Seeing hordes of these socialist shitkickers on the ITV News last night, protesting about the Grenfell tragedy with their political slogans on their banners ‘end government austerity’.
I tell you what, you soapdodging, beany hat wearing, rag wearing, blue haired, arsehole acrobats, why don’t you get a job instead of trying to be activists? They interviewed one cunt on there who was clearly not the full turnip; he described himself as an ‘activist’ and ranted on about how Kensington Council had failed everyone. Then he promptly broke down in tears.
Years ago, loops like this would have been tranquillised and would have been resident in a nice padded room. Most of these nut bars are attracted to pied piper Corbyn’s tune for promises of more money, courtesy of taxes on the ‘rich’.
If cunts like this got off their arses and concentrated on making themselves a living instead of their ambition stretching to one of self appointed community mouthpiece, then perhaps this country might see an change in fortune.
Nominated by Paul Maskinback
Man it’s hot.
I can’t really be arsed but I fuckin hate protestors.
They’re all lib-fascist, know it all, look what a demanding twat I am shits or dumb fuckin students like these cunts.
I bet 95% are cunts like this:
Apparently there’s gonna be a “day of rage” or some bollocks tomorrow in london.
All the antifa twats are asking grenfell survivors and other peacefuls to join them.
….round em up, kick out ALL the foreign ones and hang the rest.
Man it’s hot.
….being a fat cunt don’t help either.
Although only parts of me are fat.
…the wrong parts.
Man it’s hot.
@DeploytheSausage, it was over 40 degrees in Sevilla today.
Here, it was a lowley 28 degrees.
My cold tap runs warm water and is not nice when brushing yer teeth with, but hey, turn up the sun.
Ha ha fuck that.
It’s my dream to live in the sun one day but I think I may be too much of a tart for it!
It’s a nicer heat over there though. …or maybe it just feels nicer coz I’m constantly drunk and I know I’ve gotta go home after a week anyway.
It’s supposed to go go back to normal by the end of the week so I’ll be moaning about it being cold, miserable and pissing down soon.
It’s never right.
…Or maybe I’m just a grumpy old cunt.
I’d protest about it but I’m too fuckin lazy!
Excuse me! I’m the Grumpy Old Cunt!
Yup, tomorrow in Londonistan the socialists, Marxists, dindus, bindus and goat molesters will be trudging around with their pitifully predictable “ban austerity”, “socialist worker” and “refugees welcome” placards.
A pound to a pinch of shite it will kick off into riots. The dindus will initiate it as it will be a good opportunity to liberate a 42″ flat screen TV from the evil, rich capitalists at Currys that Corbyn Hood will lump in with any poor cunt who tries to make a living off their own bat.
The hot weather will also aid as a riot catalyst as none of these bone idle cunts can be bothered to riot in the cold and rain when “dey cood bees wochin Jezza Kyle and dem bad fat assed hoes. Nomesayin?”
That’s the funiest thing I’ve read all year
Cheered me up no end
I’ve got MS and this hot weather really kills you and can lead to urinary retention well I’m pissing my self at the moment so many thanks
I know the march is supposed to coincide with the queens speech, but I get the sneaky suspicion that no left wing libtard protest or march kicks off at 8 in the morning……..
The day of rage
Should be quite interesting.
Lots of outraged middle class SJWs bringing every type of grievance to the proceedings.
I’m hoping it gets hijacked by some of the same crowd that burst into Kensington Town Hall and a sprinkling of the same crews involved in the riots of 2011.
With all these daddies little treasures and Islington type trendies in one place it will be rich pickings for da boyz in da hood they hopefully wont want to miss.
A taste of multi culture they will never forget.
Now all we need is Lilly Allen and a few other celebs getting the fear of God put into them by the types they so identify with and my summer will be complete.
armed mob storms london suburb news breaking Stamford Hill North London in lockdown just young cunts reaction to the hot weather im guessing
Lily will be there, straight off the Sunshine Bus. Looking bedraggled with tears in her eyes, vacant lobotomised stare and lank blue hair.
Complete with megaphone to piehole; you can picture in your mind’s eye.
Rachel Brown-Finnis is a cunt….
The ex- England Women’s Goalkeeper (HaHa!) and ABBC ‘pundit’ said this on ABBC (there’s a surprise):’I think it is shocking that in 2017 a club the size of Manchester United does not have a women’s team, and what is even worse is they will not properly explain their position….’
