Can somebody please explain to me why it’s OK for some musicless hip hop cunt to shout ‘nigger’ 50 times during a ‘song’ and yet when an MP lets slip a common phrase in use for centuries and says ‘nigger in the woodpile’ she’s suspended from the Tory party? Has Treeza got fuck all better to do? The woman let it slip, she apologised, job done, move on.
So now we have the language police deciding what words are acceptable and what are not. Orwell’s newspeak in full flow. It’s bullshit, plain and simple.
Anyone remember ‘Love Thy Neighbour’? Can’t see them re-running that on the TV any time soon. Sambo, coon, nig nog all bandied about non stop so we could laugh at the stupid biggotted white twat and see him for what he was. Or how about ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ and Garnet ranting on about immigrant coons and randy scouse gits?
This is how such things should be treated, but not in the wonderful 21st century PC they’re not. Well, not if they’re white on black anyway because it only seems to work that way round. Ask Dianne Abbott.
The cunts that are jumping up and down about this need to get a life and a sense of proportion. Cunts one and all
Play the fucking white man!
Nominated by Dioclese
On the subject of misandrist cunts and gender obsessed knobheads, I do hope Kris Marshall gets the role of Doctor Who… Not because I particularly like Marshall (I’ve nothing against him either), but it would boil the piss of all these snowflake ‘genderfluid’ Nu-Who online fuckmongs who squeal about a ‘female Doctor’ every time the current one quits the show… It would shove all their cuntlicking of Tilda Stickinsect and Phoebe Punka Wallah Game Of Bridge right up their man hating a-holes….
They should give the part to Sandi Toksvig. That would signal the death knell for a programme that is way past it’s sell-by date. Plus,she’s an ugly,hateful lezza,so would fit right in.
Well, so much for making a wish when you throw a coin in well… The Manson family still haven’t paid the Beckhams a visit. Cunts.
Manson family TV’s Beckham family.
I’d pick the Beckhams any day.
One of them is a living skeleton ffs.
“TVs” was meant to be “,versus” ffs.
Hey, Birdman, Still enjoying being part of the Facebook family?
Love it.
Its my very own version of ISAC.
You don’t have to attack these people to rile them up, all you have to do is disagree or say that something is shite and you have them.
Like fish in a barrel.
I think i may be becoming a troll. 🙂
Check this out, birdman… Roses at Budokan 2017 soundcheck… Top quality and some great stuff… Reni on vocals for Fools Gold and Daybreak…!AVtT2Sab!QIdxR8e74ALgOemAoDJfz892YsXAF7bNG1_JueBK6ZE
Couldn’t access it without an app, but cheers anyway Norman.
STILL waiting for Different Days.
I see Ariana Grande has been made a citizen of Manchester.
Bad innit/init ?
Shouldn’t that be Personchester…?
Your ‘Personchester’ remark reminds me of a classic Alex Frergusom moment, Dio…
In 1987, when United signed Brian McClair, this daft cow (who worked for the ABBC, naturally) asked Fergie if he thought the name Manchester United was ‘sexist’ and if the club should be renamed ‘Personchester United’… Old Taggart’s response was colourful, to say the least… He ended it with ‘I suppose you want us to call him ‘Clair’ instead of McClair, eh?!’
If you use the grey ‘download through your browser’ link for the Budokan file it should be cool…
It’s only to be expected when a piece of snowflake scum like Burnham is now mayor that Ariana Grande gets the freedom of Mcr… It used to be reserved for greats like Matt Busby, Joe Mercer, Tony Wilson (except the cunts only gave it him when he was dead). Poof he may have been, but Frank ‘Foo Foo’ Lamar did more for the people of Manchester than Ariana Thingy ever did…
After beavering away behind the scenes to derail brexit I see ISAC hall of famer Blair has popped his head over the parapet, according to him the EU would do a deal on freedom of movement as long as we stayed in the EU?, a clear effort at divide and conquer, FMOP was a big driver for the leave vote and blairs intimation that the EU would do a deal is cynical and has Brussels dabs all over it, i personally I don’t buy into any of it….
