I wish to nominate for an cunting on the award-winning website ISAC, the current trend for appeasing any freak, deviant or attention-seeking mong in the name of transgender rights. This morning on the fucking front page of the Sunday Times was this story about the NHS having to quiz everyone over the age of 16 about their sexual orientation.
Fuck me ragged. Last time I went to hospital I had suspected meningitis and once I had described my symptoms I was straight into the treatment area and admitted less than an hour later. Why on earth would anyone need to ask me whether I liked to take it up the bum? Some cunt staggers into Casualty with a broken arm and some cunt with a clipboard asks him whether he likes birds or blokes? Fuck off with all this fucking shit. Unless you are being treated for a collapsed rectum what does your sexual orientation have to do with anything?
There are people who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria and who need medical help. But they are about 0.3% of the population, approximately 192,000 people in the UK. I bet there are more fucking stamp collectors or chess enthusiasts than that. Why the fucking fuck does such a tiny minority get such attention? Fuck me with a rusty fucking fish fork up the fucking ass.
This comes as there is talk that the ‘gender’ question will be omitted from the 2021 census. For fuck’s sake, surely the NHS need to know how many men and women there are in a particular area a lot more than the number of ladyboys and/or chicks with dicks? The provision of basic medical services like gynaecology and antenatal and postnatal care swing to mind.
The laughable twats at the BBC who love all this shit. But I wonder how they square their love of all things transgender with everything peaceful?
Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Me chinese, me play joke, me pee pee right into your coke with a knick knack paddy wag give a dog a bone next motherfucker who throws eggs at my window will be crying home
U-NI-TED! United are the team for me.
With a nick nack paddywack, give a dog a bone.
Why don’t City fuck off home?
Lee fucks Bell!
Bell fucks Lee!
Then they all fuck Summerbee!
With a nick nack paddywack, give a dog a bone.
Why don’t City fuck off home?
This old man, Tony Book!
Can he play football? Can he fuck!
With a nick nack paddywack, give a dog a bone.
Why don’t City fuck off home?
I went to Ibrox as a kid and as i wasn’t a Rangers fan, i never knew their songs but remember laughing at the simple “lie down and grunt, ya fenian cunt, surrender or ye die”
That’s all i know, but it made me laugh.
He’s green
He’s white
He’s absolutely shite
Peter Grant, Peter Grant
Ok you cunts, time I ‘fessed up.
My name is Shitcake Baker and I am gay! There, I’ve fucking said it. To be more precise I’m a bull-dyke lesbian trapped in a bloke’s body. Mrs B has no idea, tee-hee! She likes it up her.
All the same, I’d like to agree with much of what’s bin said. No way will I have any truck with all this tranny tomfoolery!
Chromosomes is chromosomes you cunts, full fuckin stop.
Is this fucking nonsense really worthy of press coverage?
Only for the reason the Cunts called their son STAR CLOUD…
You couldn’t make it up!!
Apparently the World Health Organisation has appointed Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as its goodwill ambassador??
I actually had to check my calendar!! No it’s not April 1st…
Also after some research by the highways agency it appears motorists feel more comfortable driving faster through roadworks? And the HA are thinking of increasing the speed limit in those areas??
WTF x 2 …..?
Maybe next week the highways agency will do another survey and find out that most drivers feel more confident and relaxed after binge drinking at the pub!! Cunts…..
Are they being serious Q? What sort of perverted fuck running a so called renowned world organisation would appoint a psychopath the size of Robert Mugabe as a ‘Goodwill Ambassador’? Blair perhaps?
You’d be forgiven for thinking so, but no, it’s some fuckwit called Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu , who wrote on Facebook in 2013, “Let’s not link the ideology of some radicals to represent Islam. Islam is Peace”.
The world must feel the heavy hand of cuntishness upon its shoulder today.
Morning SB,
I kid you not, saw it on sky and bbc this morning…..
Sky? BBC? Fake news, surely. Have a nice cunt free weekend.
You too…. ?……..
Blair? Let’s not forget that the cunt that dragged us into an illegal war in the middle east is the UN ambassador to the middle east…
Ah yes – that probably explains why he doesn’t have time to be Director General of WHO as well.
