Speaking of anti-Brexit cunts. That doddering old prick David Attenborough is in desperate need of a cunting. Speaking to Greenpeace magazine, Attenborough said that we shouldn’t have had a vote because we weren’t presented with the full facts. He also claimed we didn’t understand what it meant, and that we were spitting in Europe’s face. He also called the referendum “and abrogation of parliamentary democracy.
Jesus…fucking…Christ. Somebody get the old twat some Anusol, he clearly needs it for his persistent butthurt. Once again, and idiot remainer DELIBERATELY confuses EUROPE with the EU. They are NOT the same. And to be honest, if my voting to leave the EU is spitting in the face of the likes Juncker, Tusk, Verhofstadt and Barnier, I can live with that. I’d happily do it for real given the chance.
I’m sick of this now. At first it was amusing to watch pro-EU traitors going nuclear over the fact that a majority of voters had dared vote to leave their precious EU. Now it’s fucking tedious. It’s been FIFTEEN months since the referendum, and STILL we have democracy hating wankpuffins hurling insults at us, disrespecting democracy and basically still throwing a tantrum. Call the Guinness book of Records, I reckon they’ve broken the world sulking record.
Just a couple of days ago, that upper crust faggot, Colin Firth announced he had taken Italian citizenship because he just couldn’t bear the thought of the UK becoming a sovereign nation once again. Anyone noticed how most of those who’ve been whingeing about Brexit, Attenborough, Firth, Branson, Heseltine, Clarke, Miller, etc, are all rich bastards who have been completely unaffected by the EU’s less pleasant laws, like open borders.
We’ve also had Labour arseholes like Clive Lewis saying that Brexit is racist, and David Lammy comparing Brexiteers (I love that name) to Nazis. What prize fuckpoodles.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Top bombing, QDM.
I too am very fucking sick of the remainer rhetoric. Tommy Robinson once did a video at one of these endless pro-EU rallies, asking people who the EU president is, how the EU council works etc. Unsurprisingly, none of them had a fucking clue, and predictably, some old cunt turned completely hostile and pointed Tommy out – things kicked off and that was that.
And that really is the template for so many of these anti-Brexit cunts: painting anyone who voted leave as a nazi; pretend none of us knew what we were voting for; and the famous ‘the public were misled’.
Fuck off, you absolute cunts – they see how unreasonable and totalitarian the EU have been with us all the way through these talks and still think it is something they want as an indirect authority?
TECB. Excellent cunting as usual and well on the money. It was only the other day, that Cunt Clegg gleefully stated in a televised interview, that as soon as the over 55,s popped off, we would be back in Europe. His hatred of Brexiteers, the elderly and those who choose to express their love of country was very thinly veiled.
I fired off in the Daily Mail ( who carried the story ) but managed to get myself barred from any further comments. I don’t quite know how DM readers could be offended at the odd “cunt” and “twat”, perhaps it was the “curdled whore monger” that did it for me. Or was it the words “irrelevent idiot” Yes, yes I think it could have been that.
LOL. As an aside I find random DM comments of mine just never show up… I think they have blocked keywords, even innocous ones.
As for Clegg, one can only conclude he has a desire to be named Is A Cunt’s COTY, and is making a desperate late surge for the shortlist.
Nick Clegg must be on the EU payroll to try and put a spanner in the works which he is desperately trying to do. Its quite weird because apparently all brexiteers are racist but its the remainiacs who are showing their desperate verging on psychotic need to remain in the EU. I dont understand how anybody after all this time can still be going on about it, They lost we won now get on side and shut the fuck up and be a bit patriotic and support your country YOU CUNTS.
Clegg the cunt must have secret plans to try and get us back in the EU in the future, seeing that cunt lose his seat made the election for me.
Clegg s had his eyes on a plum EU job for ages…
During the referendum the BBC and SKY continually wheeled out his missus Miriam gonzalez durantez ( lawyer) to talk down brexit!! Conveniently it was never pointed out who she
Was married to, most watching probably had no fucking idea..
