What is the difference between Robert E Lee and Robert Lee?

I’d like to nominate neo-liberalism (old fascism) for a much overdue cunting.

The final straw being – in this era where “group think” is the main salience point on any decision – when ESPN decided to pull a Robert (please note no “E”) Lee from their University of Virginia college football coverage in case it offended any snowflake cunts in Virginia (following the Charlottesville unrest last week).

Yes ladies and gentlemen, thus is how far the reach (or is that Reich) of the liberalist agenda tech giants goes!

So afraid are other companies in the public eye of being vilified by these tech giants (and their global opinion reach) that they’re not so much “walking on eggshells” but have buried the chickens and have denounced that such a creature ever existed in the first place!

So ESPN’s Robert (no “E”) Lee. He must obviously be an old old white guy with a southern drawl, white hair and goatee to match right?

Wrong,, this Robert Lee is of Chinese origin a’la Bruce Lee. WTF!?!

When I heard the story I thought it was a wind up but no, ESPN actually released a statement saying that they thought it best not to use Robert (no “E”) Lee for the coverage….just in case it caused any offence.

Has it really gotten to the point where people’s given names are a source of offence!?! Are they for fucking real!??!

Guess so. Well in that case – cunts – I’d like to ban the name “Mohamed” (and its 4 billion other fucking spellings) because I find *that* name really fucking offensive!

Sure that would have to include Muhammad Ali but every cunt refers to him as Ali anyway so the “Muhammad” bit can be comfortably dropped and everyone will still know who you mean.

Fuck’s sake!


Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

73 thoughts on “What is the difference between Robert E Lee and Robert Lee?

    • “All become callous and selfish hedonists.”..I would if I thought that I could get away with it. No bother.

  1. I’m afraid we’ve only got ourselves to blame for allowing these pitiful cunts the platform on which to spew out the contents of their mindless heads. Some people like to moan about the weather, some like to moan about health. These cunts like to moan about common fucking sense. I’d be checking their fucking DNA. Some bits missing me thinks.

  2. I’d like to nominate the England Football team for a cunting.

    This cunting is not based on the derisory performance against that noted footballing nation of Malta on Friday, no.

    My cunting of the England Team is based on that fact of how shite must they be when a born and bread English youngster – 17yr old Ben Woodburn – *chooses* to play for Wales in the international arena than consider any chance of playing for England further down the line!

    Please note this is NOT a cunting of Ben Woodburn. Good luck to the lad! Given the choice I wouldn’t play for the useless cunts (England) either!

    • Perhaps he thinks he’s got a better chance entering the Taffs’ team rather than trying to elbow his way into England. Anyway, as far as I know, he’s always been Welsh since playing for Liverpool. Personally I think he’s a bit average.

    • Talking of footballing cunts, how is that with all his money and fame, Wayne Rooney chose to ruin his marriage by sloping off with a grot? You think he would have been able to find someone a bit more attractive than this widow twankey looking thing? I know he’s a thick cunt with absolutely no class, but that is one spectacular fuck up.

      • True enough,GJ. I thought the same about that fucking special-needs spacca David Beckham when he married that pig-faced,skeletal minga Victoria.
        If I had their money and fame I’d make it a rule never to revisit after porking,unless it was Gemma Arterton,of course.

      • Absolutely right DF
        Judging from most tv interviews footballers don’t appear to be particularly intelligent but with Fitness, youth and the riches of king Solomon on their side there’s a never ending supply of young attractive ladies with varying moral compasses, ready to give them what they want!!, even a roast which for mere mortals revolves around Sunday lunchtime..
        Why would a young rich pro footballer want to settle down in their 20,s?? , instead of just spraying their millet over some willing dolly birds chops/ tits??
        The clubs like them to shack up as they think it calms them down, but your only young once so fill ya boots!!!
        And Rooneys indeed a thick cunt!!!

  3. This sort of astonishing “Let’s not offend anyone” idiocy reminds me of a plenty of incidents here. At least in ‘Murica the inability to differentiate between two universally different people only insults people’s intelligence; here the consequences of “not offending” result in hundreds of children being groomed & molested, and the tiptoeing around certain religions which plan to butcher innocent pedestrians.

    I wonder if any thin-skinned cunts in the States are offended when old re-runs of “The Dukes Of Hazard” are shown. IF they’re shown. That car was ace. Der-duh duhh duhh dur-ru ruh-ruh…Yee Hi!