Maxwell Mugabe more than ever resembles a syphillitic gorilla…
Ha ha – thanks to pressure from IAC site, the cunts in charge of WHO have backed down and told Mugabe to sling his shitty hook.
So congratulations fellow cunters, only Blair, Barnier, Juncker, Clegg, the McCanns, and a few thousand other mega-cunts to go! We can then settle down and fix the Human Race.
May I kindly nominate ‘Selfies’ for a thorough cunting.
What possesses people who, faced with a breathtaking natural wonder or some amazing engineering marvel, spins round their camera (or phone, most likely) so that their gurning spastic face is front and centre in the picture?
This simple action surely encapsulates the cuntiness of modern people, thinking that they, the tourist, is more important than the beauty they’re only fleetingly interested in, so short is their micro-brained attention span.
Even as recently as 10 years ago, no such thing existed. Upon a visit to the Grand Canyon, myself and Mrs Cunt-Engine were simply dumbstruck with awe at the magnificence of it and only after a good few minutes was struck by the reminder to take some pictures. Proper camera facing forward, naturally.
I reluctantly included her in a couple of pics, encouraging her towards the edge, but alas, there was no fortuitous gust to sweep her over the lip and to her doom.
Who’s worst for taking selfies?
Normally wimminz, but a great deal of cissy ‘men’ too.
People nowadays – eeuurrggh, cunts – almost all of ’em.
Hi Thomas – I visited the Grand Canyon several years ago too. Long before the ‘selfie generation’ had infected society. It’s pretty amazing isn’t it? Films and TV don’t do it justice. It’s one of those things you have to see with the naked eye to appreciate it’s scale. Being a twat though, I just assumed the Grand Canyon was a massive fuck off canyon all by itself out in the middle of nowhere. Comes to find out, there’re tons of other canyons all around it with countless ‘scenic view’ stopping points to check them out. I got canyoned out pretty quick, but it was a good day overall.
I was married to an Italian psycho at the time who unfortunately wasn’t with me on that trip, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered hoping for a gust of wind to set me free. If you know what I’m saying.
The best of this annoying phenomenon is that stream of pics that occasionally appears, of fatalities that happen after some twat takes a selfie.
Narcissistic justice…
I should also like to cunt a new advert, namely for L’Oreal Barber Club products… with a load of hipster twats and their b awful beardiness…
Orf with their hair !!
Simon Reeve is a cunt for using his BBC show about Russia to constantly wank on about how great the Soviet Union was.
Makes me wonder about that old Sting song about “the Russians loving their children too”
“Oh hang on, they rejected Socialism, fuck em then..”
Well, Reeve is a smug cunt, but he has a point… The USSR was great in its way, and it would be better for us if it still existed… For a start there would be no unified Krauts, and that Fat Fuck Frumpenfuhrer, Merkel, would still be a nobody behind the wrong side of the wall… Which means no sandwog human filth infesting Germany and then Europe… There would also be tighter control over the gyppo Eastern Bloc scum who now plague Britain like a dose of Colarado Beetle… It was better when the white wogs were terrified of the Red Army/KGB and would not dare move from or out of their shitholes… It would save Britain a fortune in benefits for a kick off…
May I just also add after World War II, there should never have been a reunited Germany ever again… A full fatherland only ever spells trouble, one way or another… After the Nazis the Kraut cunts should have been policed by the Brits, Yanks and Ivans for all time (fuck the Frogs…. They did fuck all and deserve nothing)… And while the EU vermin talk about a ‘divorce bill’ those Kraut pigs should still be paying damages to Blighty for the Blitz and all the lives that were lost… Fucking square head sausage eating goose stepping scum…
The polish have been talking about war reparations from the krauts??
Tell you now there’s fucking zero chance of that happening!!
Merkel won’t be putting his stumpy little hand in her purse..
The stupid cunt May will pay up on their behalf. Useless twat!
The money that our treasury was denied due to fraudulent emissions claims of VW should be pursued.
