I’ve had enough of people’s rights.
Sexual deviants demand the “right” to live out their sordid life-choices,while spreading their filthy propoganda that perversion is acceptable,even admirable. It isn’t,it’s wrong on every level. I’m afraid I’m not one of the “I don’t really mind as long as…..” brigade. I find it all totally distasteful and will never accept that one man sticking his dick up another man’s arsehole is normal.
Scummy women demand the “right” to have children without any way of paying for them,or probably even the intelligence to raise the semi-feral brats. Some women demand the “right” to IVF on the NHS,surely if you can’t afford the treatment yourself,you can’t afford to raise the child? Parents demand the “right” to free healthcare,free education,free housing on the strength of bringing another chavvy whelp into an already overcrowded country.
Immigrants demand the “right” to free fucking everything without ever contributing anything but criminality,health-issues and backwardness. Yet,because of their “rights” they must be treated better than the war veteran or OAP who have actually done something for the country.
The only “right” that I seem to have,is the “right” to pay ever increasing taxes,both direct and indirect. I’m expected to support people who I think of as parasites and deviants,while keeping my mouth shut about just how much I resent them and their “rights”.
Fuck them.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
I agree with a lot of that but to say immigrants’ contribute nothing but criminality, health issues and backwardness’ is a bit over the top, yes some of them do but a lot make very useful contributions. Don’t get me wrong, there is far too much immigration.how the fuck are we ever going to solve the housing problem when we have 350,000 more people every year looking for somewhere to stay.for some reason whenever the housing shortage is discussed this ‘ elephant in the room’ is never mentioned.
The BBC has whole herds of those fuckers.
£££ – there are too many vested interests in maintaining the chronic housing shortage. This is an issue that could easily be addressed given political will. What sort of Government – Conservative and Labour – would commit £100billion+ to something as useless as HS2 rather than investing in the desperate need for housing? Cunts, that’s who, both left and right.
… Yeah, an HS2 that no fucker apparently really wants !
HS2 likely to cost taxpayer £200billion before completed, by which time it’ll be out of date & redundant anyway – £403million a mile, FFS! Massive fucking scam IMO.
Remember that ridiculous ‘garden bridge’ waste of money they recently cancelled? Peanuts compared to HS2!
Andrew Neil took Hillary Benn to issue on the very point you mention Richard, Benn was totally schooled in the interview, Neil asked him point blank if the mass immigration we have faced since 2005 had any impact on the housing shortage? Amazingly Benn said it really hadn’t!! , Neil then asked him again “ not even a little bit?”
Benn again said NO?? As far a wonky eyed Benn was concerned there was no elephant in the room and it was simply the conservatives fault!.
Benn then began talking about labours plan to renationalise the railways?? Neil pointed out that would be illegal under EU fair competition rules!!, what became apparent in the interview was hiliary Benn was either being deliberately misleading or more likely didn’t know what he was talking about!! Daft Cunt….
True enough,Richard 1,I was possibly “in the moment” when I condemned all immigrants….I rather enjoy the odd curry.
And I suppose England Rugby doesn’t mind raiding The South Pacific for a few players, ex colonies in Africa for the cricket and Tour de France but Raheem Sterling can fuck off.
If it’s good enough for the all blacks why not?? ?
You do know how much it costs the NHS annually to treat each HIV / aids ridden Somalian that lands here.
Then there’s the risk of spread to others that they rape while their pregnant wives are at home expecting baby No 6 who will be born with the disease like his siblings born before.
It won’t be long until Ebola and more new / unheard of diseases hit our shores.
Crazy to think years ago it was questioned if building a channel tunnel could be opening up Great Britain to rabies.
Now we invite and welcome in much worse.
NHS administrators say it’s not worth collecting the £400million+ estimated lost yearly treating ‘health tourists’, illegals, and other foreigners not entitled to free healthcare in U.K.
You wouldn’t be able to walk into an American hospital and receive thousands of dollars worth of treatment for fuck all. You wouldn’t get beyond the reception desk without a valid ID, and certainly no treatments without a suitcase full of cash or a juicy fat credit card…
Clue’s in the name: National Health Service, not World Health Service!
If the government deducted the sum cost of health tourism each year from the aid budget; the government would still be cunts but, I would rest easy in the fact that some thieving inbred cunt was not getting the newest Mercedes as his/ her’s official car.
Great cunting DF.
I wonder where the right to free speech went to if you want to criticise any of the cunts mentioned? It no longer exists, and any one voicing their opinion will fall foul of some newly invented law to protect the afore mentioned fucktards.
We wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings now would we? Whether or not we find their behaviour offensive and a boil on the arse of GB.
Generally I don’t have a problem with people’s rights…
It’s just that very few of the people seem to accept that life is a two-way street (I think Sir Isaac Newton said something about this in his famous “Laws” – every action has its equal and opposite…).
With rights (very much in the news) come “duties” (now rarely discussed and seemingly rather old-fashioned).
If people observed this, then things might work a little better.
Sadly, the gimmegrunt INVADERS only have one thing on their mind…
However, there may be good news ahead (on a different note…): it looks as if the knives are out for Phillip Hammong, the chancellor of darkness…
With you all the way Dick. Benefits have changed from a safety net to a lifestyle choice. Kids born with no means of support except us dumb bastards.
Minorities – gay, ethnic etc – now given more rights and voice than ordinary people. Perverts celebrated. Savile likely to be sainted any time soon. Expressing dissent for twisted religions, gender dubious cunts etc now a hate crime. A fucking Tory minister stating that weirdos could self-identify their gender for fucks sake.
What a fucked up society.
Nice cunting there, Mr Fiddler…your pal Kravdarth ain’t gonna like it too much though! They don’t like it up ’em! Or, more accurately, they doubtless do.
What, he likes to play hide the sausage? Not like he’s ever mentioned it before.
I mention it in context only.
Actually I do agree with him. Gay rights in the home:yes. Loud mouth attention skkeking queers? FUCK OFF.
Human rights is a cunt. Racial profiling not allowed. The race card played at every opportunity. Anyone English is a racist/ bigot. Can’t call a fat cunt a fat cunt. Sand dwellers in every city. Friday call for prayers and half the fucking population queuing outside mosques. It’s just sickening
100% agree CNR ……
You know how the saying goes,
“If we build them, they will come”
When you see one of these terrorist sanctuaries opening in your town, be prepared to face the reality that it won’t be your town for much longer.
It also amazes me how they get permission to build or convert where no others can. Local government planning must be as scared as the Police to use the rules and laws which the rest of us must abide.
So much for wanting to integrate peacefully, they want their own worship / terror plotting dens, their own courts of law, their choice of how an animal is slaughtered, their own clothing / beach wear, their own areas of housing band soon they will be shouting louder for their own educational establishments and hospitals in a country that is not their own.
Nobody forced them to come here and the government needs to take a stand and tell them they are free to leave at any time should our way of life not be for them.
Bloody hell ! Bit of a contrast on LBC this morning. o’Briern is off on yet another holiday.being replaced by the Mogg. Talks a lot of sense.
Mogg is good. An honest politician, a rarity. Not afraid to say his controversial beliefs, but at the same time respecting others.
Hope he is next pm.
Moggs always good value and not afraid to voice his honest opinion…
by way of contrast guest hosting tomorrow’s show is one of Britain’s biggest quisling Cunts and a future hall of famer chuka umunna, wonder how long it takes before he mentions “the red bus” or “ where’s the 350 million a week” I seriously hope somebody explains to him “ let’s “ is a suggestion not a pledge!! And we haven’t left the EU yet so we are still paying drunker and co…
I would like to nominate Barry Scott for a contract killing…
BANG! And the cunt is gone!
Barry Scott is not only a bit of a cunt in himself, but a total cunt for impersonating someone else.
Was Neil Burgess really such a cunty name to be declared unfit for TV advertising?
“Hi – I’m Neil Burgess…” Nah, doesn’t have the same ring for the gullible lazy chavs “Barry’s” ludicrous claims are designed to attract.
The case of Aso Mohammed Ibrahim (look it up). Failed asylum seeker and disqualified driver knocked down (hit and run) and killed a 12-year old girl. So we kick him out, right? Wrong. Having exhausted all the sly legal tactics and on the point of deportation – where do they get the legal advice, I couldn’t afford it – it transpired that he’d had two offspring with some slapper. So a judge declared we couldn’t deport him as he’d lose “his rights to family life” or some other bilge. Well, the girl had all her rights cancelled and so had her family – but they count for less in this warped view of life. You destroy someone else’s “human rights” and you should forfeit yours. Simple. This case was some time ago but still leaves me seething. This girl would have been a young woman by now. I think “human rights” originated after WW2 to help ensure that nothing like The Holocaust happened again and not the criminal’s charter that we’ve ended up with.
As a poof I agree. I fully appreciate rhat my lifestyle is not to eceryobw’s taste. That is why I live a quiet life.
