James O’Brien (4)

London’s Biggest Cunt, James O’Blarney Bullshitter, is overdue for another front page.

Whenever, a peaceful comes on the line, on his show, he oozes so much empathy, I am starting to wonder whether he has switched teams. Running straight down to the Chiswick mosque, after his Friday morning show?

A little bit of advice James:  I don’t think you should take your missus’ yoga mat with you, so best take the rolled up doormat with you under your arm. Make sure you pray towards the East. In case you’re not sure, that would be White City. I realise that’s a bit downmarket for you, but then again, so is Mecca and I don’t mean the Bingo either. Remember, not to tell your priest about your conversion. Not that you’ll have to anymore, since you won’t need to go to confession. In fact, the more sins you commit – according to your favourite cult – the more points you pick up to get into their heaven. Points make prizes – with extra bonus points for atrocities commited against ‘infidels’.

On another point, whenever anyone who has suffered a disaster or had a crisis in their lives and phones in, he starts up his ‘Man of the People’ act with a large helping of faux sincerity. It is so transparent. Someone, please tell him, if he wants a career as an actor he needs to try harder. He will never win an Oscar at this rate.

Lastly, no one has to listen him, anymore, banging on about sharing a platform with ‘it’. The ‘it’, he was referrring to, being Katie Hopkins. For months he had taken sideswipes at her and Nigel of the Farage. Without doubt, highly unprofessional, and something I have never heard from any other presenters on LBC. I am amazed that the LBC management tolerate this type of behaviour. Perhaps, he has grown too big for his boots. He should remember, be nice to people on the way up, since you may meet them on the way down.

On 23rd May, he talked about walking away from the microphone in protest at Hopkins’ ill conceived tweet. He decided against this, because, as he said he ‘values his time with his listeners too much’. Oh really?…..No…..He values the pay cheque too much. He also cajoled his one million listeners to protest to the LBC management about her (deleted) tweet. Using his platform to assist in her sacking. What a steaming heap of sanctimonious bullshit from the Commander-in-Chief – of the peaceful propaganda arm – of the UK radio airwaves. I am sure in time, if he doesn’t land a full time role at the British Bullshit Corporation, he will be offered one by Al Jazeera, the Qatari State (royal family) funded, fake news and propaganda outlet.

I do hope he is reading this, so at least, he may pretend to be balanced and unbiased for a week or two, before reverting to type. Otherwise, no doubt, we will see his smug mug posted up here again very soon.

Nominated by Mike Oxard.




126 thoughts on “James O’Brien (4)

  1. In other news

    “Gay Pride festivals have been urged to stop booking acts which “perpetuate racist stereotypes” by performing in “blackface”.
    More than 100 LGBT supporters have signed a letter calling it an “embarrassing stain on the community”.
    It comes after Durham Pride was criticised for booking a woman accused of making her skin look darker to perform as a Beyonce tribute act”

    Not a word said about Beyonce being made to look whiter……….

    Embarrassing stains are suddenly a concern?

    • No…..attention seeking gaylords and trannie sickos are “an embarassing stain on the community.”They need to shut the fuck up and get on with their revolting activities in private, the fucking degenerates.

    • They’ll be banning suntans next.

      Gay fuckin pride?

      I thought these cunts hated divisions and want us all to be treated the same.
      Its just an excuse for cunts to blow whistles and wear garish clothes with the obligatory sunglasses in case their family see them in the news.

      My lesbian friends, who are more butch than myself, hide behind sunhats and shades.
      I’ve pointed out the irony but its lost on them.

      • Made me think Birdman.

        If a white tribute act tones their skin to be more authentic covering a black artist and gets called racist does that mean a white painter has to paint black people as being white?

        That’s absurd shouts Jeremy from the back………..

        But whats the difference? The artist is trying to represent the object they are trying to recreate.

        Shows the truth of these cunts doesn’t it. If they really believed in equality no one would take a blind bit of notice of trivial shit like this.

