Doctor Who

On the subject of Doctor Who, I’ve been working my way through the last series stacked up on my video recorder. I don’t think I’ve missed an episode since William Hartnell days, but I have to say the three episode with the zombie monks was fucking dire, especially the third part. It reminded me of The Prisoner where McGoughan couldn’t figure out how to end it so he came up the most unintelligible loads of pseudo bollocks that ever graced the British TV screen – that is until this latest shit with the monks.

No wonder Capaldi says he does want to make any more. These scripts and characters (the Matt Lucas cunt, Bill the Lezza and that bloody Missy) are absolute bollocks – and the acting is crap too. It’s had it’s day so consign it to the dustbin where it now belongs.

As far as I’m concerned, the Moffatt cunt can shove his sonic screwdriver right up his arse. He’s completely destroyed an iconic piece of TV history.

Hartnell must be turning in his grave…

Nominated by Dioclese

174 thoughts on “Doctor Who

  1. 1: Tom Baker
    2: Patrick Troughton
    3: Job Pertwee

    My favourite three and the only Doctors worth a salt. All the others can fuck off.

      • Jon Pertwee ( Worzel Gummidge) was my hero as a kid and would have definitely swapped my Da for him.

      • Worzel was ace, birdman… Pertwee was brillianat… Una Stubbs was also superb as Aunt Sally… One of my first boyhood crushes was on Stubbs in Till Death Us Do Part….

    • We had a nun at school (well several), Mother Mary Agatha – fucking frightening sight – I went on a school trip to Lourdes as a 10 year old and we were loafing about one night outside our rooms and she came out to tell us to get back into our rooms – with no headcover and in a long grey evening gown she looked even fiercer. We called her Black Dalek Number one – that’s how scary she was. The woman could cut you in half with your tongue but if that failed she was an evil cunt with a ruler and a size 10 black plimsole.

  2. Just spent the afternoon with James Caan in Rollerball. The blurb on the video case reads…

    “Set in 2018, Rollerball is a sensational glimpse of a future where the world is ruled by six giant corporations, a place where there is no war, no poverty and no unrest, but also no free will and no God.”

    The film was made in 1975 so 2018 probably seemed a long way away (I was six). But today there is lots of war, lots of poverty and lots of unrest. There’s also a Hell of a lot of a certain god. But they were right about rule by corporations and no free will.

    All together now…


    Here’s the update to yesterday’s rant about transbenders and Islamic gaylords…

      • Tom was/is my favourite… I love the Tom Baker and Lis Sladen partnership (‘Bill’ and Clara, my arse!), but I also am very fond of the Leela period too… Louse Jameson in that leather costume…

      • Only really good things about Nu-Who was/is John Simm as The Master, and the Daleks that crush peoples skulls and fry their brains with their sucker plungers…

  3. Dr Who needs to be screened at a proper viewing time i.e 1.30pm ‘watch with mother’ time cos that is the level of intelligence you need to be to watch such utter utter shite?

    • I dimly remember the first episode. It was shite, even by b&w 60s tv standards. It is now shite in colour. I suppose cunts who watch this will one day graduate to shite like Harry Potter or Lord of the Ringpieces.

    • Dr Who is a load of pony, you gotta be some kinda cunt to sit through an hour or so watching bollocks
      Sorry fellow cunters who love it, each to their own I suppose

  4. Hijacked by the BBC right-on agenda. A real shame. I really enjoyed the 2005 Ecclestone series but the writing was on the wall when the show had to face criticism for the ‘torture’ of a dalek. Ecclestone, either with great foresight or great timing jumped ship, and the series has been heading down ever since.

    Contrary to most fans, I found Tenant’s over-excitable fopp annoying in the extreme; Matt Smith was a cunt and the criminal crap Capaldi has had during his tenure should constitute a hanging offence for pubehead Moffat and co. Trying to watch the stories pushed Capaldi’s way has been like watching your first crush being gangraped by multiple asylum seekers.

    Moffat really should be the focus of this cunting, imho. It’s no coincidence that the same pseudo-bollocks ruining Dr. Who is prevalent in Moffatcunt’s other bag o’shite, Sherlock.