Indeed my partner and I have travelled to many strictly muslim countries with no issues. We know when it is not accetable to ask for a double bed. Loud mouth attention seeking poods ruin it for all.
I see the ABBC has filled their minority quota for the decade with the unveiling of the female Dr Who’s companions.
An Asian, a black and Bradley Walsh.
Fuck me sideways…
I’m surprised they haven’t got a raspberry in it yet ? A transbender one at that!!!
fuckin Cunts……
Should get Jodie Whittaker to wear a full face burka. That would be unmissable.
I noticed SCD has popped a raspberry into the line up, apparently it’s proved so popular for the next series they have already signed a dancing ear and a deaf dumb and blind lesbian…. all bases covered!!
Daytime TV needs a good cunting in my opinion.
Using up some holiday and I have to say what a fucking horror show daytime TV is.
Endless repeats of ancient Top Gear, Police Interceptors and Can’t pay, We Won’t Take It Away are the HIGHLIGHTS. When you did deeper the torture that can be found is amazing.
Move To the Country is a fine example, insufferably smug middle age cunts selling their 700k townhouse and sniffing at a huge country mansion, cunts. There’s also a version where the cunts are buying holiday homes in shitholes like Spain and Portugal where they’re not sure if it’s “quite right”….it’s Spain you thick as shit cunts, stray dogs and more dog shit on the streets than you can shake a stick at combined with British pensioners and chavs smelling of cheap perfume and chip vinegar.
Then you can move onto the ultimate terror…..daytime advertising, it comes on like every thirty seconds and all channels show adverts at the same time so there’s no escape.
I don’t have PPI so fuck off cunts.
I’m not injured so you can all fuck the fuck off too.
I’m not stupid enough for utter dross like the “Postcode Lottery” where council house mongs leer at you from the screen with their oversize novelty cheques.
The very worst though are those fucking Clear Score ads where the cunt continually checks his credit score and talks bollocks to his dog while his wife looks and speaks like she’s taken a massive does of Ketamine. Look you cunt, there’s no such thing as a credit score in the UK so take your dog, junkie wife and your shitty website and shove it up your arse.
No wonder there’s so many untaken days holiday if this slack jawwed dross is all you have to watch.
Never miss an episode of ‘Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away’. Public service broadcasting at its finest!
I do hope you are not including the unmissable Bargain Hunt in your cunting. It gives joe public a window into high end antique world which most of us can only dream about. Two pairs of ordinary people are given £300 EACH! They then go around antique shops looking for Turners and Lowrys and then hope to sell them for as much as £8 profit. Apparently there are no rules, and I’m told a lot of the more violent scenes end up on the cutting room floor as each pair strives for immortality, and all this with no celebrities. And if you watch it on your tablet you don’t need to pay for a TV licence
It’s bargain hunt ( with a silent C)
Or Bargain Hunt with a K afore Hunt, if you are peaceful religion worshiper.
You forgot the endless run of life insurance adverts where gullible cunts act out the phoning up enquiring for a quote……
Fartlife Insurance
“I’m 32 and I’ve never smoked”
Yeah, because you couldn’t spark a fucking match to light it up and that “nice hat” dad, proves what an utter cunt you are and as such you are uninsurable and you won’t be getting 10% of the first years premiums back which is only really about a tenner?
Then there is the cunt clearly under the thumb in the process of moving in with his girlfriend who gets bitchslapped into phoning a particular company because her pal Emma says its cheapest for people our age.
What fucking age is that then? How do I know if this relates to me?
Stargazer Lilly’s anyone?
Winston Wolf is a wanker. If the old bastard tried ordering me about,I’d deck the geriatric Cunt. Next time the interior of my car if covered in gore,that lazy coffin-dodger’ll be doing the cleaning,not me.
The special-needs sap doesn’t suspect a thing!
That cunt Chapman who does some of these “Escape for the Cunty’s” and “Fucking off down below” type programs is one whining voice fucker that I’m sure has been the cause of many an object thrown at a TV set.
How’s about a show where you go town the corporation dump, rescue some rubbish and turn it into something…….else?
Oh, let’s make it clear if you have an inclination to do this that you can’t. Its not allowed, likely due to “Health & Safety regulations”
Why bother making a program around something you can’t actually do?
And what’s my chances of really finding fucking “Cash in the attic” of my 1970’s home?
Unless 10mm thick loft insulation or the fag ends i suspect left by the plumber who fitted the cold water tank command a premium, I’m absolutely buggered.
