I cunted the UK a while ago but I feel a fresh cunting is urgently required for the following reasons:
The country is full of foreign cunts, loads of Africunts and Eastern European cunts and a load of Arab type cunts who I don’t even know where the fuck they are from. I am a black and white cunt with English and Jamaican ancestry but all these cunts are turning me into a racist cunt, I despise the blackies and whities equally, the arrogant cunts.
They prance around like it’s their country and they act like they own the place. Add the Somalian cunts who hang around the street all day every day and it adds up to a super sized piece of cunt.
We get ripped off on everything, we pay tax on income, tax on fuel, tax on the necessities we need, and we get totally ripped off with the Gas and Electricity we use.
Brexit will be a joke and anyone who thinks it’s going to be a hard Brexit is deluded.
All the lefties, snowflakes etc are turning this country into a pc, can’t criticise anything, let’s welcome a population the size of Hull every year, hashtag cunt, protest about shit that does not concern you, land of cunts.
As I get older I can see myself becoming a more bitter and resentful cunt but I don’t give a fuck.
Also worthy of a mention is the thriving community of cunts who we all know about who have this minority of cunts who are out of control.
Also the rich cunts who eat their rip off food and have dinner parties every other day and think by living in what was once a rough area makes them cool.
I was born in the late 70s and life was so much simpler back then, you had white cunts, black cunts (mostly Caribbeans), and Pakistani cunts, and Indian cunts.
Now look at the pile of cunt this country has become.
It’s a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, with an added piece of cunt.
Immigration should have stopped in 1972 and that’s it. It can’t be right to have an area 90% full of one type of foreigner.
The BBC which is a lefty broadcasting company pay ridiculous salaries to the likes of Jeremy Vine and Fiona Bruce without our agreement and send some cunt to your door if you dare to not pay the TV licence fee.
We make fuck all anymore and give it 30-40 years and we will be getting foreign aid from India. By which time I’ll hopefully be on my yacht in the Carribean smoking. and drinking the finest Rum.
Nominated by Black and White Cunt.
Spot on cunting B&W My country is fucked. It was fucked a long time ago, and truthfully that began in the 1920,s
At first, they were small in numbers, and they did make the effort to fit in. As their numbers grew then so too did the problems.
It was the emergence of the Liberal PC Brigade, the softies, the republicans and the itinerant educated hairy arseholes that finished the country off. Their laws and their ideology have caused such deep division and seething resentment,that we may never recover.
Who’s fault? It has to be the Politico’s. The only cunts with the power to allow this to happen. They are also the cunts that punish us for raising the wrong questions.
How many of our war dead, would have given their lives if they had known that their sacrifice would have ended like this?
I can never cunt my country, but I can cunt the treacherous bastards who killed it. CUNTS.
Good post ASA and good cunting B&W
A brilliant cunting and entirely true. This country went to shit years ago, being raped by slime politicians and dangerous foolish fuckwits. We now have generation cunt and the career-offended brigade who couldn’t punch their way out of a wet paper sack.
Self serving bastard politico’s that milk this land dry and then fuck off and die in complete luxury. It pisses all over the memory of the people who died in two world wars. Life is beautiful? Is it fuck.
Its a cynical vote winner beginning on a large scale by Blair cunt 20 years ago, ‘we let you in, gave you homes ,education, benefits, jobs, health care and a passport, now repay the favour and vote Labour’. The British public had no say, this multicultural social experiment that is a complete failure, creating ghettos and resentment on all sides that will continue for generations to come if there is not some major uprising or even blood on the streets first.
Blair and all the cunts who sailed with him used the ‘racist’ tag for any reasonable dissent. We now have Twatter and it’s right on exponents who shriek at anyone who dares to utter unorthodox ie common sense views.
I am an atheist but find it reasonable for people to hold different views. Farron is a cunt but entitled to his beliefs. Likewise guesthouse owners who don’t want gays. Nobody is allowed to veer from the lefty liberal agenda. Backed up by stupid laws.(unless of course you are of the peaceful persuasion, then all manner of prejudice is fine)
No comedian dares deviate from this, nobody who works in arts or media or education.
The country is a cunt because of a minority of odious cunts howling the rest down.
Well cunted B&W.