    • In the filum remake of Dukes Of Hazard there’s a scene were the Duke boys pull up beside a car full of menacing black guys who clock the Confederate flag on the roof.
      The modern Duke boys slope off before they cause more offense.

      The message it sent was “bow down to black thugs”

      • NEVER! And that dancing PC Dan from BGT who got his mug splashed in the papers at carnival needs to FUCK RIGHT OFF THE ANNIYING LITTLE CUNT. He got paid time off to go on BGT. He wants to do “outreach” work for the MET. He xan come round and nosh me off but apaet from that FUCK OFF and do what you are paid to do.

  4. I’d also like to nominate Sky TV for removing Fox News from their channel list.

    Fox News used to be on Sky CH509 and while American, it at least had a balanced view (so ultra right wing according to CNBC and MSNBC) of shit going on in both the US and around the world and not pandering to neo-liberal “group think”.

    I wouldn’t care, Fox and Sky are of the same fucking media group! Obviously some UK pen-pushing, EU loving twat over here must’ve decided to remove “Nazi” Fox News just in case any “snowflakes” get offended by accidentally hearing the truth once in a while!

    Utter cunts! I bet Rupert isn’t aware of it. I doubt if his views are so “liberal”.

      • Luckily for all, this’ll probably give Kunt Burley more air time, as Sky will launch a second news channel to fill the gap.
        TV screen be warned, my boot will be coming your way soon!!

      • Utter Cunts!!!
        I used to watch fox!! As it was the only TV news which gave opposing views to the other wonky eyed Cunts at sky and the BBC, I wonder if there’s any plans to stop showing liberal leftie CNN?? Fucking doubt it… ???

    • I’d like to nominate our auld friends the British Broadcasting Caliphate for another well deserved cunting.

      3 days into September and all over the ‘news’ this morning was how the NHS needs yet more money, it’s another crisis, it’s going to be the worst winter ever, no funds, not enough staff, Brexit impacting recruitment….government cutbacks….blah blah blah….

      It’s like the fekking fake news journos have all now returned from their holidays in Tuscany and have to start the next round of Britain bashing.

      How about a balanced piece of actual news identifying that all those gimmegrants we see on the boats coming here aren’t all trained doctors, nurses and carers looking for a better way of life in our NHS, how about the fact that country is full to brimming with sand bunnies and rag heads all with 3rd world diseases such as TB, syphillus and rabies, and all manner of other afflictions associated with in-breeding that the peaceful community advocate (plenty of cousin on cousin action) All this is being treated for free with no comeback?

      How reporting that about the NHS seems more concerned about diversity and making sure little Johnny can turn into little Jane under treatment of the surgeons knife (all tax payer funded) just so they can feel better about using the right gender assigned toilet and not suffer mental health issues as they ‘explore’ their sexual needs….
      Methinks the NHS has plenty of money, sadly it’s just frittered away on ranks of non surgical managers, reams of unneeded operations and thousands dished out in treatments to foreign incomers who’ve never contributed a penny to its existence…..lets see the Beeb report some balance for once. Cunts the lot!

      • Precisely.
        NHS cash wasted on overpaid “managers”, and endless people coming over here, especially eye-ops, then running off home before paying their bills.

        My arse is feeling a bit sticky… of course, must be Brexit, mustn’t it ???!!

        Am DEFO voting UKIP next time… Treesa Might boils my piss, I do NOT trust this wimman.
        Even if UKIP don’t get a shitload of seats, I’d love to see them piling up votes, all the same. Am convinced that this time, they well might…

        C’mon The Nige, REAL GB needs you !!

      • It is fun watching the peacefuls taking generic drugs made in Israel! One twat now insists on opening capsules of his meds and swallowing the powder inatead of swallowing it whole as the casing has gelatine on it. He has only joined the club 5 minutes ago. If only he knew I was a raving homo Jewish Zionist. He would crap his little panties!

  5. I’d like to nominate: Newspeak No. 2 – “Hate” for a cunting.

    Yes its the misuse of the word hate. Usually defined as “Intense Dislike” for something, it is of course now defined as “Not pretending that you like everyone, no matter what the circumstances (oh unless they smoke cigarettes (oh and without cannabis in it because smoking weed is apparently ok now)).”

    Use of the word hate by the left really is a dystopian reality. The practical implications of which are really quite worrying.

