I wish to nominate for an cunting on the award-winning website ISAC, the current trend for appeasing any freak, deviant or attention-seeking mong in the name of transgender rights. This morning on the fucking front page of the Sunday Times was this story about the NHS having to quiz everyone over the age of 16 about their sexual orientation.
Fuck me ragged. Last time I went to hospital I had suspected meningitis and once I had described my symptoms I was straight into the treatment area and admitted less than an hour later. Why on earth would anyone need to ask me whether I liked to take it up the bum? Some cunt staggers into Casualty with a broken arm and some cunt with a clipboard asks him whether he likes birds or blokes? Fuck off with all this fucking shit. Unless you are being treated for a collapsed rectum what does your sexual orientation have to do with anything?
There are people who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria and who need medical help. But they are about 0.3% of the population, approximately 192,000 people in the UK. I bet there are more fucking stamp collectors or chess enthusiasts than that. Why the fucking fuck does such a tiny minority get such attention? Fuck me with a rusty fucking fish fork up the fucking ass.
This comes as there is talk that the ‘gender’ question will be omitted from the 2021 census. For fuck’s sake, surely the NHS need to know how many men and women there are in a particular area a lot more than the number of ladyboys and/or chicks with dicks? The provision of basic medical services like gynaecology and antenatal and postnatal care swing to mind.
The laughable twats at the BBC who love all this shit. But I wonder how they square their love of all things transgender with everything peaceful?
Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Totally agree.This bandwagon needs to be driven over a cliff
Spot on cunting CMC and as Kravdarth says it’s a bandwagon that needs stopping in its tracks. But I fear it’s only just getting into top gear.
I love top gear, the presenters are so so natural.
Years ago this shit would have been repelled and ridiculed by the public in equal measure. Quite rightly so.
Fast forward to 2017. This is now not only an acceptable way of life, but is promoted in preference of the rights of the normal population. Seemingly just because some mentally ill individuals want to foist this on us without having the piss ripped out of them and career politicians whose need to be ‘right on’ knows no bounds.
The whole lot of these cocksnaffling detritus need to be cast into a fuckoff great stinky landfill.
Utter cunts all of them.
Also that fucking Frank n Furter at the top of the page or whatever the fucking reject calls itself would do us all a big fuck off favour by spontaneously combusting.
It’s Russell brand isn’t it??
Conchita Wurst, I believe…
I suffered two years of its posters on the Vienna U-bahn…
Bizarrely, a wurst is a sausage…Not many people know that (??!)
It does, however, look alarmingly like some “box-ticker” orf Emmerdale, Corrie or E Enders…
Conchita is Spanish for cunt too.
Thing is , that weird looking badger’s ringpiece pictured above obviously thinks it makes him look attractive. Just imagine the even scarier piece of shit that would be attracted to a dead pig’s arse lookalike !
Unfortunately we have become obsessed with minority’s in the UK, driven by the right on brigade , aided and abetted by clueless career politicians and leftist media whores like the BBC!, this iceberg of ultra liberalism has been scrapping down the side of Britain for the last 40 years and shows no sign of abating…
The flavour of the moment appears to be tranny rights and as CMC said in his excellent cunting it’s a whole lot of noise and media exposure for a tiny proportion of the population!!, don’t expect this to change in the near future, with so many minority horses to ride and a queue of willing wonky eyed jockeys to ride them this bullshit isn’t going anywhere!! ….
On a separate note
Angela merkel made a speech last night and it was interesting to hear her say that the negotiations were going far better than are being reported in the British media? I wonder who she’s talking about?? BBC? Sky? The guardian? The not so?
The evening standard? CUNTS
So true cuntflap… Would be excellent entertainment watching our cossetted libtard population subject to mother nature… and human nature! They do say Civilisation is only 3 meals deep, once we’ve missed 3 then, society rapidly starts back sliding to something much more feral… I would pay to watch that… 20 libtards locked up together and starved to see how quickly it becomes lord of the flies and bone-through-nose time!