First of all, why should they ‘explain’ anything?… Especially to a fucking joke and someone who has never played at the highest level? And when I say highest level, I mean top flight association football… Not some PC snowflake vanity project for silly cows… MUFC have their faults, but at least they haven’t pandered to the feminzai craze of putting out a ‘team’ of munters just because it’s the PC thing to do… And long may it continue… Brown-Finnis (there’s a name ripe for jokes!) can fuck off and stay out of Mcr red business….
And anyone called Brown-Finnis has to be a cunt without question…
It’s a ‘Monty Python’ name for fuck’s sake….
MUFC do not have a wiminz team for the same reason Ferrari does not build electric cars.
I thought that Man United didn’t have a MEN’s team?
This seems to be the group (or one of the groups) organising the day of rage protest
Any means necessary eh? Make of it what you will…..
No white faces?
I hope the more right wing groups stay well clear of this event today, given that it will be hijacked by every bonkers libtard ‘oppressed’ group it is extremely likely to turn violent.
Stay away right wingers and let this protest descend into the violence that seems to be on the cards, let them show their true colours.
Imagine a world where these groups are actually in charge? Oh wait, it was called the communist revolution in October 1917, that turned out well didn’t it, only tens of millions dead.
Well said , Dick. These cunts are all very keen to conflate any conservative opinion with the Nazis but keep stum when it comes to the likes of Stalin or Pol Pot.
These so called protestors are not protesting for the betterment of society, they are a bunch of naive stupid cunts that have no concept of what it really means to have to struggle to maintain your way of life or defend it, and what sickens me is they are Corbyn’s and McDonnell’s youth movement and those 2 despicable cunts are capatilising on their stupidity as a way of getting into power. They can stand on the sidelines and watch the mayhem unfold and if it turns violent they can simply say nuthin to do wiv me gov.
I dare say Ver Mong will give its approval to any form of rioting or looting, or anything else these leftist scum get up to….
Then she’ll blub about how people are beastly to her on Twatter… ‘Feel free to do the worst to white English folk… But don’t call me names, that’s evil!’ The attention whore snowflake mong in a nutshell…
Wish there was a giant ‘Pink Floyd’s Wall’ type mincer to put all these snowflake scum in…
How about a brigade of marching hammers?
A little Sam Harris should do the trick
Excellent clip…..??
I’ll see your Sam Harris (great clip btw) and raise you a Christopher Hitchens.
Couldn’t agree more mike.
Day of rage?
Movement for justice by any means necessary ?
Well they sound like an even handed well balanced crowd……
I bet the police are looking forward to this? It’s not like they haven’t got enough to deal with already!…..
What with the shock announcement that Daniel day- Lewis has retired from acting!!
I hope he’ll be able to get by on his meagre few millions…
I would also like to anounce my retirement from test cricket.
And so would my cat.
Honestly Good for him one of the only remaining actors I respect. He probably saw where films are heading and decided to call it quits
I mean big deal he quit, films hit their peak ages ago and gangs of new york was okay bit overrated I thought but about an hour too long Not a huge fan but I liked My Left Foot and Their will be blood
Seriously SE how the fuck do you retire from acting?? Nail your postbox shut? Tell you agent not to call you?
It’s not a normal job for fuck sake!, unless you agree to sign up for a film you have no contractual obligations!!, your boss isn’t tapping his watch when you turn up 15 mins late!!
Your not required to keep yourself in peak physical condition like a professional sportsman?? Cant imagine DDL doing a 10 mile morning run followed by a few hours gym work just in case a script falls thru his letterbox!!
Imagine the inconvenience when your agent calls and asks if you want!! To earn 10 million for prancing around like a fairy for a few weeks?? You could always say no thanks…..
Actors are Cunts!! And DDL is right up the top……. ?
DDL would run ten miles and then hit the gym if the role “demanded” it.
When DDL slipped into the role, he remained like that off and on camera until shooting had finished.
He’s what you would call a “pretentious cunt”, and its quite a nice feeling that that pretentious cunt will not be making anymore tat.
Last Of The Mohicans was on last night and Gangs Of New York is on later in the week.
I hope this isn’t a tribute or a sign of things to come, coz he’s shite and i cant think of one filum that i didn’t mind of his.
“When DDL slipped into the role, he remained like that off and on camera until shooting had finished”
Isn’t that a good thing? fucking hell I wish actors nowadays had a tenth of that discipline to research and live there roles. Christian bale also seemed to get into a role like that great in american psycho and for The Machinist he lost 60 pounds
He stays in character at lunch, when taking a piss, when in bed with his wife, when meeting filum executives, when eating soup, when conversing with his kids.