Me too…. absolute highlight
The Daily Mail are a shower of vile cunts of the highest order. They deserve public condemnation but not because of the reasons normally given. Paul Dacre is a complete bellend
Suprisingly enough I too am banned from commenting on the Daily Mail website stories. I can’t understand it. Perhaps my views just aren’t bigoted enough to suit the DM,although that seems a bit unlikely.
I got banned by the Mail for calling Angela Merkel a rug muncher.
I think that was a very reasonable comment.
I never swore.They gave me several warnings and then told me that it was the sheer volume of complaints that some of my more sexist comments caused that was the problem. I used to always manage to get some strident virago to fall into the trap. The Sisterhood were so gullible it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
I am banned by the snowflake socialist cunts masquerading as a right wing rag, as well.
Notice that Colin prize cunt Firth has arranged his affairs so he still has UK nationality. Typical cake and eat it cunt. He should fuck the fuck up right and proper if he is serious. Which he isnt the virtue signalling CUNT.
I’m with him on this one. If I had an Italian wife and kids with dual nationality, I’d make sure the whole family had dual nationality. You have to do what’s best for your family and I’d be doing exactly the same in his position. It’s very sensible under the circumstances…
Much righteous anger has been voiced re THAT banner in Manchester. Funny thing is, I am starting to resonate with it.
Agree with Top Bombing on this issue. The abject ignorance demonstrated by those oh so enlightened and erudite Remainers, of what the EU is, is mind-blowing. They simply do not have a clue, how it is run, who runs it, what is the difference between the EU and the Eurozone, who formulates economic policy, foreign policy, what is the role of the European central bank … and so forth. They also seem unaware that the Eurozone rate of unemployment 9% is twice that of the UK.
And these soi-disant know-alls talk down to us about how wonderful the EU is, and how ignorant and bigoted we are! Here’s how wonderful it is. Take Portugal. The IMF/EU decided to reduce four public holidays a year, three days minimum paid holidays, a 50% reduction in overtime rates, and the end of collective bargaining arrangments. There were to be more worktime management and restrictions on the power to fire workers without just cause. Also included is the lowering of severance payment for redundancies and forced arbitration of labour disputes (no strikes!) In short the workers must work harder for less money with fewer rights and a higher risk of being sacked.
This is called labour market flexibility.
And according to our remainers this is manna from heaven – the greatest thing since sliced bread. Yeah right!
Weapons grade cunting QDM!!!
Wankpuffin?? ????
I voted Leave and would do so again in a heartbeat, but I have to say that this “Remoaners disrespect democracy” bullshit needs to be called out for the crap it is. Fortunately this is not North Korea, this is a democracy, and because it’s a democracy everyone is free to protest and campaign against any political decisions they don’t like.
It’s also worth remembering that Nige publicly stated before the referendum that a narrow victory for Remain would be considered “unfinished business” and that in such an eventuality he would continue to campaign for a second referendum.. How is it “democratic” for Leavers to take this position, but “undemocratic” for Remoaners to continue campaigning for what they believe in?
And were there lies told during the referendum campaign? Yes, big fat porkies were told by BOTH sides. But there seems to be a suggestion that one kind of lie is more acceptable/democratic than another, depending on your view of the EU.
Like I said, I’d vote Leave again and again and again (however many times it took), but there’s a real whiff of hypocrisy about these accusations of Remoaners being “undemocratic”. Cunts, yes. Undemocratic, no.
A very fair post there Fred. And yes you are right. This one issue has brought out the very worst in our political class, and following years of deceit, lies and skulduggery it is little wonder that betrayal and feelings of seething resentment fester.
Yes you are right. this is democracy.
Agreed, but you have to make an exception for many on the Lib Dem side – Clegg and Farron especially – Clegg strongly implying a desire to shit on democracy with continued talk of a ‘second referendum’ even if he doesn’t explicitly commit to supporting one. In this article he wanks on about ‘a second referendum needed as the leave vote is dying off’ – his basis? Old people who voted leave are dying off, so the leave vote is therefore ‘reduced’. Fucking unbelievable. Pretty undemocratic undertones if you ask me.
