Sadiq Khan [7]

Khan is so far out of his depth it is untrue. Shit speaker, crap at handling his promises and pledges in a manner that doesn’t make him look like a fucking snake, biased, terrorist sympathiser and all-around fuckhead.

In the first of many bizarre Tory election choices, Khan only really won because Goldsmith was out of touch with everyone who wasn’t a Baron or a Marquis. Sadcunt therefore the London Mayor by default.

Khan is definitely, and quite aptly, an Über-cunt.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

Translation of Khan’s response to the Uber petition :

“I’m taking sides with the unionised black cab drivers who are trying to prevent disruption to their comfortable status quo. I am not on the side of innovative businesses, the 40,000 Uber drivers or indeed the people who voted me into power. I am a cunt”.

Nominated by Harry Axwound

43 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan [7]

  1. This little bumwipe clearly suffers from Napoleon syndrome. He has a gift of sorts because everything, sans exception, that he does or says succeeds in irritating me.

    Perhaps he deserves a naked Flabbott to sit on his face with its wobbling, sweaty fat arsecheeks and suffocate his miserable existence.

    Did you know that his dad was a bus driver?

    • Re the bus driver bit,

      “Not many people know that” !!

      His speech-bubble was very appropriate, but not attached to his usual speaking orifice…

      An empty taxi pulled up, and Sad dick Khunt got out.

      As for the Flabbott image, my breakfast has just hit the wall…

  2. Isn’t he on his way to Vegas to tell the local shit happens in a modern city? No he won’t be he will because the shooter is white and not known to be a follower of a peaceful religion.

  3. I’ll never forgive the cunt for saying that terrorism is just “…part and parcel of living in a big city…”.

    Well we had enough of that in the 70’s thru the 90’s.

    Unfortunately there’s no negotiating with the “peaceful” terrorists and – unlike the Christian community which universally condemned the secular violence during “the troubles” – you never hear one “peaceful” cunt openly admit that a) it’s a “peaceful” problem, b) that the known “peaceful” radical cunts should be round up (and booted out if they’re not British – including Johnny come lately “citizen” cunts).

    And that includes this khunt Khan.

    Unfortunately as their numbers grow as we’re out bred 4:1 (8 to a family which we fork out for – I’d pack that shit in too) expect to see more khunts like this taking prominence in an inner city near you…

    • Their numbers are concerning , even amongst the more moderate looking ones. I work with 2 of em who don’t come across as remotely religious and between them they have 10 kids, that’s more kids than 10 of my not so peaceful colleagues put together. We’ll be an endangered species in my lifetime at this rate. The future does not look bright. Still, knowing this information it doesn’t make me want any kids…

      • That’s how I felt (and still do feel) about not wanting kids.

        Life is a struggle for a lot of people, and it is NOT about to get any easier… I couldn’t drop any offspring into this shitfest…

      • Totally agree – I decided not to have kids for that very reason. That and the fact I was too mean to shell out on the ungrateful tykes, which is what they would be if they turned out anything like me.

    • It’s not just the peacefuls that are outbreeding us – it’s the stupids too! Unless we get serious and roll out a programme of culling immediately (Owen Patterson will be able to advise us there) we may as well pack up and head for Portland USA, where the streets are paved with iPhones and the guns come out of their assholes.

      • One of the great advantages of moving to Oregon is that Mo Farah lives there and you might bump into him at your local mosque.

      • Thanks for sharing – I’m all for Celebs, fake meat and fucking diversity – now there’s a spring in my step and a song in my heart thanks to you, me old fruitbat!

  4. He would be better off as a character in “The Simpsons”
    He has always looked rather yellow to me……?
    But he would certainly fit in playing a cunt

  5. Off topic but very topical: the Las Vegas shootings. The usual nutters have crept out of the woodwork, ‘false flag’ , ‘crisis actors’ ‘nobody died’blah blah blah.BUT there is one point they make which is a bit puzzling. Nearly 60 people died over 500 were injured. There is a lot of mobile footage but has anybody seen any footage of the dead and dying? I haven’t. You would think there would be footage of some horrific scenes, there just isn’t any. There probably is an explanation but I’m fucked if I can think of one.

    • Apparently a visiting troupe of Elvis Presley impressionists witnessed the carnage at close quaters and were reported as being all shook up…

    • Don’t think so. But he was a Travellin Wilbury which makes him a good un in my book.

