How can you retire when you’ve never done anything resembling work?. It’s like Corbyn promising four extra bank holidays. Anyone who is likely to vote for the cunt has no understanding of a bank holiday or indeed a weekend because they are most likely a workshy cunt!
Why does the cow snarl every time she opens her mouth? And suffers from the “moronic interrogative” – i.e. Making each statement sound like a question. Chav.
Go for it, mate / Admiral. Grab a gunboat, get your hand in position over the red button, and point in the general direction of Brussels.
Also, now that you have more time on your hands, look forward to seeing more of your comments on ISAC. And do everyone a favour, purleez…strangle that little peado crunt andrew.
Get yourself a hologram of Charlotte Church, then you can walk six steps behind, and watch her rear. A change is as good as a rest !!
People/cunters like to joke that he calls it like it is.
So fuckin what?????
He’s still a cunt, who along with his inbred family of lizards has lorded it up for a very, very long time.
Any cunt who wants a Royal family to reign over them is a fuckwitted, cuckold cunt that needs fuckin shot.
Just like all the wildlife these cunts slaughter for fun and tradition.
Tradition needs its own cunting.
Tradition is for fuckin idiots.
Tradition is meaningless.
Just coz some cunt liked a bearskin bonnet, it became tradition, yet they wore something before that. Why isn’t that tradition?
Oh , i eat Turkey at xmas coz its tradition =slave
Oh, i raise a toast to my auntie who died, every year coz its tradition =slave
Oh, i wank myself four times a night coz its tradition=sex slave.
Exactly Dick he looks like he ready to prop him up in a wax museum the stiff bastard. BTW just what is his fucking job? basically he gets everything handed to him on a gold platter the lucky fucker
Fun fact cunters but Prince Philp is worshipped as a literal god/divine being in some cuntries… I wish I was joking check it out Now did he threaten/bribe/brainwash these people or what? I dunno..something fishy is going on with this cult
My Grandad’s brother, despite a humble working class background, rose to the rank of Commander in the Royal Navy and served alongside Phil the Greek during WW2. Apparently the question circulating amongst the officers and men on board ship was…
“Where did all those fucking medals come from?”
It’s like when Prince Edward fronted up at The Trooping of the Colour sporting 8 medals earned,presumably,during his glorious 4 month career in the Royal Marines.
That really fucks me off Dick, okay so Edward couldn’t handle it, fair enough. But to then wear a uniform and medals, well fuck off you cunt. Not earned them, don’t wear them.
That reminds me of a story I heard. Not sure how true it is.
When Andrew turned up to his ship he met the captain and said “I’m hrh Andrew whatever the fuck but you can call me andy”
the captain just said “and you can call me sir.”
Phil’s family name is Battenburg (Kraut) and they changed it to Mountbatten for political reasons, much like the Saxe-Coburg Gothas. Apparently he was well pissed off that his brats weren’t going to bear his name. Just call them cunts, they’re all a bunch of sausage bashers whichever way you look at it.
Royal fucking parasites the lot of them. Any one of us is a closer relative of the Tudors or Plantagenets or fucking Normans come to that, than this inbred bunch of kraut benefits scroungers.
It’s no big deal – we all are! Think about it – family tree gets bigger as you go back in time and the available population gets smaller. The English are all descended from the same stock somewhere way back…
I actually thought about buying one of those £25 lordships.
Just so I could get my employees to call me “my lord.”
…trust me it’s better than what they call me now!
They wouldn’t do it anyway so I didn’t bother. That and the fact that it’d make an even bigger cunt than I am already.
Yeah, looks like all that hard work has taken its toll. All those years of being ferried around first class, being given the best food and drink while all the brown-nosed bastards fawned over him. And not having to pay for anything of course. Makes you wonder how he’s lasted so long. Probably it’s something to do with having the best health care someone else’s money can buy.
much weirder than Prince Phillip being worshipped somewhere was Norman Wisdom being worshipped in Albania. i always found him a bit creepy, he was always ‘being Norman Wisdom.’ , the real bloke was a total fuckin mystery.
and did you see that stuff in the news about the dirty gyppo bastard Ilie Nastase being banned from Wombledin? Christ, I’ve seen skanky cunts wandering along City Rd in Cardiff just like him. Looks like an extra out of a crap production of “Anything Goes”
Nastaseis is getting a witchhunt over what he said was apparently racist. “chocolate with a little bit of milk” how is this statement even racist punters?! I ask you
If anything his broken english came across as snide but what a bunch of fucking babies crying over nothing
Prince Philip gaffe ( “If you stay here much longer, you’ll all be slitty-eyed.” (to British students in China, during the 1986 state visit )
He should become a cunter on this site , he could go full retard and say whatever is on his mind.
I reckon he could out cunt the lot of us.
Pretty sure I’ll take some stick for this, but I have to state a case for maintaining The Crown as an institution.
Not for spinning cash from gullible fat Yanks and shortsighted Japanese tourists sporting huge cameras but for the one thing that Royalty is bound to achieve.
They boil the piss of those of a Communistical disposition.
The very fact that this country has an existing Monarchy is a constant source of annoyance and irritation for genuine Lefties (as opposed to the celebs and BBC staff etc who would pretend to believe in anything if it fills their wallets or gets their profile up).
It sends the Corbyn/Livingstone/Abbot types into a frenzy of self righteous outrage that the Monarchy still exists and that fact in itself brings me, personally, a lot of pleasure. It proves that these authoritarian “liberal” (HAH!!) cunts haven’t yet got it all their own way.
There’s always the chance some indignant Trotskyites might even succumb to an apoplexic seizure when a picture of one of the royal sprogs pops up during the telly news. Fingers crossed.
Who was that peaceful Labour cunt who said in a speech that one day he hoped to see the flag of is-lame flying over Buckingham palace?
Things could be a lot worse.
