London’s Biggest Cunt, James O’Blarney Bullshitter, is overdue for another front page.
Whenever, a peaceful comes on the line, on his show, he oozes so much empathy, I am starting to wonder whether he has switched teams. Running straight down to the Chiswick mosque, after his Friday morning show?
A little bit of advice James: I don’t think you should take your missus’ yoga mat with you, so best take the rolled up doormat with you under your arm. Make sure you pray towards the East. In case you’re not sure, that would be White City. I realise that’s a bit downmarket for you, but then again, so is Mecca and I don’t mean the Bingo either. Remember, not to tell your priest about your conversion. Not that you’ll have to anymore, since you won’t need to go to confession. In fact, the more sins you commit – according to your favourite cult – the more points you pick up to get into their heaven. Points make prizes – with extra bonus points for atrocities commited against ‘infidels’.
On another point, whenever anyone who has suffered a disaster or had a crisis in their lives and phones in, he starts up his ‘Man of the People’ act with a large helping of faux sincerity. It is so transparent. Someone, please tell him, if he wants a career as an actor he needs to try harder. He will never win an Oscar at this rate.
Lastly, no one has to listen him, anymore, banging on about sharing a platform with ‘it’. The ‘it’, he was referrring to, being Katie Hopkins. For months he had taken sideswipes at her and Nigel of the Farage. Without doubt, highly unprofessional, and something I have never heard from any other presenters on LBC. I am amazed that the LBC management tolerate this type of behaviour. Perhaps, he has grown too big for his boots. He should remember, be nice to people on the way up, since you may meet them on the way down.
On 23rd May, he talked about walking away from the microphone in protest at Hopkins’ ill conceived tweet. He decided against this, because, as he said he ‘values his time with his listeners too much’. Oh really?…..No…..He values the pay cheque too much. He also cajoled his one million listeners to protest to the LBC management about her (deleted) tweet. Using his platform to assist in her sacking. What a steaming heap of sanctimonious bullshit from the Commander-in-Chief – of the peaceful propaganda arm – of the UK radio airwaves. I am sure in time, if he doesn’t land a full time role at the British Bullshit Corporation, he will be offered one by Al Jazeera, the Qatari State (royal family) funded, fake news and propaganda outlet.
I do hope he is reading this, so at least, he may pretend to be balanced and unbiased for a week or two, before reverting to type. Otherwise, no doubt, we will see his smug mug posted up here again very soon.
Nominated by Mike Oxard.
Rolf Harris, the odious individual, walks free from court after serving less than three years for twelve accounts of dodgy fiddling, yet this week ISAC has admonished this loser, a prick who runs BA and a cowardly 80s Liberal leader who’s famous for philandering. Odd choices.
Rolf is a different sort of cunt. Everyone now knows what a nasty old pervert he really is and he has done time for it. People that get cunted on here tend to be cunts not out and and deviant child perverts like Harris.
You’re more likely to find the cunts in entertainment, politics and other parts of the establishment that cover up for and enable people like Rolf Harris getting cunted on here. Without these cunts Harris would of been banged up long ago.
Yes agreed, usually the ones taking the high, moral position.
“Up went the arc light with the rotating disks with coloured oils in them. Never seen the like before then”
Yeah early floyd had some crazy visual experiences that went along with their show you’re lucky to have seen the short lived syd era live Chas. They had a short concert that was done in quad audio apparently in ’69
You just write ‘suchabody (eg: Rolf) is a cunt’, and then explain why this cunt is a cunt… I cunted Roger Waters at the weekend, but I’m not arsed that he hasn’t appeared yet… Everything in good time… Nothing odd about Ashdown’s quick cunting… He was cunted immediately because he outrageously compared Brexit voters to Nazis and it has been virtually ignored on social media and by the MSM… Yet Katie Hopkins says ‘Final solution’ and she gets sacked and an online burning at the stake… Paddy Pantsdown and the whole snowflake community were being cunted when the ex-LibDem leader/joke appeared on here…
I am so fucked off with Waters that I haven’t bought his new album. I detest the cunt now Norman.
