Jared O`Mara

Jared O `Mara is a cunt by virtue of being a Labour MP.My God though his previpous online posts are fucking legendary.Enjoy:

O’Mara’s derogatory language on the ‘Morrissey Solo’ website message board includes calling homosexuals “fudge packers” who “drive up the Marmite motorway”. He says gay people are “bitter and resentful about being homosexual”.

“Just cos he writes about gayness and gay issues, doesn’t mean he drives up the Marmite motorway, or for that matter, allows someone else to drive up his…

“You do mean ‘took it up the ass’ figuratively don’t you?… I just think that this story is much more poignantly romantic than fudge packing Jake or anyone else in a causual manner and I don’t want such a lovely vista to be spoilt.

“I find it funny how some homosexuals think they have the monopoly on being subject to abuse, they should try being Ginger…”

“To those of you that are bitter and resentful about being homosexual, maybe you need to take a bit of pride in your gayness, it’s not something to be ashamed of.”

On Jamie Cullum:

“It would be no great loss to the music world if he was sodomised with his own piano and subsequently died of a sore arse. In fact, it would be quite funny.”

In relation to pop idol winner Michelle McManus

“She only won because she was fat. Ipso facto…. I also dislike the prevailing western tendency to deify fatties… There is nothing noble or admirable about glutting on loads of fatty foods and making yourself obese and ill. The only fat people out there who deserve our respect are those who are fat not because of a poor diet/lifestyle, but because of a genuine medical condition. As far as I know, Michelle is not amongst that number.”

Using this profile, O’Mara once wrote a mock “advice column” for the band Girls Aloud. His “advice” was that Nicola, Cheryl, Nadine and Kimberley should “come have an orgy with me”. When another user wrote that they would not invite “the whiny ginger one” to take part, O’Mara replied: “At least send the ginge round mine”.

“I wish I were a misogynist
I’d put her in her place
I wish I were a misogynist
I’d smash her in her face.” [A song by O`Mara]

The funny thing is the only one I would say is offensive is the “I wish I were a Misogynist ” song.That was published by Guido Fawkes on the 7th June when he was elected an MP and before he was put on the women and equalities select committee.So why the fuck is there uproar now?

Guido apparently is going to publish his 2010 blog discussing Nelson Mandela and Gandhi.I am getting the popcorn ready as we speak.

In fairness to him although the song is bad the other comments are funny and not bad at all.Most men wanted a threesome with girls aloud 15 years ago (I still wouldn`t say no to be fair).Also he was right about Nicola she was always my favorite.Also fat people shouldn`t be respected for being lard arses and militant poofters do hate anyone who isn`t one of them.Jamie Cullum is also an irritating cunt although his music is pretty decent.He comes across as a dick though.

The guy is clearly a cunt and allegedly has been nasty towards women (whether they are jumping on the bandwagon who knows) but he is a high-quality cunter who should feel free to drop by at this site.

Nominated by Shaun of the Dead 69

66 thoughts on “Jared O`Mara

    • Not exactly as he is still a Labour MP so therefore a massive cunt and he has bowed down to offended feminazi brigade.His comments are bloody hilarious though so although he is a cunt it appears he was a right laugh when he was younger.Socialism has clearly rotted his brain.Sad!

  1. He may be a ginger twat but at least he didn’t Suger coat it….and I agree girls aloud need a good trunking except for the Whiney ginger one….she can wax my car or something….

  2. I think I can look past O’Mara’s Labour leaning due to the quality of those cuntings. His Jamie Cullum comments are spot on – thank God that cunt has faded somewhat; time was this over-excitable manlet cunt was ubiquitous and couldn’t be fucking avoided.

    As equally miraculous as this pint-sized cunt’s ability to reach the piano sostenuto pedal from a sitting position, was his ability to pack so much cuntliness into such a small volume of space-time. So dense was Cullum’s cuntitude that light fucking bent around it.

    Oh and can we have a one-line cunting for shit-voiced shriekcunt Paloma Faith – deciding to rear her unfortunate child as ‘gender neutral’. Already a cunt who could fill the Bayeux Tapestry several times over with her crimes against music – prinicpally, her god-fucking-awful dirge adaptation of ‘World in Union’ for the 2015 Rugby World Cup – this cunt needs a solid tolchoking to restore a sense of normality into her sub-normal fucking skull.

    • I got in an argument with a non binary type.Asked her if she had a vagina and was not a woman what exactly was she?I didn`t get a response just got called a bigot who doesn`t understand science as biological sex is a social construct.

      • She is an ugly cunt.Obviously is boring too and needs to try and make herself seem more interesting.She could at least pick a gender neutral name or summat.

      • Or try wearing a hat!! According to a survey in the “ not so” independent wearing head apparel makes you instantly 33.2% more interesting……

    • “So dense was Cullum’s cuntitude that light fucking bent around it”

      Absolutely brilliant. Great belly laugh over that one. Thanks TECB.

    • The reason why you don’t hear much of Jamie Cullum is the fact that he splits half of his year in the UK and the other half in Middle Earth.