No, its not a good thing.
Its a very strange thing.
Or they could, as the late great Laurence Olivier once suggested to Dustin Hoffman during the production of Marathon Man, try acting.
So, a video has been released of an obese woman (at least I think it’s a woman it actually looks like a man but it claims to be a woman) visiting Finsbury Park mosque in her mobility scooter(haha a scooter!) to speak to the imam about the vile darren osborne.
Miss Simpson said: ‘I came here because the people who did this aren’t English.” Hahahahaha Not Real English cunters! we are reaching levels of Not real english and Not real islam like never before, this is bonkers lol Read the rest here if you like
He may not be real English but he was certainly a mental who had asked to be sectioned several weeks ago after a failed suicide attempt.
On a personal note, something similar happened recently to a relative of mine. He had attempted suicide and was taken into hospital where he attempted suicide again. He was diagnosed as bi polar and as having some sort of personality disorder. He asked to be sectioned but they refused and discharged him. He hung himself the following day.
The mental health provision is a fucking disgrace and it is not down to lack of funding but rather incompetent fucktards who run the service. What do they say about the medical profession? They bury their mistakes. Cunts.
Mental health is a disgrace if you want to pretend to be a women most psychiatrists would treat you right away and give you whatever medicine or hormone stoppers you want. But suicidal, depressed, hyper active or have aniexty? and they turn you away the cruel evil cunts
Sorry to hear bout your cousins tragic end SE, Yours truly has had problems with depression, aniexty, adhd as well. Mental health is getting worse not better seems like its burning at both ends…
And most prescribed anti-depression medication has the wonderful side effect of “may cause thoughts of suicide”. How the fuck does that work?
England is the official home to millions of emotionally incontinent comedy acts like Julie Simpson.
I prefer Family Guy.
Dennis Skinner is a marxist cunt and needs to be kicked out of Her Majesty’s Parliament for refusing to attend the Queen’s Speech. In fact he should be thrown in the tower in waiting to be hung for treason. Cunt.
It would do me fine if someone just punched him in the face….
Family guy was brilliant, don’t like the latest series as much..
apparently it was the most complained about TV show in American history…….
didn’t fox pull it at one point??
Family guy is the most overrated show ever Macfartlane just took the simpsons and made it more vulgar and edgy. Peter is just a dumber and drunker Homer, Marge and Louis aren’t that different either. His other show Cleveland sucks, american dad I kinda like for some reason, the crossdressing alien gets some good one liners in and his nerd son is a funny likeable idiot
You can’t really condemn McFarland for steeling the Simpson’s format, sit coms set in a domestic family environment are as old as the hills. But some are better than others, “Terry and June” was shit while “Steptoe and Son” was sublime.
Family Guy is rubbish, the same gags week in, week out. MacFarlane is a turd-eater who does a few comes voices and is also famous for bashing that Mother of Dragons fitbit who can’t act to save her life. I’m not jealous though.
If you want edgy cartoons, download every series of “Archer” – it’s an absolute classic. PC it isn’t.
…now you’re all going to go out and buy the grenfell charity single aren’t you.
What a stomach churning load of old cobblers that’s gonna be.
A total fist in mouth cringefest more like.
I heard it was going to be a cover of Bridge over Troubled Water but the bit I heard on the radio didn’t sound much like Simon and fucking Garfunkel to me. It was some rapper cunt:
“Me Grannie cud ave lived in dem flats” was the only line I could decipher.
Still as long as our diverse friends like it…….no, I won’t be buying it.
My grandad always said that actors and politicians are the genuine unemployable.
And I say Enoch was right.
The snowflakes will bring old England down……….Cunts…………Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah(c)
Baaaa .. oh …
Fellow cunters may be interested in a book titled “The Abolision of Britain” by Peter Hitchens. I’m not normally a big fan of his but lately he is one of the very few sane voices left. Read it for nowt here;
I like Peter, he gets alot of unnecessary hate because he isn’t an atheist like his better known brother Christopher. Great journalist too fairly unbiased from what I’ve seen Thanks 4 the link
well, according to the Daily Mirror (I know, I know) the day of rage protesters are already arguing among themselves before the march has even started!
What a surprise huh in this virtue signalling Olympics.