Equating roughly to £150 per year, every year from date of the registration of each offending car is a lot of money if you consider how many of these VW diesels came on our roads since around 2007 and most are still smoking their way around our streets having denied the treasury £1500.
The Americans got their millions of compensation from them but did GB get theirs?
Given the money people behind “the peoples car” company are or are linked with Germany’s top people, I’m betting Flangela got Scameron & Cuntbourne to bury any idea of pursuing such money in return for the great job she did of talking the other EU member states into offering us that great pre referendum deal to entice us all to vote remain.
I’m talking about the deal he went to Brussels for and came back with fuck all. That’s when the EU had their chance and they thought it was a bluff. Cameron didn’t try hard enough and that’s when he failed and should have fucked off there & then instead of waiting for the outcome he knew would happen.
Google, Scamazon, Boots, CrApple, Toblerone, The Cunty Cuckoo Clock Company, VW etc have took the pi$$ out of our country and cost us billions in unpaid liabilities and the cunts in Westminster let them away with it.
I would have put an immediate sanction on import of all VW cars and parts and forced owners to take them to EU courts for compensation as they all broke down with no spares available.
They would have paid their bill or ended up like Lancia.
And we might still be getting decent Bond films…
Spot on Norman…..
Here’s a piss boiler for you all : Just read a report that the cunt that started Corbyn’s neo-Marxist activist group Momentum has just put his Butler’s Wharf pad up for sale.
Asking price?
£6.5 million!
Champagne socialist? Hypocrite? Shurely not…!
Maybe Russell Brand will come round for a viewing.
It’s within his price range…
Add Emily thornberry to the list.. married to a judge
Lives in Notting Hill ……
Takes the piss posting picture of a white van parked outside a semi?? The crime?? Had a flag hanging outside window!!
Cheeky cow!!
Aka Lady Nugee. Snooty Labour cunt.
Its one thing voting Labour and what follows is cringing at the thought of what success would really mean.
When you look at the shadow cabinet aka winners row (because they really think they won) and question could they really do it?
We have Flabott who’s magic calculator presents a copper with an £8 a week wage. Thank fuck she isn’t the shadow Chancellor. She shouldn’t be allowed near money or anything to do with immigration.
Then we have Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary who doesn’t even know who the foreign secretary is of our closest neighboring country and tried to laugh her way out of looking the prize cunt that she is.
No wonder Jeremy thinks he can do it with this bunch of incompetents telling him a load of pish and blowing smoke up his arse and a field of students singing his praises at the prospect of abolishing tuition fees. Was Flabott playing with the calculator that day too I wonder?
I only voted labour in the hope had they got in, the full cabinet would have been deselected for Great Britain’s chance to survive.
We need a New New Labour to form leaving this lot, including Len McCluskey behind to rot.
I reckon Corbyn would surrender to the French before he would nuke them and they are the worlds biggest shitebags.
I can no longer continue voting for a party that wouldn’t take our countries homeland security and immigration seriously if they were in power.
Labour would never come close to winning if it wasn’t for the sheer uselessness of the current Tory Government. All Labour have to do is watch and wait and promise all manner of sweeties to the infantilised snowflake electorate at next election.
Unless Tories get their act together it’ll be a Labour landslide, followed by huge failure to deliver and then the concentration camps will start to appear. And they won’t be filled with Pikeys neither. Disturbing parallels with Russia exactly 100 years ago this month…
Hard to imagine Jez heading up the executions, that will be left to Flabbot, Lammy & Coad who will just round up the peaceful worshipers in waiting for the job.
Those ones that popped up at the Kensington & Chelsea meetings regarding grenfell.
Remember them?
“We don’t want you, we want Jeremy, we want Emma, we don’t want you”.
Yeah, we want sympathising cunts we can islamaphobe into giving us “what we want”
Peaceful cunts indeed!
Meanwhile amidst the shouting and screaming, the big fuck off charity slips of with “their £18M” into the sunset.
Their getting paid out plenty from the gov anyway, just sad that people were so gullible donating so quickly.