    • Even at the best of times Tenant could be a annoying cunt Matt Smith wasn’t horrible but the material was weak so he can’t really be blamed

    • I like Capaldi, but how can anyone improve the heaps of steaming shite he’s been given to work with?….. Tennant had a tendency to chew the scenery and be too ‘zany’, which was annoying… He had his moments though… Eccleston was great, but he knew what was coming, so he fucked off….

      During the Matt Smith/Moffatt era, the spin-off series about Sarah Jane Smith (the late Elisabeth Sladen) was actually better then Doctor Who… And her show was marketed as a kids programme… Still, it had better plots, better villains, and Sladen acted Smith and co off the screen..

  5. This cunting should be for muffin faced moffat who ruined the show since he fucking started and its just getting progressively worse and dumber. Hell peter capadli looks so out of place even more out of place then Eccleston did. Kris Marshall as the new doctor? whata load of bollacks

    • I’d rather it was Marshall than Tilda Swan Vesta, Phoebe Char Wallah Tower Bridge, Hairy Mulligan, Miranda Horse, or that tart out of Broadchurch…. A white, straight man getting the part (whether it’s Marshall or not) will have yer snowflakes, effem menbenders, feminazi, and PC libmongs in meltdown… Worth giving it Kris for that alone, I reckon…..

  6. I recall an earlier time in my life when actors would often refuse a script as less than worthy for their acting talents. Although pretentious, it served as a benchmark. The result was that actors were selective and the quality of scripting improved.

    Dr Who. Oh Dear!

    The scripts have become less than intelligent, and every opportunity is now taken to include some less than subliminal message of indoctrination. The dialogue, particularly that of the episode featuring the Black and the Pakistani Welsh Guards circa 1880, stuck now on Mars, was a stretch of credibility beyond that of a retarded fuckwit gaining a degree in Spatial Telemetry at Oxford.

    The Doctor has become a figure of derision. Actors who are less than selective que to suck the imperial cock of the Stasi Elite of the BBBC. The acting ( Yes I know ) is less than charismatic, and is peppered by petulant performances from deluded thespians who surely are suffering Grand Paralysis of the Insane ( advanced tertiary syphilis of the brain )

    This once great and iconic programme has died. Its miserable carcass needs cremated to end the suffering of its ignonimity .

    As for the introduction of gender fluid cast and a female black Dr Who ( I kid you not….the fuckers are discussing this ) consign all thoughts to the bucket of shit along with the scripts, which incidentally are all written by fucking morons.

    Kill off this shit now !

    • The Welss Guards on Mars one was shite, but the Roman occupied Scotland episode was even worse… Sambo soldiers with Paul Pogba hairdos in the Roman Army?…. Celtic warriors all look like 20-something students, and their chief is a midget with make up and hair like Adele?….
      Oh, and of course every bloke (Roman or anything else) has to fancy the Black Lezza (funny, because I fucking don’t!)… A deliberate PC plot device so she can rebuff them by saying ‘Errrr… Yaz not my types! I likes wimmin, innit!’ Only for each would be suitor to reply something like, ‘Hey! That’s cool! My granddad is gay!’ or ‘Hey! My fellow Legionary is a bumbandit! So, hey, it’s cool!’

      What a load of fucking cunt!

      • Jeez, i forgot about that episode Norman….Romans in Scotland..! I wonder what the wee Krankie has to say about that!

      • Well to be fair, the Romans did occupy southern Scotland up to the antonine wall and the Romans tended to have either mixed legions or legions from other provinces to prevent legions from going turncoat in the event of a local peasant revolt. In that regard, the odd Mauritanian or nubian black legionary is feasible. Pakis not so much.

      • Watched some of this episode, wished I had not. Life is too short to waste on this sort of bollocks. Black lezza’s and gay dudes each to their own but what a fucking waste of a licence fee.

  7. Didn’t really like the rebooted series, I stopped watching as a kid when baker stepped down as none that followed had the charisma the previous doctors had.