The comment about the ABBC reconciling tranny appeasement with “peaceful” appeasement is an interesting one because – like matter and anti-matter – neither can occupy the same space at the same time.
I’m no Stephen Hawking, but does that mean the two will disappear up each other’s black hole??
Just look at the freak in the audience of BBC QT last night. What the fuck that sad pervert sees in the fucking mirror when it’s applied it’s war paint and donned some ill matching garb and then has the ‘bravery’ (gall) to subject joe fucking public the distress of having to gaze upon it. It was obviously a preconceived plan to allow the saddo to get is mug on National TV almost in a goading way to say go on, be shocked and give a reaction if you dare. Straight to the phyciatrists couch for you son!
Sorry I have a full list this afternoon…
That would be an interesting scenario. The hairy arsed real men would be lobbing spears at predators, ensuring their family was protected from danger.
Whilst the mincing great faggot at the top would be squealing like a Hammer Horror film tart as the sabre toothed tiger sets about savagely removing its stupid tranny head with its incisors.
Superb cunting, totally agree with everything.
On a side note, that shit stirring bitch Gina Miller was on ABBC this morning. You’ve got what you want, so just fuck off.
I unfortunately saw her too!, my wife had bbc news on and the Cunt was standing next to a woman from leave means leave,
Everything about Miller is annoying!! Particularly the shaking of her head whilst the other person puts their views across!! 1st class Cunt….
Project Fear out in full force again today, bringing us to now saying Transgenders, Cunts with their cunts filled in with Polyfilla, and even the Association of Minge-Juice bottlers are all threatening to leave UK in event of Brexit! Not to mention horrific wall-to-wall display of ‘MeToo’ & usual Cuntitude on Question Time last night. How much more can a poor cunt take…?
Fuck SB that’s not project fear!!
As far as I’m concerned it’s project hope!
I hope all these freaks fuck off post brexit , I was particularly delighted that toffee nosed cunt Colin Firth took Italian citizenship!! I hope more useless self important Cunts follow his lead!!, don’t like brexit? that’s okay ! Don’t hang around moaning!, just take your bags and fuck off somewhere else, no problem…
Project hope candidates….
lily mong
Etc etc
Thanks for the heads up Q – project hope it is! I need to clamp down on the irony. Got a bit out of control recent. Even I sometimes read my posts back later and wonder what the fuck I was on about! Time to take a break, methinks.
Seriously SB
I’m so fuckiin tired of these bleating Cunts , everyone is leaving, companies all relocating, take Goldman sacs CEO Lloyd blankfein for example, the pricks puts a post up “ great meetings , great place glad I like it as I will be spending a lot more time here” talking about Frankfurt and GS possibe relocation , apparently they employ 5000 people in the city, there’s talk of 600 going to Frankfurt office, they haven’t decided if they are taking a single person from London yet!! As they may employ or relocate other staff from around the world!! I’m sure if they do fuck off we can always find another bunch of corporate tax dodging Cunts to fill their London offices..
As my next door neighbour put it in an email yesterday:
“Goldman Sachs is a horrid company. Greedy, immoral, nasty, ruthless cunts who pay a mere fraction of their taxes. Many of them are behind schemes to rip off people who are struggling in life. All about money, nothing else matters. Hate the cunts. Everything that’s wrong with the world in one company.”
Think he may have a point…
Exactly right!! Fucking leeches..
The way I see it is if these banks want to fuck off overseas, they can carry on but my money won’t be going with them.
If everyone transferred their money to banks that remain on GB soil, those banks would grow creating jobs and those who desert us will be fighting for a place in another countries market. Can’t see many lasting after all if you were a kraut, would you move your money to RBS?
Hope the institutions deserting us enjoy their time in Europe!
P.S Fred Goodwin is an utter cunt and that’s gotta be a good enough reason to put your hard earned elsewhere.
