I would like to nominate rubber-faced Golum tribute act and born-again liberal ex-hack Matthew Wright for a monumental cunting.
This fuck-faced fucker continues to chug along on his shitty C5 show, playing the infuriating devil’s advocate like only an ex-journo cunt can. I caught part of his show on Monday, obviously straight after the London Bridge terrorist attacks. One of the phone-ins was about, inevitably, terrorism and whether Treeza’s ‘enough is enough’ speech was justified. One caller – Sarah I think – rightly stating that security of UK nationals comes first, ISIS and associated hate the free West… you know, actual common sense.
But Matthew Wright, cuntlord that he is, justifies these fuckers wanting to blow us up because of Libya. Except, you fucking hideously malformed eunuch, ‘peacefuls’ were blowing us up before that. And there is always an excuse. The truth is these fuckers want to see the destruction of anything not adhering to their warped book of fairytales and associated fuckery.
Aside from all that, Matthew Wright has built up a solid list of cuntship over the years. From wrongly outing John Leslie (himself a cunt, but nevermind) as Ulrika Johnson’s rapist, to asking his backward studio audience whether they would ‘do’ Amanda Knox (right after the death of Meredith Kercher), to joking about dead teenagers (Liam Aitchison) – notwithstanding his daily spiel on his PoS show, pretty much anything he utters from his malformed fucking mouth is worthy of a cunting. Surrounding himself with subserviant fucktards like ex-Emmerdale actors, John Barnes and Janet Ellis, this jug-eared abomination is truly a cunt for the ages.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back.
[What do you mean “wrongly” outing John Leslie?? – Ed]
STEVIE wonders a cheeky cunt
Didn’t he have a song titled
My sharia law?? ……?
Snigger (as in type of laugh and not a comment on Mr Wonders ethnicity for any snowflake cunts or members of Lily Allen’s family who may be reading this)
Cunt also wrote “Happy Birthday” and my last 10 have been anything but – the cunt!
Apparently some “peacefuls” have been foiled in a plan to hire a speedboat and drive it into the Thames barrier.
Police are saying it was to mark Ram-a-dam!
(Apologies JR Cuntley if this was one of yours ?)
1….. August
2….. April (1st) 2018
3….. Another fuckin Dud… David Davies for me…….
I like David Davies, working class lad done good. However, much as I would like him as PM I don’t think the ‘fuck me up me arse’ weasels in the Tory party would countenance such a proposition. I like Boris too but that would just open them up to have scorn and ridicule thrown at him and Hammond makes Tess look like Tina Turner in terms of charisma. Unfortunately we are going to be served up with a middle of the road remainer who will then have to call an election which they will most probably lose unless they can expose Steptoe and Rigsby for the subversive cunts they are. And even then most of the cunts that voted for them, especially the flakes, will just say ‘yeah yeah whatever’ with a wave of the hand. We are in a jar of Branston it would seem. Oh, and just in case this is a horrible nightmare I am in the middle of I would much appreciate a fellow cunter giving my mrs a ring to wake me up. Cheers.
When you see Diane Abbott still get a majority of over 35,000 after the most shocking of performances pre-election, what the fuck does that tell you about the type of Cunts out there willing to vote without giving it any thought whatsoever ….
If she actually was the best candidate in that constituency then there should have been either a zero turn out or a record amount of spoiled papers ……
Her area is Hackney North and Stoke Newington
The population is ethnically diverse. Of the resident population 36.2% of people describe themselves as White British. 18.2% are in other White ethnic groups, 23.1% are Black or Black British, 10.5% are Asian or Asian British, 6.4% describe themselves as ‘Mixed’, and 5.3% as ‘Other’.
So in her area only 23% of the people regard themselves as white and British. Another 18.2% are White but probably eastern European on the whole without a vote.
Add up the rest and throw in the large percentage of white British snowflakes who think it would be racist to vote for a non black candidate in a white minority area and Diane is elected with a massive majority.
You know something has gone wrong when voters think that a Corbyn government with a cabinet of McDonnel, Thornberry, Abbott, Angela Mong Rayner, Keir Stamer, Barry Gardiner and that other fuckwit is a good thing.
Say what we will about Michael Foot, the man was a hard left fool but by all accounts he was at the very least highly intelligent academically. By many accounts, Corbyn is not an intelligent man.
