One orf the pleasures orf keeping up me connections with Brighton is conference time and the opportunities it affords for personal cunting. The Labour Party and its fellow travellers? What a shower orf cunts. Saw Keith Vaz slugging its way through the security zone and swear to God it left an oozy trail orf slime behind it and the Brighton seagulls tried to get a peck at its arse. “Vaz! You’re a cunt”. It simply slithered more tightly in to its shell.
Next up Claire Short looking very old and quite alone. Had a few kind words with the former member orf the awkward squad now dematerialized in to a ghost orf composites past haunting the seedy corridors orf old fashioned socialism. Whiffy old cunt on her. Nothing sadder than a cunt that knows it is a cunt and has gone to seed.
“Starmer! You’re a cunt”. Involuntarily turned to look at Yours Truly. “Starmer! You’re a twisted conked cunt “ – and he is too. Starmer followed by a gaggle orf cunts with EU flags wearing blue ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ T shirts. Card firmly marked.
Spent an hour or so mooching about spotting the new generation orf the goggle box “Oh it’s that cunt “ cunts. Cunts without names that one day, oh horror, may prove unforgettable. No sight this time aroinde orf The Dark Side, the Blairites and the Mandelson Sect but will be in a dark dungeon somewhere (Brighton has many) knotting and gendering. If that way inclined go here!
Always sad to see the old card carrying cunt socialists, older and fewer by the year. Did spot ancient little Walter Wolfgang being helped to stand near the venue. Cunters may recall how the decrepit old cunt was Sieg Heiled by security staff for daring to ask an unscripted question a few years back.
So back to me motor (disabled badge, only way to park in Brighton cunts) through the throngs orf party hacks and activists orf yesteryear, the blue suit brigade with their Conference badges, the baggy titted researchers nipped oit for a quick fag, cunts with leaflets supporting the Palestinians, a coupla vast dykes with silver bunny ears screaming while getting their arses and fannies licked by a local dog (respect to that dog). Not to forget the TERFS demo (Trans –Exclusionary Radical Feminists cunts).
Worth noting Old Bill oit in force and quite happy to allow Yours Truly to trundle me old shopper with drain rods sticking oit (looking remarkably like the barrel orf an H&K PSG 1) in and oit orf the security fencing .
Happy days.
Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke
Its a fucking cult.
Ever time I read one of Sir Limply’s splendid rants I become more convinced that he is Rod Liddle in disguise.
Keep up the good work Rod.
I know who he is, but I ain’t telling…
Lots of clues in the theatrical references…
You’d have to look back on whether SLS commented, and what he said, when Rod was mistakenly cunted last year
I have a feeling there are a few famous people who frequent these pages, maybe they don’t comment but they are reading. I wonder if they read their own cuntings.
I’ve always suspected you are Kenny Lynch…
Nah your wrong Fred, he was born in 1938 I have recently turned 39. I suspect your involved in journalism or politics Fred?
Only joking, Black and White Cunt.
And no, I’d rather shoot myself than work in journalism or politics.
I seriously hope they do……
especially cunt of the ages Blair……
Ok, je l’avoue. Je suis Jean-Claude Drunker!
Et Tony Bliar est un cunt très gentil.
Excellent cunting, Sir Limply.
I’m also looking forward to next week to see how the Tories manage to spin the fact that they called a snap election expecting a landslide and a 70-120 seat majority and instead lost their already slim majority to a cunt as “unelectable” as Comrade Steptoe.
Yeah I’ll be interested in that too!
Mind you sitting on your arse hiding in the office, chickening out of debates, and fucking up your manifesto probably didn’t help…
If the Tories have any sense left (which they probably haven’t) they’ll hold their hands up and admit their leader was the most terriblest pile of shit the electorate has ever been presented with, outcunting even Gordon Brown for uselessness, with a fox cunting, coffin-dodger agitating, suicidal manifesto, specifically designed to piss off EVERYONE, with the possible exception of Remoaners who could spin it as a vote against their already spun to death phoney concept of ‘Hard Brexit’.
That’s about as positive a spin as they will get.
A most excellent cunting of rabid sociopaths, queer folk and terminally dysfunctional idiots.
I do however, have to congratulate Corbyn et al, for their success in recruiting a huge army of misguided vacuous arseholes to serve in their newly founded “Africa Corps ” of fanatics.