And the LW press… Comments in echo chambers like the Graun sections constantly refer to the working class as ‘unfit to vote’, ‘too stupid to vote’ etc.
As stated above, my core anger at remain is more the patronisation and demonisation of anyone who voted leave. Yes, I do think many remainers are undemocratic, but also accept that there has been’undemocratic’ hypocrisy on both sides when it comes to parliament and the campaigning main players.
Again, spot on, and incidentally, Junker said this morning on radio, ( re the Catalonian issue ) “it is undemocratic and must never be allowed ”
This I believe supports earlier comment from Quickdraw when he cites David Attmebollocks “an abrogation of democracy”, implying that the ruling classes have NO need for a democracy in strategic issues.
Methinks some Nazism is emerging ( in the ideological sense ) within political circles. For that, they are all fucking cunts.
Fair post Fred and farage did indeed say that, but didn’t Cameron also say a win no matter how small was a win?
to prevent a neverendum….
I doubt either side would have just disappeared unless the result was a landslide…..
I agree Fred that the remoaners are exercising their democratic right but some of them are clearly overstepping the rhetoric!!, examples …. ashdown making reference to 1930,s Germany?? Lammy talking about the nazis?? And obviously intelligent people who continually ( and fucking deliberately) make the Mistake of us leaving the EU with us leaving Europe!….
To compare a democratic vote and the UK.s intention to have self determination and set our own agenda to that of 1930,s Germany/ nazis is fucking disgusting!!…….
It’s also the emphasis on the TV and radio news that bothers me. Forget the left or right wing newspaper opinions, you know what their angles are going to be, but most people still rely on on TV or radio to be unbiased. Both the BBC and SKY news, which supply a lot of the commercial radio stations with news content, are quite happy piling on the doom, reporting what they claim are the negatives of brexit, and will ignore or bury any positive stories that would undermine their obvious bias towards the remain camp. Fake news isn’t just making up a load of lies, it’s also reporting or emphasising the parts of the story that fit the agenda, and ignoring the parts that don’t.
And they also removed Fox News. Ok it was yank news but it was the only station not swayed a liberal elite agenda and group-think like all the rest.
Funny that eh!
Indeed they can. But there is a difference between protesting a result and demanding the result be null and voided. Nice try but no cigar.
There is no doubt that the referendum split the country in two politically. If the remain side had won, like we all expected, it would have been business as usual with the EU topic left to gnaw away at the Tories for another few years and with any complaints by leavers just tutted away with the wave of a hand. The call for a second referendum would be laughed at and the plans for sucking the UK into relinquishing more power and money would have begun at full steam ahead. I actually take the view, if we do ever leave (sigh!) we will have SAVED the young cunts of our country FROM the fucking EU. No bigger example of what these cunts think of people is the way they have destroyed the country and people of Greece and I can’t believe how other countries, including ours have stood by and watched. The younger generation will thank us one day if we can carry this ‘democratic’ vote through.
I was an ignorant away with the fairies cunt when I was young. Voting age should be raised to 35. Or 65 in my case.
Hi Shitcake. Cheers for yesterday, I had gotten confused between Paddy Ashdown and David Owen. probably because they are both Liberals and cunts!
And should both be dead by all rights.
BREXIT: The Movie – a bit of a fucking mess.
If Hollywood were writing the script, UK would be played by BHS, with weekend wanker Trump starring as good guy entrepreneur Philip Green. Putin seduces Merkel, carving up what’s left of imploded EU. Meanwhile Comrade Catweasel sells UK to SNP glamourpustule, wee Jimmy Krankie for £1.
Meanwhile Gina Monger, played by racist, ex This Week star Diane Flabbott, bravely seeks ‘democratic’ legal certainty, fitting ugly Brexit construction with cheap parliamentary remoaner cladding. Following ruling, Mrs May (played by an old lizard, curtesy David Icke) decisively does absolutely fuck all except install Hotpoint dryer – promptly razing Brexit to the ground.
Closing shot of yours truly swaying about on Westminster Bridge with bottle of railroad gin, washing down handfuls of Valium prior to launching head first into rancid minge juice below.
Credits. The End.