Fucking Blankfein…..a banker’s name if ever there was one. Typical though isn’t it, you can tell these slimy fuckers feel just about comfortable enough now to crawl back out of the woodwork after imploding the global economy for the last ten years, and now you get this Zika looking nob sticking his head above the parapet talking shit about Brexit. Christ, if there’s anything we should have learned over the past few years it’s not to listen to a single word any of these numb fucks have to say about anything.
Amongst the etc. Please don’t leave out that thundercunt Alastair Campbell. On that post news at ten programme the fucking toerag called Trump the most disgraceful human being alive. No Ali, sorry me old china, that was your ex boss Bliar who, after a cosy weekend in a log cabin with that other narrow eyed cunt Bush sent our servicemen and women into ill prepared battle against a foe who we had no mandate to challenge and sent many home in body bags and like tucking jigsaw puzzles that needed putting back together again. And that Campbell cunt has the brass neck to mouth off against anyone??? At least Adolf, Stalin and Pol Pot admitted they were cunts. He says read all about me in the New European and my piece in the gnardiu . I will pass on that you depressive cunt.. the only thing I want to read about you is date and place of death, sooner the fucking better. Utter cunt registering a strong 9 on the unofficial Owen Jones cunt scale.
What the fuck is that thing in the photo trying to say ? Got me baffled. You’re a bloke who wants to be a woman? Ok , whatever floats yer boat. But he seems to be a bloke who wants to be a woman who wants to be a bloke.maybe he / she/ it is just doing it to fuckin wind us up. It’s working with me !
Ritchard your over thinking it,
There’s only two words….
Pathetic cunt!!??
That picture makes me feel sick.
I’ve had enough of people’s rights.
Sexual deviants demand the “right” to live out their sordid life-choices,while spreading their filthy propoganda that perversion is acceptable,even admirable. It isn’t,it’s wrong on every level. I’m afraid I’m not one of the “I don’t really mind as long as…..” brigade. I find it all totally distasteful and will never accept that one man sticking his dick up another man’s arsehole is normal.
Scummy women demand the “right” to have children without any way of paying for them,or probably even the intelligence to raise the semi-feral brats. Some women demand the “right” to IVF on the NHS,surely if you can’t afford the treatment yourself,you can’t afford to raise the child? Parents demand the “right” to free healthcare,free education,free housing on the strength of bringing another chavvy whelp into an already overcrowded country.
Immigrants demand the “right” to free fucking everything without ever contributing anything but criminality,health-issues and backwardness. Yet,because of their “rights” they must be treated better than the war veteran or OAP who have actually done something for the country.
The only “right” that I seem to have,is the “right” to pay ever increasing taxes,both direct and indirect. I’m expected to support people who I think of as parasites and deviants,while keeping my mouth shut about just how much I resent them and their “rights”.
Fuck them.
Damn straight DF…….?
And that’s what I’ve been saying for ages the gradual normalising of the abnormal. What was once unacceptable behaviour is now normal. Arguing with teachers the police authority in general acceptable. Drinking in the streets acceptable, extremes of language used in public, and the media acceptable. Extreme violence and porn on tv and film acceptable. Trannies and freaks acceptable. Paedos……….
The peaceful religion worshippers are pushing the peado acceptance in our country though.
They are expecting us to accept this because their bogus Sharia law allows them to rape women, molest and genetically mutilate kids etc.
Look at what’s went on in Rochdale etc, its been said there is in excess of 15,000 cases that should hit our courts. We will have to bear the costs which includes legal aid for “the peaceful worshippers” and custodial sentence expenses, unless someone makes them cases “go away” to save these costs.
We should really deport them to country of origin with a lifetime ban from GB soil to save money.
As a poof I agree.
Top reply Dick fiddler. I shall clean that up and plagiarize if you don’t mind? The best rant I have seen on the subject for a while. Huzzah for Dick Fiddler
Would like to say that my nightmares have become reality over last 30 years. Fucking typical…
The natural extrapolation of all this freak appeasement is that, within a few years, paedophilia and indeed necrophilia will be legal, acceptable and maybe even encouraged.