Foot and his Shadow cabinet were seasoned Cabinet politicians in their own right. Corbyn’s crew have only had Jabbott the Fatt as an actual cabinet member in the past.
Alas, the problem also lies on the Tory leadership side. May does not even possess a shred of the charisma or iron will of Thatcher. Admittedly Maggie’s judgement went AWOL in her last few years as PM. Didn’t help that Whitelaw (sp?) was dead and Tebbit was gone by then and she was surrounded by noted backstabbing cunts Major, Howe and Hestletine.
May…… there’s nothing more to be said about her manifesto fuck up and her dumb cunt advisors. Her other castastrophic lack of judgement was to gag the other high profile Tories except Amber Dudd.
Boris? Fox? David Davis? Even Priti Patel? WTF was May thinking muting them all the way she did?!
Awaiting moderation again? Really?
🙂 🙂 🙂
No one escapes the wrath of The Moderator rararararara (evil laugh). 🙂
…. but in real common sense terms … shouldn’t it be down to the candidates ability ?
Re-reading, I think I’ve just answered my own question ..
I wonder what I did to incur their wrath?
The chuckle brothers Balls and Osbourne looked like they were having some kind of schadenfreude orgasm when the result was becoming clear, Balls-up you can understand but Cameron’s pet gimp is a Oxbridge silver spooned backstabbing cunt of the worst kind. Independent had given Steptoe a 6 point lead, this is like some twilight zone nightmare.
Seeing Gideon and Balls’ love in, keep in mind these two cunts ripped each other viciously for 5 years, makes you wonder about politicians.
I’d be wary about the Independent, they seem even more in favour of the hard left and Corbyn than the Guardian does!
Agreed… Osborne: the man who didn’t think twice about dry bumming Clegg and his LibDem clowns in order to gain power is now decrying a Tory/DUP government… Amongst Gideon’s brainwaves were treating the (genuinely) unemployed like criminals on probation, the fucking bedroom tax, cutting important public services, and generally fucking the British working man over… The bottybashing ex-Etonian cunt is vermin…
Backstabbing arrogant vermin at that.
The cunt genuinely believes that he should have been PM after the Pig Fiddler quit.
Gideon is just like Hilary Clinton in that aspect, an arrogant, sneering cunt with a ridiculous sense of entitlement.
Popped in to see me old Dad this afternoon. Snuck a look at his Sunday Mirror (morbid curiosity) whilst making a cuppa and there was Compo Corbyn, gloating about how he will “oust” Saggy May after the weekend.
“13 million people voted for us”
How many millions didn’t?
Was it more than 13?
If not, fuck off.
Or just fuck off either way. Fucking hippy…
Well, him and his commie ilk don’t seem to understand basic maths.
I think it’s a kicker that May actually had more votes than Blair in 1997.
But there are far more voters today, ironically thanks to fucking Blaircunt in the first place. His motto was ” if we build it (the benefits office) they will come “,you may remember.
To be precise the population has increased by 7.3 million. (Official figures that is). You can guess the proportion of that figure who are fucking foreigners. The indigenous birth rate has been falling for some time so you can see where the increase has come from…….fucking foreign cunts waltzing in and popping out brats left right and centre. We are having a multi cultural society whether we want one or not. Chew on that.
7.3 milliiioooonnn?????? huh?????????.huh??????
Fuckin hells bells.
I know time has passed but how can any island cope with 7.3 million?
THEY say that there are more people alive today on this planet than all the dead cunts in history put together.
I ain’t no historian or census clerk but that don’t sound right.
I may be wrong, and if i am , I’m sure I’ll fuckin know about it. 🙂
Or should that be “if so”.
My fault, drinking this early…
Yeah, you shouldn’t drink this early, smoke doobs instead.
Corbyn is a delusional cunt, that has always been obvious.
Now he’s becoming an arrogant one too. He lost the election, he’s 604 seats short of a majority and he thinks he can oust the current mob and become PM just like that?! Cunt.
Simple put Birdman, an island can’t cope with a 7.3 million increase in population.
Of course, all the cuts at the top think the solution is to keep building more houses. Fucking idiots.
he makes very good wallpaper though.
Lorraine Kelly is a cunt.
Can you believe she’s never been cunted?
The cunt is sayin ” let the memory of Jo help us bridge this great divide”
Memory of Jo?
No one knew the cunt until she tried catching bullets.