People who advertise the fact they are doing something for charity? …..Yep those cunts…
Yes, those odious celeb cunts that are always letting us peasants know what their doing for charity. I heard The Pet Shop Boys refused to be a part of it and made a song about the cunts called HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. It was about pop stars who considered themselves experts in other fields when they should just shut the fuck up and twang a guitar. Lily Mong is one of the main culprits.
Pet Shop Boys rule!
Never my kind of music, but always thought they had some intelligence behind them…
Oh, they had something behind them alrite, Tom Watkins.
Saw the Pet Shop Boys last year at the Manchester Arena, they were fucking awesome.
That was pre peaceful firework day.
Pet Shop Boys live is a bit of a contradiction isn’t it – given that all the music is electronic…?
Music Dioclese ?
I used to be a fan.
Behavior is excellent and i used to love watching “It Couldn’t Happen Here” on acid.
Joss Akland laughing in the back of the car was really trippy and Barbara Windsor having eggs thrown over her chest made me hungry.
“Sober For Fuckin’ October”
How about “nuffin November” and give is some peace.
Dicked her December
Junked up january
Fuckin’ all February
Masturbating March
Anal only April
Mammaries out for May
Jerk off June
Jump.her July
Asslickin’ August
Slutty September
Oral October
Let’s get this started and watch the donations come flooding in.
Fucking charities trying to take away my booze. It’s everybody’s God given right to drink themselves into an early grave so fuck off cunts.
Drunk December
Juiced January
Fuck Faced Febuary
Mashed March
Arseholed April
Minced May
Jugged June
Jacked July
Arse over Tit August
Screwed on Booze September
On the Sauce October
Noodled November
Drunk as a Skunk December
Early grave the only thing left to look forward to.
You’re a twisted fucker Birdman.
Well done Sir. I like your style.
On a lighter note…. I noticed a story on sky news today, apparently 9 “ suspected” vampires have been killed in Malawi?? So not only is it one of the worlds poorest countries it’s also without doubt one of the most stupid!!
According to local reports once they have killed all the vampires there is going to be a purge on the resident werewolf population!! Daft Cunts…… ?
Half starved, middle of a drought and/or civil war with about 8 skinny malaria ridden kids. You’d think a bit of bloodsucking wouldn’t be a big deal.
The stupidity of Africans is beyond belief. Malawi no more stupid than the rest of the shithole.
Totally agree CC …..
Was in a shop the other week, and this bogo-bogo cunt tried to sell me a bag of apples she’d either bought, blagged, or stolen… They weren’t actually for sale in the shop, she just came up and said ‘You have for two pound?’ Funny that, as when they’re buying the sambo cunts want everything for one pound… But when they’re selling it’s two… I told her to fuck off, but these cunts are now everywhere… All on benefits, always trying to rip people off (they even try to blag in Poundland and from charity shops!), all faux ‘disabled’ (with walking sticks in tow), and all African cunts… As Alf Garnett would have said, ‘Bloody Coons!’
Our corner shop puts photos up of all shoplifters caught on camera. See if you can guess what they all have in common.
Smelly peaceful cunts?
Names that only a Crimewatch presenter could pronounce?
I had an eastern European tart proposition me firstly with a Morrison’s bag full of butcher meat (steaks & silverside joints) as I got out the car outside the local Chingaling last Saturday night. Seemed a bargain at a fiver but god knows when it had been taken from the chill cabinet and I wouldn’t encourage the cunts as her pimps & hierarchy are no doubt people / child trafficking in my neighborhood.
Clip of the week. See if you can watch the whole interview. Bet you can’t.
Saw the title, saw the cunts on the sofa and that was me. Couldn’t even bring myself to press play.
Only cunts would allow and produce such a subject for our screens.
You are right. I couldn’t make it. And I paused Led Zeppelin 3 to see, what the fuck are they, some sort of fucking Aliens?
See how I avoided being sued for slander by asking the alien thing as a question.
Puke inducing, ugly fucking pervs with a kid that stands fuck all chance with crunt crunchers !
About 15 seconds. What a cunt of a nation we’ve become!
I’m a great believer in what the individual decides is up to them providing they don’t try to impose said beliefs on others.
