This cunt is priceless… The woman who married herself…
Sophie Tanner has told BBC (what a surprise!) she married herself to celebrate being single….
Sophie Tanner said she had no regrets about tying the knot with herself and is currently celebrating her second wedding anniversary….
So, ‘celebrating a wedding anniversary’ when you’re on your own?!… This smacks of desperation and a craving for attention… Tying the knot with yourself?! This daft bitch needs locking up… No surprise though… No man on earth will obviously have this pathetic sad cunt…
Nominated by Norman
Obviously an upbringing where she’s been told that she can do anything she wants in life. Misbehave as a kid – no smacking, just a talk from father and a big bowl of ice cream as a reward. Grades not good enough at school, threaten the school with legal action. Cuntishness
Positive parenting…..
The naughty step??
Oh fuckin please!!
Somalians are dirty thieving lowlife cunts nearly as bad as gyppos. What’s going on with their onion shaped heads? Send them back to the public toilet they come from the filthy bastards.
Sophie Tanner obviously got the idea from this Sparks song:
Sparks are just Roxy Music copycats in my opinion but okayish song Fred
One can her imagine her re-worked ‘wedding disco’ playlist, Fred…
Can’t Get By Without Me
(I’m) Simply The Best
How Deep Is My Love
This Girl’s In Love With Me
Have I Told Me Lately That I ove Me
When I Tell Me That I Love Me
Topped off with ‘I want to hold my hand’
Well said, Mike. You are spot on as usual. Well done, sir! Cheers – I.Y.
Sleaford Mods are cunts… Who wants to listen to some cunt with tourettes ranting about the working class and how anyone who has bothered to get off their arse and get a decent education and qualifications being a cunt?… Happy Mondays did the whole suburban underbelly thing years ago and they did it better… Also, anyone who is influenced by the Wu-Tang clan and Guns ‘N’ Roses has to be cunts…
I haven’t heard of them maybe thats a good thing… but they at least cunt celebrities and politicians but if its rap its crap not worth listening too
Do ye ever hear a bands name and know that ye most probably will think their shite coz of it?
Shite band name.
Just tried to listen to Tied Up In Notts and i only got two lines in before turning it off.
It really is that bad.
I bet the cunt that came up with the title ( tied up in notts) is still patting himself on the back.
Only heard two lines, but yeah, they’re sheeeiiiiittttteeeee!!!!!!!
They’re not from Sleaford and they’re not mods… They’re the typical druggies, thrown out of bars for fighting cunts with a record deal… If these cunts were in the local town centre people would avoid them like the plague… Pair of Shameless (TV show) rejects…
Good point about shite band names TitSlapper… Here are some bands that are as crap as their names:
The Be Good Tanyas
The Maccabees
Babes In Toyland
Steven Malkmus and the Jicks
White Stripes
Sleater Kinney
Neutral Milk Hotel
All utter bollocks….
What about the famous Scottish band Jock Strap and the Swingers?
Ahem, TitSlapper?
There’s a Glasgow band called the 1990’s who are great but never made it even though they were produced by Bernard Butler.
I blame the name.
Creme brûlée ….. from league of gentlemen is definitely the best shite name ever , even if it wasn’t real…. ?
Ah yes. Happy days. And League of Gentlemen is real. I worked there. It’s called Halifax.
Saw them on Jools Holland once, and they were fucking terrible. A pair of tramps, one ranting into a mic, the other one seemed to be there only to press start on a laptop, then sway with a pint in his hand. Shite.
Never heard of the cunts so googled them. Fuck me, if people are willing to pat money for this shit then you can sell them anything.
that’s pay money, not fucking pat money. Sausage fingered old cunt that I am.
Maybe marrying yourself is not such an horrible idea…
Doctor says to his patient :
-Sir , very soon you will find peace…
– Why Doctor? Am i going to die ?!!
-No , but your wife will…
Just had a geez at her wedding snaps.
Firstly, what a dog o’ war?
Secondly, her pals look just as fucked in the head as her. They looked like extras from Alice in Wonderland.
I don’t know if ye can see it in the header , but other pics show just how fuckin smug her ugly fuckin face is.
Brighton is full of the cunts, it must be the cuntiest town in the country.
And no doubt the Stretford End will be reprimanded if we sing ‘Town full of poofters’ at the Brighton fans next season… Fuck it, we”ll sing it anyway…
I bet that demented Tanner cunt has been a member of more cults, ashrams, and all that bollocks… Her .’mates’ are obviously cranks from the same weirdo loony sect…. Certify the lot of them and give them some ECT….
I thought it was ‘does your boyfriend know your out’ Perhaps that was just the lower leagues.
Have you been SE?? It’s fuckin jaw dropping!!! Shame as it’s also great for partying, but the level of utter cuntish behaviour is unbelievable…… 68% remain and massive Green Party support says everything…….. Cunts.
