The BBC [9]

Can I cunt the BBC? Well I’m going to anyway. Day in day out the fucking BBC pushes the line we are a racist, homophobic, misogynist bunch of cunts.

If it ain’t women it’s Muslims, if not muslims it’s LBGT. Today there’s a story about a Muslim woman who found she could get a job if she removed her headscarf. Proof we are all racists apparently. What about the alternative BBC, that when the woman concerned made an effort to integrate she was then welcomed into employment.

The multicultural experiment has failed totally and completely. When people of any colour come here and integrate everyone gets along on the whole. Leave your 3rd world 7th century garb where it is the culture if you want to be part of our.

No more fucking Mosques, no more Islamic council of Great Britain. Assimilate into our culture or fuck off.

As for the BBC, stop pushing agendas and divisions and start acting like the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Whilst I’m at it we should ban Islamic and Punjabi radio stations. Tired of being expected to be ashamed of being a white English male.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

145 thoughts on “The BBC [9]

  1. I know that the BBC isn’t ideal,but for £3 per week I think that it’s a bargain. I watch a fair bit of BBC programmes and listen to Radio 5 a fair bit. Some of their programmes probably are biased and fucking irritating. I’ve found that the answer to this is to change channel or switch it off.
    The BBC might need a bit of reforming,but there’s no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

      • Don’t get me started on fucking radio 5. Mrs CnR listens all day, hour after endless hour hoping she “might learn something”. I learn something, radio 5 is wank of the highest order.

      • I had to drive to Falmer near Brighton on Thursday afternoon, for a business meeting.

        On the return journey, on the A23, I lost reception of Smooth Radio and all I could seem to pick up was that fat fucking ponce Steve Wright on R2 and his twirling gaggle of fartknocking sycophants. On realising this is simply turned the car radio off.

        I concluded that I would rather listen to the hammering of the diesel lump than the inane, self-congratulatory horseshit that dribbles from the mouth of R2 cuntmeister Steve Wright.

    • Surprisingly enough I agree with that Dick. Rather BBC than Fox setting the standard, anyday. Same goes for NHS – far from perfect but the likely alternatives don’t bear thinking about. Both could be made to work a lot better given political will. And I ain’t talkin’ ’bout Comrade Catweasel & Co….

    • Sounds like an appeal.
      “For three pounds a week, you can give an endless supply of champagne to Gary Lineker, or another super car for Chris Evans”….

      Fuck em.

      • A sales idea for Wanker’s Crisps…

        Rip Linekunt’s ears off, boil them in piss, grind them up and sprinkle a little bit in every packet.

        Students will love them !!

  2. Good Morning welcome to BBC Breakfast news, coming up, A skinny geordie Lezzer travels the country desperate to find someone actually affected by Brexit, Naga Munchousen will sneer at a Tory minister, Charlie Bellend will be discussing a medical issue with the only Doctor in the country (a peaceful) qualified to talk about every issue imaginable but always bringing it back to Brexit and racism somehow. A bit later a Hobbit will be on to tell you about last nights women’s football and we will be interviewing a “successful Business Woman” who still thinks cos she once spoke to a man in a bar she is a victim of abuse. Later on if we have time we may talk to Owen Wilson how has written a book book about why the Parsnip is a racist white male symbol of oppression and should be banned.

    I sit through this horse shit every day. I try to keep an open mind to most things, immigration and Brexit, Meh, but the BBC news boils my piss to steam. EVERY link to anything is about brexit and i sincerely believe they would collapse if they had to interview a white person to gather an opinion, let alone ask anyone other than minorities in the street about their opinion. You can visibly see them rankle at the prospect that Brexit hasn’t really caused too many problems, and generally most people don’t give a shit.
    My favorite two stories of recent weeks incensed me so much that i wrote to complain.
    1. Naga was reporting about Rotheham, and “accidentally” called the Girls a “Gang” and the Peados a “group” now i don’t know about you but that is deliberate reporting to undermine the process and diminish what these children went through, complaint number 1.
    2. Naga, again, was sneering at Tory Toff Jeremy Hunt, saying that because of Brexit the NHS is fucked. Now, having working in the Social care system my whole career, i can safely say Brexit is not the reason….During the last Communist Government his Tonyness declared that all kids were the same, any kind of elite system was removed from our schools and as a result we have produced a whole few generations of young people too thick, lazy and non aspirational to be nurses, not to mention the fact that they would have to get good grades and attend nurses college and study for many more years, and how many of them can be arsed with that? Most of them can’t be bothered but have been told they are so special and entitled so may time that why should they?
    This is the real reason Naga you lefty trollop, that and who wants to study for 7 years to earn the same as a traffic warden and work 70 hours+ a week! But no BBC news, its my stupid racist fault isn’t it. Cant fucking wait for the endless stories of pensioners dying because of brexit…..Cunts.
    So BBC news, a new impartial broom is needed. Seek the opinions of a white Doctor once in a while, find a business that is flourishing after Brexit, remind people that under the current government unemployment is a low as its been for generations, and remind people that the NHS is still the best in the world.

    Oh, and punch that Cunt Owen Wilson in the cock, or mangingina, or whatever he has this week…..