Roger Waters is an opinionated arrogant cunt of the highest order.
Way back when – as Floyd were just getting started – we did a gig at Eel Pie Island in Twickenham. We were the main act and Floyd were the support band.
Eel Pie was only accessed by a pedestrian bridge, a sort of arc with railing either side. No vehicle access. We arrived and thought ‘Fuck it. We’re going to have to cart all our gear across by hand!” Then our drummer looked at the bridge and thought “I can get the van over that” so he did. There was about three inches clearance either side and it never occured to us that it might not take the weight. Anyhow we coaxed it across, unloaded, drove back over and parked.
Then Floyd turned up in two bloody great box Lutons. No way they were going across, so we offered to cart their stuff over in our Transit. Off we went at 2 miles per fortnight. Two trips either way.
Anyhow, Floyd were on first on the small stage. We sat and watched them from the big stage. “Can we stick our lights on your stage lads?” What the fuck were they talking about. “Yeah whatever!” Up went the arc light with the rotating disks with coloured oils in them. Never seen the like before then.
We sat there supping Newcastle Amber and on they went. Fuck me, they were good. I looked at the drummer, he looked at me. “Fuck! We’ve got to follow that!” “Well I know what I’m going to do” “What”. “Get another fucking beer!”
Well we got paid, then we loaded all our kit into the van, pointed it at the bridge and dropped the clutch. Shot across. Never touched the sides. “Couldn’t do that I were sober” says Brian as we shot off down Twickenham high street.
We left Floyd to lug their gear back by hand. They showed us up, so fuck ’em!
Happy days.
Yes, although clearly not all the Cunting is done via “I’d like to nominate…” – there are plenty that just start “…. is a cunt.” I even commented on Corbyn t’other day and it was presented as a Cunting! It’s all very subjective from the admn team.
Vanity isn’t my driving motive, but the fact that Rolf Harris, the creepy, sly cunt, had ducked the radar in favour of these useless turds.
With respect CM, when I stepped down I noticed that some people quick to complain were slow to volunteer ?
This bastard is such a massive cunt I am going to have to break up my cunting of the cunt into multiple entries. Let’s start with his Blairite, voice of concern, false sincerity, easily identified by the word “mate” tacked on to every sentence.
I’m sorry mate……that’s terrible mate…..I’m really sorry mate…….oh mate.
Yes James can produce the crocodile tears and the voice of concern to order…..just like any good actor or skilled con artist. Of course if your sob story involves being deprived of public resources because there are too many people in this country then you are a thick racist fascist brexiteer. But James doesn’t blame you personally……you have been brainwashed by The Sun and The Daily Mail you poor uneducated little child. He gets his copies for free in his world but doesn’t seem to know that real people have to actually make an effort and pay good money for this “brainwashing.” But O’Shithead doesn’t know much about real people. He has a lot of “mates” though, most of whom are peaceloving followers of a certain religion or hard working, tax paying immigrants. James loves all his mates. No, really.
I called him last year about Donald Trump. The call went all over social media [whatever that is,must be a young persons thing!] James OB is the biggest leftie cunt in the entire world. He literally wanks off when a peaceful calls in. Constantly moans about being touched up at school :Boring!
Makes my blood boil.
One thing I’ve never understood is when you see these stories of female teachers getting done for sexually abusing underage schoolboys. If that had been me I’d have worn a fucking great big badge saying “I shagged Miss Simpson!”
I wish Mrs Rich had fiddled with me Bournemouth Red, very fuckable.
Cannot listen to the cunt, I want to put my boot through the radio.And I don’t believe his crap either, he sounds about as sincere as a double glazing salesman.
I hope he gets piles on his piles.
I Wish these polar bears were eating O’Brien instead of this whale
Or even Diane Abbott. She’d keep them going for years.
Nah, polar bears have a keen sense of smell, they wouldn’t touch the fat mare.
I think they might be a little too discerning…
Am with youTrouserbulge. Can’t stand the cunt and whilst I usually listen to LBC as soon as I hear his voice I want to kick in the radio. Trouble is I have it on in the car so kicking out is off the menu.