    When they resurrected it I had my own kids so watched a few episodes with them, there were moments where it was almost good but it has now been hijacked to push a progressive agenda.

    Doctor Why is a bettter title, why fucking ruin something that worked because it is unworldly, it is meant to be escapism. When your fighting evil aliens gender politics and LBGT propaganda is probably the last thing on your mind.

    The BBC needs to go.

  8. Well the ABBC cant just make good programs anymore all of them have to have some flowery hippy were all equal shite in everything from kids shows to newsnight.

    i loved this show when it returned with ecclestone as the new Dr his broken and war damaged Dr had a lot of depth and range who felt like he had been through some awful things . Same with billy Piper i thought she would be wank but was amazing as Rose.

    Love David Tennant too how he could turn on dime and become this dark and emotionless creature who needed saving from himself . His end was great to his ” i don’t want to go line ” with fear and sadness in his eyes was perfect before he regenerated .

    i tried to watch Matt smith and that anorexic scot bird with a spaso bf and found a few episodes good bit overall it was pure cum farts and boring.

    had high hopes for Capaldi as loved him in the loop movie and that tv show were he played a version of Alister Campbell that made be piss myself with laughter. But no Moffat fucked it all up with his right on everyone equal lets have a black lesbian tranny disabled non binary person for every role attitude fucked it up .

    I hope they can save it with a new producer who maybe wont be a leftie lovie but chances are slim to non. There are glimmers of what could have been like that recent episode were the doctor has to keep killing and copying himself over million s of years while being chased by death through a castle, and the only way to stop it momentarily is to tell it secrets .

    Wont go into any more but was a bloody good watch a real diamond in a mountain of congealed fox and cat shit that showed what Capaldi could do with this character if given the chance .

    • We’re not allowed to take the piss anymore which is the main ingredient of good comedy .
      By the look of things their are no more comedians . We’re left with snowflake cunts with endless unfunny jokes about Big Don and Brexit.

  9. They’re announcing the new Doctor after the Wimbledon men’s final.

    Can’t fucking wait, bunch of pretentious BBC twat cunts. Like it’s that big a fucking deal.

      • Like in The Goodies… ‘I is a black muslim! My name is Rastas Watermelon!’

        Don’t think we” ever see Graybags. Little Billy, and Timbo on our screens again.. The sensitive libspaz flakey wakeys would disintegrate on the spot….

    • I’m glad they are announcing the new doctor who after the Wimbledon final, why?? Because there’s not a cat in hells chance I will be watching!!
      Federer is undoubtably a tennis great but has the charisma of a welk and on his day could give Hamilton a run for his money, I used to occasionally watch Wimbledon when it had colourful combustible characters , federer and cilic are neither….
      BTW…. I did laugh at the Spanish girl bumping off penis Williams!
      7-5 6-0 !! ????

  10. While we have the BBC in the spotlight I would like to severely cunt the controller of BBC COMEDY on Radio 4. For years I have taken delight in listening to the 6.30 pm comedy even on the long wave if I was out of the country and before internet.
    I’m sorry I’ll read that again, Navy Lark etc. All very dated now but nevertheless entertaining at the time. 3 of my favourite programmes that I always and still do follow are Dead Ringers, The News Quiz and of course I’m sorry I havn’t a clue, ISIAC to us oldens. Alas not anymore. I have just listened to the latest offering from ISIAC and quite honestly I felt embarrassed as it seem several members of the audience judging by the old laughometer Nobody could replace Humphrey Lyttleton and I suppose that Jack Dee does make a valiant attempt. The best part of the show is in fact the introduction where the venue and surrounding area are placed under the microscope with the ensuing piss take to follow. The main part of the show has in my opinion gone to the dogs. First Willie Rushton went and died on us, while Tim Brooke- Taylor and Barry Cryer die every week especially now that Graeme Gaerden has mysteriously disappeared. Which brings me seamlessly to the guests which replace these fallen figures. Last week we had the delights of Andy Hamilton and the beautiful bombshell Jo Brand, both with faces perfect for radio! This week it was John Finnemore and the elf like Susan Calman. Calman deserves a cunting chapter of her own although fortunately she did not bring her “wife”or periods up, otherwise I would have brought my dinner up. ISIAC has had its day, as has The News Quiz. Great in the days of Alan Coren, Barry Took, Linda Smith, Armandi Iannucci to name a few. I wasn’t keen on Toksvig as presenter and the episode where Calman and Sue Perkins were on made me lose the will to live. 3 dykes in one show, oh well done BBC. Now we have Miles Jupp and his fucking mates Brigstock Fat Fucker Jupitus, resident jock Fred MacAulay, Cunty Calman, suspect sexuality Jeremy Hardy and that bloke whose name I cannot remember or pronounce but he is always on some chat show or 30 minute comedy Ramakin Marrakesh or sumfink like that. (Good old English name) Briefly Dead Ringers has also become embarrassing, the irony is disappearing and too much politics is replacing it.
    One last thing I would like to do the complete opposite of a cunting for my new superhero that I heard of for the first time this week Pat Condell. His views on Brexit, the systematic invasion of the UK, and snowflakes made me warm to him instantly. If this man cannot inspire you there is no hope left. Lets make him Prime Minister. Anyone second that?