Live with some of the evils in the world, or strive to replace them with new ones…
(loose quote from some famous clever bloke whose name escapes me)
Preparing for incoming flak…
I agree with you Mr B.
Rule Brittania !
Anything that keeps us from being taken over completely by Peacefuls, Commies, Lefties,Germans, Frogs, Poofters etc has got to be good.
On the whole the Royals are not too bad.
At least the IRA weren’t Pakistanis, but they were still cunts though.
Seriously, all you royalist fuckin cunts need to take a long look in the mirror.
After that, break the mirror and slash yerselfs, ya self harming, love to be lorded over , cuckold cunts.
Culture, to me is stereotypical nonsense.
People could claim that watching EastEnders is part of British culture, or Morris dancing is part of British culture.
If that’s the case, then getting stoned and wanking into the wee small hours is also part of British culture.
A lot of us do it.
Culture, like tradition needs to be binned.
Some cunters may notice that I’m being a little bit snidey tonight, and not being my usual happy self.
That’s coz i never knew i was encumbered by fuckin royalists.
They little shites with their non regional English accents have long gone.
Thank fuck.
I really hate the royals, but not as much as i hate royalists.
The royals know they are being cunts and don’t care, and royalists don’t care that the royals are cunting them.
Cuckold cunts.
What does any cunt get for worshiping the royals?
The odd wave of disdain and the bill for refurbishing castles and palaces.
Only last week Willie and Skat where receiving a hand out somewhere in the region of twenty million to do up their gaff.
Agree with that and ye might as well shoot yerself, coz yer a cuckold weak royalist cuuuu nnnntttttt.
That’s nothing compared to what the eu cunts get and besides …I’ve only known a few guys from the forces and they’ve ALL said that it’s the royals that keep up their morale.
Who the fuck will they fight for?
The government? with no principals or loyalty, and as blair proved, no respect for them?
The people? With too much shit going on in their own lives, just let the experts deal with it.
The royal family love the military, as we all do but they give them something extra. A pride and a culture and a will to fight that no one else has.
I’ve never been in the military but I’ve had mates in the past that were and they LOVED the royal family so I’m with them.
If anyone here has been in the military please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Ah well, its better they got the money than the EU
It would be better if the money got spent on the country and its people, especially the NHS.
If our troops see the royals as moral boosters, then there’s something wrong with them.
I come from a Navy family and apart from my Da the seamen guzzler, the rest think that the royals are cunts.
Culture is bad enough, but then there’s counterculture…
Usually rich cunts with no idea how working people live and survive… Or pretentious up their own arses drugged up cunts… Cunts like Leary, Kesey, Ginsberg, John and fucking Yoko, The Grateful (not to be) Dead, and now modern cunts like Banksy and Chickboy Gaga…. Not to mention all the super-rich cunts and anti-Trump celebrisluts who think they are politically minded (Perry, Madogga, Cyrus, Johansson etc)… Fuck hippes, fuck snowflakes, and fuck the counterculture…
Well said Norman. Counterculture is often middle class, up their own arse bullshit with an inbuilt sense of superiority thrown in.
Especially hippies…
Disagree even slightly with a hippy on some minor social, economic or political issue and see the hate and threat of impending violence burning in their eyes.
Love and peace my fucking arse…
Wasn’t it that ugly fucking minger Cherie Blair who refused to curtsey to the Queen? Yet the hypocritical bitch accepted the Silk of Queens Bench , and later the appointment of Judge of Crown Appointment.
Cherie hated hated Monarchy, she despised them because of their wealth and their privileged position. Fucking amazing that! She held court, demanded recognition for her position, exercised power and amassed a fucking fortune by screwing everyone. Tony had to toe the line as Prime Minister, and it must have killed him. He would someday wish to be President of the fucking world.
All lefty/libtard fuckers are the same , they couldn’t wank a leper!
I never bother with research, DTS, Truth and accuracy never stop me. I’m as clued-up as Diane Abbot talking about Labour party policy….I love being an ignorant cunt,I do.
…if the facts don’t stack up? Fuck it. Change the facts!
Every cunt in politics does it for a living.
By the way, my real name is Junkers and I like to spend my spare time wearing women’s panties and a flowery dress singing “I’m a little bottom tickler, please fuck me up the bum!”
My mother in law has barely spoken to me since December because of that spell checker auto correct fuckin’ thing.
She was having difficulty finding a plant that is traditionally used around Christmas time, for a scene in an amateur dramatic production where two people were to kiss beneath it.
I managed to locate some and sent her a text.
“Hi Rita, spoke to a couple of lads down the market and they reckon they can help you out regarding your camel toe problem”…..
I’m a bit late weighing into this one but I actually quite like the monarchy. Sure we have to pay them a bit but in truth they are so minted themselves as to not need our pitiful wedge. They probably think they are being kind in accepting it, like Queeny accepting a little poesy of bedraggled pansys off some spaz kid.
“Ah, they are giving us £37 million. Bless their little hearts.”
Considering the monarchy costs £284 million our contribution is a pitiful 13%. The remainder they pay for themselves.
And all the lefty labour lot who complain about them being non democratic can fuck off as well because they are not shy when it comes to appointing unelected Lords to the upper house, which incidentally costs the UK tax payer £93 million per year, 2 1/2 times the cost of the monarchy.
Utter nonsense.
Its a knockout competition, yet these cunts try and come up with an all inclusive slogan.
If i was paranoid, I’d think that the cunts that be want us all to think the same.
One Man utd fan had a flag that read “United, kids, wife, in that order”
Brilliant!!!!!! 🙂
We will get Nil Point this year without a doubt!. I wonder which country is providing the obligatory bearded tranny act this year?. I bloody hope it isn’t us!
I’ve just spent the last 12 hours writing something about Wolfgang Schaeble. I think there should be a bit more consideration for the older cunts among us.