Labour cuts May’s lead to 3 points, even though only 305 of people think Corbyn is PM Material. What the fuck is she doing? Meanwhile an army of media cunts tlike shitJOB push propaganda on people daily. Most people don’t go to various and different media outlets for news and opinion so for many people the liberal left agenga is the only thing they are exposed to.
May has gone down in my opinion since she called the election, my opinion of Corbyn hasn’t risen. In fact my opinion of May would have to fall through the floor of hell before Comrade Corbyn and his band of ingrates would start to look like an option.
Interesting that all the lefties are saying the same thing. They seriously think the media…even the BBC, is skewed right. Can’t fucking see it myself…and I’m the most fair-minded person I know.
If your a lefty the media would look skewed to the right, this Islington lefty cunts think Che Guevara is a role model. That cunt didn’t find the Soviet Union to his taste, he looked towards North Korea and Maoist China for the sort of socialism he believed in.
Like many socialists he wanted us to live in his idea of Utopia, even if we have to be forced at gun point under penalty of death.
I wonder if JC knows migration is a form of Jihad?
Last night leaders debate on BBC was a fucking pantomime. The audience was full of Corbynite cunts. Every time he spoke they would cheer, every time Nuttall or Rud spoke they wood boo and hiss. I’m surprised they didn’t start with the “oh no it isn’t” or “It’s behind you” routine. If that was a balanced audience I’m John Holmes love child and packing the full genetic inheritance.
I certainly agree skid, it was an absolute mess on a monumental scale. I hate the guts of Amber Rudd, but she certainly earned her pennies and some respect taking that shite last night..What a cunt the BBC are.
And then to follow it up Sky news had a panel to discuss the “debate”. Panel was a bit of a grand word for two cunts. Our dear dear friend Owen Gobshite Jones and some ex-adviser to Smeggy Glegg. No bias there, then. Cunts.
In the words of Fr. Jack Hackett, “What’s that gobshite doing on the television again??”
Rudd, was facing a real shit storm last night, and handled herself well.
There wasn’t a single leader on that fucking stage last night.
….. I see another one of the many arrested in the wake of the Manchester bombing has been … wait for it … ‘released without charge’ ….
Ten left from the 14 arrested . Are they going for a full house and will release the lot ? Sadly if so, I feel the Security Services will be targeted by the soft Lefties screaming ‘racist’ and Tory kneejerk reaction …..
I wonder who’s funding britains terrorists guess we will never know or find out shame….. Get use to terrorism folks
Well fuck me…Cameron needed to commission a report to establish who is funding terrorism! The simple minded dolt is so dumb he had to ask someone? Was it Syria? NO. Then was it Iran? NO. Then I wonder who it could be? The report took 18 months to come up with the answer at a huge cost to the public purse. Come down my local you cunt, we’ll give you all the fucking answers and for fucking free!
I think we should start a little practice session now, and gradually work up to a good fuckfest by noon tomorrow.!
It’s showbiz my friend. Kick in a few doors, blow up a “suspicious item” and make it look like we’ve got them on the run. Even if they make something stick the cunts will spend a few months in a nick run by their mates. “Let’s move on” as Phoney Tony was so fond of saying.
The self-important cunt is always droning on about “Mrs. O’Brien” and “my girls” like the macho matey man of the people he imagines he is. “Mrs. O’Brien” is of course a feminazi media whore who uses her maiden name, probably to avoid the stigma of being married to a “look at me” cunt. I’m always suspicious of people at work who waffle on about their families.
Phillip said this, Phillip said that.
Who the fuck is Phillip?
Of course Phillip is her husband, some cunt I’ve never met. The fact that, after all these years, I still don’t know who he is should tell you that I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK. But no, I insist you take an interest in my cunt of a life…….did you see Bake Off last night?
This is O’Shithead all over. Listen to me, I’m so much more interesting than you. I hope Mrs. O’Brien gets mugged by a child SyrIan refugee and his “girls” grow up to be crackhead whores pimped out by Roma pikeys. Cunt.
just emailed this to smuggy.