Oh and it’s a city city city!!! As the local Cunts like to inform visitors!! What fuckin difference does that make? ????
“Have you been SE??”
I read that twice, thinking you were talking about the Stretford End.
Read it back. It could work.
Nice doob I’m smoking. 🙂
Got one here too.
Good old Sunday afternoon…
I should know, i live there. Its full of snow flakes, bum boys and women who drink from the furry cup.
Married to a big black rubber cock more like.
$110.5 million for that?! For that stupid fucking painting come on, thats low end art right there. The guy got straight conned a monkey could draw a better painting but I honestly wouldn’t pay 10 pennies for it
Never… ever buy overpriced art especially in noi yorks upper class. They purposely put unsellable avantgarde art at ridiculous completely fucking stupid prices hoping some gullible millionaire with very deep pockets will buy it
A lot of art is being bought up by the chinky chonkies clonkies. They hover it up. It has become fashionable for mega rich chinks to buy up loads of western art and open up museums to display it all, thus showing how much money they have, what fine taste they have and how public spirited they are. Its a huge ego wank, in other words.
Just looked at the picture TS. It’s the daubings of either an over-excited child,or a diseased mind (Wonder if Doubleday is an artist in his spare time?). Still.I suppose the cunts who buy and admire shite like this are the real fools. Emperor’s Clothes springs to mind.
I’d like a quick rant about the feckless Cunts who are too fucking lazy to take their fucking litter home with them.
I live in a rural area,but we get more than our share off tourists.I went out this morning to find one of the horses chewing on a plastic bag which contained some half-eaten sandwiches and empty plastic pop bottles. The cunts had obviously had their picnic,and on the way home,decided to wind the window down,and chuck their rubbish over the nearest hedge.
Who the fuck comes out to the country and decides to spoil it by dumping their rubbish? It can’t be that hard to put it in their bin when they get home. It’s typical of a country which seems to have lost all self-respect,manners and common decency.
I swear if I ever pick up any rubbish which has an address on it,some cunt’ll get a visit from an extremely irate old cunt.
Cunting of the decade there, Dick Fiddler.
Dirty, dirty cunts.
Dirty ignorant cunts.
I live in a cuntry that’s filled with litter. Bins everywhere, and some people do use them, but most don’t.
McDonald’s shite everywhere.
Red bull cans everywhere
Empty cigarette packets everywhere.
At the beach, cunts leave all their shite everywhere knowing the tractor will clean it up later.
The tractors there to keep the beach clean but cunts could still use the bins.
I’ve always hated them cunts that when they’re caught littering , say “it keeps somebody in a job”.
Well clean up and give them an easy shift then.
I can honestly say that i have never been guilty of intentional littering. Not even cigarettes coz i don’t smoke in the street and i take an ashtray with a lid to the beach.
Excellent but sad NOMINATION, Dick Fiddler.
The beaches are like ash trays round me. Fucking disgusting, even though I smoke it is still revolting to be supposedly relaxing on the beach surrounded by dog ends. And speaking of dogs, the streets are covered in dog shit. The lazy spanish cunts just let their dogs out on their own to take a dump. Dirty fuckers, little better than arabs really.
Outstanding nomination.
Oh how i would love to enter in one of these dumb cunts home, and shit on their sofa.
Well cunted, Dick, litter louts are disgusting, graceless plebs. Like cunts who don’t use car indicators, they should be electrocuted. Hateful wretches.
Even though I’m lazy I’m very serious about litter. I rather carry trash in my pocket or hand then dump in on the ground like some uncultured gypsy
Hey Mike Oxard, hope you had a good time.
The “keep yer country tidy” pics on sweety wrappers is what taught us to use litter bins as kids.
They don’t have the message on Spanish food wrappers, so maybe they should.
Some dirty cunts even seem to revel in being pigs.
As if littering is “gangsta” or something.
Dirty doss cunts.
Welcome back. 🙂
Japan very neat spot probably expensive to visit but I’m sure its a life changing experience. One thing I admire bout asian countries is their strict as fuck cleanliness.
If I’m not mistaken in indonesia the punishment for chewed chewing gum on a public place like a park bench could land you a hefty fine or serious jail time if you can’t pay up
Few other things I love about japan video games, godzilla + samurai flicks, anime and sushi
Been there twice now, both times on a boat. First time we went to Kyoto for a few days then got the bullet train to Himeji and sailed through the inland sea, across to South Korea and then back up the west coast right up to Aomori then flew home via Tokyo.
They tried like hell to guilt trip us in Hiroshima until one of our American friends turned round and said “Fuck you, son! I was AT Pearl Harbour!”