When it comes to kids this truly is tantamount to child abuse, it really is.
Anything to get on TV and be famous for anything – even if it’s being a cunt!
Pair of loopy arseholes.
Mum is dad and dad is mum. Fucking shit for brains pair of undergarment skidmarks.
Child cruelty in its purest form. Children need to feel secure and be provided with stable surroundings. These cunts have about as much of a clue in bringing up a well balanced child as I have in the mastery of tattooing the scrotum of a pissed off Silverback.
Plutonium grade cunts.
Failed miserably WS
Manage to get to the part where the He/she/it was trying to make a comparison with a man wearing a salmon ( pink) shirt to the stunts these two Cunts are pulling!! ?
As me Dad would say: “Sticks for the Sheriff of Cripple Creek!”
I hope Nicole doesn’t pick the pikey but I bet she does.
Yep more box ticking. The cunt.
Pikey bint with her “own distinctive sound” my arse. More like derelict cats being strangulated.
Can’t believe she ditched the “Weather Girls” diva or the blonde lady. Both far better than pikey bint but neither of those tick the same boxes as a “traveller”.
Never mind tranny appeasement – what about “traveller” appeasement? The most undeserving sector of society after the “peaceful” cunts!
Will upload new posts tommorrow.Apologies.
Feel free to post any emergency cuntings under this.Plenty of options around right now.
Camiila Batmangelidjh.
Fat obnoxious deluded whiny voiced beached whale. Fake CV.Lies and missing millions……
Mr Blobby in drag.
That Lindelof is some player….. A fucking harpsichord cord player, the useless cunt…
You want cunts? I will give you cunts…
I thought at first it was geeks at the confectionery stall at the flicks nut on closer inspection one was having a pint.
W-what the……………
Give us a clue, Norman. I see one is wearing a ciddy/citeh tracky top, so is it a nod to some player?
Men of drinking age going out like that, i ask you….
These are the sort of classic cunts that frequent the Emptyhad, birdman… These ‘Ciddy’ knobheads like to see themselves as ‘zany’ with their inflatable bananas, that fucking Poznan dance, shark heads, and their aeroplane impressions (they don’t like people mentioning that though)… But they are the biggest set of fancunts in the history of the game, with only them mongs at Ver Harsenal running them close…
Ian Appropriate called me a twisted fucker earlier, ta Ian Appropriate, so as nuffin is happening i thought I’d share what happened when i woke up today.
My doorbell rang and when i answered i found my sexy Spanish neighbour asking me to come help her quick.
As i had just woken up, i had morning glory and asked her to wait a minute. She said i had to help her now, so there i was in her living room in my tight ass boxer shorts sporting a hard-on chasing a cockroach for her.
The hard-on never went down and her nipples were hard when i left, so i’ll now wait and see if there’s an emergency tomorrow.
On the other hand, her husband or the polis may be looking for me.
Got that cockroach, hard-on an’ all.
Get in there, bridman!
Get in there, birdman!
Soz… My keyboard is a cunt….
A bad workman blames his tool.
Sounds like the plot of an old porn film, Birdman. Try going around tomorrow dressed as a plumber with a fanny-tickler moustache and ask her if she wants her pipes unblocked…or take a pizza and ask her if she ordered the 12 inch stuffed crust.
But trolling is worse…
I say that children should be born in to a family headed by a mab and a woman and brought up accordingly with a male & female role model to look to for advice.
As said, they can do what they like behind closed doors but if they aren’t capable of making their own kids behind them doors, they shouldn’t get putting into the government adoption raffle in order to get one.
Generally these kids have enough problems without inheriting guardians who will be the cause of many a kicking in the playground or after school.
The amount of kids placed into this type of environment that end up on the same bus, keeping the river flowing is fucking ridiculous.
That’s why they don’t provide us with the figures & statistics from the surveys & studies and cover it up ironically under child protection rules / laws.
Social care is administered and ran by cunts, most of which cant claim to be successful parents having not had any kids of their own. Its not a one size fits all or a textbook case in caring for these troubled kids hence why they fail in their quest of “getting it right for every child”.