Excellent cunting B&WC, totally agree. This country has gone to the dogs and is only getting worse.
Finally bought a bottle of boodles gin yesterday I quite prefer it over the tanqueray I bought a few months back The boodles is smoother and the former was well a bit too tangy imho I guess the taste is in the name. I think this would work better in a martini Its already convinced me in this dubonnet cocktail… A song that sounds even better when drunk hahaha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7rrmcvuQdA
Plymouth and Tanqueray for me Titslapper, if you’re in Tesco try the Tesco finest Gin. Lovely stuff.
Couldn’t find plymouth when I looked for it but I was pleased to find a bottle of boodles apparently churchills favorite. I enjoyed the Tanqueray but it had a strong prominent juniper flavor which was a bit off-putting almost tastes like a christmas tree hahaha its true tho
Couldn’t agree more, Black and White Cunt… Muzzies kill people, they murder little girls at pop concerts, yet they are still the victims, still get treated with kid gloves, and the cunts still come out on top… The lack of prosecution for those who were sub-letting at Grenfell being the latest farcical example… These scum get preferential treatment when it comes to healthcare, housing, benefits, law, and even crimes…You fucking name it….
British pubs, shops, chippys, and cafes close day by day… To be replaced with yet another iron curtain convenience store, another parking stanley pizza place, or a poundland (where all the iron curtain cunts spend their benefits)… I tell you, I sometimes forget I am in Britain… It feels like fucking Bulgaria or Romania or some other Eastern Bloc shitheap until I hear an English voice from the lady at the till… And I am sick – fucking sick! – of hearing some jabbering Eastern European cunt every other minute who can’t be fucked to learn our native language yet reaps all our rewards….
And the BBC does not represent or serve any working person in the UK… It is leftism incarnate, snowflake central, and caters only for muslamists, transbenders, feminazi, queers, blacks etc… If you’re white, straight, and (especially) male, you can go to hell as far as the ‘Beeb’ are concerned…. From Doctor Who (‘black actresses only’) to Match Of The Day (that smarmy rapeugee loving gobshite who presents it) to Question Time: it is infested with libmongs and a snowflake mentality that is like a disease….
“Another parking stanley pizza place” Pakis couldn’t make a proper pizza if they tried I could make a better pizza with a blindfold on
I can’t stand the new dr.who what a load of shite that show has become muffinface Moffat had so much potential with Matt Smith but pissed it away
Spot on cunting!! agree with every point you raise. Our only hope as far as I can see is that the World will run out of cunts. Pipe dream I know, I’m building a bunker cos the shitstorm is coming and I refuse to go “silently into the night”. This is not what I was promised as a kid in the 60’s by our school teachers, all the bollocks about North sea oil etc etc.
Superb cunting. Some freak on Sky news called Sukey Willis, i cannot work out if its male or female complaining about being called a millennial, poor snowflake, I would not be surprised if calling someone a millennial or snowflake will be a hate crime that could put you in chokey.
“UNITED Kingdom”? United,my arse. I can’t imagine that the country has ever been so divided. We are divided,as never before, by class,wealth,race and religion.
The class system was always strong in this country,but now there seems to be an “underclass” which has no aspirations. They are happy to live feckless lives subsidised by massive government borrowing and taxes from the working class. They seem to believe that they have the “right” to be cossetted from cradle to grave,and to fuck with any responsibilites…”I want…I’m entitled…it’s not fair,it’s my rights.” seems to be their mantra.
Wealth distribution has become unbalanced. I don’t have the figures,but even the perception of the “Fat Cats” milking everyone is believed. The likes of Philip Green tar the whole “rich” with the same brush of greedy capitalists exploiting the poor. True or not? I really don’t know,but I do know what we need wealth creators as never before. It might not be pretty,but it’s vital,and they aren’t all greedy,self-centered bastards,surely.
Race has never really been a massive problem in the U.K. We’ve always had incomers,but it was never the tsunami that we now face. There are just too many of them. We don’t have the money,space or infrastructure to cope. This country is full to the point of bursting.
Religion is the biggest problem,I believe. While other problems,although critical,can be tackled, religious extremism can’t. Muslims aren’t going to water down their religion. They believe every word of their hateful book. Nothing will change their minds,ever. They are the cancer that will finish this country.