Lidl is a ghastly, cunt-like cave, is it not?
I don’t like visiting any non-Sainsbury supermarket; even Tesco can be a tad worrying. Yet that pails in triviality compared to the trauma of this piss-ridden amusement park.
I forgot to buy milk and require tea in the morn like a recovering junkie, so I decided to ‘pop’ into Lidl. What a mistake. It was like ‘popping’ into Bucharest! Swathes of angry, tattooed, stinking East Eurotrash, all hairier than the most hirsute Greek gorilla ever seen
And that was just the women.
Women staff.
Whole queues of the dirty cunts, all loud as fuck as if their fellow fruit-picking, benefit-nicking ‘colleagues’ were 30 yards away. Yapping to the till operators in Bulgarian, probably endlessly moaning about Britain whilst asking for a discount on their 64 cans of fizzy, Polish piss.
“Kurrva, kurrva, KURRVA” to you too, you truculent turd.. Even with earphones in I could still here the coarse bastards.
I’ve been informed that the food is shite, the wine is like ink and the ‘fresh’ fruit is mostly from thousands of miles away. There was also a couple of gypo-looking kids eating foreign crisps, bawling and screaming in Ukrainian. Probably. It was worse than Asda.
I am less traumatised now after a glass of Gin but fuck me, what a dreadful experience.
I’ve heard the queues are six hours long in A & E, regardless of how much folding stuff you’ve ploughed in over the years.
Lidl is a distressing visit. Either I give up milk when caught desperate, or buy a ma-hoosive pair of earphones for the shell-likes and a clothes peg for the hooter.
Lidl has some tasty grub and their American peanut butter is better than the wait rose stuff the missus gets me.
It’s the free for all queues that i hate, and the reason i don’t go in anymore.
The last time i went in was to buy a waterproof windbreaker to cycle in for fourteen euros.
Guess what?
The fucker is water and wind proof.
Saved a lot of money there.
The bread here is shite and the British bread has been frozen before its flight over.
In Gibraltar, there’s a Morrison’s and Waitrose.
I use Waitrose coz it’s better, and i don’t get on with the manager (Gary Shand) in Morrison’s.
Gary Shand is a wife cheating , till dipping cunt.
The Spanish supermarkets are OK if that’s what yer used to, but I’ve never found any vegetarian food other than… eh….vegetables.
Going g to Waitrose is like a little holiday for me. 🙂
Gary Chand, manager of Morrison’s in Gibraltar is a cunt.
He cheats on his wife with Spanish female staff and dips the till.
That’s the truth, so don’t worry about lawyers letters, admin.
He’s also a fuckin bully to new staff and weaker staff.
Shites it from ex customers like me though.
I thought vegetables is pretty much all there is for a vegetarian.
I know the Indians have a good menu for veggies (I think Hindus are full on vegans) but didn’t think there’d be much choice anywhere really. ….though I’m a lazy cunt when it comes to cooking so I wouldn’t know. Are u full on vegan of just hate the thought of meat?
I would feel guilty but the cunts would eat me without a second thought so fuck em!
The only animal product i eat is cheese.
I also wear desert boots.
I just cant bring myself to be a part of the mass slaughter of innocent animals.
Pigs are omnivores, so i have no guilt about the suede desert boots.
And anyway, you cunters have already eaten the pork, so i honor the pig by looking cool in my desert boots.
Ah I don’t mind old Philip – I find it refreshing that he doesn’t mince words no matter who he offends.
If anything, you’ll probably find that he’s retiring because he knows he’s on his way out.
And like some of my fellow cunters stated, having the Royals around is a sure fire way to piss of the miserable maggot commie leftie fuckwad cunts like Corbyn, McDickwad, the Flabbot and Livingscum.
Anything that would (hopefully) cause them to suffer a lethal aneurysm from the rage of it all can’t be bad, right?
They also want to shit on the House of Lords (until they worm their way in there of course). I don’t go along with all this my enemy’s enemy bullshit. I know a bunch of cunts when I see them. End of story.
As long as they speak the Queen’s English and understand punctuation, they’re fine. Up St George (can’t find the sodding flag on emojis) and St Theresa for PM!
This audience is packed full of remoaners and I can’t spot a single Camel driver. Fucking traitorous bastards. That Welsh bitch needs to fuck off aswell. Oh….Oh….Oh….Oh…..I’m not gonna lie to you…..fuck off you whore.
I think the Welsh bint would seriously benefit a length of decent chopper! Her subliminal signals were quite evident I feel…. I think you may get lucky there Fredie.
I don’t often watch question time but there’s fuck all else on. Listening to the majority of these mongs talk convinces me that we’re fucked as a species. I can’t believe these dribbling spastics are real people and not bred specifically to be part of qt audience. Absolutely fucking unbelievable.
To be fair Nuttall was ok….the boy done good. However, I was expecting him to be asked about UKIP’s ridiculous FGM policy. I seem to remember that Viz once had a strip called “The Bottom Inspectors.” Now UKIP want to introduce “The Little Girl Fanny Inspectors.” Perhaps they could appoint Rolf Harris as Chief Inspector when he gets out of the nick the daft cunts? Just throw all these goat shaggers out of the country and let them do what they like with their little girls’ fannies. It’s none of our fucking business.
In five years time, when their country is overrun with rapugee scum and the human filth that is muslamists, our frog faced friends will look back in nostalgia at Hitler….
Marine Le Penn is going to lose. The cunts in the EU made that decision last year, and by any means , they will crush her. The French are finally sleepwalking into a disaster of their own creation. Next week, the EU will celebrate its victory over the people, the final act of attrition. And in the new rules, there will be no more leaving the EU.
Macon isn’t just a cunt, he’s a vicious cunt, a lying cunt, a failed cunt and above all., a EURO-CUNT.