Pavement Pizza played by Bendadick McCuntpatch
Hall of famer and Cunt of the ages Blair has been conspicuous by his absence since his cozy little chat with EU head honcho drunker, does anybody else think that Blair was coaching the sozzled relic on the best way to change the British publics opinion on brexit? Hearing juncker over the last few days bleating only a miracle can save the talks?, you can’t just hear Blair saying ” show them there’s nothing in it for them” ” no deal is possible ” ” brexit is a fantasy ” and they will start to worry!!, opinion will gradually shift!, it’s a much more insidious version of project fear!! …. I see in today’s paper that lots of senior conservatives are calling on May to give the EU till Xmas to start trade talks?, and if nothing is forthcoming walk away from brexit negotiations?, will may have the nerve to call their bluff??, I would like to think so but history tells us when the going gets tough may capitulates like the England football team at a penalty shoot out…..
Agree Q.
Blair, Druncker et.al. have been conspiring to nobble UK democratic decision ever since Referendum result announced.
Funny you should post this, Quislings – I was thinking yesterday how unusually quiet that Scottish cunt Nicola Sturgeon has been. Enjoy it while it fucking lasts – no doubt he cave will be opening again very soon.
Blairs put the fucking poison in, a bit like those kamodo dragons!! Like Blair their mouths are full of poisonous toxic, they bite their prey then simply follow it around for days till the unfortunate victim succumbs to the toxic bile……..
Wee kranky has also been licking her sticky minge since the election, but I fear your right TECB ……..
“licking her sticky minge” Oh pleease…what a fucking ghastly aberration , i can’t think of anything more puke inducing than kranky doing that !!
How about her brexit bullshit??
I have time for a reasoned argument but not for vitriol and assumptions.
Alas most of the Remain campaigners still rely on the latter as justification of their argument rather than having any hard and fast research to hand.
Before the vote I was out and about in Milton Keynes when I was approached for a soundbite on my opinion on “Brexit” by an ABBC 3CR (three counties radio – Beds, Hearts and Bucks) “right-on” looking bint and her sound recorder.
Unlike 99% of the cunts she’d asked up to that point I was the only one who said I was in favour of leaving. Obviously smelling blood she pounced in with the biggotted/racist slant of: “And that’s because you’re against immigration yes?”
My response is the same as it has been since I did my own research – as neither side politically had anything good to sway me: “I think the EU is the most economically corrupt and morally bankrupt organisation in the world today. The UK signed up for a free trade deal as part of the EEC, we did not sign up for a federalist state and to be dictated to and ruled from afar by a bunch of unelected former bankers!”
Needless to say she gave her sound man the “CUT!” stare and rudely fucked off taking her pin-cushion face with her (honestly she had more piercings than Aunt Elsie’s pin cushion with the blue and pink barnet to match).
This was to be broadcast on the Jonathan Vernon Smith show the next day. I listened to it just out of interest (the 9am-10am segment) and – just as it was on the mainstream TV at the time – all of the remainers were portrayed as doyennes of intelligence and all of the Brexiter comments cheery-picked to capitalise on the racist/bigot view. Cunts!
So like I say, I’ll listen to any cunt who has a point. If you’re argument is based on assumption and group-think then please feel free to fuck off!
Excellent!! RWAC….
I saw a funny piece in the not so independent recently, apparently an ” independent ” poll was done and unbelievabley brexit supporters are almost twice as likely to be racist as remain supporters??
I know I should be annoyed with that but I actually laughed, can you imagine how ambiguous the questions were??
I did my own ” independent ” survey and 99.999% of people think they Independent is run by Cunts and 100% of their readership are Cunts……. ??
Actually, there are some wonderful Orwellian parallels here. Timothy Leary wrote a paper on State Subjugation using “behavioural modification methodology to achieve the desired result. Good is bad, and black is white etc. I see the same shite in all of this political correctness.
Excellent survey by the way….maybe you should submit.result…..?
I voted leave.