Secondly another top rated Cunt our old mate cleggers, according to this wonky eyed prick we must have another referendum?
Not only that he would like to see young people ( under 30) votes count twice as they are the future??, nothing to do with the well documented fact that they like the EU as they don’t know anything other than that, and think it’s normal to be ruled by an unelected foreign executive that originally was simply a trading block…..
Last and not by any means least is lord atlas who has made the comparison of brexit to 1930,s Germany!! , that’s a thoroughly despicable and misleading thing to say!!, to pick one the darkest times in human history and compare it to a country simply wanting to regain control and sovereignty is disgusting! Utter Cunt!!!
I saw B LIar has opened his cock hole again. He isn’t even worth a cunting anymore, he is the undisputed Daddy Cunt. Should be inside Tony and I believe at some point you will be. It would be ironic if it was the EU that finally took you down.
He claims that peoples attitude to brexit has changed this last year.
I’m going to counteract his claim and claim it hasn’t.
There i win.
I believe that Tony Blair is the biggest cunt alive.
There are evil cunts on a par with him but they eventually go away.
Some voluntary, but not this cunt.
Saying brexit nearly made him reenter politics, but he never, so why is he discussing brexit with EU leaders ?
Also, i find it patronizing that he thinks we’re that thick that this mass murderer and all round bad guy thinks we need him to save us from ourselves.
Tony Blair, biggest cunt alive.
Maybe ever ?
Blairs an historical cunt !!
Heard the cunt too. Does he have no self awareness? Disgraced, disowned, lying cunt who now ‘knows’ that the EU want to give us all the concessions we want.
What a deluded war criminal of a cunt.
Then we had Adonis. Fuck me wasn’t he a Blair co-conspirator? Sounds like a character out of Wodehouse but with less credibility.
Messianically self-delusional: could well be Cunt of the Century, although it’s always going to be a very close run thing.,,up to the wire…pull that wire, Tone !
The Blair Foundation – the gift that keeps on taking (the piss),,,
Lord Adonis!! ???
What a 24 carat cunt!!
Blair – the political turd that just won’t flush.
Lord Adonis!!! ???
This ironically-named cunt makes my shit hang sideways!!
Clegg gives Blair a run for his money in terms of uttering unadulterated lies, childish wankery and horseshit.
However, Blair is a supreme cunt in overall terms of cuntishness. Few can touch him.
Multiculturalism is a cunt A desire for multiculturalism can no longer be masked as anything other than collective white suicide. Because the majority of people defending the multicultural system are white cucks, the rich elite, and they can no longer claim that this is anything other than a desire for gang-rapes, getting run over by trucks, stabbed, blown up by bombs, getting welfare leeched from hard working tax payers, losing control of entire areas of cities to drug gangs and acid attacks
The fact that these wonderful ethnic cultural practices are being brought in by these enrichful vibrants is not being discussed, but everyone is fully aware of it. That in itself is insane. That society will collectively accept not mentioning the fact that this is a behavior being engaged in exclusively by these “new” Europeans to avoid being racist. Instead, it is framed as a random happening like mysteriously getting gravy on your shirt and has no racial background or rhyme or reason its just unbelievable
They say the mark of greatness is achieved by the meeting of certain requirements, in sport for example you have teams and individuals that have pulled off amazing performances on a given day, but when asked to name the true greats people will usually name the teams and people who have achieved ultimate success over a period of time , so in tennis you would have Sampras and federer etc etc , Liverpool, Man Utd ,Barcelona and say Real Madrid in football etc, so when you look at Blair your seeing an individual who has been at the very top of his game for over 25 years!! , Cunts like clegg, Ming cambell, farron and Stephen kinnock etc etc have moments of extreme cuntish behaviour, but with Blair it’s all so different!, you would imagine after 25 years of being a cunt who is openly despised by so many he would just slink off and do the country a favour!!, not a fuckin chance!! , his pet project is the derailment of brexit by any means necessary…..