After more than 70 years since France was liberated from Nazi Germany, the French will probably voluntarily vote to be run again by a German dominant EU and all the shit that comes with it. Macron is just a spineless puppet and will hand his bollocks in at the EU Parliament and do what he’s told.
Apparently, the QT audience member got booed at following his criticism of food banks! Todays comments in the DM indicate that his comment is supported by the majority, and that perhaps, the hand planted, ( sorry, I meant picked obviously ) audience are not in keeping with the majority.
One wonderful comment was “I always wanted that tattoo, the foodbank let me get it ” Fuck me!
I came from an area where no fucker worked. My dad did, and I did, we wanted to work. When I go back to Newcastle, I still see the cunts I went to school with in the 1960’s, and they still haven’t got a job! 45 fucking years on the dole! Can you believe it.?
And don’t let any fucker tell me there aint no jobs!!!! If you want to work you can always fucking find one !
Everton football club are attempting to get the decision to have Aaron Lennon detained under the Mental Health act overturned, claiming the windows on the team bus need cleaning……
James O’Shithead is on the radio right now crying his little eyes out as his Blairite vision takes another kicking. Poor cunt just can’t understand why nobody has his foresight and understanding. How he longs for the days when Bush’s bitch was gearing up to bomb the fuck out of Saddam, tear down his statue and hang the bastard. Weren’t much of a liberal in those days were you cuntface?
Like walking in fresh snow.
How can you retire when you’ve never done anything resembling work?. It’s like Corbyn promising four extra bank holidays. Anyone who is likely to vote for the cunt has no understanding of a bank holiday or indeed a weekend because they are most likely a workshy cunt!
Retire? The cunt has barely done a days job his whole life.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but old Greek Phil has actually worked pretty damned hard…
Then he’s a cunt for working hard. He married a queen for fucks sake.
Off subject, but I am watching Question Time at the the moment and need to get this off my chest. Rebecca Long Bailey is a CUNT ?????
Where do all you cunters get them little “emoji’s”?
All i can do is a smiley or sad face.
Is that little toalies, Menopausal Flush? 🙂
Why does the cow snarl every time she opens her mouth? And suffers from the “moronic interrogative” – i.e. Making each statement sound like a question. Chav.
They are big smelly shit heaps, which is what she deserves. Emojis from iPad, Birdie. ????????☃️???
???????? Birds in your honour, Birdman
Ta, Menopausal Flush.
Who the fuck is Bailey then?
Gobby Labour tart. Nuff said.
Oh God, I swear they’re breeding.
What next? Are the going to wheel out that mong Angela Rayner?
You can hardly accuse Phillip of laziness, having retired at 96.
Most Greeks retire at around 45.
and I reckon he ain’t retiring.
Go for it, mate / Admiral. Grab a gunboat, get your hand in position over the red button, and point in the general direction of Brussels.
Also, now that you have more time on your hands, look forward to seeing more of your comments on ISAC. And do everyone a favour, purleez…strangle that little peado crunt andrew.
Get yourself a hologram of Charlotte Church, then you can walk six steps behind, and watch her rear. A change is as good as a rest !!
Another fuckin lizard.
Normal folk don’t look like that.
People/cunters like to joke that he calls it like it is.
So fuckin what?????
He’s still a cunt, who along with his inbred family of lizards has lorded it up for a very, very long time.
Any cunt who wants a Royal family to reign over them is a fuckwitted, cuckold cunt that needs fuckin shot.
Just like all the wildlife these cunts slaughter for fun and tradition.
Tradition needs its own cunting.
Tradition is for fuckin idiots.
Tradition is meaningless.
Just coz some cunt liked a bearskin bonnet, it became tradition, yet they wore something before that. Why isn’t that tradition?
Oh , i eat Turkey at xmas coz its tradition =slave
Oh, i raise a toast to my auntie who died, every year coz its tradition =slave
Oh, i wank myself four times a night coz its tradition=sex slave.
Havent heard of the wanking tradition. Is it like Black Rod or bonfire night or what? Sounds more fulfilling anyway.
He probably has a flunkey to wank for him,lazy old cunt
Yea it’s called a wife.
Though I doubt the Queen would wank him off much.
Oh fuck. I wish that image hadn’t just entered my head.
The queen wanks off corgis.
By the look of that photo,rather than retiring, it looks like he’s just risen from the crypt.
Exactly Dick he looks like he ready to prop him up in a wax museum the stiff bastard. BTW just what is his fucking job? basically he gets everything handed to him on a gold platter the lucky fucker
Fun fact cunters but Prince Philp is worshipped as a literal god/divine being in some cuntries… I wish I was joking check it out Now did he threaten/bribe/brainwash these people or what? I dunno..something fishy is going on with this cult
My Grandad’s brother, despite a humble working class background, rose to the rank of Commander in the Royal Navy and served alongside Phil the Greek during WW2. Apparently the question circulating amongst the officers and men on board ship was…
“Where did all those fucking medals come from?”
It’s like when Prince Edward fronted up at The Trooping of the Colour sporting 8 medals earned,presumably,during his glorious 4 month career in the Royal Marines.
That really fucks me off Dick, okay so Edward couldn’t handle it, fair enough. But to then wear a uniform and medals, well fuck off you cunt. Not earned them, don’t wear them.
That reminds me of a story I heard. Not sure how true it is.
When Andrew turned up to his ship he met the captain and said “I’m hrh Andrew whatever the fuck but you can call me andy”
the captain just said “and you can call me sir.”
Or that ginger cunt Harry Half cast
He got them the same place Old Man Steptoe got his… a Pikey down Sheperds Bush market. 17/6d the set.
Phil’s family name is Battenburg (Kraut) and they changed it to Mountbatten for political reasons, much like the Saxe-Coburg Gothas. Apparently he was well pissed off that his brats weren’t going to bear his name. Just call them cunts, they’re all a bunch of sausage bashers whichever way you look at it.