I was at a rather pissy dinner party when someone’s wife used that phrase “I don’t mind what the gays do as long as they do it privately” sort of thing.
Her husband ,well bladdered and not known for his liberal views, then proceeded to tell her and us what he thought gays did to each other in rather precise details . She almost covered her ears as he refused to stop his own elaborate and unnecessarily detailed version of a typical gay sexual encounter.
Luckily we had eaten a time ago and well into the port etc but I thought it was highly enjoyable and she reportedly never mentioned it again.
Another bunch who’ll have their “rights” curtailed when I take power( InShAllah) is breastfeeding mothers. I wouldn’t mind if they were attractive,but it’s always the swamp-hogs who insist on lobbing out their greasy dug in public. I don’t want to see your benefit-cheque brat clamped on to your floppy tit. Most of these new mothers are over-weight too. If they spent a bit more time losing their pregnancy fat and a bit less expecting everyone to coo over their Mr Potatohead whelp the better. for everyone. ” No husband wants to come home from work to a fat wife moaning about being tired,it’s a child FFS,not a full-time job.
“All babies are beautiful”….absolute bollocks. Indeed, I was shown one a few
weeks ago that had me tempted to direct it’s parents down the Liverpool Pathway forthwith. It was only my innate decency that prevented me from pointing out to the unfortunate parents that it resembled a chimp that had it’s nuts caught in a vice….Foul looking child,and stunk like a week-dead Paki,too.
Fuck them.
I hate cunts who bleat on about how hard work and tiring having a kid is. No it fucking isn’t. I had two and they weren’t hard work at all. In fact I was surprised how un-hard-worky they were. If you are gonna moan about kids, don’t fucking have any.
Inshallah to this one!
Bravo to the cafes who appear in the news now and then and take a stand against mothers waving their saggy bangers about. Cunts argue that its ‘natural’, well so is taking a satisfying dump but you wouldn’t pinch one off in public.
Dick, that was very funny. I read it to Mrs Frenulum who laughed out loud then asked if I was on Guido Fawkes website. I concurred, as I couldn’t reveal ISAC to her. Most women don’t like the word cunt, even though they all possess one and usually are one too. Keep up the good work.
Anyone had George Young? he was brother to Angus “the beef” Young from AC/DC. I dunno why I gave him that nickname just now but I’m sure I had my reasons He was producer of some of AC/DCs records and was in the Easybeats
Also Daisy Berkowitz marilyn mansons guitarist is dead. We should seriously nominate more goths for deadpool, sad dopey fuckers don’t live a long life do they? I sympathise with the depressed cunts… this clown world can be hard to approach sometimes but can’t say I was ever a fan of mansons music edgy grating noisy shite
Friday on my Mind was one of the great 60s songs. RIP.
All these immigrants coming our way, why is no cunt pointing out the one thing they all have in common, fleeing Islam.
All these different places the cunts come from has Islamic rule and its that rule that has them coming here to set up more Islamic rule, and we have leaders actors and pop scars telling us to welcome this religion of peace.
Where will we all flee to next to escape Islamic rule?
Kill them all let Mohammed sort them out
What a wonderful idea Krav…!
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/news.sky.com/story/amp/labour-mp-jared-omara-says-hes-ashamed-of-derogatory-remarks-about-celebrities-11095478 :This is just fucking hilarious.
and Anna Soubry jumps up to yip as usual…
https://order-order.com/2017/10/23/omara-fat-women-dont-deserve-our-respect/?utm_content=buffer3534f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer :It gets even better.
The cunt would be a shoe-in for next Labour leader if he weren’t a silly fucking ginger nut. A little Grecian 2000 should sort that out – would guarantee a landslide win at the next election!
If you are reading Jared you are very welcome to join this site.Seems you might be a half decent poster.
I think he would be welcome with open arms, he’s a fucking genius.
I want to nominate Theresa may a as cunt of the year, and the year isn’t even over. the cunt called snap election and lost even more seats to steptoe. Now the wortlhess cunt is pleading with europe for a deal, I can’t think of of a worse leader for brexit, except steptoe. fucking useless cunt needs booting from power,
I think the tories should be grooming Jacob Rees to take over at the most opportune time.
Still better than Corbyn….
I have worked in a Raspberry house, the ones that are as disabled as it gets, the money that is bestowed upon them is quite frankly jaw dropping. They are protected by an army of so called health care professionals who will do anything to keep their worthless jobs. When I see kids on tv begging for charity to get cancer treatment that will cost much less than keeping a vegetable alive it makes my piss boil.