And the division was their doing not ours.
They are the ones who cannot accept anyone who goes against them or their thoughts.
They were the ones who labelled us all thick racists if we didn’t go along with popstar/actor dictators.
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the picnic basket and i thank all of you for putting up with my nonsense, but nor is Lorraine Kelly, yet she gets paid handsomely for spouting ideas she picks up from other soft soppy cunts.
That non stop gurning smile and squeeling is also the sign of fuckwittery and cuntitude.
I bet she wants every child to ride a unicorn at least once in their lives.
That’s all I’ve got the now, so in the words of many cunters, “someone should cunt Lorraine Kelly”.
I think you have just cunted Kelly very well, I nominate it as the ISAC Lorraine Kelly cunting.
Seconded, that was a good cunting.
Also, yes, the Jo Cox murder was tragic, but as it has been pointed out many times, other, more distinguished, politicians have been murdered before. By the IRA no less.
Also, Brendan Cox is a spotlight grabbing egomaniacal cunt who has been milking his wife’s death for all it’s worth.
I’ll “third” Lorraiine Kelly, her sanctimonius witterings on breakfast TV were the first of many inspirations for our getting rid of broadcast telly.
Shame really coz I used to think she was quite shaggable, at least 15 years ago anyway.
A sterling cunting Birdman..
I don’t do nominations.
When i read the daily cuntings written with such eloquence and then one of mine comes up, i cringe.
That’s the reason i told Sean of the Dead 69, months ago when there was a back load, that he can discard any of mine that maybe waiting for a more intelligent nomination.
He’s either taken it on board or he’s also realised that I’m not that clever.
I’m more of an ideas man. 🙂
Well then Birdie, give the ideas and let us all cunt away!
BTW, Chris Sutton and Brendan Rogers are, in fact, cunts!
Oh yes they are.
But ain’t they all nowadays?
I heard Danny Mills say yesterday that “England need to realise that they are not the best in the world, fifteenth maybe”
That was the same Danny Mills who was paid by the FA to have a jolly in Brazil before the world cup to gather information that would guarantee England were crowned World Cup winners.
All i get is 5live and bit of talk sport through BFBS forces radio.
So i have to listen to all they 5live cunts.
Pat Nevin and Tim Vickery are the only decent ones.
Get too intellectual and before you know it you’ll be paying hundreds of thousands of pounds to live in a Gerry built ex council flat in Islington and be inviting Jez and Di around for drinkies.
Is that what you want, coz that’s what will happen!!
Didn’t cold hard “intellect” play a hand in marching millions into Hitler’s concentration camps?
Intellect does not guarantee good character or integrity…
A lot of so called enlightened folk just have good memories.
Not one original thought in their heads but can remember shit and pass that off as genius.
Dr Karl (aussie good guy) said that.
Or something like that. 🙂
Surely someone on this site is a contender for the job. I’d do but there again I’m a cunt according to Mrs Nag.
I’ve heard from the missus that there’s been trouble with Tommy Robinson.
She got from it fuckbook who got it from the Daily Mi…r.
Straight away i told her it was left wing bias nonsense and after looking up about it, i was definetly right.
We all know the media are shite scared of Tommy Robinson coz he’s quite intelligent and will not be cowed by cunts.
So its easier if they attack him without letting him reply.
When i googled Tommy Robinson, i saw that Wikipedicunt calls him a fascist.
I know anybody can change wording in Wikipedicunt, but come on, name calling?
Grow the fuck up .
Or any cunter with the know how could play the same game.
Change the description of cunts on Wikipedicunt to say
The Flabbot is a racist
Corbinbag is a militant
The queen is a lizard
Brendan Rodgers is a cunt
Chris Sutton is a cunt
James condom is a cunt.
If anyone has any spare time.
And if so, let us know.
I would but i cant even leave a reply on the ranting penguin.
“In a show of solidarity, the market has been inundated with flowers and post-it notes promising that London will not be cowed by terrorists.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4591556/Hundreds-sticky-notes-left-tribute-London-Bridge.html
Post It Notes! bloody fucking post it notes! We are fighting ISIS with post it notes punters, oh and flowers too. If I were one of the 23,000 jihadi terrorists in the UK, I would be crying right now…. crying from laughing so hard at how fucking pathetic and weak the response is. Shunning traditional methods of resistance, however, these people’s weapons are not swords or guns, but office supplies and pretty flowers.