    • A shame… Tom’s early Heartbreakers stuff was pretty good… Then he met Jeff Lynne and every record after that had that fucking ‘Chugga Chugga’ Wilburys backing track…

      • Its a shame about Jeff Lynne… ELO’s last good album was Time but then he guffed it up with the mixed bag that is Secret messages was very mediocre , and balance of power was absolute shite! I thought the traveling wilburys was a joke parody band honestly… never cared for them aside from a track or two

      • Loved the 70s ELO records, but wasn’t too fond of Jeff’s later stuff… I liked the album he did with George Harrison (Cloud Nine), but the Beatles ‘reunion’ tracks were a load of crap… ‘Free As A Bird’ was utter dogdirt…

      • Loved ELO’s 70s records, but wasn’t too fond of what Jeff did later on… I liked the album he did with George Harrison (Cloud Nine), but the Beatles ‘reunion/cash in’ songs were a load of crap… ‘Free As A Bird’ especially being a pile of dogdirt…

      • Loved ELO too. New World Record and Out of the Blue are the peaks IMHO. Time was the last of the good albums.

        I have heard that the recent Alone in the Universe isn’t too bad an effort but I haven’t heard it to make a judgement.

      • Paul Maskinback@

        New world record has two of my favorite ELO songs tightrope and the title track but I don’t think its their greatest exactly… its well rounded tho. It had “livin thing” which was basically a disco song infact DJ’s use to play it alot. Actually Turn to stone was kinda discoesqe as well from OoTB come to think of it…

        @Norman free as a bird was a depressing song that lennon threw away and they just hijacked the song and shat on it hahaha

      • Jeff Lynne is a cunt. Basically ELO were Denny Lane’s Electric String Band without Denny. Old Denny never even got it to an album before ELO hijacked it. I do have a couple of their tracks that I found on the web tho’ that sound remarkably like ELO.

        I’m sure it’s just a coincidence…?

      • @Dioclese Yeah we’ve talked about this before its unfortunate how short lived ESO was. Dennys ESO only had 4 tracks tho catherines wheel and say you don’t mind sounded like early elo the most then he joined Wings…

        Laine definitely helped popularize cello and violins in a rock band and he co founded Moody Blues I’m a huge Moody Blues fan you like Moody Blues Dio? great band I’d recommend Days of future Past and Threshold of a Dream if you haven’t You can’t go wrong with Moody Blues even some of their bad albums have some great highlights

      • Must confess my Moody Blues collection consists of one album : ‘The Magnificent Moodies.’
        I absolutely hated when then went all pretentious glam and can’t stand ‘Nights in White Satin’ – especially the chorus!..

        Denny was a nice bloke and that tight fisted bastard Macca treated him like shit…

      • @ Dio

        Nights in white satin ruined them as a singles radio approved band its what they are most known for… sadly. Magnificent moodies was pretty good it was like a stones/beatles type group then, Laine left right after that

    • Agree, TitSlapper old mate… A white man goes berserk with a gun and it’s an act of evil, an act of terror, and ban all white people from owning firearms…

      But a peaceful soap dodging sandwog commits mass murder (and/or rape) and it’s part and parcel of everyday life, they’re not real muslims, bumble bee stickers and don’t look back in fucking anger…

      Fuck Ariana Grande… Manufactured production line thick as pigshit jailbait cunt…

    • I’m glad the first respondent called out her double-standards on taking action.

      That said she wasn’t doing a gig in Vegas so no monies to recoup via virtue signalling!

  6. Uber partake in the new win-win business model. They minimise their costs by not actually employing anyone, all are self employed with no regular hours or income. Enter the Taxpayer….. topping up the incomes via benefits. The company themselves (dodgy dealing) pay no tax either. The app might be great and it probably provides a good service… but our society cannot be allowed to go that way.
    This is very similar to Mike Ashley’s stalag warehouses, makes billions on low wages.

    • The Uber model in India has left 1,000’s penniless and carrying huge debts. So much so that there have been countless suicides in India directly attributed to Uber’s business practices.

      This is a result of a saturation of drivers in any given locale. All Uber want are numbers and then the monies from the carriage. They don’t give a flying fuck that there are 500 available drivers in a tiny geographical location and at that saturation none of the 500 drivers get enough rides to cover the loans they took out (pre-saturation) for the cars to do the rides, let alone to cover the cost of living as well.

      Uber likes to portray itself as business of the common man and love to show adverts of Indians, Brazilians, etc., all smiles and doing well, even though their honeymoon period prior to market saturation is a matter of months, and even when it gets to saturation point they still take on more and more drivers because – irrespective of what they say – they don’t give a fuck about their drivers, just maximising the number of trips fulfilled.

      Uber is the epitome of a cunt business model dressed up in anthropologist clothing.

      I’ve never used Uber and – unless it was an absolute emergency and there was no other choice – I hope I never do.