Second time we had a few days in Tokyo then the bullet train to Niigata then back through Aomori and northwards to the Kiril Islands and into the Russian Arctic. The guide in Aomori said we were the first westerners he’d ever met who’d been there before.
Interesting country. Beautiful scenery very reminiscent of England in many ways.
Japan is an ace country. Respect for elders, clean as you like, well-organised, and top-looking birds. Plus they drive on the correct side. There’s a lot to be said for an honourific society.
I’m really jealous Mike, I’d love to get to Japan one day. I studied Judo and Karate as a kid and have always had an admiration of the country and people ( despite them proving to be cunts in WW2 ).
Its also interesting that Japan has resisted the flood of migration, and still continues to be the 3rd largest economy on Earth rather giving the lie to the much repeated falsehood that we need immigration to have a prosperous economy. The excellent Black Pigeon, a westerner living in Japan has more details here;
God I’m so fucking lazy, damn this escapist society we live in! If I was ever nominated for laziest man ever and won, I would just send someone to collect the award for me
I didn’t even make it to the beach today, I’m that fuckin lazy.
I rarely feel guilt over anything but even after all these years, i feel guilty about wasting sunny days.
Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.
Coz you and me
All we want to be
Is lazy
I’ve just filled in my application for the British Pessimist Championships…although I don’t fancy my chances….
The Japanese still believe in Honour and a strong national identity, maybe if they were taught to despise their nation they would be as shit as we are.
In Japan if your child commits a crime you have to make a public apology even if the sprogg is an adult.
Over here we call a lawyer and scream compo.
Garth Crooks is a fucking useless cunt..that’s all.
His wife is called Funkazi .
Sounds like a good place to take a shite.
He’s the male equivalent of Diane Abbott. Think that they’re intelligent but are so stupid that they can’t even realise that it’s only their colour that keeps them in a job. As you so rightly say….fucking useless cunts.
He looks like he belongs in Live and Let Die
Cunting Assem Allam
The dark spectre of Blair,s return is becoming reality with the assistance of Assem Allam, the richest person in Yorkshire. And why am I cunting Allam ? It’s because of his history, his slimy deals, his contempt for British Culture, his attempts to buy power and influence, and a willingness to deal with the slime ball Blair and Mandelson.
Allam entered the UK in 1968 aged 20, allegedly fleeing from the tyranny of Nasser’s Egypt..Within weeks, the penniless immigrant was studying for his degree in Economics and Accountancy courtesy of the taxpayers of the United Kingdom of Benefits plc. He qualified in Economics , became an accountant, got a loan and began his Empire Building.
Within a few years, he became very successful. But he wanted more. It is known in the Yorkshire Dales that the Hull Pharoah would aspire to the Lords, or a title of Rank that would satisfy his egotistical need.
Allam as many will know purchased Hull City AFC in 2013. He immediately attempted to change the name of the club citing that Hull City was “an irrelevance”
The fans erupted. ( case is ongoing )
Having bunged ( generously donated ) a huge sum to Ed Milliband, and taking daft Ed for a ride in his Limo, the pratt was non to discreet in stating his price. Support for the purchase of the land title of Hull City AFC. ( there is a dark reason for this )
Non too subtle, Allam has denigrated the historical integrity of a proud City and a proud County, and is impressing the “raghead mentality ” and corruption of his ilk to the fore.
A long story so far, and now you will see why I cunt this bastard.
He has agreed a deal with Tony Blair, and is prepared to invest heavily in a “New Labour Party” following the general election. Disaffected Labour MP’s who are opposed to Corbyn will be recruited to a new political party. It will be led of course by Blair. The aim of representation is to target the labour vote, the Muslim Vote and the Pro European Vote. Allam has made a financial offer of support, and is keen to be active within that party to ensure that ALL UK Muslims are represented (!) There is a price of course.
An immigrant to our country, has grown rich very rich. Not only is he wealthy but he is power mad, and actively seeking to ingratiate himself further. He is an arrogant tosser, who has little if any respect for our HERITAGE, and our ethnicity. And as he has said on so many ocassions, and with great authority, “this is MY Yorkshire ” next, it will be “My Kingdom” and it will be Islam.
Thanks for the rant. He is a cunt , and a fucking ungrateful arrogant fuckwitted greedy grabbing bastard, who has the money and the clout to fuck our country over. Cunt!
And i think i am right in saying that the Japs don’t let peacefuls in ,
not to live and preach anyway.
The cunt will be pissing his money up the wall if he thinks Blaircunt will ever have power again. Yes he can attract the immigrant vote and the remoaner traitors but no real person is going to vote for the bastard. Making a deal with Blaicunt is a risky business, the cunt will look you in the eye and have the shirt off your back before you know it. The cunts deserve each other.