    They use the word hate mostly to mean hatred of a group, usually ethnic. But because they use the word hate to basically mean not pretend that you really like everything, it means that if you don’t pretend you like all groups of people then you hate. But it gets worse.

    If any acts of perceived ill will is committed towards anyone (usually called a “micro-aggression” – which can mean tone of voice or using the wrong word) counts as hate. If this is committed against any group then it is a hate crime.

    It is in human nature to be prejudiced against groups. If you are living in the developed world it is possible to suppress it, or suppress the expression of it, as some people do. However the human natural response of group protection using limited data (or prejudice) is there in all of us.

    But if we ever say or subconsciously do anything that expresses this it is a hate crime. Even though almost all of the people in the world express this, almost everyone belonging to a protected group displays this towards other groups, and almost everyone in the developing world has this overtly integrated into their culture. It is however a criminal act in the developed, western world.

    Because it is felt by some people (these people are almost exclusively materially comfortable city dwelling westerners) that the world should one day be one big happy mono-culture with no problems, then not acting like that is the case now is a criminal act.

    They have made it illegal to be a human being.

    This is the reality that we live in. It’s worse than 1984 because its not obvious. But worse than that, the people enforcing it and complaining about it are not evil people with huge power, its middle class people with just enough power (social media usually) to show the potential for evil that is within us all, and how close we all are to utter oppression now that liberalism and humanism has destroyed the traditional morality that founded and underpinned our culture.

    Fucking Cuuuuunts!!!

  6. I would like to change my name by deed poll to Reinhard Heydrich. If that fails to cause offence then I don’t know what the fuck would.

    I am not politically correct, nor do I subscribe to this patented libbo-shite espoused by these cranial defective arseholes of no importance whatsoever.

    I would also like to urinate in the earhole of some libtard on a public bus, and shit on the lap of some burka clad bitch .

    On a Sunday of my choosing, I would like to go to York Minster and shove that shepherds crook right up th arsehole of that black enamelled cunt archbishop , the one who happens to be an ex-muslim ( my fucking cock end he is ) and crap all over the alter to the sky fairy, before visiting the local mosques with a sack of freshly dumped sizzling hot pig shit and force feeding the imam with a giant bacon butty coated in powdered glass.

    Fuck the libtards and all they represent. If it ever came to civil war they would run shitless from the onslaught. Fuck em all!

    • It would NOT cause offence, because…

      The snowflakes are so terminally thick, that the only Nazi they know is..

      “It’s so, like, Hitler ??”

      Heydrich and Juncker look alarmingly similar, Verminhofstadt the dental-crip shares certain qualities with Goebbels, and Merkel looks like Fat Hermann (of the Luftwaffe) in drag.

      • NSDAP was a socialist party! Snowflakes are destroying the world. All Guardian readers to the Tower of London. Owen Jones needs to be sent to live with Kim Jong Un and Diane Abbott to slimming world along with her brother from a different mother Davud lardarse Lammy.

        Jeremy Corbyn needs to go and live in Gaza and John McDonkey bollocks should go and live in Somalia.

        Naz Shah needs a burkah (and a gag) and as for Caroline Lucas…..Send her to Orania the Afrikaans outpost in South Africa

        We won WW2 because we believe in freedom of speech and thought ( with some obvious limits). These leftards are the real facists.

        God save the Queen and god bless America and Israel.

    • The thing about PC twats is that they are always selective about it. White men, the English and the working class are still OK for any amount of slagging. Anyone who subscribes to this old wank should be ashamed of themselves because of all the misery it has brought, to teenage girls in Rotherham for instance. But hey,it’s probably their own fault just for not being better and going to University,right??

  7. People with the surname Cox upset me because they remind me of penis’s. People with the surname Head are particularly distressing because they are walking blow jobs. And people with the surname Mourinho are just cunts.

  8. All this fuss about names….load of bollocks. I had a thoroughly memorable holiday in Dreden after making all my restaurant and hotel bookings under the name Arthur Bomber-Harris. How those krauts chuckled as I belted out my drunken version of “Ten British Bombers.”while wearing my Biggles flying hat and goggles,a Union Jack tee-shirt (small enough to show off my Bulldog tattoos and enormous beer-gut),cargo-shorts and flip-flops.
    However when I booked in as Capt. Bowen-Colthurst while visiting Dublin.My witty request for a pint “Begorrah, Bobby Sands…I’ll have a pint of Black and Tan.”while wearing a very sporty maroon beret resulted in me getting beaten up and thrown in the Liffey. So much for the legendary Irish sense of humour.