Oh And ariana airhead is a horrible singer and a shallow cunt of a human being her shite isn’t music its muzak! Its unfortunate people had to die for her slutbag dance routine probably lipsyncs and uses autotune too I don’t doubt it
Fuck a duck, the Govester is back in the Cabinet…..Minister for the Environment or something! I find that deeply ironic as everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of disgusting slime behind him.
Give the man his due – against all odds the cunt is back from the abyss.
Pity that useless cunt Hammond is still Chancellor. Never rated him.
Shit as Defence Secretary
Shit as Foreign Sec
Bollocks, dreary, doom and gloom Chancellor.
May, the silly bitch, should have went ahead and sacked him anyway, now he’s in a position to fuck over Brexit and deliver the fatal resignation speech if May upsets him!
He’s nopt been the same since Dangermouse dropped him.
Bloody, buggering hell, the resemblance is uncanny!
This is what May needs for fucking up so badly:
I fuckin loved pob when I was a kid!
Now if they could mash that up with the Nick Clegg sorry vid over tuition fees PMS
That would be hilarious L2, as hilarious as Clegg losing his seat.
Here’s a good one…
Who is actually the worst Labour leader (and bigger cunt) out of Corbyn and Kinnock?…
Hmmm, worse leader……. well Kinnock got rolled over by Thatcher in the 80s, thought to be fair that would have happened to pretty much any Labour leader then.
But to lose to John Major?
Then again, Corbyn, despite May running what must be the worst campaign ever, failed to get even close to winning, despite what he thinks.
The bigger cunt?
Corbyn hands down. When Kinnock was leader, he fought to purge his party of the hard left scum. Corbyn is the hard left scum and has let the hard left scum take over his party.
And anyone who is kissed up to the IRA and calls peaceful vermin like Hamas and Hezbollah friends is a Master Grade Cunt.
Equally massive cunts in their own way. Kinnock has got himself a well paid job and a knighthood out of his titanic failures, he is an EU cheerleader and massive cunt. Jihadi Jez has a long history of achieving fuck all whilst getting well paid, he used to restrict himself to trying to fuck up the Labour party, now he has achieved that his attention has turned to finishing off the country.
Both happiest in the company of people trying to destroy Blighty.
Found this today… Actually made an old(ish) cunt like me smile a bit…
Just remembering the days before the BBC became PC and muzzie snakepit, Sky TV/News/Sports, and all that social media shite….
Ah well… Can’t go back…
Norman, I’m not what you’d call old by any stretch of the imagination (I fall under that damn Millenials grouping age wise), but I too miss Ceefax.
I still use the Spanish version of ceefax/teletext.
I was actually looking up this weeks filums a minute ago.
Nothing on.
Nothing worth watching more like.
For all the TV channels we have now, there sure is a lot of crap on.
Ahhh the music they used to play in the early hours on Ceefax, great to help you drift off. Good times.
Remember the xmas advent calendar, jokes page and puzzles?
Good stuff.
On Spanish teletext you get adult contact pages.
They have drawing of nude wimmin made out of the square pixels.
Nipples and everything. 🙂
Anyone used to play bamboozle?
I can’t actually remeber what it was like off the top of my head but I used to play it alot.
Always remember this tune on Ceefax… Think it was a couple of blokes out of Creedence Clearwater Revival…
Teresa May has finished forming her cabinet.
Guess what it’s called?
“strong and certain”
….What a class A cunt.
Sure it isn’t the use by 08-06-2017 Cabinet?
Strong smelling and certainly cunts.
Do you recon she makes these up for herself or just reads the sales slogans from the box of her adult nappies.
My bet is on the next election she and her government will be “descreet and absorbant.”
…. I heard her at the ..’strong and certain’ … bollocks yesterday on a radio interview ….. the thing is , she was asked three quite different questions that she could have answered with some quite diverse ‘human’ replies …. however, she chose to churn out this ..’ strong and certain … ready to go to work’… same fucking answer for all three questions.
With the Tories still reeling from their shocking campaign where she was slated for …’strong and stable’ … and the voting public didn’t buy into her soundbites ….. Isn’t she fucking listening ?
I’m getting more and more cinvinced she deliberately threw this election and any attempt to get us a good Brexit result.
I’m starting to wonder the same thing.