How the fuck is it acceptable for an Egyptian to finance anything in English politics? He may have citizenship but that doesn’t mean he has the best interests of the nation at heart,.
He proves this by hooking uo with Blair the cunt. Fuck him off out of here and confiscate his billions.
Take Corbyn with you, he can spend more time with his toungue up terrorists arses
No, leave Corbyn here….gives us someone to have a chuckle at.
Absolutely spot on Mike.
Never been to Japan but know lots of folks who have and they all say similar things to you.
How the fuck can we have let our country go so wrong?
The streets are alive with Madridistas beeping their horns and waving Real flags out of car windows.
Madrid or Barça could have won La Liga tonight, but it was the fascists that won. Booooooi!!
This will go on for hours.
Fascist cunts.
Also, how shite was that John Terry substitution?
He said he wanted to be subbed in the 26th minute coz his shirt number is 26.
His manager agreed and David Moyes agreed that the ball would be put out for a throw in in the 26th minute for the spectacle to take place.
Isn’t that match fixing???
Stewards enquiry, pa—lease!!!!
que haces en madrid?
Rickie, this is the last time that i converse with you.
You are very strange.
What you are doing is very strange.
You are a weirdo.
You make no sense.
It and you are getting boring.
You’re not even funny.
You are weak.
Remember, the posts on ranting penguin stays there.
You have threatened me twice and the proof of the threat will stay there and make it easy for me to point the finger whenever i want.
I have never threatened you, so the balls in my court.
With the tedious inevitability of an unloved season…
I think he’s attempting re entry.?
I found out he had a crush on me…
Being skint is a cunt and the rich are cunts. Nothing has changed since British Victorian times, there’s the lower stairs people and the upper stairs rich cunts. People with too much money and people with too little, there’s no balance!
The next person I ever hear saying the ‘the best things in life are free’ or ‘money dosent make you happy’ I’ll punch them! money would be a help to struggling cunts like me, I’m not bothered about been rich, I’d just like to buy food and pay me bills!
I remember the first post to get over 100 comments. Now its rare to get less than that.
Happy days…
Well they say a principle isn’t a principle until it costs you something. So there I am on Saturday night in London, when I spot a nice little blonde bird giving my the eye, saunter over, crack a few gags, drinks in (on my plastic unfortunately) and an hour later we’re frenching on the dancefloor, her mates come over to say they are leaving, don’t worry she says, I’ll stay, happy days indeed. What could go wrong? Well just before I ask if she fancies seeing my stamp collection, comes the question, “so how did you vote in the referendum?”, now a wiser (and less pissed man) would have said he doesn’t discuss politics but it was my oath I’d always tell the truth, “I voted out I said” – to which she literally recoiled and walked straight out the bar. What a cunt.
I think you dodged a bullet with that one. Its a well known fact that all remoaners have AIDS.
A sad story, TMCs.
That Remoaner would have been sighing and moaning loudly if she’d come back to mine.
I’d have kicked her in the head.
alas it was sad, she had wonderful tits
Sky “news” are patronising the yoof by asking “What do young voters care about?”
Would it be mass immigration? No.
Would it be islamic terrorism? No.
Would it be North Korea’s nuclear aspirations? No.
Would it be the NHS crumbling under pressure? No.
Would it be perpetual war in the Middle East? No.
So, what do the yoof want to talk about?
LBGTQ+ issues!
That is exactly why the yoof’s opinions do not fucking count and the voting age should be increased to 25, the age at which the rational part of the brain is fully developed. Of course, this only applies to men, wiminz brains never develop a rational part at all.
It takes the piss really and I’m sad to see the country I was raised in revel in this utter stupidity while real issues go untouched.
One of the larger companies I do contracts for actually has an “Identity and Tolerance” officer. I fucking kid you not, it’s a full time position and the guy doing it is an utter cunt.
His job is to monitor all the non gender, LGBT, marrying yourself type bollocks that people think is now so important.
All cunts.
Has anybody seen the “Royal wedding” photos?
I have stated many times that these cunts are lizards and i think I’m being proved right every time they wheel out the clone that is George.
That child lizard looks the same as his pater.
Not similar, not alike, the exact fuckin same.
And how wrinkly does Kate look.
She’s 35 ffs.
Off with all their fuckin heads.
A few weeks ago the lovely Wills and Kate were banging on about their ‘normal’ life, claiming they sometimes even have a take away curry on a Friday.
Not sure my local curry house does a Swan Tikka Masala…..
Glad they are admitting what they are, normal people, with an extraordinary inheritance, that’s about it.
Swan tastes like chicken
People taste like pork.
Explains why some of them are pigs…
Is it true they have vending machines at train stations that dispense children’s underwear to perverted businessmen? Still, that’s got to better than all the emaciated POWs they had hanging around their railway stations during WWII.