    • How much longer before “Spitfire” and “Bombardier” ale become unavailable? Or “Nelson’s Revenge for” that matter?
      A pint of “Rainbow Warrior” just won’t be the same, even if you can find a pub that’s still open…

      • That’s a valid point, Mr.B. It’s amazing that one of those beardy Real Ale fuckers hasn’t complained….must be the only thing the fuckers haven’t moaned about. I was at a Real Ale festival once where a group of them where pontificating about a particular ale,so I ordered one….when it came it had everything bar thunder and lightening in it. I pulled the barman and told him that it must have been knocked….”Oh, I know” he told me “Just don’t tell the experts” The fuckers couldn’t even tell when a keg was off.

      • Dick, you stated above that “I pulled the barman”. Is there something we ought to know?! Are you actually Kravdarth and once snogged a black man?

      • In my defence, Mr Cunt-Engine, I am actually a raging alcoholic who would drink skitter through a sweaty sock as long as it got me pissed,hence my willingness to give the barman a pull.Needs must when the Devil drives. As for real ale, I have had the Bishops Finger,it’s not something I’d care to repeat.
        I have never snogged a black but I did once chuck a Greggs sausage roll at a black moslem who I believed was trying to hijack my vehicle as I drove down Westgate Road, Newcastle. However he must have mistaken my missile for a love token . I could hear his shouts of “Dirty Arsehole” as he touted his dubious charms,but I was having none of it I believe I was very lucky to escape with my ring intact,although I must admit it was biting the seat as the black poof seemed intent on forcing his foul self on me. I could hear his roars of disappointment as this white man escaped unmolested.

      • Chucking pig-related products at muzzies does seem a worthy pastime indeed, Mr Fiddler. For my own part, I own a rather large, enthusiastic and friendly dog. When out and about, I sometimes have the misfortune of seeing families of inbred goat-botherers who seem to be utterly terrified of my delighful hound. You’d have thought the cunts would’ve been more comfortable with him, being, as he is, a large Schnauzer with a most splendid beard and moustache. Maybe he’s a canine muzzie? Yet they back away as though he had the cissy AIDS. The whole shebang is particularly amusing when I have him on his extendable lead and he can lunge at them. I do hope that one of them will fall into the road and be squished by a truck (of peace).

      • Scratchings in catapults!

        Now there’s a worthy sport for the Sky Sports Mix channel!

      • A pork pie would have good ballistic impact, could actually do some REAL damage…

        By Allah, and bugger a toddler, that would be well funny.

        I wonder how the BBCuntdom would handle that item ?

      • No he is not! Any poof knows never to shag a barman. I did once in Florida. More suction power than a dyson.

      • I called at a real ale festival last night. I like my cask ales so I thought why not?
        Fuck me. Queued at a bar in a tent to be told I needed tokens as they didn’t take cash at the bar. No fucker obviously selling tokens. Went into adjacent pub – no cask ale, – all in tent. Finally found some bearded cretin and asked for a token. £1.50 please. I thought that’s cheap but £1.50 was for 1/2 pint. Right give me 2 then so I can have a pint. Sorry, 1/2 s only. I don’t want 1/2 I want a pint . Sorry 1/2s only. Went home and attacked my Captain Morgan.
        Stick you real ale festivals up your arse. Viz got it right with ‘Real Ale Twats’

      • Fat long haired cunts wearing leather cowboy hats to hide the bald spot, Barbour jacket over a ‘hobgoblin’ or ‘sneck lifter’ tee shirt. Sometimes with a similarly dressed rotund female womble in tow, talking like characters from the second blackadder series. They don’t give a fuck for real ale, just want to live the lifestyle, something to do between Saxon gigs. Cunts.

      • Had a pint of banana-flavour Abbott last night, I kid you not… (NOT banana-gob, and not Flabbott)

        Am sure it was unintentional, but v alarming, all the same. The pub was the first and last time – grim.

        And full of desperate dogs.

        The real canine, though, was the best-looking !

  9. Talking of PC scum and snowflake cunts: John Lewis are to ditch ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ clothes from their shops and are even introducing ‘unisex’ dresses ‘to avoid stereotypes’… These bastards are the scum of the earth, fucking weirdos and should be ashamed of themselves… I await a snowflake holocaust… It can’t come soon enough…

    Meanwhile, Old Liz has signed a lucrative advertising deal for Xmas….


