Political Nonentities With Dandruff

Following the multi-elections with a particularly jaundiced eye. What a shower. A uniformity orf cunt. Characterless candidates that can only parrot the party line and some cannot even remember their scripts. All determined to say as little as possible orf any substance for the low attention span Twatter generation.

Once this colourless series orf elections is finally over who will remember them? Unless ISIS can train a fresh tranch orf cunts to blow their bolloxs orf. At a time orf unique danger and unparalleled opportunity who is oit there orf any stature to defend our wicket and bat for Blighty? Bugger all in my book.

In me time have shared a cognac with Churchill, heckled Atlee and Eden and had a go at those welsh cunts Bevin and Bevan (look ’em up Google boys). Cunts granted, but there’s me point, not boring cunts. Dreamed through the 60’s (although I do recall the embarrassing fuckdoodle orf our first craven and failed attempts to join what was then the Common Market in 1961. Yes that long ago cunts).

All started to go really tits up in the seventies in to the 80’s as the Polytechnic Political Studies students started to infiltrate politics eg Corbin and Livingstone and any number orf Tory drone clones. Depressing but contrast father and son eg Tony Benn and Hilary, John Prescott and David, Neil Kinnock and slap head junior (fuck, words fail me). Too suicidal to list similar orf other parties. Point is in each instance father a memorable cunt, son a flaccid douche bag. Viewed in HDTV the latest generation orf politicos seem to share a bad dose orf dandruff.

What is there to vote for? ISIS lend me some underpants.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

175 thoughts on “Political Nonentities With Dandruff

  1. A large dose of nostalgia here I fear Sir Limply. Politicians were just as dull, uninspiring and cuntish in your day but they could get away with it more easily. They didn’t have social media and the demands of the 24 hour news media to cope with. Wilson and Heath for example……what a dodgy pair of cunts they were and no mistake. Both of those bastards would be banged up if they were around today. Your memory is failing you Sir Limply you drunken old twat.

    • Young Freddie Frogspawn, if you were around in my day you were likely just a slick orf frog fuck in a ditch. Allow me to mark your cunt card. Without socialpaedia and TV 24/7 the old political hacks had to be oit there in person on the stump facing the unwashed. It was common to see leading lights on top orf a loudspeaker car with a microphone taking abuse and vice versa.That takes moxy. No safe spaces, no no-platforming, life in the red and the raw, cunt versus cunt. As it should be. Remember how ridiculous John Major looked orn his soap box when he tried a vanilla version of old school hustings.
      If you want to taste life old school get yourself nappied up and doine to Lewes orn Bon Fire Night. Proper politics and anarchy. Sorry, no safe spaces there either sweetheart.

      • Ahh. the Hustings….I loved that as a lad…Election time meant a day off school, it also meant excitement, some opportunity for naughtiness. The old Humber Sceptre or Lanchester with its running boards, a great fucking speaker on top, and some arsehole inside begging for votes as they drove around canvassing votes. A well aimed dog turd fired from a stick, would engage the windshield with such a “dunk” that it would seem to break the glass ( no fucking laminates in those fucking days..no sir, you went through fucking glass you got minced ) And the canvassing! Street corners, gatherings hecklers, real fucking arguments and real fucking heated fights. The Tory man would get the most stick, pelted with any fucking thing you could think of or lay your hands on. Getting a brass threepenny piece off the “agent man ” to sabotage the oppositions car, make bother. The fucking hiding,s I got from me Dad for staying out in the dark, waiting for the polls to close, tripping some rosetted cunt up in the dark with a trip wire. Ahhh.. now THAT was an Election day! Not the mincy sanitised, testicle scrubbed affair of today. Ponces sat around a table arguing!! FFS.. nothing beats seeing two fucking rivals scrapping on the street corner, blow for fucking blow, the crunch of a busted jaw, and the curdling scream of kicked in Knackers! Bring back the old days….cunts.

      • It’s not my fault Sir Limply. I’ve got Aspergers Syndrome…….or ADHD……..or ………something. Bi-polar?

      • I’m bi-polar and have ADHD too but I don’t fuck polar bears lol… haha quite a task no? I don’t think people actually do that

        Limpy Sir, bi-polar does not mean bear fucking only bears fuck bears, bi-polar means manic depression. Come on old man I know these modern sayings is ahead of your understanding but get with the times

  2. Very true. The polytechnics attracted an awful lot of would be clever clogs, excepting that most , were not clever. A whole raft of new qualifications hit the market, few having any real value. And so the beginning of the new social dynamic.The left, comprising of council house “Its your fault not mine ” brigade began to emerge as a socially integrated group of unwashed and scruffy individuals. Their credibility enhanced by the “with it” qualification of ” Social and Economic Studies. And so it all began.
    The brainless fuckers that are upon the stage of today, are there because we ( my generation ) failed to nail the little bastards down, believing that “youth” may yet acquire “wisdom” and all would be well.
    Well that was a load of bollocks wasn’t it? The little cunts got cockier and stronger. And what we have today is a quagmire of faecal detritus that patrol the streets. Meanwhile of course, the globalists were there to further divide an already divided people.
    Mass immigration is one such strategy to finally finish off the resistance of the last remaining white English people. I make NO apologies for suggesting that I am white, English and very Proud.
    It is customary to end comments with the time honoured practice of ” They are all fucking unwashed bastard cunts of the highest order.