It’s even worse than we think. Playboy, for fuck’s sake, is using a transgender cunt for it’s November 2017 Playmate of the Month. The French twat had his bits removed when he was around 16. There is definitely no hope for the human race. I’m glad I’m a relatively old cunt, so hopefully won’t be around when homosexuality becomes compulsory. This should be quite soon, judging by the exponential growth in stupidity. I would, however, be happy to become a lesbian (got my own knob, so wouldn’t need a dildo).
I bet e everycunt bar me has had a geez, ya dirty cunters.
The snowflakes and other assorted cunts will be asking “ok, but will we get a trigger warning before Kim Jong Un pushes the button?”. Well yes, a micro second maybe but your designated safe space will be dust.
All is not entirely lost though…we can still our children the correct way to think. Last year, on my 13 year old son’s first day back at school, he (and all the other boys) had to to sign a document stating that they wouldn’t “bully” children who were, or who were perceived to be, gay. He came home indignant. “I had to sign something that said I wouldn’t call people gay,” he declared, before continuing “that’s so GAY!”. Good lad, using ‘gay’ in entirely the correct context.
Schhols are a disgeace! Appeasing peacefuls, pushing social cohesion :CUNTS.
I’m afraid Thomas all IS lost with what you describe. The problem is that when one signs that document one is then held accountable, on the record, for ones future actions.
So when, in the future, one boy calls another boy ‘gay’ in the usual boyish schoolyard banter, the school ‘diversity and inclusivity’ officer (and I mean OFFICER) to whom it will be reported will drag this long forgotten piece of paper out as evidence of transgression of something the boy signed that he would not do.
Said boy is the hoist by his own petard, suspension, reeducation or expulsion is then in the mix. Which would you choose?
Retract that piece of paper as fast as you can and kick up merry hell when the inevitable obstacles are put in your path.
Controlling speech is what communists and despots do.
When I was at school the only pieces of paper we signed were Bronco or Izal. There weren’t any gays, but we did have queers, which were basically similar except in black and white, we didn’t have colour till the late ’60s.
See Brandon Flowers was right all those years ago. He once had a girlfriend who looked like a boyfriend who shagged his dead mum and pooed in her mouth, or something like that.
lol yeah the killers were alright I still have their debut Hot Fuss, but I’ve heard mr brightside probably more times then I should have
Very True Cuntflap, in the event of war all this perverted bullshit becomes non productive and must cease. I’m
Off topic, but part of my morning ritual is to drink my coffee while scanning through various UK sports and news websites to see what’s going on. Caught this bullshit on the Sky News website:
Presumably, the Sky News reporters have informed the authorities of the whereabouts of these scum, they’ve been picked up and deported already. No? Well then I assume the authorities are in the process of prosecuting Sky News for aiding and abetting illegal immigrants? No again? WTF? You’d think that if Sky fucking News had uncovered some evidence relating to a murder for example, they’d be informing plod a bit sharpish. So why is this any different? Cunts.
Every year the clever cunts of the Oxford English Dictionary decide which new words to add and which to take out as they are no longer in vogue. I have heard that this year “deportation” is set to be removed.
I am always amazed that “illegals” can exist in society without detection. Our security services are therefore obviously shite.
It’s not that they’re shite…. They’re just too busy reading your emails and listening to your phone calls.
And prosecuting “HATE” crimes whatever the fuck they are
Amber Rudd committed Hate Crime last year by suggesting British companies should put British workers first when it came to employment policy.
a blockhead called Professor Silver reported her and was subsequently destroyed by Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics:
Wolf whistling also now classified as Hate Crime…
I can’t wait until the day comes where we are out and hardly any cunt relocates to EU.
What happened to all of crooked Hilary’s celeb cunt friends who vowed to leave America and set up in Canada or Great Britain if Donald Trump became POTUS?