I know this post isn’t well researched so I admit that I stand to be proved “wrong” by statistics and more erudite contributions,but it’s what I believe. We must deal with the Muslim question above anything else if the United Kingdom is to survive.
Absolutely spot on mike….
Free movement of people is nothing more than the enslavement of the working class!! As you say small and medium sized business has been shunted onto the sidelines whilst the big multinationals are running the show, with an endless supply of cheap willing uncomplaining virtual slave labour it’s a gloomy picture for UK workers, if you don’t want to work for low wages they can just go and get some cunt from Eastern Europe who thinks £8.00 an hours a kings ramsom!! And that works along way up the wage structure, companies never pay more than they have to, with an abundance labour it’s loaded against the UK worker…
Sadly you a 100% correct!!
Good post…..?
Above post was to DF…..
It pisses me off seeing these rats who turned up in the last decade (more likely the last couple of years) scrounging and getting as much as they can. I suppose you can’t blame the cunts, it’s the system. That cunt Blair started this mess and no Government has the bollocks to tell the endless stream of cunts to fuck off.
There are so many PC, don’t dare to say anything controversial cunts everywhere, who all follow this ‘anyone against multiculturalism/immigration is racist and intolerant.
I love this country, I wouldn’t want to be from or live anywhere else. Its sad to see the way things are going.
Your observation is spot on Dick. Well said.
Excellent cunting there mate. You’re absolutely right. I was born in 1973, and I’ve seen the UK slowly sink further and further down the drain over the past 44 years. We keep being told that immigration is a good thing for us, but I’ve yet to see evidence that. And in any case, the cunts who tell us it’s a good thing, are the fucking Lily Allen type cunts. Rich cunts who’ve never lived in the working class areas that immigrants colonise. They don’t see the trouble that it causes the indigenous population, though they probably wouldn’t care anyway.
Exactly right Mike, I am from a working class family and am proud of it and wouldn’t have it any other way. Ive done ok for myself and lived in Notting Hill for about 20 years, the change I’ve seen in this short time is a joke. Every other house having a ‘Basement’ conversion, shops that sell loaves of bread for £4 and most pubs that used to be full of the original locals now taken over and full of Tarquin and Cordelia types.
The rich cunts are richer than ever and the poor cunts are poorer than ever. We are all in this together and united though apparently.
The sheer amount of cunts who wander out of Notting Hill Gate station to go to Portobello Road is ridiculous, hasn’t the world ran out of cunts who want to visit Portobello Road? The cunts stop by the road sign, stop in the middle of the pavement to take a picture to post on Cuntbook and they probably don’t even buy anything the stingy cunts. Portobello Road used to be ok years ago, now almost all the independent shops have gone and it’s full of high street stores and once decent pubs are now restaurants with a bar. What a pile of cunt.
Shame to hear about Portobello, I used to spend a weekend in London every year and I’d go there and Camden looking for bootleg albums and live tapes. You could pick up all kinds of stuff in those places, and make some good contacts too.
@Allan there are a few independent record and second hand type shops in Notting Hill Gate where you can get some goodies but most independent shops have gone probably due to the massive rents etc. I’m all for an area improving but killing the soul of a place is wrong.
I come from a military family. I have served my country too. I’m fucking disgusted in what this country has become. We used to be strong, now all we are are a bunch of limp wristed cunts that’ll let everyone walk all over them.
I can’t get my head round a person who loves this country and is from here wanting it flooded and to continue to be flooded with cunts from all over the place. Let’s be honest at least 85% of the cunts aren’t highly skilled.
One thing Brexit has done is show how divided we all are and also. How many cunts there are.
The uni millennials and young voters who voted for Corbyn and will continue to do so for the foreseeable will be paying the price along with rest of us. Yes, everyone went to university for free and has got a degree in Sociology and Gender Studies but where are the jobs going to be? Its just going to create a bottleneck in the jobs market and have thousands of snowflake cunts with a degree that’s not worth wiping your arse on.
May should have counted Compo’s bribe and subsidised apprenticeship schemes and paid for it out of the foreign aid budget putting our people first. You’ll need a plumber at 3 in the morning fast at some point when a pipes burst not some soppy bollocked cunt who got a 2:1 in Oriental studies and majored in Lesbian Feminism.