May i however also express alarm that I had not quite realised just how many misguided vacuous arseholes there were in this country…
Truly frightening.
A, well spotted re vacuous arseholes. The number has been increasing for the past 50 years. The number of said persons is almost at critical mass if nothing is done soon we are fucked. Us individually minded persons will be hunted or cunted to extinction
Agree BB, we are witness to de-evo;ution in our lifetime.
The stupid are outbreeding the sensible. Social media rules. So be it. That’s the way it always goes with previously great civilisations. How long it will take to complete is anyone’s guess, but IMO things have already gone well beyond the rope.
Perhaps we could try a serious programme of culling? Owen Patterson has useful experience in that department.
The left has infiltrated the schools, the media, the film industry, sport and the music industry. No different to the Nazi strategy. The Hitler youth didn’t stand a chance they had the indoctrination pumped into them from all sides even from birth and unfortunately our kids and the feeble minded amongst us are all victims too.
They have literally found a large group of scallions with large elongated heads in a barrow on Salisbury plain Which show evidence of just what you are saying. Obviously it’s not got much air play.
Im referring to black biscuit
A cult of cunts.
The most amazing and thoroughly depressing thing is that large swaths of the British electorate think that the muppets at the top of this thread are fit for government!!
Where are our leaders??
Mays an utter joke and orchestrated one of the worst election campaigns in living memory!!
Corbyn isn’t the man to lead this country, and his team of McDonnell, Abbott , thornberry and Watson aren’t fit not purpose…
Vince cable isn’t as some say a “has been”
Much more of a ” never was”
All in all it’s turning into a Royal turd hunt and corbyns got a ticket……
Look for May to impart more spin than Shane warne!! , the conservative conference could be the defining moment for may, get it wrong and a Tory bloodbath could shortly follow….
I’ve been making this point for ages – they are all cunts and all just as bad as each other.
Judging by the recycled, coma inducing ‘speech’ May droned out a few minutes ago, the Tories would be mad not to kick her cunt in on the conference floor next week.
Would signal their thinking’s moving in the right direction at least.
Quite right Fred. In looking back over history, I struggle to think of a single politician who did not fuck over the people.
Perhaps only one man ( Enoch ) stood with the people. The rest, including fat chops Churchill , did not.
Watching Compo being presented to a conference hall full of brainwashed fanatical lemmings singing “oooh Jeremy Corbyn” should have been funny. He is more or less worshiped as some kind of Trotsky demi-god and has ring fenced an inner circle of shadow cabinet cunts and Momentum thugs to do the dirty work of intimidation and smear campaigns.
May is just too weak, and comes across as some fucking school marm android who wants to give you detention but will then change her mind.
Corbyn is the modern day pied piper of turds!, labour continually accuse the tories of a fantasy brexit?? But what the fuck are they offering??
Queer starmer says we must remain in the single market??
And suckdick wants another referendum?? , labour are promoting things that they simply could not deliver if we stay in the EU, they won’t stand for the renationilisation of anything! You have to have open competition!! That’s why you have french energy/ railways firms in the uk!! Etc etc
Andrew Neil completely destroyed Hillary Benn on this issue, it was described as a train crash interview!! Benn didn’t actually understand what he was proposing , and that it’s actually illegal
Apparently labour want to do the lot, utilities trains etc etc!!
It’s an absolute red herring…..
in fact as they like the word so much it’s a FANTASY!!!
I’m in fucking stand -by mode. If this referendum isn’t carried through to the letter that 17 million people voted for and who knew EXACTLY what the question was, no fucking explanations needed then I will be going ‘shopping’ for new telly, ipad, sewing machine etc. My piss has been on a steady simmer for months now and these cunts are starting to turn the gas up. I fucking mean it.
I am sick of seeing those fuckin identikit fuckin momemtom fuckers. All young blokes with short fuckin hair who think they are ‘ for the workers’ and know what’s fuckin best for them. Fuckin fuck of yer fuckers.
Quite right Richard 1 and of course these cunts that know what’s best for the workers have probably never done and actual days work in their life. Going to ‘ Uni ‘ and then becoming a party activist doesn’t count.
It all makes democracy a cunt.
Corbyn or May? Overgrown student versus incompetent personality vacuum.
The States have had Trump or Hilary? Fuck me, 2 bigger cunts it is impossible to imagine.