It won’t work!
Who’s funding terrorism ? Saudi Arabia. And where’s the weapons.coming from ?? Don’t tell anyone it’s the US or the UK shhhhhh
TB. You’ve done it now….the cats out the bag !
So, O’ Bellend is always moaning about how he was ‘touched up at school’?… Awww, bless…
So, that’s why the little cunt has more issues than The Beano, strives to be ‘popular’ and ‘down’ with ‘the crowd’ and is basically a ranting shopping centre head the ball with a radio show…. Well, you can bet your life no girls ever touched the little weasel up…. I bet he was some head boy’s ‘bitch’ and his jacksy was used for all sorts of fun and games… Shame he wasn’t rogered to death, it would have saved people a lot of earache…. And anyway, O’ Brien?! Lecturing about Britain and the British?! The little scrote is fucking Irish!!! Bogtrotting gobshite cunt…
James O’Shithead
I’m fucking dreading this concert thing on Saturday in aid of the Manchester victims.
I reckon it’ll even surpass Diana’s funeral for mawkish sentimentality. A load of ignorant pop stars wailing away to a VIP section of minor soap stars,reality tv show actors, ,assorted right-on social commentators and a bunch of vote-hungry politicians. They’ll all be at the front,with extra security, while the “ordinary” folk can hold their mobile phones up at the back.
Of course,there’ll be no mention of the Elephant in the Room,just endless cant about “Standing United” and “Love conquers Hate.” Nobody’ll dare utter the dreaded “Muslim terrorist” phrase,instead we’ll get tales of how the muslim “Community” helped the victims,and how “shocked” they all are. Presumably not so shocked that they bothered to do anything about the terrorists who they hid,and continue to hide, in their “peaceful community.”
Saints Bono and Bob’ll probably put in an appearance,along with whichever “star” Simon Cowell is currently plugging…is it a dancing dog this year? The over-the -top grief signalling will be unstoppable. Even “Self-Pity City”, Liverpool won’t be able to hold a tear-doused tea-candle to it.
All the weeping and wailing won’t change a fucking thing. Unless this country wises up,and fucking quickly,this MUSLIM terrorism will increase and spread.
Not only that but our great chum James Corden will be bringing his shite fest of a show to the UK on Sky 1. According to sky he is “bringing love and laughter back to the UK”. FFS! I despair, I really fucking do.
It won’t be the politicians,muslims,snowflakes and twitteratti that drive me out of this country. It’ll be the fucking television.
John Logie Baird’ll be getting a fucking good Cunting off me,before much longer.
Yeah, that cunt was from Helensburgh.
I’ve been to Helensbrough…dreadful,dreary place full of dreadful,dreary Scotch people. Most unusual.I normally find Scotch towns to be exciting ,vibrant places,full of exciting,vibrant,welcoming people.
Its full of English.
They all have a connection to Faslane through the navy or the MOD.
Its full of mansions but as you say , its fuckin dreary.
I come from in between there and Dumbarton coz my Da is MOD and the Maters dad was in the navy then MOD.
That’s the reason i was born in Scotland.
Why didn’t the cunts stay in Portsmouth? 🙂
Portsmouth, my neck of the woods birdman ?
Just think, we could have ended up cunting each other.
I wonder if two cunters have crossed each others paths in the real life and cunted one or each other.
I went to Helensburgh as a kid with my parents when I was about nine or ten. It pissed with rain the whole feckin time, and one of the local stations still had gas lamps. My mother was taught at the local St. Trinians, during the war years…many tales of female staff going aboard RN vessels for free rum and gin rations, in return for getting stiffed. Probably most of the wee lassies too…
I don’t think Bozo and Geldof will appear… Manchester is not as big a publicity coup as London or Paris…. And those two cunts are only arsed if Africa or ‘brown babies’ are involved….