Actually Saxe Coburg was changed to Windsor because of the First World War…
apparently the name “Wetmore” was considered also…
Royal fucking parasites the lot of them. Any one of us is a closer relative of the Tudors or Plantagenets or fucking Normans come to that, than this inbred bunch of kraut benefits scroungers.
I reckon Diocese has a distant claim to the throne, he’s descended from some Norman Earl.
Unfortunately down the female line!
It’s no big deal – we all are! Think about it – family tree gets bigger as you go back in time and the available population gets smaller. The English are all descended from the same stock somewhere way back…
Unless your an Arab. No branches on that family tree it’s just a trunk.
Normal Earl?
…never heard of im!
Hugh Kevellioc de Meschines, 5th Palatine Earl of Chester since you ask…
How poshe whot whot.
I actually thought about buying one of those £25 lordships.
Just so I could get my employees to call me “my lord.”
…trust me it’s better than what they call me now!
They wouldn’t do it anyway so I didn’t bother. That and the fact that it’d make an even bigger cunt than I am already.
Yeah, looks like all that hard work has taken its toll. All those years of being ferried around first class, being given the best food and drink while all the brown-nosed bastards fawned over him. And not having to pay for anything of course. Makes you wonder how he’s lasted so long. Probably it’s something to do with having the best health care someone else’s money can buy.
much weirder than Prince Phillip being worshipped somewhere was Norman Wisdom being worshipped in Albania. i always found him a bit creepy, he was always ‘being Norman Wisdom.’ , the real bloke was a total fuckin mystery.
Not Albania – Vanuatu…
If I can manage a “second coming” on my 89th birthday I’ll be a happy man!
Yes Vanuatu for idle Phil but Wisdom was a superstar in Albania. I expect Miranda Hart is as well – same act.
and did you see that stuff in the news about the dirty gyppo bastard Ilie Nastase being banned from Wombledin? Christ, I’ve seen skanky cunts wandering along City Rd in Cardiff just like him. Looks like an extra out of a crap production of “Anything Goes”
Nastaseis is getting a witchhunt over what he said was apparently racist. “chocolate with a little bit of milk” how is this statement even racist punters?! I ask you
If anything his broken english came across as snide but what a bunch of fucking babies crying over nothing
From the picture seems like the Nosferatu remake will be pretty good….
Prince Phillip is ‘ looking forward to enjoying more leisure time ‘ lol.
I know this won’t be popular but I actually quite like him.
He’s racist.
There are so many butt kissing lefty’s about these days it’s quite refreshing to hear someone cunt cunts to their faces.
He’s got some good’ns. Read these quotes and tell me you didn’t laugh:
I’m with you DTS, I don’t really mind the old duffer, he has that touch of unentitled arrogance that I have to admire.
Prince Philip gaffe ( “If you stay here much longer, you’ll all be slitty-eyed.” (to British students in China, during the 1986 state visit )
He should become a cunter on this site , he could go full retard and say whatever is on his mind.
I reckon he could out cunt the lot of us.
Are you related to Alan?
No, I am a Brighton bloke lost in a sea of bum boys snowflakes and hipsters.
He’s not racist.
He believes he’s better than every cunt, no matter what colour of skin they have.
The gaffes he spews about foreigners is the same as the way he thinks about cunts like me.
I’d line the whole lot of the cunts up and shoot them in the limbs and non fatal areas of the body first, then shoot them between the fuckin eyes.
Apart from Beatrice, Eugenie and Fergie.
I’d keep them in the dungeons to let tourists watch them lick each others fannies.
Roll up, roll up.
Get yer Royal lesbian threesome t-shirts he-aaah.
Two for a pound, two for a pound.
Pretty sure I’ll take some stick for this, but I have to state a case for maintaining The Crown as an institution.
Not for spinning cash from gullible fat Yanks and shortsighted Japanese tourists sporting huge cameras but for the one thing that Royalty is bound to achieve.
They boil the piss of those of a Communistical disposition.
The very fact that this country has an existing Monarchy is a constant source of annoyance and irritation for genuine Lefties (as opposed to the celebs and BBC staff etc who would pretend to believe in anything if it fills their wallets or gets their profile up).
It sends the Corbyn/Livingstone/Abbot types into a frenzy of self righteous outrage that the Monarchy still exists and that fact in itself brings me, personally, a lot of pleasure. It proves that these authoritarian “liberal” (HAH!!) cunts haven’t yet got it all their own way.
There’s always the chance some indignant Trotskyites might even succumb to an apoplexic seizure when a picture of one of the royal sprogs pops up during the telly news. Fingers crossed.
Who was that peaceful Labour cunt who said in a speech that one day he hoped to see the flag of is-lame flying over Buckingham palace?
Things could be a lot worse.
Live with some of the evils in the world, or strive to replace them with new ones…
(loose quote from some famous clever bloke whose name escapes me)
Preparing for incoming flak…
So i actually have something in common with them cunts then.
Who knew?
Hahah! sorry Birdman. At least smoking the doobs should help prevent the “seizure” bit…
I agree with you Mr B.
Rule Brittania !
Anything that keeps us from being taken over completely by Peacefuls, Commies, Lefties,Germans, Frogs, Poofters etc has got to be good.
On the whole the Royals are not too bad.
Dawn right Ian.
No matter what might be bad about them at least they’re not fuckin Pakis.
At least the IRA weren’t Pakistanis, but they were still cunts though.
Seriously, all you royalist fuckin cunts need to take a long look in the mirror.
After that, break the mirror and slash yerselfs, ya self harming, love to be lorded over , cuckold cunts.
Ye’s stink of shite an all.
Little red angry face.
Good point about the IRA.
Smell like shite?
Have you been spying on me? 🙂
I agree Mr bastard.