The ABBC today announced that the new PC woman Doctor Who’s companion will be none other than Bradley Walsh…..
Oh yeah, and a couple of PC box ticking diversity mandatory darkies….
That is a fucking surprise, I must say….
Just got in an online spat saying I have a vagina but am not a woman.I just cba to even argue.
The things name was Becky which is a give away.
Are you in some round-about way trying to tell us that you are transitioning ? 🙂 .
Don’t worry if you are, Shaun. I’m a very open-minded person,as are most people on here. Of course there are some ignorant bigots,but we modern,accepting types far outweigh them.
🙂 .
Gemma Collins is a fat taletnless tosspot of a cunt…
i’ve never understood those ‘ credit score’ companies. if you’re broke you’re fuckin broke. . how are they gonna fuckin help? now if they were to pay some money into peoples bank accounts that would be different . i assume they don’t do that.
Why do i watch them fuckin’ FIFA awards?
I know i shouldn’t, i know that every year it twists my melon, i know i hate any awards shite, i know that every year i despise the presenters. FUCK!!!!!!
The only thing i know is that I’m a cunt for putting myself through this shite when i should know better.
Idris effing Elba brought a ghetto touch to it this year, putting on his best “geeza” performance. CUNT!!!!!
And when he got the awarded cunts together for a team photo, it was not only cheesy as fuck with half of them not wanting to be pictured next to Real scum, that Ronaldo cunt had to get back row centre.
I’m definitely not watching next year.
PS, the first time i heard of Idris Elba, i thought his family’s slave masters might have been Scottish as “Elba” is Scottish for elbow.
Idris Elba is a loud mouth twat. Obsessed with “not enough blacks on TV”. No but there are plenty in prison watching them……….
And the ones that aren’t inside are watching programmes on stolen sets.
Apparently there were more residents of Grenfell who owned a lawnmower than those who had a TV licence.
But that’s also okay, they can all get a free one of those for life too and a few additional complementaries each for extended family members.
Why didn’t Kensington & Chelsea put bars on the windows and get G4S to run it instead?
Fire brigade could hardly track any owners of the cars blocking them out as they were untaxed, uninsured and mostly still registered to previous owners at the opposite end of the country.
Gemma Collins is a fat tosspot of a cunt……, BUT, ah well, you know the rest.
I reckon her in a boobless basque with suspender attachment’s and stockings attached to they suspenders, stretched over they big thighs might not be the worst thing in the world.
Then again, I’ve only seen her in the papers and she does need a smile put on that face. And some jizz.
Add Lisa Reilly into the bed for five and I’m sorted.
Collins is a sure PAWG.
I am sure you will know, more so than others on here Birdman, that there are websites dedicated to PAWGery worship.
In my view, there is nothing better than a fair skinned PAWG.
Just be careful if you try to take her stockings off, those suspenders will be under more stress than an F14 tomcat on it’s catapult!!
A superb cunning DF, and a point i was making to a mate the other evening. It would appear that I’m allowed to have any opinion i choose in this country of democracy and free speech, apart from my actual opinions that is. It is now at a point where any single opinion that may offend any single person is legislated against so completely that any minority who whines loud enough can make life a misery for the rest of us. I used to have rights, now they have gone and i spend most days treading a dangerous moral minefield of what i can say at any given time, lest i find myself falling foul of a HR cunt and find myself on a “re-education” course.
I wonder what would happen if when i am next confronted by someone telling me off about using the word eskimo or telling me i have to give someone time off for their “Fibro” or i interview some cunt who has a sprog that is wrongly diagnosed with Autism just so they can get a carers allowance and more fucking time off, if i told them to go fuck themselves and then said its my right to do so…….
Slightly off piste but relevant all the same. I am struggling to understand why that smug, arrogant; fucking willy warmer Tom Bradby of ITV news fame has not yet been royally cunted.
This cunt has a centre left opinion on e everything and he thinks he is some fucking funny wise guy.
Why the cunt can’t just deliver the news without putting his own cheesy slant on proceedings is beyond me.
Never heard of the cunt but I take your word for it, Mr Maskinback. Most tv presenters are left wing arseholes so the probability is that he’s a left wing arsehole too. I look forward to your cunting of the cunt.
What the fuck is this all about?
Let’s all convert to peacefulness and get away with bloody murder!
What is wrong with these clowns?
Their ideas of whats right and whats acceptable is getting worse than the peaceful ones ideas.