The biggest problem with immigration is the effect it has on housing. Every Council in the country has a massive waiting list. A mate of mine went to the council as he is facing eviction from his rented room. They laughed at him, they have 4000 on their waiting list and as a single manhe’s at the bottom. We all know GRenfell was a terrible terrible event but that doesnt mean some awkward questions shouldn’t be asked. How was it that despite those waiting lists ,places were able to be found for the occupants of Grenfell Tower who as we all saw were 90% foreigners. There are people who have lived all their lives in the borough and have been on the waiting list for years. We could build 200,000 houses a year but if we have a yearly net increase of 350,000 we are actually going backwards. It’s absolute madness and the people who actually face the consequences have known it for years. The likes of lily mong and Linacre can fuck off back to their exclusive gated communities . Btw have they taken any refugees in yet?
Call me a cunt if you like, I won’t lose any sleep over it, but……
Going back to Grenfell Towers and the fact that they won’t prosecute anyone that was illegally sub letting. I only bring this up because I believe that if any of those residents had concerns of safety and still sub letted are they as guilty as……whoever is or will be found guilty in the future…..or because of where they originated from they will be let off scot free. Either way it won’t change the way this country is going. Bag of shit-stained cuntiness run by cunts, opposed by cunts.
If they are “peaceful” then they are not responsible and need to be helped all the way to the bank.
If they are non-“peaceful” then they will be taken to task and – if the law permitted – hung, drawn and quartered!
90% foreign eh? As low as that?
I bet the one’s illegally subletting their council paid for and subsidised properties will be 100% foreign and more than likely “peaceful” because that’s the kind of cunt thing those sly bastards do!
Dare mention this (to press, politicos, and the like) and all you get back is bullshit vitriol along the lines of: “We should really be concentrating on the *victims*. This is no time to be pointing fingers at residents!”
Ergo nothing gets done and when they get rehoused in the brand-spanking new gaff (having been grief-jacked to the top of the list of the newest housing tenements) they’ll do exactly the same again.
And here’s a bet I’d feel safe collecting on: I bet the “peacefuls” get housed first. They always do. The council’s will excuse it for them having 8 kids per family (well 8 that they claim for anyway) and so need to take a priority.
Woe betide any elderly couple in the same boat…”Well we can’t see you being housed before you die as you no longer have any dependents but what we can do is offer you assisted suicide if that’s any good to you?”
When my bin is full of rubbish, adding more and more rubbish to it doesn’t make it any better does it? No, it makes it a damned site worse!
Also, if you sent your full to the brim bin out for emptying and it came back even fuller than before then you’d be well pissed off.
No fucker would stand for that! There’d be riots on the street demanding that the rubbish be cleaned up once and for all!
Alas roll that analogy up as a paradigm of the UK and the immigration situation and you’re a racist nazi! You’re not allowed to have any legitimate concerns if you were born here and are not “peaceful”.
Of the many (not really) surprises surrounding Grenfell – unknown body count cos no one has a scooby on how many illegals were in there, and the illegal (soon to be skirted over) subletting – the thing that surprises me the most is that the whole place didn’t go off like a firecracker!
Looked like it housed plenty of bomb-maker types!
Fuckin excellent point ! At the same time they were complaining about how dangerous it was to live there they were actually cramming more people in and putting them at risk. I am getting rather fed up of seeing residents of GRenfell tower being interviewed and giving their views. As though suddenly they are some sort of experts, no, they were ignorant no hopers before before the fire and the fire didn’t change that.
Another point about Greenfell… Everyone is saying that there should have been sprinklers,better fire alarms,more escape routes etc. Who the fuck was going to pay for all of this?
My vehicle is now three years old. The new model has advanced safety features,but unfortunately, I can’t afford it at the moment. I have to make do with what I can afford. Most of the people in that tower-block paid fuck-all,so why the fuck should they expect every safety feature available to be provided for them? Perhaps they think that a fireman should have been provided with every rent-free flat on the off-chance that their fridge “exploded”.
Buying a normal fridge would have helped as well.