We need to hold on to as much of our culture as possible.
….there ain’t much left!
What is culture?
Culture, to me is stereotypical nonsense.
People could claim that watching EastEnders is part of British culture, or Morris dancing is part of British culture.
If that’s the case, then getting stoned and wanking into the wee small hours is also part of British culture.
A lot of us do it.
Culture, like tradition needs to be binned.
Some cunters may notice that I’m being a little bit snidey tonight, and not being my usual happy self.
That’s coz i never knew i was encumbered by fuckin royalists.
Ye’s have yer own minds , fuckin use it.
And the missing smiley face isn’t a mistake.
Are you still stuck with the family birdman?
Sounds like those kids ground you down mate! 🙂
…or maybe you just really HATE the royals.
…though you’re being quite subtle about it.
They little shites with their non regional English accents have long gone.
Thank fuck.
I really hate the royals, but not as much as i hate royalists.
The royals know they are being cunts and don’t care, and royalists don’t care that the royals are cunting them.
Cuckold cunts.
What does any cunt get for worshiping the royals?
The odd wave of disdain and the bill for refurbishing castles and palaces.
Only last week Willie and Skat where receiving a hand out somewhere in the region of twenty million to do up their gaff.
Agree with that and ye might as well shoot yerself, coz yer a cuckold weak royalist cuuuu nnnntttttt.
I have to say that after all the crap about emotions, William really went down in my estimation.
Fuck, George VI must have been spinning in his grave at that one.
That’s nothing compared to what the eu cunts get and besides …I’ve only known a few guys from the forces and they’ve ALL said that it’s the royals that keep up their morale.
Who the fuck will they fight for?
The government? with no principals or loyalty, and as blair proved, no respect for them?
The people? With too much shit going on in their own lives, just let the experts deal with it.
The royal family love the military, as we all do but they give them something extra. A pride and a culture and a will to fight that no one else has.
I’ve never been in the military but I’ve had mates in the past that were and they LOVED the royal family so I’m with them.
If anyone here has been in the military please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Ah well, its better they got the money than the EU
It would be better if the money got spent on the country and its people, especially the NHS.
If our troops see the royals as moral boosters, then there’s something wrong with them.
I come from a Navy family and apart from my Da the seamen guzzler, the rest think that the royals are cunts.
Culture is bad enough, but then there’s counterculture…
Usually rich cunts with no idea how working people live and survive… Or pretentious up their own arses drugged up cunts… Cunts like Leary, Kesey, Ginsberg, John and fucking Yoko, The Grateful (not to be) Dead, and now modern cunts like Banksy and Chickboy Gaga…. Not to mention all the super-rich cunts and anti-Trump celebrisluts who think they are politically minded (Perry, Madogga, Cyrus, Johansson etc)… Fuck hippes, fuck snowflakes, and fuck the counterculture…
Well said Norman. Counterculture is often middle class, up their own arse bullshit with an inbuilt sense of superiority thrown in.
Especially hippies…
Disagree even slightly with a hippy on some minor social, economic or political issue and see the hate and threat of impending violence burning in their eyes.
Love and peace my fucking arse…
Wasn’t it that ugly fucking minger Cherie Blair who refused to curtsey to the Queen? Yet the hypocritical bitch accepted the Silk of Queens Bench , and later the appointment of Judge of Crown Appointment.
Cherie hated hated Monarchy, she despised them because of their wealth and their privileged position. Fucking amazing that! She held court, demanded recognition for her position, exercised power and amassed a fucking fortune by screwing everyone. Tony had to toe the line as Prime Minister, and it must have killed him. He would someday wish to be President of the fucking world.
All lefty/libtard fuckers are the same , they couldn’t wank a leper!
Not sure about the world but he sure as hell wanted to be the first president of a federal Europe.
That’s why he’s so pissed about Brexit…
I just checked and unless I’m mistaken cheri b.liar has only had 1 cunting so far.
Amazing when you think about what a 42 carrat cunt she is!
I would do some research and deliver a cunting myself but I’m too lazy.
….and drunk.
And this is Flips first one!!!!!!
Have i stumbled upon EAFRISAC?
Everyone Apart From Royals Is A Cunt.
Royalist bunch of weak cunts.
If you carry on like that birdman, you might not get invited to the palace.
…I recon you’d fit right in!
I’d fit right in to Beatrice. 🙂
Beatrice is the only Royal worth her salt.
Sorry, i meant worth my salty stuff.
Ha ha ha ha ha
I never bother with research, DTS, Truth and accuracy never stop me. I’m as clued-up as Diane Abbot talking about Labour party policy….I love being an ignorant cunt,I do.
Ignorance is bliss fiddler!
…if the facts don’t stack up? Fuck it. Change the facts!
Every cunt in politics does it for a living.
By the way, my real name is Junkers and I like to spend my spare time wearing women’s panties and a flowery dress singing “I’m a little bottom tickler, please fuck me up the bum!”
Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn – Copper Read.
CHOPPER fuckin Read that should have said.
That spell check is gonna get the plier treatment, the cunt.
My mother in law has barely spoken to me since December because of that spell checker auto correct fuckin’ thing.
She was having difficulty finding a plant that is traditionally used around Christmas time, for a scene in an amateur dramatic production where two people were to kiss beneath it.
I managed to locate some and sent her a text.
“Hi Rita, spoke to a couple of lads down the market and they reckon they can help you out regarding your camel toe problem”…..
Nah… Not with those teeth…
Only Royal I’d do like a steamhammer is Kate…
I reckon the only reason Kate Middleton gets pregnant is because she hasn’t got tits worth finishing on…..
However her sisters arse is a different matter altogether…..
Quite so. Anyone for President Bliar ??! No, thought not. Better the Buck House gremlins than that other satanic trinity.
I’ll take President Blair over they cunts any day.