  3. That’s a career politician for you. A jellyfish just like Clive Lewis. Weasel apology par for the course, completely worthlless, supremely personifies hypocritical Labour cuntishness.

    • “No innocent quip at a Labour Party/Momentum gathering goes unpunished.” (Judge Judy – Oct. 2017)

  4. In view of the Clive Lewis/Jared O’Mara controversies, I wonder what Uber-Cunt Eddie Izzard has to say about it given that he’s just announced he’s standing for Labour’s NEC on a platform of “inclusivity…and to make Labour a safe space for minorities”. Let’s see Izzard in his red beret have it out with Lewis and O’Mara. I’ll get the popcorn and beers in.

    I think I cunted Morrissey-Solo many moons ago, but not sure it ever made the front page. We might think Morrissey is a cunt, but I promise you that Morrissey fans (the kind of mentally ill fucktards who post obsessively on Morrissey-Solo) are a whole different class of cunt entirely. The site is full of cunts continually sneering and insulting each other in a feeble imitation of Morrissey’s own supercilious cuntitude. The truly baffling thing about the site is that the guy who runs it (and pays all the hosting costs) has apparently been kicked out of several Morrissey gigs by Morrissey’s security team, such is Morrissey’s hatred of the site which he has described as “a hateful online creche”. There are so many levels and dimensions of cuntitude in play here that it’s seriously hard to keep track – the world of Morrissey and his fans is like the fucking Matrix of cunts.

    • Surprised not to see Izzard crying on TV showing off his EU fag inspired nails.

    • Matrix of Cunts… lol
      Take the red pill stay in wonderland and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..
      seriously that sounds like a proper cuntfest FW …….
      Izzard is a towering cunt!!

    • Unlike Izzard, Smiffy/Foxy was occasionally funny. Izzard personifies everything that is sick about Labour.

      Mind you, he did comprehensively swing the vote for Leave with his ludicrous appearance on Question Time. I know of several ‘passive’ Remainers who decided to vote Leave after seeing the embarrassing cunt gushing on about the wonders of uncontrolled immigration with his cringe inducing, EU arse-licking performance.

      O’Mara now “deeply ashamed” of his past comments. What a surprise. What a Cunt.

      • Izzard undoubtedly gave leave a huge boost with that TV appearance but for my money the biggest shot in the arm for leave was Cunt of the ages Blair’s intervention!! My wife who’s a lifelong Labour Party member said at that point “ OMG that’s tipped the balance “
        Having that political pariahs endorsement is the death kneel for virtually anything ……

      • Incredible that Remoaners still haven’t twigged that every time Blair’s arrogant narcissism drives him to hold forth, the push for real Brexit gets a significant boost.

        That picture of Bliar embracing Druncker is the perfect antidote to Project Fear.

      • The thing is a lot of remoaners know the “ Blair effect “ is hugely negative but they simply can’t shut the Cunt up!!
        Blair’s lack of self awareness is staggering!, absolutely nobody in the UK can touch Blair for absolute 100% proof cuntery….

      • The sad excuse for a human being can’t help his “lack of self awareness” – he is after all a raving psychopath. Remoaners should give him the North Korean handkerchief treatment.

      • Thats funny Fred, Imagine being morrisseys biggest fan running a website dedicated to morrissey and then going to his shows only to be kicked out by morrisseys security detail lol Haha talk about being rejected like a little twat bitch Hahaha

    • Re Morrissey, I see the Smiths have jumped onto the crap Christmas compilation album bandwagon.

      Even Pirate Bay have refused to distribute it 😉

      Even Chas’ ‘Dire Christmas’ album beats that. (Available on Spotify and all good digital music sites – I’ll plug anything for a couple of beers!)

  5. Interesting post Shaun. It is very noticeable how different sides of the media react to stories. If the person is one of their ‘team’ they get a free pass – the BBC/Guardian or the Daily Mail will attack someone or defend someone on the basis of whether they are ‘progressive’ or ‘conservative.’ You can thank the Yanks for this shit.

    Michel Onfray criticised what he called “Islamo-leftists” for their alliance with scarily right-wing Islamists. Islamists stand for everything that self-styled ‘progressives’ hate – they are misogynistic, racist, homophobic, anti-democratic and anti-Semitic. But because most Islamists are people of colour, ‘progressives’ let them get away with this shit.


    Fucking Daily Mail does the same. If the EU does anything that Dacre’s rag disapproves of they will run with it for fucking days. In between printing pictures of Diana Spencer and upskirt pictures of some vacuous celebrity.

    I noticed my previous comment has been held in moderation fro two days so here’s my previous rant about things historical…


  6. Closet case this one. Obviously wants a big cock in his mouth. And , no, I don’t do socialists. I do , however, find some gingers sexy….

  7. When O’Mara isn’t cunting jazz playing hobbits, poofs and talentless Pop ldol fatties he is also Chesney in Coronation Street.