The problem with the referendum was that there were not enough definitives, although the majority of voters on BOTH sides knew what ‘Would you like the UK to leave the EU’ means in term of freedom of movement, single market etc, and likewise most people know the 50% 50% is a draw and 49% 51% is a majority the whole thing was put to the people with no clear ‘rules’. I think David Cameron needs a cunting for one being a cunt and two the last thing he leaves us with is this mess and potentially giving either winning side too many things the whinge about if they lost. All the cunt had to do was say on that vote form Leaving the EU means NO single market, NO freedom of movement etc, and the same sort of ‘rules’ if it were a remain win and this would have given clear guidelines and would have stopped this “people did’nt know what they were voting for” bollocks. Im wondering whether this was deliberatley vague? Either way the way it was conducted was a cunt and David Cameron is a cunt.
It was ‘cock-up’. Cameron completely out of touch with views of ordinary people when it came to the EU.
He also thought cunts like The Daily Mail would back him like they did in 2015. Ha!
Suppose we should be grateful we got a referendum at all (Leavers, that is), albeit for the wrong reasons.
Cameron knew full well what we thought. His arrogance was in thinking we could be persuaded to change our minds if he threw some baubles at us. Arrogant fuck pig.
What baubles might they have been?
We wouldn’t have all the back-stabbing and recriminations if that utter bastard Cameron had done as he said and immediately signed Article 50 to set the ball rolling.
Of course the Remain camp are going to continue to whittle away because it’s patently obvious that there is no real appetite for Brexit as far as the ruling class go. If the remainers had been firmly told by our “leaders”from Day One that Brexit was going to happen…no ifs,no buts,no maybes,then they would quickly have got sick of pushing against a bolted door,instead of an open one. I don’t blame the remainers for continuing their campaign,they know that like a spoiled brat with weak parents eventually gets it’s way,as will they.
The endless bickering will never stop because.yet again,our “leaders” lack the moral fiber to actually deliver on one of their worthless promises.
Fuck them.
Spot on, Dick – yes to all of the above!
More Gallagher cuntery…. We all know about Bluenose fanny Noel’s ‘singing beats terrorists’ shite and him being Bonio’s 24/7 bitch.. And then there’s rthe younger Gallagher cunt… First ‘LG’ the ‘hardman’ apologises for calling someone a ‘batty boy’ (pity the cunt doesn’t say sorry about laughing at air crashes)… Now he’s licking the well worn arse of that paddy poove off the telly (the bad grammar is his, not mine):
‘Graham norton you are an absolute dude I apologise for being a sketchy little fucker can’t handle the chit chat as you were LG x’
The “Graham Norton Show”, eh?… How the mighty with attitude have fallen
If only it stopped at Graham Norton.
He’s going on James Condom an’ all.
Me and you Norman.
The only cunts left with a soul. 🙂
And jools Holland tonight.
Who says rock ‘n’ roll is dead?
jools holland? you mean the hunchback keyboard player from the band squeeze?
Actually to be fair argybargy and east side story were decent albums I’d recommend it to those who’d like a punkier version of roxy music but aside from that, what has the cunt done some shitty show on the beeb?
I will always look back in anger at Gallaghers despicable response to kids being blown to bits. What an utter donkey cunt.
Of course his retarded younger brother was an even bigger twat when he announced ‘Normal service has been resumed’ days after this attrocity and at a time when the kids bodies had not even been returned to their greiving parents. What an utter cock.
Good old Teresa ReMAYner would win the next election and see her approval ratings rocket if she said this at her next speech “EU you need us, Dont fuck with us you cunts otherwise we will end all negotiations now, So either behave and be reasonable or well put a 700% tariff on all German cars”.
Cmon Teresa swig half a bottle of rum before the speech and it’ll be easy. Its your last chance to turn your useless leadership around.
She may say it B&C, but she’d never follow through. Wouldn’t trust another word she says, how ever tempting – won’t get fooled again. Until next time.
Oops, sorry – B&WC.
In the subsequent weeks after the Great Referendum Victory of 2016, there were copious comments by Remainiacs such as, “Ooh, how do I apply to live in an EU country” and “How can I apply for an EU visa” et al. Some were jocular, an ironic way of venting their anger over losing; some were actually said in earnest, expressing their (unaffected) horror that we’d voted to tell these gangsters to Piss Off.