…strong my arse.
I thought Gideon was slimey but Gove leaves a Baker-esque trail of slime behind him.
Do not like the cut of that cunt’s gib and a proven treacherous twat!
Yea at first I liked him but there’s something I can’t put my finger on that just doesn’t seem right about him.
….I don’t trust any of them though so nothing too out of the ordinary.
Yeah, Gove is a real vote killer.
He’s the sort who strictly belongs backstage behind the scene.
He’s more the evil mastermind type.
Then again, wasn’t he the main strategist for Vote Leave? If so, that’s his one redeeming quality.
Strong and stable, strong and certain? Did she used to work in fuckin Ikea!!
Strong and certain? Is that some sort of sick joke?
Don’t know about that but she might well be soon 🙂
What? Sick? As in ‘retire on health grounds’?
Yeah, I can see that happening.
Anyone who would ’empower’ Comrade Corbyn is a cunt.
…unless they “empowered” him by plugging him into the mains!
We can dream Sausage, we can dream.
Or ’empower’ him the same way Liam Neeson did with one of those Albanian cunts in Taken 1.
Before or after he has nationalised it?
After of course, so that when the Unions have run it into the ground, the power supply would be unreliable a la Taken.
Philip Hammond has the appearance, wit and charm of an undertaker! I saw the cunt in the Houses of Parliament a few months ago and he actually tried his hand at making jokey quips?? He was about a funny is he is competent….. A 24 carat dullard……
Even worse, May wanted to sack him apparently, but, like she does everything else, she bungled it and he twigged and was furious.
There’s talk that as a concession, he’s demanded greater influence in Brexit talks.
Fan-fucking-tastic, this useless, pessimist twat, who was another turncoat remainer (having previously been a longtime Eurosceptic) will no doubt push for Soft Brexit – which is no Brexit!
Election results 2017: The most diverse Parliament yet
The BBC celebrates because we now have more LBGT and ethnic MP’s than ever before. Now in my eyes it is about the quality of the MP, not their sexual persuasion or colour.
Keith Vaz anyone, did his ethnic makeup make him a good MP or Jeremy Thorpe did his sausage addiction make him a great MP? More women MP’s? Yes Treesa will be a great advert for them.
Fucking BBC so agenda driven it has rejected reality
And the reality is that you won’t see diversity of any sort in most other governing bodies in the world.
Tell me, how many whites, women or pillow biters will you see in positions of power in Ongo Bongo Land?
Fuckin Aftab Hussain just sums it up.
Cunts like that shouldn’t even be in the country let alone in positions of power.
Awaiting moderation. Again.
Okay, I’ll bite, what the hell is this?
Odd as Councillors have lost their jobs just for being members of Outlaw motorcycle gangs as did a BBC reporter. Amazing what you can get away with if you are of an ethnic persuasion
Especially that particular one….
In Germany (where else?) I’m told that you can be arrested for wearing motorcycle club patches in public areas.
The former “peaceful” Mayor of Milton-Keynes gave a character statement and facilitated the issuing of a taxi licence to a fellow “peaceful” who had also been convicted of rape who then went on to do it again subsequently.
There was no shame in the cunt until *he* eventually decided to stand down as Mayor but…continued to work as a councillor (and one who loves a bit of positive discrimination for fellow “peacefuls”).
So it’s a countrywide problem with “peacefuls” in power and this kind of shite!
Flogging’s too good for these cunts!
Loads of LGBT MP’s and plenty of CUNTS….Clueless Underhand Narcissistic Thieving Shits. You don’t get that on the ABBC.
We don’t get anything normal with the ABBC.
Christ, any foreign bastard could watch the ABBC and be forgiven for thinking at the UK is all a majority of the Rainbow Brigade, Women, Peacefuls and no white English people even though they are still the main actual majority in this country.
If there’s one thing I think we can all be on the same page as the DUP with, it’s wanting the BBC neutered.
Back on Matthew Wright. A left wing grandstander from what I can make out. I did think that he played the back nine. He has that type of mouth that suggests he has a predilection for rampant poovery.
I remember he chaired some benefits debate and struggled to keep his socialist emotions in check. A finalist for the coveted 2017 Cunt D’or prize.
Being of a somewhat liberal disposition, I opine that he deserves to be bound and gagged naked with Russell Brand before an ultra aggressive troupe of sex starved silverbacks are allowed to go to work on them both with just a small pot of vaseline as an sphincter emollient .