‘I’m more virtuous than you’, ‘No you are not I’m more virtuous than you!’ And so on till it all comes to blows.
I do hope they all turn on each other and show themselves up for the utter cunts that they are.
Not that the media would let us see it happening…
Quite, I am surprised by the lack of coverage, maybe it is because of the very real risk of this turning into a riot, so best ignore it.
Guess that’s why the slebs are not at the vanguard, too scared of the likely outcome.
It won’t kick off proper till later I reckon, longest day and all that, only brave in a mob and better after dark too.
I see the revolutionary communist party are there too, rational sane bunch that they are…….
Worker’s Revolutionary Party
Socialist Worker’s Party
Revolutionary Communist Party
Now there’s “The Socialist Party” (advertises in Viz Comic of all places).
Why so many separate parties? Do they not “get on” or something? Do they hate each other?
I think we should be told…
What about the judean peoples front?
Well supposedly working hard at my desk in this infernal heat I type this cunting.
Latest events yet again dumbfound me, firstly the towering inferno, well no it was not particularly nice but the fall out was revolting.
Residents are to receive one off (or perhaps multiple) payments to cover their losses. ….. this strikes me as a kind thing and in the radio interview I heard after was not that well received “ my TV and my bed cost more than£5000” said one resident at this point I started to dislike these people.
My bed and TV combined probably hits £1500 (paid cash up front for them too!) and also if my shitty rented house burnt down, guess what I have contents insurance, which also involves accommodation, because like them I have some right fucktards next-door so you must be prepared and pay the premium.
Now we have some shit song to help them, I think candle in the wind would be more appropriate but hey ho.
The Towering Inferno was due to be on TCM last Friday. For some reason they changed it. Chickenshits.
A band called the Streetband were playing on the radio the other day. “Toast”
That tone deaf cunt Paul young was the lead singer in the Streetband
Of something by Arthur Brown?
Yea if my house burned down I’d get told to fuck off.
…if their shite is worth that much they should’ve paid for contents insurance. If they can’t afford insurance how can they afford expensive shit like that?
…. I suspect WE paid for it.
Fuckin ungrateful doss cunts.
This “day of rage” , i thought that’s just what you lot were calling it, i realise now that’s what it’s actually called.
My melon has been getting well and truly twisted lately with all these word games and double standards.
Foreign enemy attacks us = don’t look back in anger, one love, diversity not divide, refugees welcome.
An accident occurs = get angry , protest and join in our great big Day Of Rage, coming to you soon. ( only a few days after we told you to come together and love one another in the memory of Jo Cox)
My posts are sometimes a bit clumsy, but commenting on these cunts is getting more difficult, day by day, due to their twisting and turning.
When i was a kid, i had this crazy notion that all, and i mean all adults had their heads screwed on and had matured.
How wrong was i ?
Its just one big fuck off crazy school playground out there.
If that’s twisting your mellon, how about this?
Someone tries to kill them but accidentally didn’t.
…what would they do then?
Grenfell residents being housed in luxury Kensington flats… as in PERMANENTLY:
Remind me again why we bother working for a fucking living?
Err! It is because. Err it is because… Er.. Yes, why the fuck ARE we working?
FFS On the news, a guide tour of what can only be described as “a beautiful lifestyle”, luxury, absolute luxury at £8 million per pad. Bathrooms to die for, fully tiled, a kitchen come breakfast room that you could only ever wish for.
Each of the Grenfell Tower mob, have certainly landed on there feet! Only a fucking stupid white cunt could do this! With ex servicemen on the streets, with young couples struggling on council waiting lists, and deserving citizens of the United Kingdom in need, we give such palatial opportunities to alleged refugees, itinerant asylum seekers and useless arseholes who can’t be bothered to get up in the morning.
Within weeks, the subletting will start, thousands of pounds will be transacted weekly as the growing money pit expands the purse of the local Camel and Goat shaggers.
For pity’s sake. I do not begrudge help to those in need, but when a £2 BILLION building is destined to become a lavatorial shithole in a mere few weeks, I ask WHY? Just what in fucks name does it take to make a common sense decision regarding uninvited guests.
Fuck all the political heroes who are determined to destroy this once great country of ours, and fuck all greedy grabbing bastards, who will no doubt be shit hot on the phone to their cousins, inviting them in for a slice of the white mans arse! Cunts.
Because it is your money and not theirs. I left the UK partly as I could see this whole shitfest coming.