15 months on and have they left? Have they had the courage to go to live in a tin pot country?
Have they fuck! They know where they are and on which side their bread is properly buttered. They’d rather sit and moan than do anything about their (apparently) sorry lot.
Britain isn’t perfect by a long stretch; nonetheless, if you don’t like it here….. OFF YOU FUCK!!!
It is worth putting up with the plugs and the other Express crapola to listen to this UKIP MEP orn trade deals re Australia ect ect. Have worked in Oz and Canada in the ’50s and was back in Blighty at the end orf the decade in to the ’60s and on for a spell. Commonwealth produce was cheap and high quality, it was how a working man fed his family orn £13-£14 per week.
Exactly Sir Limply ! I well remember . It was always a mystery to me that Ted Heath failed to realise that we ( the British ) had a far bigger, better and more efficient Trading Market with the commonwealth, than those sad silly little continentals and their ” common market.
We abandoned an empire to join THAT!
On point!! Asimplearsehole..
Because Heath sold out his cuntry for his own personal place at the high-table of Europe.
Well that worked out well for him cos as soon as we signed – unless it was for a hand-out – we were cold shouldered as per ever by those cunts and then the people booted him for good measure at the next election.
Rear-Admiral Heath was too busy on the Poop deck to care about his country.Those cabin-boys don’t rodger themselves,you know.
Fucking old toddler-toucher.
Old ted was a proper vintage oak casked cunt!! ?
You would think someone had something on him.
Maybe a Cleveland Steamer ??
Remember Heath’s on record :
“If we tell the public the truth, they’ll never go for it!”
Treason in my book. Reversed WWII at the stroke of a pen…
‘Why I was the first white sportsperson to do the ‘knee’ protest at the US Anthem…’
We know why already… Because you are a snowflake attention seeking virtue signalling Twitter whore dyke cunt…
I remember a time when “taking a knee” was commonplace….especially in Derry!
Iraq too…..
The Cunts!! ?
I never knew they did that in Iraq ( after my time )
I love this site, you can learn so much.!
ied assisted…… ASA….
WOW! The never got chance to do that.. Nearest was me mate who took a pop at McGuinness but missed! Soft cunt.
Notice the Black girl next to her isnt on one knee.
I dont get this one knee thing, at the end of the day America like most places has good and bad people and disrespecting the flag is being a cunt.
This would get them to stand!
Fucking brilliant that….!
Excellent stuff!! If maybe a little extreme?? Just a ferry out of harwich would do for me!! ?
If you really don’t respect the flag here’s an idea?? Leave the country you utter Cunt!! ?
I bet my fucking shirt he has dirt in his cupboard.
Said it before and I’ll say it again…. Any cunt who wants the result of democratic vote or referendum overturned, just so they can have another one until they get what they want – Gary Linekcunt, Banana Gob, Sir Senile Cable, Judas Clegg, Benderdick Cuntberbollocks, Lily Mong, Fanny Izzard, those Kinnock scum, King Cunt Blair, that Beckham spaz, Hairy Mulligan, or any other cunt – should be arrested and charged with the highest of high treason… Cunts…
A pile of turds all bobbing around in a primordial swamp of festering shit!
Well said Norman ??
Radio 1 are cunts… Apparently to celebrate the station’s 50th anniversary, the ABBC are launching ‘Radio 1 Vintage’: a station featuring ‘retro’ DJs from Radio 1’s past… But who do they have? Zoe ‘Cunt’ Ball, Chris Moyles, Mark and fucking Lard, Nicky Campbell, The Ranking Miss P (diversity and all that crap), and some twat called Rob Da Bank… Vintage? Sod off!
Rob Da Bank? I haven’t seen the cunt or heard him before but just by his alias I know he is one
There was an independent radio station from Ireland in the nineties called Atlantic FM and the had funny (at the time) names for DJ’s.
Sandy Beach and Robin Banks are the only two i remember, even though i had more at the start of the post.
Anybody know any more?
Since when was the last 15 odd years called vintage???
