Vaughan Gething M.P

Extraordinary cunting please, for Vaughan Gething, Welsh Health Secretary.

On ITV News Wales TWO evenings in a row.

Yesterday, he was caught out when the interviewer suddenly changed tack, and asked him about the care-home rapist… Gething didn’t want to know. “No Public Enquiry necessary. A OK”

We’ve seen some mind-numbing arrogance from MPs recently, but this UPPITY LITTLE OIK-CUNT really takes the whole packet of arse-biscuits. He just turned his back, and walked off.

If I’d been the interviewer, my size 12 steel-toecap would have been planted deep, and the cunt would now be leaking into a plastic bag gaffer-taped to his weedy chest.

However, he was only too happy tonight to discuss the plight of Wales’ transbender community, and how matters must be improved. Obviously this is in time for all the Bank Hols poovery &c. that is planned for Cardiff.

As for the example of transbender victimhood that reared its ugly head (and I’m choosing my words VERY carefully here), if it looks like a Cardiff trucker in drag, and talks like a Cardiff trucker in drag…

32 thoughts on “Vaughan Gething M.P

  1. Typical fucking Labour cunt. If it’s not about coons muzzy twats shirtlifters trans bender freaks or benefit sponging low life he doesn’t want to know.

  2. Typical Welsh Socialist cunt. As much use as a cock flavoured lolly, as is pretty much the Welsh Assembly.

    A non reflective socialist, trade unionist. Ticks all the right boxes and represents what has gone so badly wrong in this country.

    About as much leader material as I am contortionist material.


    • Born in Zambia, managed to get into UK on Daddy’s Nationality, and has a fucking huge chip on his fucking shoulder. Another fucking LAWYER, faux socialist, Welsh my fucking arsehole, and a complete waste of fucking space.

  3. He looks alot like one of the few uppities I actually like, Richard Aoyade.

  4. I don’t class myself as racist and believe that actions are what makes cunts cunts, but when i saw that this cunt was black it made sense.
    Ex pats have been living in Spain (and elsewhere) for years but we don’t get involved with politics here and try to turn the Spanish into our way of thinking. We don’t get elected and then attack the indigenous Spaniards with all types of racial slurs and demand that EastEnders is shown in the telly.
    Some may open bars and Brits will frequent these bars but we don’t take over and have carnivals. We don’t get any Spaniard who hates Brits done for racism.

    I’m sick to the back teeth of children of immigrants becoming MP’s and then trying their darn hardest to change our way of living.
    Also, it fuckin really gets my goat that some of these elected children of immigrants openly admit that they got into politics especially to aid other children of immigrants from “their community”, and how its perfectly acceptable for them to give the cunts priority.
    What about the rest of us you racist children of immigrants cunts??????

    • I find that hard not to be racist after watching the area of Manchester I was born turned into the fucking wild west by black drug gangs and trouble making Asians .

  5. The erosion of the British way of life by cunts like this is so much for concern. I’m dreading the day that I hear the Friday call for fucking prayers. It must be coming.

      • The Jew in the first picture won’t replace me. I’m an engineer so the robots are what’s going to fuck me, not some speccy snowflake cunt.

  6. More double standards from the socialist cunt party. If a white man was installed to represent the interests of a black “community” they would be bleating that there was no way a white man could understand the needs and culture of the community.

    Typically for Labour they install a man with no understanding of Welsh culture but rates LGBT rights at the top of his priorities.

    Why? Because the left is all about the destruction of the family and indigenous culture and replacing it with PC bullshit that weakens any unity in real communities.

    The left are fucking the west to the point it will soon be taught in History books but no longer exist.

  7. These cunts just keep coming out of the woodwork, they are like cockroaches, you just want to crush them underfoot. This piece of shit needs to get his priorities right, hopefully his electorate will bring that to his attention.

  8. A headline earlier today was about thousands of laughably pathetic, emotional (presumably jobless) fuckwits outside Kensington Palace mourning/paying tribute to the 20th anniversary of the interesting demise of sangwog cum dumpster Diana. Where’s a muzzie truck of peace when you need one?

    • Exactly Thomas…where is the Muzbus when you need it…? Incidentally, did anyone see the photo of the 2 million sandwogs at the “Mount” ? Struck me, what a wonderful opportunity to take all the fuckers out in one hit!

      • The day of our beloved princess’s funeral was terribly sad and upsetting too…I seem to recall that there was fuck all on telly for hours.