Start with locking up child abusers & castrating the child sex offenders too. Maybe go someway to preventing the abuse in the first place.
Got to be better than putting names on a register that no cunts allowed to see or read. Its like giving Stevie Wonder a Yellow Pages and asking him to call for a plumber.
Castration is not clinically effective. A bullet, however, is.
There is a law afoot to stop people breeding freak pets…
As has oft been said before in these illustrious pages, it is NOT the animals that are the problem, but the feckless human scumbags, pikeys, retards, chavs and pointless slebs that buy them.
Ed Sheeran was cited…
I have a feeling his name is all too familiar.
We need a law against people breeding freaks. End of.
I’d stop chavvy people breeding. No money=no brats.
Just when you think you have heard every bullshit absurdity another one comes along .I was just watching Sky News and a report comes up about a block of flats with a similar construction as Grenfell Towers, and the council have parked a fire engine outside it 24-7 INCASE it catches fire ,at a cost of £2,000 a day.Fuck me with a shovel sideways will this madness never end ????
All they need is a decent night watchman prepared to stay awake, use his god-given senses, and go up and down in the lifts every hour or so. Too much to ask? Probably.
Time for a new cunting. How about traitorous Corbyn or that sadistic looking twat Barry ‘uphill’ Gardiner. He certainly looks like he’d get a thrill dressed as a Nazi while making a poor unfortunate brass grovel on the floor begging for the bulldog clips to be removed from her flaps. I never trust a cunt who pronounces his wh words with h’what and h’where and h’which. H’wanker! Thiose cunts have NO fucking business poking around in Brussels stirring the shit. That, I think will come back to twat them in a very big way.
Easy target, but entire shadow cabinet deserves cunting big time!
£2,000 a day seems like an absolute bargain when compared to the £10,700 spent every day for the armed police to stand outside the Ecuadorian Embassy just in case Aussie twat Julian Assange decides to go walkabout. Who in authority and in their right mind could ever possibly justify the estimated £12m+ spent to date represents value for money to the taxpayer.
£10,700 a day probably a bargain compared to what Met spend on nail varnish.
Goldman-Sachs. German Jewish bankers. What’s not to like?
Oh don’t tell me: Bolshevik Jewish conspiracy. Now where have ai heard that one before? Seriously, cut out the anti-semitism or go and join momentum…..
Why do you think that Jews should be the only people never to be Cunted on here ? Every other colour,creed and religion gets it,but you spend your time demanding that people don’t criticise the Jews or telling us that you’re queer…Try and think of something new,eh?…Perhaps you can change profession again? Originally you claimed to be a copper with the Met.,and now it seems to be some kind of Doctor?
Further evidence that IAC is not just an echo chamber…?
Lightweight cunting.
Cunts who build sandcastles and expect you to pay them.
Have just returned from Corralejo and on each piece of sand in the town there is a cunt, lolling about begging money because he has built a fucking sandcastle. Some are Spanish but some have obviously waded ashore from W Africa. Why the fuck would you give money to some idle cunt who lies about all day next to a fucking sandcastle? And is on a phone constantly as well.
Get a job you useless lazy cunt.
I’ve just looked again at that bearded human wart above and it would be a waste of a good punch but the sheer overwhelming pleasure of it…….
Unfortunately in addition to our sandcastle making cunt (we also have one in our town), we have the usual Big Issue sellers (about half a dozen from their dress would surmise not from these shores), accordion players, cunts with performing dogs, an “artist” who has a portable work of art (which looks like it has been composed by a child with crayons), and even the occasional bagpipe player (who is shit).
Annoying cunts the lot of them, I really wish they would just fuck off back to where they came from and leave us in peace.
The bagpipe players are probably the most abhorrent. SNP aural terrorists of the worst kind – operating in plain sight! What’s the point of MI6 if they can’t keep us safe from these noisy fuckers and sand sculptors openly offending on our streets?