I had the utter misfortune of seeing rob da wank at the big chill festival, I assure anybody who hasn’t seen the Cunt you’ve not missed out…….
Any input from Chris Denning?
Humpty Dumpty is a cunt.
ANYTHING other than politics is a cunt, PLEASE.
Is a cunt deals with a wide range of topics but lately it’s a soapbox for cunters manifestos.
Let’s have a laugh every now and then.
Humpty Dumpty deserved everything he got. How dare the lazy fat Cunt just sit on a wall when the Monarch came past? I’d have smashed the bastard’s head in too. The Royals must be respected or we’ll end up with Tony Blair as President.
People who believe Humpty Dumpty was an egg are conspiracy theorist cunts.
Where anywhere does it say he was an egg? Nowhere, that’s where.
And why would an egg be sat on a wall?
And if he/she/it was an egg, and it broke, why the fuck would you get horse to put it back together again?
Yes I think Humpty was an overly large cola cube. Egg theorists are cunts!
Interesting point Bird man . You are onto something. So what could be put together be horses?
Humpty – an Egg &… ??
You cunters still think obama was a good president? I think this will change your mind https://i.redd.it/7usqh4oxxzcz.jpg
Not me squire!!
The grinning eggplant was a colossus of cuntitude!!!
No, he was fucking useless!
The analogy I make in reference to his two terms in office is that he he had as much impact as adding a glass of water to the Pacific ocean, i.e., he added nothing (well apart from the 4 million illegals that entered the states under his watch).
Trust me titslapper, I never thought Obama was anything but a turd!
( my fucking eyes have gone crossed reading that !)
“my fucking eyes have gone crossed reading that ”
I’m actually sorry I saw the cancerous funny meme and wanted to infect the world with it. I also should of put a seizure warning on it or something,it is a fucky pic I agree. I’m a cunt and so is Obama
It fucked my eyes up as well.
I even wiped my glasses. 🙂
It’s the wanking that’s done your peepers in.
Not me. I always knew that having a Coon as President wouldn’t go well. You just need look at the amount of Coon Presidents that Africa has tried to know that Blacks aren’t cut out for High Office. They can’t resist the temptation,be it financial or sexual,you can bet that a black fella will be at it. Corruption lurks in their DNA,just as financial greed lurks in a jew’s.
Fuck, I thought the cunt was half white! If he was, he could have called himself white, couldn’t he?
I’m out of my fucking depth here.
At the very least, wouldn’t the white half have the whip hand over the black half?
No, SB, Obama is a thoroughbred Mandingo. He was the product of a breeding programme set up in Abuja by The Queen Mother (hence his dislike of the British…particularly gin-soaked,indolent old white bags). She hoped to breed something capable of sexually satisfying either Princess Margaret or Prince Edward. When she realised that he was just a short-cocked Uppity,she had him shipped in a travelling zoo to America as revenge for the Boston Tea Party.
Hope this clears up any confusion.
Thanks Dick. Guess he just needed tending…
Have to agree with birdman. Politics is becoming very boring. My cunting is for survival programmes and the cunts that present them. Ed stafford… Left for dead, I wish. Bear mixed grills, cunt. Naked and afraid? Pixelated shit. Must be so hard to survive with a full camera and sound crew tagging along. Total shit.
Agreed, Sir Mali Pirate, and not just coz you agreed with me. 🙂
Some exotic animal is living its life on a remote island or stretch of land and then up pops Ed Stafford needing protein.
Slaughter for telly ratings should be banned.
Imagine you and a mate washed up on an island. If he watched Ed Stafford, and you never, that cunt would think he’s lord of the flies and would get his skull caved in in his sleep.
Piss poor excuses for beating lizards to death. Why not try one based on the survival (for some) of the Uruguayan rugby team that crashed into the Andes. “Day eighteen, and Jeff has just eaten a slice of Josh’s frozen arse cheek…..”
They could call it “Come Dine Off Me”
I second that nomination and I would also like to nominate sharks and crocodiles for a cunting.
You see these “sleb” fuckers dropping out of helicopters in far flung foreign waters and not one of the cunts shows itself to bite them in half, thus removing a waste of air from society.