      • Thanks Norman. Not starting a mutual appreciation society but I value your views as well along with Dio, JR, Dick F and of course Sir Limply even though I don’t always understand his banter. Chortle and guffaw.

  11. I’d make Stephen Hawking the next Dr. Who,at least then it would be a fair fight for the Daleks. I do like that Jenna Coleman who was in it.if she’d get her tits out I’d watch….and probably play with myself. I did when she was Queen Victoria. I’d probably still like the Royal family if they all looked like Jenna Coleman,but they don’t. Not a decent set of tits amongst them. Off with their heads.

      • The ‘Black Lezza’ (copyright: ABBC) is the worst character in the show’s history… Doesn’t it bother Pearl Thingy that she got the part simply because of her skin colour and not her acting ability?… Also, the lesbian bit has no relevance or significance to any story (apart from that ludicrous bit in the last episode: where ‘Bill’ leaves the Doc to die and floats off with that bit of fluff)….. Yet they still had to reference or mention it whenever they could… Even her last (living) words to the Doc were along the lines of ‘Errr… I’m glad you knows I likes wimmin, innit!’….. Complete PC bollocks..

  12. Getting pissed of with Beyonce and Jay Zzzzzz’s kids already.
    It shows how empty some folk are that they buy into this shite.
    I love The Charlatans but couldn’t give a shiny shite about their family lives.
    Liam Gallagher, i can’t wait for the greatest front man of all times new album, but stories of his kids? Do one!

    I reckon that this all started with Stella McCartney, and since then its the norm.
    Just look how far George Bests son got, even though i cant remember his first name.
    The Beckham’s brats. They have nothing in the way of talent, look average and yet they are “superstars” because of that “calibre” of spunk and spunk receptacle.

    Now its the babies of slebs .
    Just been dropped out of a fanny, covered in gunk and into instant stardom.

    Grown ups/adults salivating over kids is a bad thing i thought.

    • Liam Gallagher greatest front man of all times? haha funny joke bman and Mark E Smith has the voice of a angel

  13. Haven’t watched this childish shit for many years. Troughton was the best, and I came back to it briefly to watch Eccleston who wasn’t bad. Best things about this programme were the Tardis and the electronic music.. I would have been happier if there’d been more Blake’s Seven, that was quite interesting.

    • Avon was a top cunt, and Jacqueline Pearce was sexy as fuck as Servelan… Also there was Glynis Barber in a silver jumpsuit….

  14. I’m bored of hearing about,and from,those sponging “survivors” from that tower-block. Fuck’em,and bring back the Page 3 lasses instead.

    • Maybe its rose tinted glasses, but wasn’t the world a little bit of a better place with page three birds ?
      Or eighties/early nineties page three birds with nipples a blind man could spend a moment reading rather than these smooth, small nipples i see in porn nowadays.

      What ever happened to slightly brown, large, playable areoles ?