        But the LBGT community the activists anyway love division and the fact that diversity can be used to make minority groups sacred.

        This is a shield to raise them and their actions beyond question and scrutiny. This is why LBGT activists twist themselves into total hypocrisy over Islam.

  2. Back to the OP and COTY elect J.O’Shithead. Yes, the cunt has been going on for months about sharing the airwaves with Sir Nigel and Hopkins despite the fact that between them they have/had 6 hours of airtime a week for about 2/3 months whereas mouthalmighty has had 15 hours a week for about 14 years. But mate, that’s not the point mate. The point is I am always right mate. We can’t have people coming on here mate disagreeing with me mate. That’s why anyone who phones me and disagrees with me is thick as shit and needs to be cut off. I can’t waste my time on these losers…….understand mate?

    • O’Brian will be my cunt of the year without any doubt. And I will not change my mind. I fucking loathe the cunt

  3. I know nothing of James O’Brien. Nothing apart from Freddie the Frogs daily assassinations of the cunt.
    Sounds like its definitely deserved, but as i don’t know him, all i can add is that the cunt looks like Gary Barlow.
    Anyone who doesn’t change their appearance when they look like Gary Barlow is most definitely, definitely a cunt.

    • “Daily assassinations”? I only need ONE opportunity. Of course I have to be able to get away with it…….I ain’t no Muzzie suicide nutter.

  4. I’m not sure about this whole Climate Change thing (seem’s to be doing wonders for our weather) but I can guarantee all the global warming corporate fucking shills are going to be coming out of their gas central heated mansions with 10 4×4’s outside to speak about how much we need to pump money in to the latest shitty gadget they have made to suck up farts

    • Flying around the world in gas-guzzling airyplanes to soak up the sun at some rather lovely, no-doubt UNESCO World Heritage Site.

      If you suggested that the next beanfeast should be held in Roath or Rotherham, I wonder if the freeloading pissflaps would be quite so keen…

    • Nope, no fucking no….I don’t watch it anymore, it sends me into a frenzy of disgust. My cuntometer goes oFf the scale and I can’t afford to replace the TV.

      I can watch Alex Jones and get more balanced opinions than this vipers nest of cuntitude will ever muster.

      Frenzy mode just at the mention of the name. I hear it is going to be renamed Koran Time soon.

  5. ITV News: Salman Abedi’s ‘shocked’ cousins can’t understand how ‘bubbly’ lad became Manchester bomber…..Errr, it’s called Islam, you cunts…

    And I am sick of the same old shite….’we didn’t notice any difference, he was a normal lad, till he blew up kids…’ Don’t buy it … And the cunts didn’t even say sorry for the victims and their families…. Fucking savages, the lot…

    • Also, who gives a fuck what these cunts have to say/! And why are they in peoples faces?! Do they think the relatives of the dead want to hear their shit?!
      It’s basically yet more PR bullshit for the religion of peace (and murder)… The usual ‘He was just a normal lad, I don’t understand it’ bollocks… Again, the TV news and the camelbummers making out that ‘they’ are misunderstood and the victims… Fuck ITV News and fuck the muzzie filth… I was at a funeral of one of the young victims on Wednsday (in Bury), and I am not interested in anything these cunts have to say or their excuses…. So fuck them…

  6. How many times am I gonna say this in my life?

    James O’brien is a cunt.

    I’ve had to listen to this irrelevant prick time and time again and I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s a non entity.


    No one.

    On and on and on. …like ariston.

    Brexit brexit brexit.

    Cunt cunt cunt.

    Fuck him.

    • no need. Apparently he was fucked by teachers at gis school. Not that he ever drones on about it..

  7. For those who don’t know O’Shithead is adopted and , if he knows who his real parents are, he doesn’t let on. However, he often says he doesn’t know where he would have ended up if it wasn’t for his adopted well off journalist father who coughed up for his education at one of the most famous Public Schools in this country. It doesn’t really matter……..one way or the other he would have ended up as a FUCKING CUNT. Just one we would never had heard of.

