearly know your onions. I know when I’m licked…all over…
And now for something completely different…
More ‘refugee’ filth…
Ooops… Again… And now for something else completely different…
More ‘refugee’ filth…
Or as Cameron said a SWARM!! ?
For kravdarth:
Oddly, both of my grannies had friends who bore a very close resemblance to the great Mrs. Shufflewick…
Although I am not implying that any of them were members of the NKVD or the Russian Fleet.
Thank you. Putin would not be happy!
Bunglecunt. The best insult ever!
Anyone renember the worm that turned sktech from the Two Ronnies? Not so far from yhe truth, was it….
Sky news needs an early morning cunting!!
Just watching the paper review and sky have managed to find a transbender guest to appear on it!! MOTHER FUCKERS!!
Maybe tomorrow they can find a gimp dressed in a latex suit??
Or maybe an adult baby in a fuckin nappy?? Cunts!!
I got one of them that lives next door to me. Cunt.
Gimp or adult baby kendo???
If it’s the later and you see him after 6pm I hope you say “ isn’t past your bedtime “ ?
Reckon Wetminster is full of ABs, probably all dreaming of getting a nappy change from Ann Widdecombe, or Frumpenfuhrer Merkel in a german nanny outfit…
They would do but Boris is already booked on Marr tomorrow.
Alas the mouth zip on the gimp mask will be open during the interview.
Apparently he’s requested a hardwood dining chair to sit on in order to get the most out of the metallic butt-plug as he fidgets on screen.
And a gallon of lube no doubt..
My brother met Gordon Brown when he was on the campaign trail in Nottingham. He said the bloke could not hide his contempt for the great unwashed and had the worse halitosis he’d ever encountered. Absolute shit breath.
Not surprising Fenton – the cunt is a putrid, overgrown reptile after all… My condolences to your brother.
On a list of people i least wanted to meet the one eyed and allegedly foul breathed mutt that is gormless Brown would be riding high!!
Fucking awesome comment Cuntflap!
Should be republished as ‘The Ladybird Book Of Brexit’ and immediately distributed to every school library in the land…
The other day I heard that renowned popslapper, Rita Oral, swatch on the Christmas lights in Oxford…
If she also does the ones in London or Manchester she’ll be right at home…
All her fellow Eastern Bloc dregs and cunt trumpets will be out in droves….