    • Likewise Dick Fiddler, sick to the back teeth of the endless news coverage of that fucking Tower and how they want the most well appointed accommodation in London. Corbyn and that sinister cunt John McDonnell are saying they deserve nothing less. As long as they don’t move next door to them of course.

      • They deserve Fuck-All. Bunch of swindling grabbers. Deport the fucking lot of them,that way we won’t have to listen to their yammering. Give the place a light dusting and there you go,affordable,vacant housing for a whole new tribe of Abduls.

    • Oh fuck I miss page 3, even when the news was awful a quick look at a nice rack would always put a smile back on my face…..??

  15. Yet another cunting for the good old BBC. They have a new programme where Nadia Hussein goes around Britain sampling regional food. How right on is that? A fine example of an emancipated peaceful lady entertaining us. At our own, licence fee expense of course.
    Now, I wonder if she will be sampling British traditional foods such as – Pork pie, lobster, black pudding, cockles, bacon hot pot,meat pies, rock salmon etc etc. I rather doubt it. Why not go the whole hog (excuse the expression) and have a vegan starring in the same way? We could be treated to raw celery, asparagus and hazel nuts (allergies permitting of course) The famous rhubarb triangle could feature as well as any number of orchards and suitable gluten free cereals. A unique take on traditional British grub.
    What a bunch of cunts.

    • She should come to Bury Market… There’d be a bit of a paradox though… A black pudding eating a black pudding…

    • And the previous winner of the Great British Fake Off was …. who? Anyone remember? Did he/she get a TV series or two and a book deal? Did they fuck…

      Maybe I’m cynical but they probably weren’t a muslim female? Just askin’…

      • I don’t mind a bit of Bake Off myself, although they call it The Great British Baking Show over here. Not sure what that’s about. Anyway, the series showing now is down to 6 and there’s this one cunt who winds me up. Some ginger haired, red faced, smarmy sack of shit called Andrew. You know the sort. The sort whose face, personality, voice and general demeanor just make you want to set fire to your telly. I’m going to dance around my living room when that cunt gets voted off. Come on Mary & Paul – do the right thing. That said, their judgement is questionable, what with letting a fucking muzzie cow win a previous series. I didn’t watch that series on principle.

      • I took up that very point with the ABBC. The answer was………fuck all. They were sorry I didn’t agree with their decision etc etc.

    • Well she’d best not turn up at my door wanting some of my pan-fried squab (delicious,it was.). I’ll set the dogs on her. They don’t like people of the postman discovered when he came back from his holidays sunburnt. It’s not like they’re racist,though,they chase every fucker.

      • ‘Fraid so, Birdman. There’s a load of half-wild/half domesticated pigeons that nest in one of the byres. I climb up to where they nest on the top of the wall and take a few occasionally. I’ve had rook squab too a few times,but they can be a lot harder to get at.

      • My love of birds came from finding a squab ringneck dove when I was eight.
        Squabs are kicked out of the nest before they can fly and the one i found would never have made it through the night, so i took it home and we became best buddies, even when he’d shite on my shoulder whilst we watched the telly.
        Evening telly that was coz soon as dusk came he’d be off to his bed even if Top Of The Pops was on.

      • It might not seem it,but I’m actually fond of animals. I don’t kill things for sport,but I do kill things to eat occasionally. If people had more idea where their meat came from,they might respect animals a bit more. In a way, I understand veggies,but I enjoy my meat too much to ever settle full time for those substitutes.

    • According to that Paki cunt though, “British food doesn’t exist”. If I went on TV and said “Asian food doesn’t exist”, I’d be crucified as a racist. But she’s a) a Paki, and b) a Muslim paki, it’s perfectly OK. Cunt. And have noticed how, after wearing a hijab and dowdy muslim clothes during Bake Off, she’s now taken to wearing a turban and brighter clothing? Double cunt.

  16. Oh, and any mong on social media or otherwise who refers to the PC crazed pube headed Doctor Who destroyer, Moffatt, as ‘The Grand Moff’ should be gassed… Gassed!!!