They’ll have bought fuck-all, KC, it’ll have all been provided free of charge,courtesy of the good old British taxpayer. Dread to think how may wide screen tvs,game systems,mobile phones,computers,satellite tv systems etc will need to be replaced. None of them’ll have had Contents insurance,but I bet every fucking flat will be claiming for more gadgets than you could fit in a Curry’s warehouse.
Excellent cunting B & W cunt
What is the answer? Stop feeding the machine that’s what
I have a horrible feeling that the lefties will win the next election, maybe with Corbyn still there, then watch the UK speed up it’s collapse.as it eats itself from within.
The only option is to put yourself first, make as much as you can so you have the choice of bailing out to somewhere else. Amass as much as you can now as in 5 years it may well be too late and find yourselves trapped.
I did and am very happy that I have.
Dam right Dick Byrne, Me and Mrs Fistula are off to live in a nice part of Poland within the next 5 years,not a single peaceful or fuzzy haired gentleman in sight. i know i’m probably a rat leaving a sinking ship but i’m sorry to say it but dear old Blighty is fucked and run by spineless apologists.
Check this,
A very disturbing piece, but the man is right and this brings it home. There isn’t the political will to prevent the inevitability.
Blair’s great multicultural experiment has gifted us several million Muslims, of whom just 20% are in employment and the dirty cunts breed like rabbits.
Until the benefits pot runs dry, these ‘home grown’ fuckers will proliferate in vast numbers, whereas the people who work for a living will usually put a limit on the number of offspring due to financial constraints.
When the pot finally runs out these cunts will be coming for anyone who has a house, car and money. I see a need for folk like us to be thinking seriously about how we will defend ourselves and family.
The police have lost the fucking plot and are now only interested in ensuring equal opportunities prevail and LGBT candidates are attracted to recruitment. They will offer fuck all protection.
I would love to emigrate to NZ but difficult here with elderly family. And the problem now is that I am 46 and I doubt very much they will want some old cunt and his family.
I spit on the liberal fucktards and cock sucking cunts who have bollocksed this country.
Sounds Ideal Fenton, I am in Bulgaria, nowhere near as nice a Poland but hey, at least it’s not the UK!
Don’t know if this is feasible. I’d like to offer up a future cunting please. It’s for the cultural extravaganza, annual stab fest that is the Notting Hill carnival. The middle class Notting Hill billies probably out up with it for a couple of reasons. 1) it was there before they were, 2) it’s considered “right on” to mix with bruhs, hoes, twerkrobats, 3) it doesnt last very long so the same “right ons” a.k.a. Nimbys can just about tolerate it without coming across as racist as we all know they inherently are. How many chattering classes offered to house any homeless peacefuls that lived literally on their doorstep ??
Can’t believe my previous post was moderated fucking bullshit
I think that is very worthy of a cunting Toxic bob
You’re right black and white cunt, this shithole of a cuntry is FUCKED!
I used think that this was the best country in the world – and at one time it probably was – but now I’ve realised that this is by far the STUPIDEST cuntry in the world.
We invented pretty much everything in the modern world. We gave it all away and now were skint.
We own none of our infrastructure. We rely on the French, Spanish, Germans and Chinese to ‘invest’ in our basic essentials so that we don’t go back to the fuckin dark ages.
We have foreign investors buying up houses and driving up prices so that the Brits have to rent, sending OUR money out of the country.
We’ve allowed economic migrants to come here, fuel the housing shortage, overstretch the nhs and send their tax free cash in hand earnings back home to pay off THEIR mortgages. …what about OUR fuckin mortgages?
We allow islamists to stream into the country and bomb our children. …what’s the response?
We’ve become pussies.
Half of the country are willing to hand it all over to the reich, now it looks like the communists are going to get a foothold in politics.
This country is FUCKED.
…But I love her anyway.
Fuck knows why.
Well cunted mate.
Sadly I’ve had to accept that no way in hell will we ever be in a financially viable position to emigrate, so will have to go down with the ship…
Why? Examine your lifestyle and what you spend. If you commute then you are paying for a car, if you both commute, two cars
Can you live nearer work and walk/bike? Can you change either where you live or where you work to reduce the costs of having the job in the first place. Commuting is a financial killer.