I won’t put the TV on before 9pm, unless its to watch something I’ve recorded. This cuts out a load of shit, and I feel much better for it. Daytime TV is the pits, full of cunts like him. Cooking cunts, bargain cunts, house hunting cunts, DIY cunts, chavs and slag cunts arguing, and slapper cunts thinking they have an opinion worth listening too. Fuck them, life is way to short to piss it away watching that shite.
I hate television especially the current shite they shovel out nowadays, its all braindead mush. Advertisements also cause migranes and cancer I can’t prove it but I know its a fact
What the fuck are ABBC Breakfast doing with their Downing St mock-up? How is this helping report the news and what a waste of our license fee money. It’s even got a toy cat hung up on strings.
Then Dan Wanker is back so the Mother and Son team with Louise Mingebag is back to full throttle banter mode. Cunts, time to turn over to Russia Today.
That fucking sad bitch Anna Soubry is a classic example of …… ‘The rise of the Remoaners’. These cunts think they have been given the green light to reverse Brexit. Oh sure, they come out with all the usual ‘of course we’re leaving, I accept the result’ drivel. Come fucking off it. You want the whole thing to be binned and are willing to stick the knives into anyone or anything that gets in the way. All the other sediment is starting to rise from the bottom too. Heseltine, Campbell, Mandlebum, Toynbee, Owen ‘chase me’ Jones. Lying treacherous cunts.
Anna soubry and ken clarke are two of the most poisonous Cunts in the Conservative party , at least old cuntausaurus clarke realises he is coming to the end of his back stabbing parliamentary career , soubry on the other hand has delusions of grandeur, she really fancies a seat at the top table, a thoroughly dislikeable cunt, one that should be jettisoned from the Conservative party ASAP!!
I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE the Rodent faced ex Top Gear presenter, Richard Hammond, for a cunting.
After this latest accident it is a foregone conclusion that the man has the driving prowess of Mr Magoo. The news headline – Hammond crashes again. Yeh, and?
Perhaps he should stick to safer TV pursuits, such as guest slots on Loose Women or advertising anti wrinkle cream and tooth whitening procedures for vain, middle aged men.
Good cunting, the midget shitbag truly is a first order twat who spends most of his day sucking on Clarkson’s tiny cock.
Also somebody needs to tell little rodent face that wearing a suit jacket with jeans and trainers isn’t the height of cool!!
You simply look like a middle aged Cunt trying to look hip!!
Ditto clarkson and James may!!
So, all the Muzzies arrested after Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter have now been released and Clouseau has announced that the cunt built the bomb on his own in his flat. Of course he did. Next stage is “lone wolf”…….mental illness” etc etc……let’s love each other……the snowflakes united……will NEVER be defeated.
Meanwhile yesterday, some Muzzie group gave out 3000 flowers on London Bridge to promote peace. Hold on! I thought these. 3 murdering cunts weren’t “real” Muzzies? So what are these cunts apologising for? I don’t remember any Jocks apologising for Ian fucking Brady. I wish these Muzzies and their apologists would make up their cunting minds. Could they speak more slowly so dimmos like me could follow their logic? Thanks.
Its amazing after all that’s happened that joe public still swallows the liberal snowflake narrative!!, It’s complete and utter bollocks of course, what will it take for people to realise they are being taken for fools??
Bombs/ shootings/ knife attacks should not equal concerts, candles and empty platitudes….
Has anybody got the guts to call it?? Unfortunately no !! sorry if I sound pessimistic but I can’t see anything changing in the near future, we live in an age of weak leaders and a liberal media circus…… CUNTS…….
Why do people pray after an atrocity, hasn’t God just shown he doesn’t give a fuck.
That’s if he exists in the first place…..which he doesn’t.
Only deluded fuckwits would waste time on this bollocks.
I see Theresa May was in church at the weekend…..
Anybody else heard of this Al Quds Day march in London planned for Sunday? Apparently its a march against Israel occupying Palestine by peacefuls types they ‘stand shoulder to shoulder with all the oppressed people in the world against the oppressors’. Despite showing support for Hezbolla in previous demo’s cunt Khan and the Mayors Office have given it the green light. Never mind they are oppressing not just the UK but every other country they infest as well as their own war torn sand box shitholes.