  10. Oh, well if the story was reported on FoxNews then it’s bound to be completely accurate and not at all embellished or fabricated… 😀

    • Yeah but FFS it was nice to hear embellishments more in line with my thinking for once rather than the spoon-fed “group-think” libbo shite from the other cunts.

      Just another example of how the neo-liberals are eroding any form of opposing view.

  11. I wonder if ACME’s greatest customer and self proclaimed super genius will now be known as Wile Coyote? After all, if the ‘E’ isn’t dropped, the sensitive little flakey wakeys might compare him to a long dead Confederate General, and -believe me – they are stupid and crazy enough to do that… Even though the aforementioned Coyote is a fictional cartoon character…

  12. Welcome to 1984 and the liberal ministry of truth. Anyone who doesn’t bow to liberal orthodoxy (gender choice, gay marriage, hate speech as defined by them, Muslims are good, remoaning, safe spaces, man made climate change etc etc etc) is a ‘denier’ Not wrong you understand. Not of a different opinion. No – a denier of the truth as manufactured by the liberal twatterati.
    So, sidelining someone because he has a similar name to a liberal hate figure comes as no surprise. And remember, Trump was the cunt in the Charlottesville aftermath. Otherwise you are a denier.

    • I had a neighbour called Adolf who kept an Alsation dog called Blondi….Lovely man,but a bit too much of a bleeding-heart Snowflake for my taste.

      • Could of been the same Adolf and Eva that lived next door to me. Always had trouble paying their enormous gas bill.

      • Holocaust jokes are never funny. I fully appreciate how this site works but even on here there are limits. Millions of my tribe died along with millions of others simply because of who they were. I am no liberal but please do not post jokes about genocide.

  13. I share my name with an actor who, in my opinion, is heaping shame on our name and one of us has to go, but as he’s black, it’ll be me going.
    I was named before the cunt got famous.
    After he got famous, giving my name to the polis got interesting.

    Fuck, there’s also that (c)rapper cunt Birdman.
    Wait til he finds out what his “vile” namesake is all about.

  14. As i mentioned, I’m home alone for a week and the missus is worried that i may get into trouble or do myself a mischief.
    Well, guess what?
    No, I’ve not got into trouble, but have a swollen painfully sore metatarsals.
    Tripped over the dog this morning and booted the marble skirting board with bare feet.
    Just under a day of freedom and now I’ve got have my foot up and watch tat on telly.
    I’m fuckin bored and its another bank holiday weekend, but can’t get out.
    One of my budgies (susu) died last night as well.

    Fuck knows what the next six days will bring, but that first 24hrs has been bad.

    • Genuine condolences to you.

      A lot of people do not understand that death of a pet can be extremely painful.

      My mother-in-law had a superb budgie, Fred. Every time her old man (No. 2) went off for a TocH pm, he’d comb-over in the mirror near the bird’s cage.
      “How does that look?”, he’d ask.
      And the bird would say, on cue, every time…
      “It’s a bleeder”

      They know…

      • Ta, HBelindaHubbard.
        Made me laugh, that.

        While we’re on the subject of pets, how about a cunting for cunts that go jogging, skateboarding or cycling with their poor dogs keeping up on leads.
        “Keeping up” i say, but being dragged along by their necks is a closer description.

        I see this daily and I’m ashamed that I’ve never had a go at these horrible cunts.
        This is fuckin animal cruelty and cunts need punishing for it.

        I’m not even talking greyhounds here, it’s all classes of dog that i see being dragged.
        A human isn’t built to run for miles never mind a dog. A dog can cover distance but at its own pace and they can also run fast but that’s meant to be a sprint to catch its prey, not a five mile sprint.
        These cunts obviously think that as they can do it, then a dog should be doing it too, without realising the damage they are doing to the dogs body.

        Laws should be introduced to stop this evil fad, with anycunt found guilty being forced into hard labour and see how they like it, the cunts.

      • Agreed.

        Take the “human” cunt off its wheels, and chain it to an under-exercised cheetah!!

        Also, cunts I saw a lot of abroad, carrying purse-pooches around in Lewis Vweeeeton handbags.


        And how often do said bags get cleaned out ??

  15. bored? i have a theory about boredom. boredom is reality, everything else is just a distraction. ‘ every minute must be filled for time is something to be killed ‘. commiserations on the ex budgie.