  7. Agree, TitSlapper old mate…. White bloke goes berserk with gun and it’s an act of evil, an act of terrorism, and all white people should be banned from using firearms….

    Yet when a soap dodging peaceful sandwog piece of human filth commits mass murder (and/or rape) it’s ‘Part and parcel of modern life’, ‘They’re not all bad’, and ‘Don’t look back in cunting anger’…

    Fuck Ariana Grande… Thick as pigshit jailbait cunt…

  8. Citizen Khan is dominant in the Caliphate of Londonistan, and is unopposed in his march for further domination of the remaining fragments of this once great capital of England. Khan ( and all his ilk ) have been breeding at an unprecedented rate, and have facilitated the influx of their kinsmen to assist with the takeover.

    It is the Brexit chaos that has opened the opportunity to seek further inroads to Islamic domination, and his proposal for Londonistan to remain within the EU shows the true nature of the feckless carpet kissing cunt.

    His faux acceptance of “gay rights” and all other perverse things is a mask to conceal his true beliefs. When the time comes and the white man falls to the gutter, Khan and his cronies will have much to say and do.and it won’t be very pleasant.

    Khan can kiss the ringpiece of the camel gobbler Mohammed ( blessed be the cunts name ) and fuck off the edge of a cliff with all the shite he has around him

  9. Sergio Garcia’s new caddie is a cunt…Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this stalking?… Fucking saddo tweeting a famous sportsman for over 200 days non stop?! A grown man actually doing this?! As Partridge would say, ‘No way, yer big spastic! You’re a mentalist!’ What a cunt…

  10. On one hand the black cab drivers only have themselves to blame as they should have been evolving their business model to make use of available technology. Instead they relied on their prehistoric mafia monopoly tactics while biting the hands of those that feed the cunts. Do you really need to learn the knowledge when you have a fucking Tom Tom?

    On the other hand we have Uber, a tool enabling fresh arrivals who worship a peaceful religion an unchecked fresh start and access to abuse women and children so it feels “just like home” for them.

    How the fuck do they get their hands on brand new prestige cars having no financial background to check, ability to speak English or a valid UK driving licence?

    Khan & Corbyn are just like the hostess who greets you as you board an aircraft, welcoming the cunts in to help themselves as they please.

    Black cabs only for me I’m afraid.

  11. good point about Khan. he can’t be a good Muslim and be ok with Gays. looks like he’s compromised his ‘beliefs’ ( they are bollocks ) because he knows he would never have become Mayor if he ‘came out’ as anti gay.. very slippery you cunt.

  12. I’m betting he’s cozied up with that Vaz cunt on more than one occasion.

    He better pray old Keith kept clear of them aids ridden Somalian rent boy cunts that have flocked here for free NHS treatment. Filthy shit stabbing cunts each depriving the NHS kitty of over 20k per head, per annum.

    This money would be better spent on treating deserving GB citizens who actually paid in.

    Health screening needs to form part of future migration in order to protect us, the NHS who end up treating them, the police who end up being spat on when arresting the cunts and the women and children left infected following sex attacks.

    Anyone found to be lying on application forms, not declaring health information or carrying terminal & contagious disease should be deported and banned from UK soil for ever.

    Safety first!

    • Agreed! The NHS flies in staff from all over the world to look after people who come here from all over the world but gave no right to be.It is a fucking disgrace. I have seen patients in A+E come straight from Heathrow with X rays from Indian hospitals for a 2nd opinion and immediately being admitted for costly surgery:no lie.All inner London psych wards (my field) are crammed with non UK patients. They never leave the UK. Makes me angry…..

      • If they don’t have a national insurance card, UK passport, proof of UK residence and be registered at a UK doctor surgery they should have three options;

        Option one – produce an EHIC card to verify where bill for treatment can be recovered.

        Option two – get a valid credit card out for payment just like the way we would attending a hospital in a foreign country.

        Option three – Fuck right off and that includes those with their xrays and those with blood spilling from them.

        No way to pay, fuck off and have a nice day…somewhere else!

        Since when was the NHS a charity? Measures must be put in place to stop the drain on its resources now.

        I’m sick hearing every party claim at their conference that the NHS is the jewel in Great Britain’s crown. When are you going to treat it like this then?

        Cunts are coming here pinching bits off the crown. It will soon be like a party hat from inside a Tesco value range, Willow Farm christmas cracker!

        Dave Lewis CEO is an utter cunt too…fucking Willow Farm? That doesn’t even exist bar printed on a label at a chicken slaughter house ran by peaceful worshipper’s who spit and stamp over our food. Cunts!

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