Now, time to order a new carcano.
I’m a bit late weighing into this one but I actually quite like the monarchy. Sure we have to pay them a bit but in truth they are so minted themselves as to not need our pitiful wedge. They probably think they are being kind in accepting it, like Queeny accepting a little poesy of bedraggled pansys off some spaz kid.
“Ah, they are giving us £37 million. Bless their little hearts.”
Considering the monarchy costs £284 million our contribution is a pitiful 13%. The remainder they pay for themselves.
And all the lefty labour lot who complain about them being non democratic can fuck off as well because they are not shy when it comes to appointing unelected Lords to the upper house, which incidentally costs the UK tax payer £93 million per year, 2 1/2 times the cost of the monarchy.
Together To Stockholm.
That’s the slogan for the Europa league.
Utter nonsense.
Its a knockout competition, yet these cunts try and come up with an all inclusive slogan.
If i was paranoid, I’d think that the cunts that be want us all to think the same.
One Man utd fan had a flag that read “United, kids, wife, in that order”
Brilliant!!!!!! 🙂
Oh NO ! It’sthe Eurovision song contest next week. I’m fucking off on holiday!
We will get Nil Point this year without a doubt!. I wonder which country is providing the obligatory bearded tranny act this year?. I bloody hope it isn’t us!
I’m glad we get nil poi.
….every point is a stain on our reputation.
The cuntovision cunt cuntest is a cunt.
It was just about bearable when Our Tel was there to take the piss…
I’ve just spent the last 12 hours writing something about Wolfgang Schaeble. I think there should be a bit more consideration for the older cunts among us.
Fuck all you lily livered Lizard turncoats. Bring back Oliver Cromwell I say! He had the right ideas…….er……..well, at least one of them anyway.
Lidl is a ghastly, cunt-like cave, is it not?
I don’t like visiting any non-Sainsbury supermarket; even Tesco can be a tad worrying. Yet that pails in triviality compared to the trauma of this piss-ridden amusement park.
I forgot to buy milk and require tea in the morn like a recovering junkie, so I decided to ‘pop’ into Lidl. What a mistake. It was like ‘popping’ into Bucharest! Swathes of angry, tattooed, stinking East Eurotrash, all hairier than the most hirsute Greek gorilla ever seen
And that was just the women.
Women staff.
Whole queues of the dirty cunts, all loud as fuck as if their fellow fruit-picking, benefit-nicking ‘colleagues’ were 30 yards away. Yapping to the till operators in Bulgarian, probably endlessly moaning about Britain whilst asking for a discount on their 64 cans of fizzy, Polish piss.
“Kurrva, kurrva, KURRVA” to you too, you truculent turd.. Even with earphones in I could still here the coarse bastards.
I’ve been informed that the food is shite, the wine is like ink and the ‘fresh’ fruit is mostly from thousands of miles away. There was also a couple of gypo-looking kids eating foreign crisps, bawling and screaming in Ukrainian. Probably. It was worse than Asda.
I am less traumatised now after a glass of Gin but fuck me, what a dreadful experience.
Don’t go to a & e then mate!
My friend went recently and apparently it was more like Bangladesh that Britain.
….but I guess you can say that about nearly everywhere now!
Where I am there are nearly no white people left and when you see one they’re always “shhlogovszvssshvan sholgggzzxxxzzfrvzk flib flob flib.”
…it’s actually starting to piss me off.
I’ve heard the queues are six hours long in A & E, regardless of how much folding stuff you’ve ploughed in over the years.
Lidl is a distressing visit. Either I give up milk when caught desperate, or buy a ma-hoosive pair of earphones for the shell-likes and a clothes peg for the hooter.
Lidl has some tasty grub and their American peanut butter is better than the wait rose stuff the missus gets me.
It’s the free for all queues that i hate, and the reason i don’t go in anymore.
The last time i went in was to buy a waterproof windbreaker to cycle in for fourteen euros.
Guess what?
The fucker is water and wind proof.
Saved a lot of money there.
The crisp section is piss poor though.
Are the shops the same as Britain in gib?
The food in Spanish supermarkets is absolute shite. …can’t even get a decent loaf of bread!
The bread here is shite and the British bread has been frozen before its flight over.
In Gibraltar, there’s a Morrison’s and Waitrose.
I use Waitrose coz it’s better, and i don’t get on with the manager (Gary Shand) in Morrison’s.
Gary Shand is a wife cheating , till dipping cunt.
The Spanish supermarkets are OK if that’s what yer used to, but I’ve never found any vegetarian food other than… eh….vegetables.
Going g to Waitrose is like a little holiday for me. 🙂
Gary Chand, manager of Morrison’s in Gibraltar is a cunt.
He cheats on his wife with Spanish female staff and dips the till.
That’s the truth, so don’t worry about lawyers letters, admin.
He’s also a fuckin bully to new staff and weaker staff.
Shites it from ex customers like me though.
I’m a veggie and Waitrose in Blighty does an ace Aubergine moussaka with lentils.
That’s Captain Magnanimous, Mahatma Lost and myself that are vegetarians on ISAC.
We’re getting stronger. 🙂
I’ll give that a go.
Sounds nice, cheers.
Mahatma LOST?????
How the fuck does spell check get LOST from KOAT????
I’d rather make my own mistakes, rather than that little gobshite making me look a cunt.
I thought vegetables is pretty much all there is for a vegetarian.
I know the Indians have a good menu for veggies (I think Hindus are full on vegans) but didn’t think there’d be much choice anywhere really. ….though I’m a lazy cunt when it comes to cooking so I wouldn’t know. Are u full on vegan of just hate the thought of meat?
I would feel guilty but the cunts would eat me without a second thought so fuck em!
The only animal product i eat is cheese.
I also wear desert boots.
I just cant bring myself to be a part of the mass slaughter of innocent animals.