Cunts are all still there aren’t they, looking like right cunts in my opinion.
I saw that hugely annoying fuckin nonsense!! ?
“Parents of ‘Jihadi Jack’ begin hunger strike over the government’s ‘inaction’ to help their Muslim-convert son, 21, who denied he joined ISIS before ‘disappearing’ in Kurdish-held Syria”
The protest is being held on the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Deluded fucking idiots. I hope that someone decides to demonstrate to them just what their darling son supported…. Immolation or beheading,perhaps ? I like a good beheading,I do.
I love hunger strikes. Bobby Sands provided 66 days of unmissable entertainment.
Too right, he provided source of many a good sing song back in the day.
And he died a bent shot!
‘Could you go a chicken supper Bobby Sands ‘?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger,
You dirty melly fenian, rebel loving fucker?
Would you like to try a cheeseburger Bobby Sands?
Well your ma was up this morning and she says she got your brew,
Well your ma was up this morning and she says she got your brew,
Well your ma was up this morning and she says she got your brew,
But sure your brew would be no good to you,
Theres a bed made, in Milltown just for you.
Well I’m going for my dinner now Bobby Sands,(And Your Not Gettin None)
Well I’m going for my dinner now Bobby Sands,(And Your Not Gettin None)
Well I’m going for my dinner now,
Would you like me to bring you back a doggy bag?
Theres a bed made in Milltown just for you.
Well the smell of your cell would knock you fucking out,(Bobby Sands)
Well the smell of your cell would knock you fucking out,(Bobby Sands)
Well the smell of your cell would knock you fucking out,
I’ve a good mind to go in there and beat you about,
There’s a bed made in Milltown just for you.
Would you like to try a wee Cool tin of Coke With Some Ice (Bobby Sands) ?
Would you like to try a wee Cool tin of Coke With Some Ice (Bobby Sands)?
Would you like to try a tin of Coke?
Well your not fucking getting none, I hope you choke,
There’s a bed made in Milltown just for you.
Hey, we’ve not had the chicken dinner song on here since that fucking Irish coward cunt McGuiness croaked and shuffled of to hell.
I agree hunger strikes are awesome, hugely entertaining.
One more time
“Could ye go a chicken supper
Bobby Sands?
Could ye go a chicken supper
Bobby Sands?
Could ye go a chicken supper
Ya dirty fenian fucker
Could ye go a chicken supper
Bobby Sands?”
Aw fuck!
Hadn’t read other cunters mentioning that old ditty before i replied. Sorry.
Lock these treansonus cunts in the tower. Cunts.
I’ve got no doubt that the church authorities have supported them throughout…probably there at the bishop’s invitation.
There’s certainly too much New Testament in Christianity these days.
Give me a bit of Old Testament on those “peaceful” fuckers!
“Eye for an eye!” and “Smite me and get it back tenfold!” are what I want from this country’s limp-dicked appeasing Christian leaders!
What part of “All infidels shall be beheaded!” do these do good-doer cunts not get?
Infidel means you, you cunts!
I was at a gathering where a triple amputee was about to be hung, but was escorted from the scene by security after calling out random vowels and consonants….
We have a right to exist start lynching politicians who support our Replacement https://saboteur365.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/stop-white-genocide-poster.jpg
I totally agree with you,Mike. Our civilisation is sleep-walking to destruction. The urge to fight and resist is gradually being eroded, personally I think that we are too far down the path now to turn things about. Being a selfish bastard, I’m just glad that I’ve had my fun.
We really have left the next generation in deep shite.
“There are people who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria and who need medical help. But they are about 0.3% of the population, approximately 192,000 people in the UK.”
I don’t believe a word of this. Talk about “Fake News”? This is a fake condition invented to appease attention-seeking deviants. The threat of a fucking good birching would cure most of what ails them.
Wish you were my dad, Dick.