    • Thoughts on Lukaku, Norm? Was happy to see your lot embarrass the Mickey Mouse League of Shit (MLS) LA Galaxy cunts on the telly. Every time one of theirs touched the ball, the wife and I were all “Oooo are ya”. Each time Utd scored, we’d sing ‘One nil to the football team’, then ‘Two nil to the football team’. You get the general idea. Unfortunately we had to suffer through some Yank co-commentator who obviously knows jack all about football. And then the usual Yank wank of having some blonde bimbo on the sidelines talking shite into an oversized microphone like she has some top secret intel to share. Give me strength.

      • Good striker, Lukaku, but he’ll need the service… Lukaku would have thrived with Hill and Coppell or Giggs and Kanchelskis… But with Lingard and whoever, I don’t know if he’ll get that regular service… There is even talk of Zlatan staying on now… Wouldn’t mind, he’s a handy player to have and a top professional… He could have a Jimmy Greenhoff role: a big man for the big games…

      • One layyyyyyyzzzzeeee
        fuckin idle twat. He’ll soon be shown up as the uppity cunt he is. Glad to see the back of the cunt. The cunt.

      • No surprise that Moffatt worm has been hankering for a female Doctor long before Chibnall arrived… After a few episodes of this new ‘Doctor Womb’, people will be begging Kris Marshall to take the role…. But this will go either one of two ways….

        Way One: The longstanding since boyhood fans (like myself, Dio, and QDM) will leave the show in droves, and ratings will be nonexistent, they will save it by getting in a top bollocks (male) actor) and doing away with all this PC ‘wimmin’ shite…

        Way Two: The longstanding since boyhood fans (like myself, Dio, and QDM) will leave the show in droves, and ratings will be nonexistent, they will carry on pandering to snowflake wankers, their own egos, and all men will be wiped from the show and it will die a death….

        My money is on way two….

  17. I would like it if David Bradley did the First Doc in his own series… A throwback to the 60s aimed at true and traditional fans and not post-2005 Twatter knobends… Get Bradley as Doctor No.1 Mk II, Simm or Jacobi as The Master, and some classic Daleks… Fanny’s yer auntie… But there’s about as much chance of the ABBC doing this as there is of me taking Christina Hendricks up the coal chute…. Ah well…

  18. Never been a fan of Doctor Who so I can’t rightly give it a cunting. Capaldi, on the other hand, needs a vicious steel toe-capped cunting just for being the smug cunt that he clearly is.

    All conjecture, of course, as I know fuck all about him. As far as ‘hunches’ go though, I’d say he needs a good cunting. That’s enough for me. Where’s my stun gun?

  19. Capaldi being mentioned reminds me of other Scottish slebs and other famous Caledonians.
    Daniella Nardini
    Paul Coia
    Paulo Nuttini
    Sharlene Spiteri
    Lou Macari
    Tom Conti
    Lena Zavaroni

    • Macari was ace at United in the 70s… For such a small bloke he was a great header of the ball… His nickname was The Poison Dwarf… He was also a notorious practical joker: and the stunts Lou got up to are still talked about in Mcr to this day…

  20. Used to love Dr. Who, but stopped watching when Baker buggered off. Like many a schoolboy back in the day, I too hid behind the sofa when the Daleks were giving it large. That Davros had a bit of a ‘tude too. What a cunt! Remember the big black Daleks with the gold trim? They really were shits to everyone. Great stuff!

    The whole revamp has passed me by. I caught a few minutes of one episode. Don’t know who the Dr was at the time, but the premise was plastic was somehow alive and attacking people or something like that. A couple of mongs were walking down the street and got accosted by a wheelie bin. How fucking mental is that? I thought it was a Monty Python skit for a moment. Remember the one where the keep left signs were ganging up on Eric Idle?

    Dr Who was all about low budgets, dodgy sets, cheesy special effects, quirky/fun/eccentric Doctors, cute damsel-in-distress type female side kicks and other-worldly story lines for kids to enjoy. What the fuck has it turned into? Total wank – that’s what. Great cunting.

  21. Might have fucking well known… That cunt from Broadchurch is the new Doctor… Cue endless misandry and PC shite… Well, that’s the last time I’ll ever watch it….