So when we come to the inevitable election again what fucking choice will we have? Screaming Lord Sutch has sadly departed. I cant see Lord Buckethead gaining much support. The lessons of history have no meaning to the thick cunts who support Labour. May is a fucking disaster with the reverse Midas touch – everything turns to shite.
Democracy is a cunt.
The Raving Loony P don’t stand in our constituency. Nor did UKIP last time around. It’s a marginal constituency, a choice between Tory or Labour, e.g., Cunt or Mega-Cunt.
Previously Tory, now Labour. The new Cunt is a fully paid up Sir Queer Starmer arselick, representing a constituency that strongly voted Leave.
All it took was the whiff of Fox Hunting – Tories would’ve held on otherwise, the cunts.
Unfortunately most yoofs including myself start off thinking everything is soooooooo unfair and people should be given lots of things for nowt which is exactly the situation we are in and have been in for decades. It now tho includes thousands and fucking thousands of cunts and extended families who have just come like locusts to strip what they can while they can. The sad thing is that there are loads of genuine people who do need help and I have no problem with that. Just think of some of these Grenfell Tower cheats claiming for cunts who weren’t even there. It’s time to come down on our own idle cunts now and tell them where they are going to work. It would be worth subsidising employers to take the feckless twats on with the condition that if they fuck up all payments cease six months. Time for positive action but I can already see and hear the shite.
It’s the same around freshers week down at some of my local drinking holes. Every cunt is doing some shite like African Studies, Health and Social Care, Women’s Studies et al. They all want to be Political researchers or charity managers with their silly hair, virtue signalling accessories, crap tattoos and half a tonne of metal shit in the faces… Barely any of the cunts is doing maths / science or anything even remotely useful to a society. They dream of the day when they will be firmly entrenched in the parasite/organised begging sector, sipping champagne with the likes of Vazeline and Manhandleson down at the Brighton conference. Meanwhile, and while I might dislike there numbers, a lot of the peacefuls / newcomers / illegals and funny coloured ones just want to do a days graft to turn a few quid, they may even do it legally and pay a little tax but I won’t hold my breath…. If you really wanted to help the working class you Marxist fukwits, you could either A) join us and put in a shift, or B) kill yourself and reduce the tax burden. We are surrounded.. Cunts, everywhere.
The Labour Party are a load of cunts, I’m from a Labour voting family and although I’m quite right leaning I don’t feel there is a party for me. Labour are useless, how Dianne Abbot is still in a job doesn’t make sense and it seems the Labour Party since Corbyn has been leader has turned into some far left, communist, out of touch with the working class pile of cunt. We need Corbyn to start his own party, Labour needs to find itself again and win back its core voters, the Tories will be lucky if they win the next election if they don’t sort things soon and the Lib Dems are not worth mentioning.
Diane Abbott – the black answer to Jade Goody.
(on horse tranquilliser)
And pots of jenkem.
I would like to send a severe cunting to people who should obvoiusly know better,i mean the really stupid fuckers that do really retarded things,i will give you an example, I have just read a story about a model who has had her right eyeball, yes I said eyeball tattood purple and is now suicidal because apart from now being blind in one eye she is finding that its damaged her modelling career as well [no shit Sherlock] what a fucking buffoon, how do these people make it to adulthood if your brain dosnt scream nnnnoooooooooo at the very thought of an eyeball tattoo, WTF,these are the kind of people that the parents should have used a condom,in fact the parents need shooting for not teaching her any different so technically a double cunting…
Love it. Neck tattoos. Instantly unemployable. Face and head tattoos, instantly unemployable. Heres another
Fucking scum cunt.
@Toxic Bob, dunno about neck tattoos, have seen some of the cunts who work at the Apple stores? Loads of tattoos and those stretch your earlobe earrings. What the fuck are they all about.
Gross, fucking gross, but what do you expect from a bunch of retarded fuckwits who are “fashion fodder” These are the twats who fuel the economy believe it or not. They buy into anyyhing that has been tweeted, twatted, Facefucked,you tubed, or spoken of by a “Sleb”
Unemployable by design! STOP all benefits to these cunts and send em to the fucking salt mines.
Perhaps David Owen could form a new party?
Good Idea. Include Clarke, Heseltine, Blair and put them in the dead cunts pool, if Owen isn’t already a winning entry.
David fucking Owen…now there’s a name from the past! A pretentious bastard at the best of times, and a weapons grade cock sucking pro EU cunt of the worst kind… the dead pool I say…to the dead pool!