Pigs are omnivores, so i have no guilt about the suede desert boots.
And anyway, you cunters have already eaten the pork, so i honor the pig by looking cool in my desert boots.
Rock on Tommy. 🙂
Ah I don’t mind old Philip – I find it refreshing that he doesn’t mince words no matter who he offends.
If anything, you’ll probably find that he’s retiring because he knows he’s on his way out.
And like some of my fellow cunters stated, having the Royals around is a sure fire way to piss of the miserable maggot commie leftie fuckwad cunts like Corbyn, McDickwad, the Flabbot and Livingscum.
Anything that would (hopefully) cause them to suffer a lethal aneurysm from the rage of it all can’t be bad, right?
They also want to shit on the House of Lords (until they worm their way in there of course). I don’t go along with all this my enemy’s enemy bullshit. I know a bunch of cunts when I see them. End of story.
And Corbyn and his ilk are cunts.
Then again so are the Lords.
That arsehole Nuttall is on Question Time in a minute. Watch him make a complete cunt of himself. Scouse fucking spastic.
The Mickey Mouser are many things, but good politicians are not one of them.
Good God, for UKIP to go from Farage to Fuckall is a sign that they’re a busted flush.
Who the fuck is this Kraut talking about “us”….”We”….”Our”? Fuck off cunt. It’s got fuck all to do with you.
Probably a fucking europhile.
Let say this now – I am NOT a european!
That goes for the rest of you right?
I am not even British. I am English. Sod the rest of you buggers. ?
Even your fellow English?
As long as they speak the Queen’s English and understand punctuation, they’re fine. Up St George (can’t find the sodding flag on emojis) and St Theresa for PM!
Oh I agree.
Better May than the axis of left wing evil.
If it wasn’t for Faslane, I’d be English.
Faslane is a cunt. 🙂
Had to look that up. Nah, Birdman, you’re one of us.
This audience is packed full of remoaners and I can’t spot a single Camel driver. Fucking traitorous bastards. That Welsh bitch needs to fuck off aswell. Oh….Oh….Oh….Oh…..I’m not gonna lie to you…..fuck off you whore.
Is it that Leanne Wood bitch?
You know, the one who looks the the barmaid from The Only Gay in the Village?
And what a surprise, a BBC show with an audience of handpicked remoaner cunts.
Typical BBC, I’d have those fuckers lose their funding if I were dictator of this country.
Yeah, I thought there were a lot of peacefuls up there.
Wouldn’t be Question Time without the mandatory peacefuls.
I think the Welsh bint would seriously benefit a length of decent chopper! Her subliminal signals were quite evident I feel…. I think you may get lucky there Fredie.
I don’t often watch question time but there’s fuck all else on. Listening to the majority of these mongs talk convinces me that we’re fucked as a species. I can’t believe these dribbling spastics are real people and not bred specifically to be part of qt audience. Absolutely fucking unbelievable.
Quite right, they couldn’t string enough words together to request a fuck…
What a bunch of fucking cretins and fuckwits.
To be fair Nuttall was ok….the boy done good. However, I was expecting him to be asked about UKIP’s ridiculous FGM policy. I seem to remember that Viz once had a strip called “The Bottom Inspectors.” Now UKIP want to introduce “The Little Girl Fanny Inspectors.” Perhaps they could appoint Rolf Harris as Chief Inspector when he gets out of the nick the daft cunts? Just throw all these goat shaggers out of the country and let them do what they like with their little girls’ fannies. It’s none of our fucking business.
I see fuckwit Obama has butted into another election telling people how to vote.
Vote remain you cunts, I know what I’m fucking talking about.
Result….fuck off Obama.
Vote Hilary you cunts, I know what I’m fucking talking about.
Result….fuck off Obama.
Vote Macron you cunts, I know what I”m fucking talking about.
Result…..fingers crossed but Obama can fuck right off anyway. Cunt.
Obama, the slimy piece of shit! The Folly Golly.
In five years time, when their country is overrun with rapugee scum and the human filth that is muslamists, our frog faced friends will look back in nostalgia at Hitler….
Marine Le Penn is going to lose. The cunts in the EU made that decision last year, and by any means , they will crush her. The French are finally sleepwalking into a disaster of their own creation. Next week, the EU will celebrate its victory over the people, the final act of attrition. And in the new rules, there will be no more leaving the EU.
Macon isn’t just a cunt, he’s a vicious cunt, a lying cunt, a failed cunt and above all., a EURO-CUNT.
After more than 70 years since France was liberated from Nazi Germany, the French will probably voluntarily vote to be run again by a German dominant EU and all the shit that comes with it. Macron is just a spineless puppet and will hand his bollocks in at the EU Parliament and do what he’s told.
Apparently, the QT audience member got booed at following his criticism of food banks! Todays comments in the DM indicate that his comment is supported by the majority, and that perhaps, the hand planted, ( sorry, I meant picked obviously ) audience are not in keeping with the majority.
One wonderful comment was “I always wanted that tattoo, the foodbank let me get it ” Fuck me!
I came from an area where no fucker worked. My dad did, and I did, we wanted to work. When I go back to Newcastle, I still see the cunts I went to school with in the 1960’s, and they still haven’t got a job! 45 fucking years on the dole! Can you believe it.?
And don’t let any fucker tell me there aint no jobs!!!! If you want to work you can always fucking find one !
Everton football club are attempting to get the decision to have Aaron Lennon detained under the Mental Health act overturned, claiming the windows on the team bus need cleaning……
James O’Shithead is on the radio right now crying his little eyes out as his Blairite vision takes another kicking. Poor cunt just can’t understand why nobody has his foresight and understanding. How he longs for the days when Bush’s bitch was gearing up to bomb the fuck out of Saddam, tear down his statue and hang the bastard. Weren’t much of a liberal in those days were you cuntface?