    Doctor Who RIP

    • Just found out myself. I’m not angry though, because the BBC is SO fucking predictable with it’s PC bullshit, I KNEW they’d pick a woman. In fact, I would have been surprised if they’d picked a man. I won’t be watching it anymore either. The last series had a couple of decent episodes, but most of it was shite. The dyke was fucking annoying. Speaking of which, watch them make their new PC beacon a dyke too.

  22. The Daleks will now be saying ‘Menstruate! Menstruate!. Since its always been the Time Lord is she the Time Lady? Think the viewing figures will go through the floor but at least the ABBC have ticked another box.

    • They missed a trick on making her ethnic, crippled and gay though!

      Hopefully next time eh…

      P.S. I don’t really give a fuck because I haven’t watched it since Tom Baker turned into Peter Davidson.

  23. Can’t wait.. Endlessly roaming around unecessarily diverse planets in a fuck off blue box powered solely by virtuous signals generated from early 21st century twatter posts (” quick, the retardis is running low on power.. Someone get your arse down 21st century Shoreditch and retweet something from Katie hopkins!!!), Gender neutral bogs in the Tardis? Free vaginal slims for any alien ‘men who have periods’ (look it up, apparently an actual thing). My roids burst occasionally.. Does that count?Can’t say I’ve ever felt the need to stick a crash mat under em though.

    Id be a bit more pissed off if I hadn’t stopped watching after Ecclestone went (but I did). If I wanted to watch gay pron Russell ‘T bag’ Davis I know where to find it… I could just imagine him around the writers table.. “Hmm .. That’s a great script guys, but I think it needs more bumming”

    Hell in a handcart.

  24. And no doubt there’ll be another female Master… Missy Mark II…. All of UNIT are already wimmin, and there’ll be a new female sidekixck, with which the new ‘Doctor’ will have a lezbo chemistry with… Absolutely sickening… They can shove it up their arse…. Chibnall you are a traitor to your own kind (men) and you are fucking libmong PC lickarse cunt… This is hatred against the male sex and misandry on a grand scale… Make no mistake…

    If anyone hears a rumbling noise tonight, it will be the grave of the late great Barry Letts spinning round…

  25. A woman Dr Who FFS!
    I suppose now the Tardis will be due for a makeover , gone will be the Police Box, unless they paint it pink, though my money will be on the Tardis resembling one of those fancy new toilets that you pay a £2.00 to use, that women adore. Inside will all be scatter cushions and bras hanging up with boxes of panty liners adoring the console.

    When the Dr now gets annoyed it will be all tears and throwing things around and lots of references to PMT and does my bum look big in this new reincarnation.

  26. If the Bastard Broadcasting Cunts really want to be modern they should have the new Dr having lesbian orgies in the Tardis in every episode.Then I might watch.

    • Nikki Benz as The Doctor… With Diamond Jackson as Missy, and Lana Rhoades as the companion… Oh aye..

    • Sandi Toksvig, Claire Balding and Martina Navratilova perhaps eh, Shaun ? You kinky devil,you.

      • Not exactly what I had in mind but this the Beeb we are talking about .

  27. The whole sjw angle for the next doctor regeneration isn’t the worst case scenario. Let me put it like this fellow cunters – who would you prefer? A black, Muslim, gay, disabled, ginger, lesbian woman………….. Or Russell Brand?

  28. This is the signal that everything WILL change. Get ready for the coming black male homosexual Remainer Dr. with social and behaviour issues, followed closely by a wheelchair bound turd and the dancing eyeball.

    • Next announcement will probably be Idris Elba as James Bond.
      Yes, he who moaned because he hadn’t been given (sorry, nominated) for an oscar. Stupid cunt didn’t stop to think it could have been because he’s a shit actor.
      Oh well, that makes him right for James Bond I suppose…..apart from the fact he’s the wrong colour.
      A few years ago, a biopic of Frank Sinatra was going to be made, and who did the makers want to play the lead role? Jamie Foxx that’s who.
      To his credit, Jamie Foxx was interviewed on the subject, laughed, and told everyone to not be so fucking stupid.

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