People will be amazed that by taking a long hard look at their lifestyle, through a financial lens, just how much of what they spend they simply do not need to, due to previous irrational emotional decisions. Change those decisions and watch the situation vastly improve.
That is, of course, making massive assumptions about the circumstances of person I don’t know!
Is it just me or has this site gone really weird over the last few days?
I blame sofware updates.
Software updates are cunts!
Has anyone ever had a software update that made things better?
Take my samsung phone for example.
The auto spell was great. No matter how pissed I was I could still type a pretty legible sentence by mashing the screen in roughly the right order.
It was great when ranting and cunting as I’d just read it back at the end and make the odd correction.
Then those fuckin korean cunts decided to give me an update.
..do have any idea how long it’s taken me to just write this small paragraph!
Now it writes it just the way I type it. …what’s the fuckin point of that.
This is a fuckin ball ache, I give ip.
Trust me software upfated aee a cubt.
Modern technology is a cunt. Either obsolete or knackered by the time you’ve got it out of the box and designed to disintegrate at the first opportunity.
Our internet is constantly fucking about. Meanwhile the 60 year old HMV radio I’ve just serviced is working like a dream.
I rest my case…
I can’t moan too much about the technology as pretty much all the cd’s and dvd’s that i have are fucked and its so much better having all my shit stored on hard discs and in the ether.
I just wish they’d leave shit as I,ve bought it.
I get used to it and some poncy twat thinks “I know, I’ll make it better” which is what someone always says before they fuck something up that was fine to begin with.
You’re right about radio’s though.
The radio has been around for a century (I think) and they still cant make one that works. The radio in my van is shite and I can’t even get a sound out of my radio alarm clock. Apart from the “some cunt rustling a crisp packet” channel, and who the fuck wants to listen to that?
If internet used valves, it would be more reliable…
The auto typing on my Kindle Fire is a real cunt. Really irritating and you can’t turn the fucker off.
Always corrects shite to white and cunt to front. Really not helpful on this site…
What happened to the like button?
What’s with all this thumbs up, thumbs down shit?
Either like it or fuck off and read something else is my attitude.
Thumbs down?
If anyone thumbs down this I’m gonna … …I’m gonna …. … well I ain’t gonna do shit.
In fact I’m such a cunt I’m gonna thumbs down myself. Ha!
Seems the original comment like thumbs up button stopped working for some reason. Guess this is the replacement. At least it works…
True …it’s better than nothing.
Lets just hope no one gets their feelings hurt and has to retreat to their safe space. …oh wait. That’s THEM not us.
Must say I prefer the old system. Giving / getting ‘thumbs down’ is too adversarial, and this site is about cunting whoever’s nominated, not each other.
“Lets just hope no one gets their feelings hurt”
Well truthfully cunters I’ve been crying under my pillow for the last 20 minutes. Whatever cruel fucker gave me a down vote yesterday I hope you’re happy
So those highlighted posts I imagine are high rated, right? 6 or more upvotes I’m guessing
Out of interest I looked up the details for that plugin and it doesn’t mention it but I’m guessing you’re probably right. Who knows?..
An alert box every time you “like” something, there’s got to be a better plugin shurely
So get off your arse and go look for it. I’m sure the admins would be duly grateful…
tell them to stick:
.comment–like > a:last-of-type {
display: none;
in the style.css file to get rid of the down button for a start.
If you allowed me access to the files, which I don’t assume will be granted, I would remove that fucking annoying alert and replace your avatar with a big hairy old cunt.
I can’t allow anything. Not admin any more.
And the avatar doesn’t come from the site – it’s a gravatar which just goes to prove you don’t what you’re talking about?
Therefore recommend you’re not allowed access to the css file and fuck you too!… 😉
Seriously tho’ it’s open source so I’ll take a look and pass it on
pretty easy plugin to fuck around with too
Pretty small isn’t it?
Seems it highlights comments at >5 so changing that to 9999 is any easy fix for that!
Can’t see where the up and down arrows come from…
what is the name of the plugin? ill have a look later when I get time.
I was referring to the fact that I can just vote multiple times up or down and have it work
Works on cookies. If you vote twice you get an error message in a pop up box. But if you refresh the screen, you can vote again – least that how it works on Chrome/Mac
It’s called WP-Comment-vote by bigfa. It’s a pretty small file.