But the line-up?…. Fucking hell… Only one guitar/bass/drums proper band on the bill, and that’s Coldplay… Geldof is a massive cunt, but at least Live Aid had proper acts and top-line bands (Queen, Quo, Sabbath, Dire Straits etc)… Even what was seen as teen music in those days (Wham! Spandau, Duran, Culture Club etc) actually wrote, sang, played and performed their own stuff…
The fact that knobheads like Bieber, Miley Slagrus, and that utter self serving whore of a cunt, Kunty Perry are seen as the creme de la creme of the pop world shows how fucked music now is… And while that Ariana Thingy may (or may not?) have her heart in the right place and Take That have ties to the place, I don’t believe for a minute that any of those other manufactured Yank wankers actually give a fuck about Mcr…. Bieber and those two slags, Cyrus and Perry are doing this for their own publicity and to gain social media points…
Never say never norm I know manchester is smaller scale then london but if Bono or Geldof can squeeze their dirty claws into the event for grief jacking and immigration promoting purposes they most certainly will.
Its a disgrace that ariana airhead would even show her stupid face again after the bombing. This will be one big grief jacking event with all cunt stars will be patting themselves on the back for doing shite and despite what sources are saying I’m sure they will get paid in one way or another
Little Mix have signed up now…. Cruel and Unusual punishment indeed. I wonder how many of the “performers” will take the opportunity to debut their new single?
It’s going to end up like a particularly cheap and tacky version of X factor.
I cant imagine Xhamster, sorry, habit, x Factor getting any more cheep.
Last years is still on here.
It was on last night, four fuckin episodes, and no joke, it caused an argument between me and her.
Supposedly i shouldn’t use language like that in front of the kid.
My argument was that cunts crying, wailing, crying, lickin arse, crying, pouting, crying, Sharon Osbourneing, crying, cunts making up words like “Shamazing” , crying and generally being soft cunts should not be on in front of the kid.
Adding that if these cunts can champion each other repeatedly, then i can shout, swear, spit and sometimes cry, at the cunts.
She took the huff all night.
Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Kunty Perry, and Little Mix?!
Why don’t they just rename the gig as Slag Aid?…..
One can imagine the front page headlines on Sunday:
‘When Trollops Rocked The World!’
Hope Chris Martin and his lads have had all their STD jabs….
Bravo, fuckin, bravo
“Slag aid”
Bravo, Norman.
“Love conquers hate”
The should play Love will tear us apart then.
Just change the words to “Nail bombs will tear us apart again”.
Security, especially back stage will be tight as a gnat’s chuff, but if just one peaceful type could get backstage…..
Or maybe, Never Tear Us Apart birdman
You missed the obvious one, Gingers Ballsac.
Suicide Blonde with the “blonde” changed to “bomb”.
PS. Not making light of a horrible tragedy, just pointing out the weakness of snowflakes.
# I Will Look Back In Anger.
I feel ashamed that it has took me all of my fifty two years to realise that socialism is complete and utter bollocks. Party for the working class? Yes as long as you’re not white working class.
Don’t worry about it mate, better late than never. I only took the red pill a couple of years ago when I started watching RT and saw there were other sides to stories which seemed to make a lot more sense than the MSM or the politicians self serving narrative.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily believe RT either, they just open ones eyes to alternative narratives.
Am I the only one who didn’t know that Tony Blair’s sister in law in white muslim convert?
Probably. She converted a couple of years ago, and she’s ever so fucking smug about it. She seems to think that converting to the religion of self detonation makes her superior to everyone else.
She might as well because she’s been sucking muzzie cock for years anyway.
I recommend watching Galloways doc about Bliar, “The Killing$ of Tony Blair”
Galloway is a cunt but it takes one to know one as they say.
Galloway is right about Blair, but not once did he show the footage of himself fawning and sucking the cock of Sadam Hussein. Galloway you fucking hypocrite.
And don’t believe for one second that if Galloway had been offered the bungs that Blair has received he would not have accepted.
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
I know Tony Booth hates Lauren and said so publicly.Tony Booth is a cunt but he has had horrible luck with his family.Imagine being related to both Lauren and the Blair`s.
One of many pleasures of living in the sticks. So many cunts like this one we don’t have to listen to.