  3. Can I offer a moderate, and I do mean moderate, un-cunting for unfunny wobbler James Corden? He’s gone up slightly in my estimation for making some tasteless jokes about the Harvey Weinstein saga. Ex-fit as fuck, now frigid minger Rose McGowan has been on Twatter calling him a “fucking piglet”. At the start of the week, I thought Weinstein a bit (only a bit though) of a cunt for taking advantage of his position, but the more these sanctimonious, hypocritical bitches have crawled from under their gilded stones accusing him of various things, the more I’ve been thinking “ha – excellent”. I do hope he gave utter cunt Gwyneth Paltrow a particularly insistent “struggle snuggle” ((c) Jimmy Carr).

    • Yeah – all powerful women now, all “raped”. Never occurred to any of them to call the cops or blow the whistle until now? Fuck off, and give the cunt back the $millions he’s made for you while you’re at it.

      • He’s clearly pissed off someone a bit more powerful than himself.. As an englishman I am truly, truly for James Cordens attempt at humour. He’s a fucking disgrace. Here’s a classic for all the delayed reaction rape victims out there –

        Well, why don’t you tell them what happened to poor Rita Alldridge then?
        Yes! Good idea! What happened to Rita Alldridge then?
        Last Friday night she was indecently assaulted over by the adventure playground.
        No! Did she report it?
        Yeah, I saw her this morning, she’d just been down the police station.
        Right. There you are, you see; that’s exactly the sort of thing… Hang on a minute, if this happened on Friday night, how come it’s taken her ’til Wednesday to report it?
        Because she didn’t know she’d been indecently assaulted until this morning when the bloke’s cheque bounced.

      • Sorry lad’s but cordon has passed into the realm of cunt from which one can never return.

  4. Knives are out in Hollywood for Oliver Stone.
    Serves the cunt right for crawling up Castro’s arse.
    The Liberals are eating each other…

    • Something to do with a historic tit-squeezing incident, acccording to some old slap… er, I mean former Penthouse model…

  5. The worst thing about this nomination is that the number in brackets is NOT in double figures.

    I can’t believe that!?!

    I would imagine Tony B. Liar is the most nominated on ISAC but I’d have put the ABBC in a photo-finish 2nd! ?

  6. Apparently Weinstein has finally grasped the seriousness of the situation he is in…..after being unfriended by Bill Cosby….

  7. Looks like Austria have given a massive kick to the EU.Good on them.Watching Verhofstadt congratulate a pro European Austrian party for finishing at least 4th is better than sex.

    • Yes I saw that. The ultra right-wing party was making huge strides there on the immo ticket until this young whippersnapper stepped in on the centre-right and poached those ideas.

      Thing is this – yet again – smacks of EU fiddling: “Ok tell them you’ll be strong on immigration if you get in. Most of the centre and right will vote for you cos they’re still a bit perturbed by the ultra-right. Then you basically give the voters the finger and tow our line. Don’t worry – if you’re a one-termer there’ll be a cushty number here in 4th Reich central and Soros has put $10m to one side for you.”

      I’d fail to be surprised if that wasn’t close to the truth. Corrupt EU cunts!

    • Labour now fully committed to Remaining it seems. Or whatever crap EU ends up demanding of us. Until the wind blows in the other direction, that is.

      ‘Principled’ cunt Corbyn said he’d vote Remain next time only a few days ago. Must be really kicking himself after campaigning so fiercely to escape EU over last 30 years! Not when it came to the crunch though, of course.

      Watch out for Catweasely-worded U-turn on Nuclear Deterrence just prior to next election…

    • Austria is literally over run by wogs now. It is a Catholic country which still remembers the turkish invasion and wars (1788-91). Mix in waves orf Merkel’s hair shirt muslims and other rapist untermensch from the east and you have one pissed orf population. They have now got the youngest Fuhrer in Europe, a clueless looking cunt with sucking lips tailor made for Merkel. It can only get better…..

  8. Why is it that the constant appeasement of just 6% of the present population of the UK is so important? Is “Free Speech” dead and buried? Political Correctness is the death-knell of Western civilisation.

    Mayor of London … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Birmingham … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Leeds … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Blackburn … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Sheffield … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Oxford … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Bradford … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Luton … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Oldham … MUSLIM
    Mayor of Rochdale … MUSLIM
    Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
    Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
    Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
    Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
    Muslim Women … 78% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
    Muslim Men … 63% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
    Muslim Families … 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT.
    All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population

  9. Never ever trust someone called Jeremy!! Thorpe, Corbin,Vine,Hunt,Clarkson. Cunts one and all

  10. The Weinstein scandal is yet more media misandry in action…. The ABBC and the like just assume that all these wimmin are right and that certain infamous slappers are now suddenly as pure as the driven snow…. Just like the hysterics over Big Don’s ‘locker room’ remarks, the MSM are loving this Weinstein thing… Just so they can have a pop at ‘nasty’ men…. It really is hilarious… Slagelina coming over all holier than thou?! She’s never refused a cock in her life… Less men went down on the fucking Titanic…

  11. I simply don’t trust any news outlet unless it confirms all my existing social and political prejudices.

  12. The weather girl with the flipper is ace, like something out of Silent Hill but telling me it’ll be cloudy in Wales.


    • I regularly wack one off before tea if Rebecca Williams eyes me in a skanky way during Sky News at 6.

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