Hopefully sky will cover it, I need some enjoyable entertainment on a Saturday night!!
I’ve always maintained people can do anything that doesn’t break the law behind their closed doors but I don’t want it rammed down my throat.
I’ve been forced to answer questions from my kids due to public behavior that I don’t think I should have had to, wasn’t expecting and how the fuck am I able to provide an explanation as to why dad?
My words were wasted as the school undid that conversation content in later years where our kids were brainwashed into accepting these cunts among the other ones.
I sent my kids to school to be educated in learning to read, write and learn the basic skills to prepare for the big wide world, yet my kids can’t perform first aid or CPR but they have instead held a copy of the Koran and been educated as to their alleged peaceful ways.
Education system is administered and ran by cunts.
Clive Lewis is indeed a cunt but calls for him to have the whip withdrawn for telling a man at conference “Get on your knees bitch” is fucking ridiculous.It was in jest and is a massive shitstorm in a tea cup.No harm done.Clearly making a light hearted joke not meant to undermine women.Fucking PC bollocks.
Sack the Cunt !!!!!
That’s what you’d hear from any Labour Cunt if there was a whisper of inappropriate behavior of a Tory MP…..
But this ever decreasing circle of the two main parties trying to out virtue signal each other is why we are in such a political stalemate where the main parties just mirror each other.Bad for democracy.I cant stand much of what Lewis says but him making a trivial joke makes me feel indifferent .
Also the mainstream media ignored Naz Shah liking tweets saying abused girls can shut their mouths for diversity so they can fuck off with their faux outrage.John McDonnell said a Tory MP should be lynched yet he is still shadow chancellor while they get the pitchforks out for Lewis.
Harriet Harman said the comments were inexcusable but I guess being part of the National Council for civil liberties and adding your name to a letter from PIE wanting to lower the age of consent to pre pubescent ages isn’t.
Want sense of humour bypass treatment prioritised on NHS?
Vote Labour!
Any cunters from Avon or Somerset way? If you have needed the local plod in the last few days hope you didn’t bother ringing 999 or even the 111 crime number. No, you should have headed down to you local nail bar where officers were having their nails painted for raising awareness on ‘modern slavery issues’ for Anti-Slavery Day.
The Chief Inspector said “it was designed to get people talking”, well yes but only how you cunts are spunking their taxes and your budget up the wall while simultaneously whining about budget cuts. The only talking that needs doing is reading some deserving cunt their rights.
Are you Kidding? Is it really anti slavery day?
Yes because Crimewatch day has been cancelled.
I reckon Lilly the musical mong is a tranny,if she isn’t she certainly acts like one
My Hollywood career stalled after I refused to watch Harvey Weinstein have a wank. I was on course to be the next Brad Pitt until that seedy beast robbed me of my innocence. Scotland Yard are very interested in my claim and have dropped some petty murder investigation in order to free up detectives who will fly out to LA to inspect the site of my near violation. I tried to tell them that I’ve never been there and now suspect that I imagined the rest of it after a particularly heavy Frosty Jack/ Cockburn Port/Stilton cheese binge,but they were having none of it.
Now..where the fuck’s my Compo.?…. Ted Heath probably had a bash at my ring too…..The dead old Cunt.
I saw some old has-been actress on TV yesterday saying Alfred Hitchcock propositioned her, the old cunt has only been dead since 1980.
I saw it as well. Pretty sure the actress was dead too.
Show them your ruined arsehole DF, should convince them enough…. tho if you have no career in film or tv your case might not be believable
The Cease and Desist Order prevents me from continuing to send random people photos of my arsehole unfortunately, TS. The courts were quite strict about it. Apparently the Queen and David Cameron had both been rather shocked and hurt at opening their morning mail to be confronted with a close-up of my sphincter with the words “This is you” scrawled in red felt-tip underneath.
Brilliant DF.
That made I larf.
You’re right though…those Frosty Jack / Cockburn Port / Stilton Cheese binges are a cunt.