Let us hope he tops himself live on air when Liebore loses.
Anyone notice on kast nights debate hiw angry JC got when peacefuls were mentioned? He nearly stroked out…….
anyone have Roy Barraclough?
Liked him as Alec Gilroy in Corrie… Was always a cunt, but a likeable cunt….
Les Dawson’s partner in gossip…
Robbie Williams has just been confirmed to perform at that memorial concert on the weekend. Hasn’t Manchester suffered enough?!
Fat Cunt Williams will want to upstage his ex-bandmates in Fuck That….
Surprised Beetroot headed chimp and ‘mister nice guy’, Ed Sheeran hasn’t shown his ugly mug yet…
Hope Taylor Swift turns up… Not to sing, but to kick Kunty Perry in her overused snatch….
Excellent cunting there Mike. O’Brien is a perfect example of the type of cunt I was talking about when I nominated the Establishment. White, middle class and privately educated. Tellingly, he’s a graduate of the London School of Economics, a known Leftie nursery. And like all Lefties, he considers himself to be morally and intellectually superior to those who have a different opinion to him and his Leftie chums. Then there’s the other traits that all Lefties have; Smug, self-righteous, arrogant, bigoted, intolerant of differing opinions and very, very patronising.
These are the dickheads who keep telling us that Islam is peaceful and that scum like Salman Abedi aren’t really Muslims. The thing is though, the vast majority of these ignorant twats haven’t really had that much contact with Muslims, other than talking to the odd Imam, Saudi billionaire or “Community Leader”. After that, it’s back to their million pound mansions in Hampstead or Notting Hill, where the left wing bubble is at its strongest. Where the can crack open a bottle or wine, complain about how packed the tube was on the way home and then talk about how wonderful multiculturalism is. It’s easy to be in favour of multiculturalism when you live in a predominantly White, left wing area.
Meanwhile, the rest of us go back to our homes in areas that are increasingly overrun with foreigners. “Refugees”, Poles, Russians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Iranians, Nigerians, Somalis, Ghanaians, Zimbabweans, Sudanese, the list is endless. And WE, those who are from working class backgrounds, are the ones who are actually living with the multiculturalism that cunts like O’Brien think is so wonderful. The truth is, it fucking sucks!
Go into Manchester City centre any day of the week, and the area around Piccadilly/Portland Street/Newton street is a like a meeting of the United Nations for scumbags. And yet WE are called racist when we dare to complain about our communities being destroyed by a never ending influx of foreigners, by the likes of ignorant cunts like O’Brien. If they were made to spend a month living where live, experiencing the wonderful multiculturalism that We have to experience, they’d soon change their fucking tune.
James OB is a sandle wearing youghurt knitting granola munching eco warrior recycyling nazi left wing muslim apologist. In short he is a cunt……
Fair play to him for the recycling though.
Some people are truly fearless crazy vietnamese bastard, anybody who does this gets respect points from me. Thats why the yanks basically lost the vietnam war they didn’t have bee bearding in their bloody training lol haha well truthfully speaking they retreated Ultimately north vietnam won and south vietnam suffered Also Withdrawal of American-led forces from Indochina
Guilt is a cunt.
I’m off to the beach but I’ve been finding it hard to enjoy life’s pleasures without feeling guilty about poor folk in dire circumstances.
While I’m sunning it up and getting high, the guilt hits me that there’s a family in Norfolk having to put up with a doss cunt in their lives.
It can’t be an easy life for them poor buggers, what with the patriarch being involved in sex crime cases, blowing the family savings on failed businesses and then wallowing in shite all day frothing about cunts who couldn’t give a shiny shite about him.
Any other blessed cunters out there enjoying sunny weather and outdoors in general, please spare a thought for that Norfolk family who are being made to live behind closed curtains and closed doors.
Poor fuckers.
PS. The scrotetroll is claiming to be a new troll and not the usual one, but he blew his shite cover when he spoke Sapnish, yes, Sapnish to me.
Very expensive Birdman….very expensive…see r1 this am!
Thank fuck we’re on the same side, Asimplearsehole.