Some wierd Japanese text in there too but can’t see what it does. Not programmed anything for over 10 years so not overly familiar with the code but can just about understand it. Lots of calls to functions in the template / css file? Can’t fuck with those files tho’ without buggering up the site.
It would be nice to get rid of the down arrow and replace the up arrow with text maybe but my programming ain’t up to that these days…
If I hear the phrase PPI one more time, I’m going to go mental. Oh lucky me, because we have a fucking radio blasting in work, tuned to a commercial radio station, I’m going to hear it at least twenty times tomorrow. Can there be any cunt left who hasn’t checked yet? How the fuck are these vermin making money? Next up on my shit list is the fucking advert for travelodge. It makes the meerkat ad seem like fucking Tolstoy. Shove your muppet hotel up your arse, I’d rather spend the night under a railway arch with some smackheads.
Better than being force fed ABBC Fake News 24 for the whole fucking day!
If I’m last in I tune it to Fox News ready for the following day.
I’ve been in the kitchen when it’s been turned on first thing. Person to turn it on goes and makes a coffee and leaves it but within 2mins it’s back on the ABBC and usually by a selfish “peaceful” cunt (there’s a lot of them where I work currently – I feel distinctly outnumbered).
I even once did it and hid the remote round the side of the microwave. TV goes on on Fox (hah, take that cunts). Pop my head round 1/2hr later and the TV is off!
2hrs later, the remote has been discovered and ABBC Shariah News 24 is back on.
The fucking tower of babel “community ” and their “BME” lawyers don’t like this fucking judge cunt and now they want any survivor who is an illegal immigrant granted British citizenship. Fuck me, expect to discover that there were ten fucking thousand cunts up there that night. You can also expect a few thousand more “survivors” to be arriving at Heathrow on a daily basis.
I wonder: if every illegal immigrant, every bit of camelstuffing human filth, every Bogo-Bogo fuzzy wuzzy, and every Iron Curtain cunt who are all leeching off the British system (and have done for years) were kicked out and their money stopped, how much the country would actually save?….
A fucking fortune, I’ll bet…
Also, funny how Westminster, Manchester, and London Bridge have been virtually forgotten in a matter of weeks… However it started (probably some illegal’s dodgy fridge blowing up) the Grenfell fire – as far as the government, the snowflake terrorist lovers, and the ABBC are concerned – has had the desired effect… It appears that wo… sorry…. ‘migrant’ lives matter more than actual British ones, and that includes innocent kids who die at pop concerts…. And anyone who contributed to (or bought) that bottybashing cunt Cowell’s butchering of a Simon & Garfunkel classic is a massive cunt… I won’t be giving any of these ‘survivors’ anything…. They’ll be getting enough… More than enough…More than any British worker, war veteran, or OAP who has paid in all their life , yet is still at the back of the queue and on a waiting list…. Fuck the ‘Tower Fund’….
“Also, funny how Westminster, Manchester, and London Bridge have been virtually forgotten in a matter of weeks”
Sure Norm those massive terrorist attacks are bad but what about white supremacists who have unpopular opinions on immigration and mudslimes? Aren’t they the real terrorists? Just Kidding, of course its sad but cressida wrinkledick rather wank off sadiq khan then go after jihadi terrorists go figure
And nothing is even British any more or how it used to be… Football is full of bearded, tattooed, mercenary foreign fairies: who dive, cheat, wave imaginary red cards, and can’t take a bollocking off their gaffer… The ABBC we all know about, but ITV and the rest are shit too… Excrement like X-Factor, Big Brother, and the crabs riddled, plastic titted slagfest that is Love Island infest our screens… It appears whoring on television is now acceptable… And the former institution that was Cadbury’s chocolate now tastes like crap and is made in fucking Poland….
Muslamist criminals even get treated bettter than British ones…These camelfucking vermin (like the cunts who killed Drummer Rigby) get indulged and get ‘special food’ and are ‘alllowed to pray’…. These filth should be lobbed into a cubby hole of a cell: no bed, no telly, no radio, no nothing… And they should be fed shit… And the more of these scum who top themselves and go on hunger strike over such terrible conditions, the fucking better…. They are cunts….