    • Ta, Richard1.

      Good theory, and one i go along with.
      As Jarvis Cocker once sang, ” why live in the world, when you can live in your head”

      • I wouldn’t want to live in that cunt’s head! Be like watching John & Norma Major’s pea soup sketch on Spitting Image!

        Dick Fiddler’s head – now you’re talking! ?

      • Jarvis Cocker may have become a cock but eternal respect to the only guy in music/showbiz who saw Michael Jackson surround himself with children on stage, portraying himself as some kind of god, and thought “no, not having that” and tried to stop the cunt.

  16. I’d like to cunt those oxygen thieving cunts Ryanair,
    Everytime I fly I only take hand luggage to avoid waiting for them after I land, but these inconveniencing cunts always take take my bag from me and put them in the hold claiming the cabin is full. But when I get on the plane the overhead lockers are fucking empty!! They hire brain dead fuckwitted staff so they can get away with this since they have an inability to count since they were all dropped on their heads at birth and stomped on. Also their cuntish leg room is so tight that that midget cunt Warwick Davis would be cramped sitting on theim. Everyone owning a stake in this abomination of an airline company should be shot for stealing hard earned money for years and because of their pathetic excuse of an airline, well I suppose there isn’t any good airlines there all cunts for that matter.

    • Never flown Ryanair. Never will.
      The cunt O’Leary bangs on about Brexit wrecking his business then 5 minutes later increases his operation at Stansted.
      Lying little Oirish bogtrotter…

      • That cunt O’Leary is the biggest cunt of the lot, if it was down to him the accommodation on the cunts flights would be similar to ones on a prison bus

      • Ground Control to Ryan Air…

        What is your height and position ?
        I’m 5’10”, and sitting in the front seat…

      • That’s about their level of intelligence, I would also like to add that the cunts are now banning wheelie bags in the cabin unless you pay extra?! I hope O’Leary dies a long and painful death very soon the greedy mick cunt!!

      • I would also want to add that the cunts are now banning wheelie bags in the cabin unless you pay extra?! I hope O’Leary dies a long and painful death very soon the greedy mick cunt!!

  17. The Class Of 92 are cunts…. Arrogant self promoting bastards who shamelessly plug themselves and make out they were what made United great in the 90s… Without the likes of Cantona, Schmichel, Stam, Keane, Hughes, Bruce, Ince etc it would have been a different story for these cunts… Now they are making noises about owning MUFC… The Glazers are cunts, but this lot would be just an ego wank and muttiple jobs for the boys… I do not want the Neville Brothers anywhere near Old Trafford again… Scholes can fuck off too, Giggs can keep his knob occupied with celebrity slags (see picture below) and Beckham can jump off a fucking cliff… Roy Keane can talk shite at times, but he’s right about these cunts…


    And No 1 in a series: The many places Ryan Giggs cock has been:


    • Giggs makes my ears bleed when he comes on itv’s England coverage, one why is he on it when he’s a sheep shagging cunt and two I’ve met brick walls with more personality and interesting conversation than that cunt

  18. When I heard this in the radio I thought it was a fuckin joke. It was not. What a little yellow bus full of cunt losers this fuckin country has become. Also leave all the fuckin statues alone they are history like it or not. Only liberal fucknut white people seem to be worried about this stupid shit. They are the same as those retarded islam morons tearing everything down. Fuck that antifa (rt cunts) they are pussy whites who need their ass’s kicked.

  19. Since their pulling down statues of Confederates, I think someone should ask the dumb fuckers if they will also be pulling down the statue dedicated to the Buffalo soldiers, a unit of black men, created in 1866 who fought and killed a LOT of Native Americans. And since we’re on the subject, how come in the entire eight years of O’Barmy’s Presidency, the Confederacy was never a problem, but now that Trump is the Whitehouse, it’s the most heinous thing in the history of the world?

  20. Liberals, celebrities and fake conservatives on suicide watch! Silly mongs will of course be virtue signalling how much they miss Cheap labor, La Raza hating americans and their love of mexican ganglords dealing meth to kids.

    Trump just strangled DACA with his bare hands threw it to the ground and stabbed it in the heart multiple times with a katana blade. Doused gasoline on it then tossed a match on its petrified corpse. Then said” shh nothing personal, kid” https://twitter.com/hashtag/Dreamers?src=hash

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