Fuck having you as an enemy. 🙂
sapnish !! a new Scottish vegetable to be served with battered Sturgeon in a week or so ?
Is it a vegetable if its deep fried? scotland where the forbidden fruit is fruit…
What point an election when you’re given no credible choices? So smug cunt will say why don’t you stand for election then.
,mainly because I don’t believe I have all the answers or have my head so far up my won arse I think I should be telling every other fucker how to live.
On the other hand we would have a proper immigration policy, we wouldn’t be pushed into accepting shit and saying it’s sugar and Corbyn and his cronies would be doing jobs they are fit for.
Bus driver, road sweeper and in Diane’s case she would be used as a decoy for Japanese waling ships so the poor fucking Wales can have a day off.
That cunt up in Scotland would be deported back to where I suspect she comes from – children’s television. The Conservatives would all be working in Job Centres and the LibDems would be dressed as goats and sent to IS as sex slaves.
Don’t get LBC in Bournemouth, guess I could on digital but that’s reserved for Absolute 80s to feed my Adam Ant addiction.
It’s just a matter of time until that uber cunt McKenzie gets a job on LBC, and that’s reason enough to fuck it off anyway.
AH- We-est!
Best Adam and the Ants song, IMHO.
R1 this morning. Countered.
Emergency Cunting
So all tickets for the Ariadne Grande Manchester benefit gig sold oit within minutes orf going orn sale. Ticket agents old friends TicketMaster (Master minds behind London Olympics balls). Endless promises to sort ouit dodgy 3rd world/chinko/mafia ticketing bots. Have to buy ’em at inflated prices orn Ebay now. Unless our AlKillyer friends have bought the lot as a thank you for their loyal supporters.
Gig should go with a bang either way. And TicketMaster will have made their money whatever. Proves Capitalism is King.
Sorry missed out a gag line and spellfukkre turned over Ariana
Emergency Cunting
So all tickets for the Ariana Grande Manchester benefit gig sold oit within minutes orf going orn sale. Ticket agents old friends TicketMaster (Master minds behind London Olympics balls). Endless promises to sort ouit dodgy 3rd world/chinko/mafia ticketing bots. Have to buy ‘em at inflated prices orn Ebay now. Unless our AlKillyer friends have bought the lot as a thank you for their loyal supporters. Cunts too dumb to realise they need a few proper punters there or else not worth going.
Gig should go with a bang either way. And TicketMaster will have made their money whatever. Proves Capitalism is King.
That’s exactly what i was thought would happen when i heard about the free tickets.
People were running for their lives and leaving personal belongings behind coz their only thoughts were on surviving.
Put on a free concert and charge advertisers a shitload to get their messages across.
And maybe sell some coloured bracelets.
Grande had been shaping up to be the U.S Lily Allen in her political views. Lets hope she has her eyes wide fucking open now.
He loves the Muzzies. He adores the immigrants. He weeps over the asylum seekers. He worships the EU.
James O’Shithead……a man with no country.
but a lot of cuntry…
Question… When did the Independent stop being a serious newspaper?
They have always been a bit left and green for my liking, but a few years ago I used to read it to get a bit of balance. I now find the Guardian more readable, the fucking Guardian!!
If you google election polls (which I have been frantically) you are bombarded with ‘Corbyn closing the gap’ and ‘Tories face losing election’. Look closer and you will see 90% are from the Independent and they regurgitate the same story with 10 different headlines to give the appearance of a complete Tory collapse??
Then if you actually read the link or even worse one of their opinion pieces they really seem to have become as daft as a brush.
I think their fucking editor needs breathalysing or moreover the paper needs putting out of its misery.
What a load of cunt.
Di anyone see Farron self destruct when interviewed by Andrew Neil? Was so funny but painfully awkward at the same time.Even by his own low standards it was an awful interview.Worst interview I have ever seen.
Ickle Timmy just came across as whiny and shouty.
No coalition. Really ?? Not much fucking point in the ‘dumps standing; does the little runt think he’s heading for a landslide ??
No grasp on reality whatsofeckinever