I know life gets in the way, but three admins and no new posts since Friday? Schedule a few days ahead and give yourselves a break but please let’s have some new stuff…
Macca is a cunt… Just read a new interview with Eric Stewart of the mighty 10cc… Now Eric worked with Macca in the early to mid 80s on various stuff., and Eric was asked to produce McCartney’s album ‘Press To Play’… But Eric got treated like crap and a jobsworth by Macca and his ‘people’ (George Harrison knew all about that!)… Eric was then told by a Macca lackey by phone that he was ‘no longer needed’ and the ‘Press To Play’ album turned out to be a load of overproduced 80s in a bottle crap… Stewart now puts it down to Macca being a ‘genius’ and that as such he’s allowed to do such things… I say ‘bollocks’ and that Macca is a cunt…
And 10cc were ace… Pepper, my arse…
10cc were a very underrated group, with 4 very talented musicians.
They were years ahead of their time with their lyrics.
10cc chose their name cos 10cc is the average amount of jizz a human male produces when masturbated to fruition. Not a lot of people know that, do they Dio…
Jonathan King chose this for them. He is a certified wrong’un.
Well he did one thing right at least.
I bought his ‘Everyone’s Gone To The Moon’ single in the ’60s. Do you think I should go for counselling?
I think that is wise. King is a colossal cunt. Check out the 70s TOTP appearance when he sang “one for you one for me”. Tight trousers and a multcoloured afro wig. A 70s top cunt.
Boy, you’re really askin’ for it Paul…
I freely admit that I absolutely cannot stand the fucking Beatles, especially PM. I don’t like pop music generally, so you can imagine the level of contempt I have for lyrics like ‘she loves you yeah yeah yeah’ and other such bollocks. Just horrible. I suppose it was of its time, but why it continues to endure today is absolutely beyond me.
PM isn’t that great a bass player either. In fact, based upon what I’ve heard of their miserable back catalogue, none of the band members’ playing stands out as being particularly impressive.
I don’t get their enduring appeal on any level. But hey, McDonalds is very popular too and few would argue that’s haute cuisine.
PM is indeed a cunt.
Totally agree about the Beatles. Average musicians at best. Average singers at best. Average songs at best. It all down to George Martin, the only genius of the fab 5, mind boggling producer.
Sick of hearing about Sargent Fucking Pepper, a cunt of an album.
Give me Exile on Main Street any day over anything those scouser cunts recorded.
Best musician in The Beatles was George Harrison…. But Macca oppressed him and ruined him as a guitarist… George would have been the first to tell you that Macca was a cunt…
Quite agree. Beatles are cunts and their music was like cold dog sick.
If you don’t like pop music generally, it’s not surprising you cannot stand The fucking Beatles.
Suggest you try listening to something a little more esoteric, like Throbbing Gristle or The Fugs.
BTW, doubt McDonalds would ever have the bollocks to claim they were more popular than Jesus, ha ha!
Moody blues , the zombies were way better the beatles, they were more genuine pop rock group 10cc’s sheet music was bloody brilliant some of their other albums were hits and misses imo but had the odd brilliant track. The Original Soundtrack was good too but it took several listens to appreciate
@Imitation Yank
If you don’t like pop music generally, it’s not surprising you cannot stand The fucking Beatles. Suggest you try something a little more esoteric, like Throbbing Gristle or The Fugs.
BTW, doubt McDonalds would have the bollocks to claim they were more popular than Jesus, ha ha!
“Say something once, why say it again?” WTF?
In a recent McCartney interview the discussion turned to the subject of romance, love and marriage, and McCartney was asked if he would ever consider going down on one knee again.
Apparently McCartney took offence to the question and said..
“Despite our well publicised differences, I’d prefer it if you called her Heather”…..
Ha Ha!!
Nice one J.R Cuntley.
Boom boom !! ??
I wish to object to the above joke as it is politically incorrect, divisive, and would have been racist if Heather Mills hadn’t been born in Hampshire.
Amputees of the world unite!
McCartney is a Cunt. Mull of Kintyre is absolutely dreadful shite.
Never has a truer word not been said in jest!
Here, Mr Fiddler…did you ever hear the Mark & Lard version of ‘Mull of Kintyre’ on their Claasic Cuts? ‘Mull ofuckin’tyre!
What about that fucking frog song????? Cunt !