Shame on you Great White, Tiger, Hammerhead and Mako sharks, you’re a fucking disgrace to your race!
Oh and the alligator cunts sat in the corner grinning sway, you cunts can fuck off too cos you’re even more useless at “sleb” dispatching than the crocodiles! Cunts!
On a completely different subject where has our resident troll gone?? …….
I believe he may be in deep shit following the arrival of the letter. A post ( allegedly ) from his wife seems to indicate that “faecali abundus is evident.
I think the reason we have had a lot of politics is that we are all shit scared it’s not going to happen.
New UKIP leader got about as much charisma as a wet sausage. Should go far.
Another slap head cunt. Looks like a clone orf the previous fucking cunt -whatever its name oh Nuttall. How could I forget that.
Massive mass brawl in Manchester. One death, multiple injuries and plod done over. Bugger me has Manky found its balls again? More like I remember it. As long as they don’t wheel oit that fucking poet.
Whatever the meither it’ll be spun so that the “peacefuls” come out smelling of roses (if those cunts are involved).
I heard that there was a stabbing outside a mosque somewhere. I was driving and missed most of it but I just hope it’s not another half-baked piss-head “Darren Osborne” thing.
The fucking “peacefuls” and their (soon to be beheaded, courtesy of Shariah law) appeasers will dine off this for the next month or so. If it was a “peaceful” incident you’ll hear fuck all!
Still, the popular press did give the Manchester bombing a good 2 days of coverage on the atrocity itself – and then two weeks of “slebs” grief-jacking with a message of “hug a peaceful” (traitorous untalented cunts).
I had a lot of time and respect for David Shatonbourough now I think he is a self important smug BBC sort of old cunt. I hope he now gets covered in jizz at a Gorilla bukake party and trampled on by a bunch of Wilderbeast the fuckin old cunt
Brexit has thrown up a lot of cunts that were mistaken for being respectful. Just shows you how cuntiness can be hidden by a thin veneer.
‘Gorilla bukake party’
You owe me a new keyboard!
Brexit haters make me want to vomit like theold girl out of Britain.Be sad about the referendumand believe people got it wrong but the snobbery and disregard for the views of working people in their millions makes me feel nauseous.Especially seeing as many of the arch remaining libtards have made proclaimed themselves to be the prophets of the working class:Who incidently dont benefit from the EU unlike the EU loving champagne socialist fucktards.Fuck the lot of them.
#The old girl out of little Britain.
spot on article in todays Mail by A.N.Wilson.
Excellent article. Transgender individuals are just the latest in a long line of minorities we’ve been ordered by the politically-correct thought police to be tolerant of. I knew they existed and I didn’t give a shit about them one way or another, but we’ve been force-fed so much about them lately that I’ve become sick of hearing about them. And if it goes on much longer I’ll start to fucking hate the bastards.
Spot on, Allan.
I am pretty tolerant, so long as it’s consenting adults only, no animals or diddling.
But as fellow cunters have said, when it’s paraded, quite literally, down the local high street on a Saturday morning, shoved in our faces and rammed down our throats…
What happened to discretion ??
My Granparents wouldmost probably would have voted leave and were kids during the depression so knew what malnutrition meant firsthand.Also they where all too aware of what facism meant via ww2 in which they risked life and limb for this country.The thought of them still being alive today in their 90s being called nazis by suburban middle class brats who have never missed a meal in their lives makes me feel like wretching.My Grandad saw fellow sailors blown to bits at sea yet had he lived 18 months. longer would have been mocked by the lefties.He was the most compassionate loving accepting man I ever met who would never. even wear his medals as an act of respect of his fallen comrades.Yet he would have been laughed at by todays youth.Disgusting!
Just a quick cunting for Welsh rugby player Scott Baldwin for being a stupid cunt for putting his hand inside a lions cage. What sort of stupid cunt would do a thing like that? A stupid cunt, that’s what. Stupid cunt.
IMHO, said rugger-bugger should be encouraged, lions like a snack between meals…
Is that what is termed as a ruck and maul ?