  8. Having never ever listened to LBC and being totally unaware of this chap’s existence, I thought I’d find something of him on Youtube, before expressing any opinion.

    I lasted twelve seconds.

    WHAT an UTTER cunt…

    • 12 seconds, that’s a bit unfair. Welcome to the club. Once you’re in you can never leave. A bit like the Hotel California.

      • and the eu… Verminhofstadt’s rather like that nutter running round hotel corridors with an axe.

  9. I’m gonna cunt Teresa may.

    What an utter cunt she is.

    I’ll vote for her anyway but only coz I don’t have a choice.

    She called a vote and when she did. she was way, way, way, ahead of the lefty’s, the commies and the Incompetant, wind farm loving cunts she was up against.
    I think I may even have said that it was a great idea and that she’d be able to consolidate her power.

    She called an election coz she knew she’d win.

    I knew she’d win.

    We ALL KNEW she’d win.

    …but let’s face it. She’s not the sharpest tool in the box.

    Einstein proved that everything in the universe is relative …

    …well …

    Compared to comrade cuntbyn she’s a leviathan.

    Compared to the greens she is a genius.

    Compared to minor fart of the illiberal undemocrats she’s a human being.
    (They’re an unclassified species as far as I’m concerned. …somewhere between rats and cocroaches).

    I would mention Angus mcprorridewog of the snp but fuck him.
    Go eat some leaves and bitch to a country that gives a shit.

    …Try the reich.

     But they’ll probably call you a cunt too!

    Teresa seemed so promising. “Strong and stable” (aherm aherm…You’re no thatcher)
    “Best deal for brexit” (not too bad the first 500 times I heard it) (oh and to be honest, fuck the EU. They’re an irrelevance in my life and I have more important things to think about other than “is Junkers on the blob this week”) and “the best team for brexit”. 

    Am I the only one stopping and thinking    ……Oh fuck.

    Imagine the country with comrade cuntbyn, pie Anne flabbott and “stalin II” Mcdonnell in charge.

    That’s why she’s a cunt.

    She’s too thick to even beat the most useless, Incompetant and unenectable cunts in British society and she wants me to believe that she won’t get fucked by vanhogtaft of whatever the fuck.

    The dump that I took this morning could organise a better campaign than the tories this election.

    • Yes, all down to Lynton Crosby, the Aussie chancer bullshitter marketing “guru”. Turns out the cunt knows fuck all about fuck all. Well there’s a fucking surprise. Obviously the Tories will win but not by the margins they were expecting. No doubt Lynton will fuck off and screw some other dumb cunt. It’s nice to know that you don’t have to be poor to be taken by a clever cunt. Re: all the rich cunts conned by Blaircunt.

      • Yea, it proves that money don’t buy sense.

        How do these dumb cunts get to run the country?

        We’re trillions in debt, the health service is on its knees and we’ll all pay tax through the nose to drive on shit roads and never afford to retire.

        Incompetants the fuckin lot of em!

      • I’m also sick to fucking god of these childless politicians May, Merkel, Corbyn , Wee Burney, Juncker all childless cunts I just don’t trust it

      • Doesn’t bother me to honest mate. I’m childless.

        I fuckin hate kids.
        Not horribly, just I don’t see the attraction.
        Everyone running around all over the place, changing nappies, getting yelled at, paying thought the nose every 5 minutes, bogeys, bad smells ….

        Fuck that.

        No kids for me mate.

    • Can’t argue with you over the Tory campaign. It’s a mess.
      But when you look at the headlines, Tory support is +/- 1% of where it was when she called the election. The narrowing gap is coming from the collapse in the Lib Dem and UKIP vote not from a reduction in the Tory vote. The blue line on the graph is horizontal, the red line rising, the others falling.
      It’s just not being presented like that in the media…

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