I seriously worry for the decent working people of the UK when the brains finally leave, and whats left is what we are seeing on the streets of London today.
I am waiting for a Country (it would have to be a big country) to say, ‘entrepreneurs welcome’ and give favourable tax rates, then wait and see what the hard left has to work with cashwise, 90% grasping useless people and the final 10% of doers catching the last bus out of there.
If Russia becomes pro business and accommodating, welcome to world war 3.
It won’t be a “luxury development” for very long. Give it a year and it will look like some sandswept cunthole. I hope they’ve got adequate parking for camels and goats.
Yea each apartment WAS worth 1.5 million.
I wonder how much the flats will be worth now. …or next year.
I don’t mean to be a cunt … what am i saying, I’m a cunt and I don’t care …but if we hadn’t let them in in the first place we wouldn’t even have needed that fuckin tower in the first place.
It could’ve been demolished years ago and turned into a nice garden or something.
… I heard this earlier that the ‘unfortunates’ of Grenfell tower were to be re-housed in luxury appartments …..
A couple of things, I feel ….
For whatever reason,the authorities are bending over backwards to help these ‘unfortunates’ … with this re-housing shit, it will really, really only get the backs up of your normal working people, who will now have an even greater utter, utter deeper hatred of these ‘unfortunates’, and therefore despise the authorities even more …..( the Govt. may think they are helping some … but they are really making a greater divide against the people they are supposed to represent )
… Once these folk are in, you will never get them out … and on that note … Those of a similar ‘community’ across the land … will now be looking to achieve a similar ‘status’ … ‘a big fuck off fancy appartment’, and if they don’t get it … watch it all kick off …!
We all have different tastes (except snowflakes, who like everything they’re told to like) but how can you dislike Family Guy, Cleveland Show and Seth McFarlane ?
I’d say you’ve achieved the impossible there.
Do you like Ted and Ted 2 ?
I gave some pretty good reasons shamelessy stole off simpsons… seriously Matt Groening should sue. I dunno just don’t care for it doesn’t suit my tastes stewie is probably the only decent thing about it I’ll watch it if I can’t find anything else
“Do you like Ted and Ted 2 ?” No the Ted films was just stupid stoner shite, good for a few larfs not much else, haven’t bothered to see the second one
Long before there was Peter Griffin, there was Al Bundy…
Comedy is a very personal thing but the only thing Seth McFarlane stole off Matt Groening was a well used comedy format which Groening “stole” off some one else. I’m sure if he could have sued then he would have.
Films with numbers in their titles are (almost) always shit. Exception that prove this rule are “2001, a Space Odyssey”, “101 Dalmatians” and “The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada”.
All of the above are shit, especially the teddy bear films.
Just download every series of Archer ‘ as it’s bloody hilarious.
“only thing Seth McFarlane stole off Matt Groening was a well used comedy format” Perhaps but there is still alot of similarity in the characters and a few switch a maroos here and there. The plot almost runs the same too Homer(Peter) does something really stupid and he has to appease Marge(Louis) to win her favor.
I don’t see the big deal with Archer. I can’t stand that arrogant yank spy shit humor. Half the characters on Archer irritate me, Archer sounds like a nasally poof too. I’ve watched maybe 15 episodes of Archer can’t say I was impressed, its decent tho
It’s a heavy day, so for those of you who crave a little jollity, there’s the latest threat from Doubledick over at the Penguin …
You couldn’t make it up. FFS somebody buy the twat a copy of “Internet Trolling for Dummies”. We know where to send it…
Yes , he seems to have recruited some rather vulgar ladies to his cause, and some others who seem to be technical experts in computing….He’s still a fuckwit little cunt.
MSDOS? doesn’t he mean Dox?!
I think it’s DDOS
Distributed Disruption Of Service
Beware the mighty troll army. Nearly as dangerous as Hitler in his bunker and just as real…
And just as doomed…
There is that to it…
I seem to recall someone recently moaning about the quality and quantities of posts on here? Can I just say in defence of the Admins that if you don’t write them then they can’t post them.
There’s a lot more comments than in my day but less nominations far as I can see. Simples…
Do try to nominate but no go still.
Time to put your hand in your pocket, chaps.
BTW, I’m assuming everyone on here is a chap. Just out of interest, are there any wiminz on here?
Have tried to wank while squinting at the poster but no action Skidfart. Perhaps my age….
Oh, before I forget. Thanks to Shaun for the back to top button. My right index finger is most grateful.