  9. This cunt looks a bit like that unfunny cunt Richard Ayoade from that pile of bullshit pygmy vomit arse turd show, The IT Crowd. I work in IT so have some context and that show is absolute wank.

  10. It’s official Mathematics is racist according to the lefty-libbo establishment of the good ‘ole U.S. of A.

    You’d think that was a joke but no, it’s true.

    The idiom being that “poorer” regions (I’m assuming there are no doubts as to what “poorer” really means) are ass-hurt because they struggle to do it (or is that struggle to listen to the teacher – seeing how 70% of the cunts have no Father figure in their lives).

    As pointed out by the interviewer: “But Detroit kids get $13,000 per child spent on them per year in education and only 7% have basic mathematics skills even in high-school. The kids in…” some place I can’t remember “…in Virginia, just 20 miles away from here get less than half of that spent on their children per year and yet they are at the top of the league table! So you’re either saying Detroit has lousy teachers across the boards – and we know that isn’t true – or there must be some other reason or factors which contribute to these terrible statistics.”

    The response was: “We you prove my point, there is a certain stigma attached to not knowing math, like you’re a worthless human being, like Donald Trump makes every person of color feel!”

    So “math” is racist because certain cunts can’t be arsed to learn or listen to the words which come out of their teacher’s mouths. Cunts.

    I’m sure Abbott, Shah and Gething would be right behind this sentiment! Fucking cunts!

    • What a bunch of cunts, maybe if they taught ghetto maths from the hood it might sink in. LaToya has five kids by three different men, based on current figures estimate how much can she expect to fleece the taxpayer over a year and then divide that by the fathers contribution.

      • Well we all know about Abbott’s mathematical prowess don’t we.

        I think she would have been Lucasian Professor of Mathematics by now, being a woman of ethnicity, even though she can’t actually do the work because she ticks all the right boxes.

        Alas she isn’t because she’s trumped by a raspberry with a speak’n’spell voice! At least he can do the mathematics though, eh! ?

    • There is something in the maths conundrum. How many black scientists, engineers are there? Why is Africa so technologically backward? When the infamous ‘bell curve’ (distribution of IQs along racial grounds) was published it was howled down as racist and not to be mentioned. It showed Asians as most able and Africans as least. Obviously the fuss came from blacks and right-on liberals. Political correctness trumps fact.
      It is not just social factors that hold the fuckers back. There is an in-built difference. While we are allowed to acknowledge that blacks have certain physical advantages, statistically (Athletes etc. but leaving out swimmers) you cant question mental ability because it is racist.

  11. Off topic, I know, but…
    Have just bunged a few tracks of organ music onto a CD for a friend.
    Got to Wagner’s Wedding March from Lohengrin: nearly pissed myself, thank Dog I is not an organist, I couldn’t get through it without laughing.
    Merkel should have it as her sig tune…

    “All stand for Frau Merkel !!”

    You are a cunt, you are a cunt, nobody likes you cos you are a cunt… usw.

  12. Cunt does not look as though it could even shag a sheep boyo look you so what the fuck is it doing in Wales? Often change choo choo puffers at Newport and what a depressing place it is. Full orf druid bastards yabbering away in the unholy lingo orf sorcery arranging bestial acts. Hate the short arsed bastards, Mind you I could have shagged the young Shirley Bassey. Music to me ears what!

    • Sir Limply. Newport is full of chavs and peaceful cunts. It is a shithole but devoid of yabbering druids. You are more likely to hear Urdu. All bestial acts are planned in English, starting with the purchase of sturdy wellingtons.

      • Me thinks you have confused Newport Monmouthshire of which I speak and only 13 miles from Cardiff look you, with Newport Isle orf Wight.

  13. Its been 68 days since my last alcoholic beverage… and tonight I’m breaking that sobriety with a beer, 1 brandy alexander and a gin dubonnet cocktail with a twist. I’ve just been so stressed lately thought I’d indulge abit

    • I myself have had several glasses of sauvignon blanc this evening due to some utter bullshit I’d better not go into, so I feel ya TS. Let’s just say hurricane Harvey has royally fucked my plans and for that, it’s a cunt.

      • Had a almost empty bottle of brandy & creme de cacoa staring at me for the last two months thought I’d finish them off.

        Sauvignon blanc?!, I like a bit of white wine myself cheers M8. Sorry to hear about harvey fucking up your travel plans

  14. This cunting got me thinking. The poor wife of vaz-oline must not know which way to turn. Sad.

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