Owen actually campaigned for Vote Leave.
I was convinced that he kicked the bucket years ago…
Seems you are right shitcake….he was all for the EU right up until the end when he switched sides….he’s still a cunt though.
Would I lie to you? But agreed – still a cunt.
There hasn’t been a worthwhile party conference since Brighton 1984.
The Flabbots skin looks like its melting in the pic.
I’ve said before that it ain’t a fashion show but come Diane, you look absolutely dreadful in that white appropriated wig.
I’m off to make a chocolate mousse.
Abbott must have bid in an auction of props from the original 1968 Planet of the Apes movie to get that fucking dreadful syrup.
Also strangely reminiscent, in a pudding bowl sense, of the hair worn by Hamble the morose Play School dolly.
I’m fucked off even more than I was last time I was on here. Reason being the company I work for ( won’t mention the cunts by name) have well and truly fucked over my pension, my pension that I have been paying into nigh on 30 years. Now worth not a lot, should have hidden it away so no cunt could fritter it away, well not all of it but enough to keep me in this fucking shithole for a bit longer. Bollocks and mega bollocks.
Sorry to hear yer troubles, Gingers Ballsac, but great to hear from you.
Gotham started a few weeks ago.
Good stuff.
Hope, apart from you being ripped off, your’e well. 🙂
Yes thanks birdman, Jack Daniels is a good companion. How are you doing, hope all is well with you. Haven’t got Gotham here yet, getting withdrawal symptoms.
I see wonky toothed former PM of Belgium vehorstadt made a speech in London today , amongst the many barbs this jumped up so called ” president ” made was a ridiculous statement that brexit was” a dictatorship of the majority ” oh sorry mr cunt from non country Belgium that you don’t understand the democracy!! That’s your problem you fucking political fucking Pygmy!
What an absolute 24 carat gold plated Cunt……..,,
Verhofstadt is a grinning, gap toothed, curtain haired, Biggins glasses wearing, plutonium grade cunt.
This piece of political jenkem has told a conference in London that Brexit is a waste of time and energy.
Had he a slight appreciation that the EU had become undemocratic and conceded that reform was needed then Brexit possibly would not have gained a majority vote.
Clearly he has no concept whatsoever of democracy. Fuck off back to your cheap fags, snotty chocolate and chips smothered in mayo, you utter fucking cuntbox.
Verhofstadt is a fucking waste of skin and bone. Cunt x 10^infinity.
Vehorstadt really is a stratospheric cunt!!!
Brexit is a waste of time and effort??
Yeh I suppose he has a point?,
Who wants to be governed by democratically elected people??
Want sort of Cunts want that??
What sort of idiots want to retain some national identity??
What kind of fools want to control their borders??
What sort of people want to stop a tsunami of foreign workers prepared to work for less money??
Brexit is indeed a waste of time!! ???
Bit tragic when he has to steal speech material from John Major.
Sad cunt…
Watching the telly ads I can only assume that every white man is a gay,every black man a dedicated father and faithful husband,every white woman an old bag after funeral insurance,every black woman a vibrant go-getter.
Every couple is mixed-race,preferably same sex….and every kid is a Black and White Cunt.
Fuck them.
I’ve started muting the ad breaks.
As a kid i couldn’t understand why my grandad would change channels when the ads came on. Now i know. As a kid, some were fun, as an adult, “aaaaarrrggggghh ccuuuuunnntts”
I say my grandad changed the channel, but this was before remote controls were popular. I changed the fuckin channel.
These Black and White cunts are everywhere, years ago I was exotic… Now I’m the majority.
What’s so alarming is all the misguided yoof sincerely believe Corbyn and co are going to be handing out free cash and solve all the social problems including the NHS etc , they all think the rich are going to stump up the cash for ever more without creating an economy to fund Labour’s loony policies.
Lefty loony African food aid policy is behind the population explosion that is sending them all here looking for even more loony Labour party free handouts.
We need a party with properly developed prefrontal cortex so they can work out the results of their actions.
God knows what this county will end up as after a long spell of Conrad catweasel and his Lilly livered lefty pansies.
Every time without fail the labour party spend spend spend until there’s literally nothing left and these lot will be no exception.
And unemployment rockets…
A real shower of vile Jew hating cunts. Marxist old commie twats who could not run a bath….