  8. I did catch the news yesterday re the frog-faced, warbling, cockney arsehole bringing her child up gender neutral.

    I suspect this all started as a fashion statement amongst the Notting Hill chattering classes and has now been fully endorsed by our beloved politicos who learned of the concept whilst participating at their dinner parties.

    Paloma Faith certainly has questionable talent; she hasn’t had much publicity in recent weeks and therefore is running low on celebrity oxygen. Enduring her singing is akin to castration with a cheese grater. I second a merciless and sustained cunting for her.

  9. He’s obviously just bitter about his own gingerness and it’s associated problems such as not being able to sit in the sun for more than 30 seconds and not being able to wear a cap without looking like coco the fucking clown. Other than that he sounds fairly normal.

  10. O’Mara is surely a lock for the next poet laureate. Absolute genius. And I believe he ousted Nick Clegg, and for that alone he should be awarded a lifetime un-cunt.

  11. Hard t see much wrong with what he says. He’s still a cunt though,that shines through whatever he says.
    Cullum is a fourth rate pianist and tenth rate singer and a whining short arse. A wart on the music ,wants to be Georgie Fame and sounds like George Formby.Cunt.

    • Yes, it’s pretty thin gruel, about as convincing as a Cillet Bang advert. At least it’s not Lord Haw Haw (James O’Brian), ha ha.

      • Chuka,s callers have been well vetted, was hoping for some rabid remoaners/ leavers…….
        I sent the show a text first thing this morning, unsurprisingly it didn’t get aired ( nothing rude) ..
        Very disappointing after Rees mogg yesterday…….

  12. He’s a ginger spacca. Should have had “Do not Resuscitate” tattooed on his forehead at birth’
    Fuck him.

    • Remember kids everytime a ginger gets rewarded a freckle after they steal another soul for Satan

  13. Elsan Bog should be sodomised with a piano…

    The one I have in mind is a Bosendorfer Imperial. It has an extra octave, at the bottom end . Just what the proctologist ordered…

  14. That tuneless ginger gargoyle cunt, Sheeran, has said that his cycling injury (which he has whored all over social mong media and not shut the fuck up about!) has caused problems in his sex life… I presume by that, he means his arm injury has put the mockers on him wanking every night (probably over a picture of himself)… Let’s face it, who in their right mind would shag the ginger gremlin? Oh, I forgot, he’s famous and has got money….

    • I wonder what would happen if someone said to ‘Nice Guy’ Ed that if it wasn’t for his fame, celebrity, and vast amounts of money, he would be repulsive to women and wouldn’t be able to pull a wishbone, never mind a bird?… Toys out of the pram and shutdown of social media on Hiroshima levels, methinks….

  15. Ginger Cunts Club

    Gargoyle Sheeran
    Mick Hucknall
    Lily Cole
    Nicholas Witchell
    David Moyes
    Geri Halliwell (but still the only Spice I’d shag)
    Macca (due to the ludicrous dye job on his hair, but a premium cunt nonetheless)
    Cilla Slagg (a dead cunt, but forever a cunt)

    • Bonnie Langford is another ginger cunt… Never could act…Worst Doctor Who sidekick ever (apart from ‘Bill’ the horse faced black lezza) and is still as shite as ever in NeverEnders….

    • Rupert grint ( harry potters annoying cunt of a mate)
      Julianne Moore……
      ginger fuckers one and all….

  16. And French cretin barnier has said a trade deal will take years after we leave in 2019? How popular will the EU be with the 27 remaining countries if they are seen to be dragging their heels? Especially if the UK,s access demand to single market is realistic……..
    Once the bluster dies down there’s a deal to be done….
    It’s all about the money ?

    • I was also about to cunt this elephantine Juncker-cocksucker.

      They are now getting so scared, so desparate…
      All the lies, bullshit, threats and blackmail.
      Barely believable, except we’ve seen it all before.

      Saw a good prog on bbc4 this pm, about Downside monks. I appreciate that, for some fellow cunters, this might almost reek of paedo (something the Al-Beeb does very well anyway) and St. Jimmy of the Savile worship… So why did I enjoy it so much ??
      It was, apart from the natural monastic noises (answers on the back of a (saucy) postcard, please…), totally silent.
      No Al-Beeb Fourth Reicher propagandising in the background.
      Yay, and I verily believe in miracles.
      Can I have my licence money back? Then I REALLY will believe

  17. Ed Sheeran…..the cunt is so fucking ginger he has to wear sun block when there’s a full moon….

  18. Sounds like a good cunter to me.

    Just a shame he’s turned into a pussy and started apologising and sucking up to the femenazi.

  19. The guy put that cunt Nick Smeg out of a job which deserves a knighthood for his services to Brits in my opinion.

    Politicians are under the media microscope more than ever as the cunts have little else to tell us.

    These incidents from X amount of years ago can be pulled out conveniently too, taking headline position whenever another story comes up they are too scared to cover for fear of being branded islamaphobic or further fueling unrest in the non religion worshipping Great British citizen, possibly inciting behavior the Police would frown upon.

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