  3. You simple minded idiot….a postcode.. get it…. a postcode, you do not need a forensic lab to find a post code, any post office will provide.
    You seem to be the kind of patient Iused to see quite regularly. Please take the medication as directed and follow the advice of your GP. Paranoid Psychosis can be moderated, but only if you comply…..if you do not…you will end your days a complete burned out fuckwit. You will be trapped within a world of block capitals…forever.

    • diane abbott a victim? you don’t say but hasn’t she always been a victim… The fat bloated cunt makes everything about herself not the people she should be representing

    • ‘Disinterested’ means “having no personal involvement” and is often used when people really mean ‘uninterested’ – i.e. I’m uninterested in anything that troll fucknugget has to say.

    • She’s not that good.

      I’m pretty sure that shit can be used for stuff. Fertiliser perhaps or even dried and burnt to provide heat and warmth.

      None of which you’d get from Flabbot.

  4. I’m curious to see what he looks like. I have a mental picture of Rik Mayall’s character from Bottom. Except he’s fatter, sweatier and even more socially inept.
    Rickie? Richie? Richard Richard? Richie Twat? (It’s pronounced “Thwaite”).

    “My, that’s a lovely blouse you’re wearing…”

    • I thought from the above comments that maybe cunt face had been back.

      You’d think he’d get bored!

      …some people really, really need to get laid!

    • Fake news, for cunts who let Twitter posts tell them what to think. And by fake news, I mean overblown nonsense from a singular perspective.

      • Exactly Gutstick. Its a cancer of the internet and the only reason I don’t advocate their removal from it is because I’m not a fascist, free speech hating cunt like them,

  5. He’s gone to try and wash the taste of his mummy’s cock out of his mouth. Sad little man….

  6. The itch you cant scratch, the perennial turd that wont flush, the Blair that wont fuck off.

  7. Just got the post and despite the negativity i do wholeheartedly agree that I am am a cunt !

    • Superb, although Ms.Abbit, you look better than you do on the telly.

  8. Western Jihadi brides now want to come home to Europe after finding out living in a repressive medieval backward shithole isn’t all Arabian Nights and Mohammed on his Magic Carpet. At least the peaceful psycho’s will still have the goats to fuck.

    • I wouldn’t let a single cunt come back. They went, they married, they fucked , they got kids, and now they want to come back to the land of benefits, flats for single parents, allocated social worker and a fat fee from some magazine wanting to use their story.
      Fuck em all. It is not rocket science to enact a policy that removes citizenship, it just takes balls.

    • Leave the stinking cunts to stew in their own foul juices. The country should be sending more of them out there,not letting them back in. I’d deport every member of their extended families also, and seize their assets to make up for the amount that the sponging bastards have cost the country.

      • Now, if Mzzzz Abbot was full of policies like that, I’d be voting for her.

      • Exactly, it’s not the dog in the fight, it’s the fight in the dog.

      • Through all the blood
        And the sweat
        Nobody can forget
        It ain’t the size of the dog in the fight
        Its the size of the fight in the dog
        On the day or the night
        There’s no time to reflect
        On the threat, the situation, the bark nor the bite

        Ian Brown / Illegal Attacks

      • Yea me too fiddler.

        I’d deport the scores of family members as a deterrent and send out extermination squads to deal with the British passport holders that joined these cunts.

        Being an enemy of Britain is bad enough but being a British citizen and being an enemy is treason.

    • We should have given the cunts free passage to their caliphate in return for their passports and citizenship. Then they would be frau Merkel’s problem.

  9. Rickeee’s threats are the reason that I’m always polite and reasonable in my cuntings. I’m terrified that big,bad Ricky will tell on me for being a naughty boy…Please don’t tell on me Ricky, the thought that people might realise that I’m not the avuncular man everybody takes me to be,is just too much to endure. How will I look my heartbroken wife and son Tiny Tim in the face when Rickie tells the no-doubt astonished and shocked world just what a nasty little troll I am? Oh woe is me, the shame that I’ve brought on the so well loved and respected Fiddler name is intolerable.

    Expose me, Ricky,only an arbiter of common decency,such as yourself, can teach me the lesson that I deserve..Save me from myself Ricky…….. And then fuck off and die,you sad,pathetic Cunt.

    • Dick, all of us on this site know you to be a pillar of virtue, a fair minded and equivocal man in all matters. I am saddened that you feel this way, and should it be necessary , then many members of this site are willing to attest at your trial , that you are a true and virtuous individual, beyond offensive name calling, and certainly a cut above the rest of the foul and offensive fuckers who frequent this site.
      Yours Sincerely …A very simple arsehole

  10. Mates my posts cunting Rickie are gone like his post today….
    I’m sad it was a good joke….

  11. Of course she’s an M.P,you fucking thick twat….Don’t forget to mention my name when you tell her what naughty boys we are.

    • Turns out you’re right about them no longer being MPs, I never knew that. You live and learn, I guess.

      • If the MPs are not MPsuntil re-election..does that mean the fuckers are not getting paid? If they are…….!!!!!!

  12. Rather think that they’ll have more to worry about than the deluded rantings of a moron, Ricky.

  13. Perhaps while he’s at it, the troll cunt can explain why he was kicked off this site in the first place, then explain why he thinks it’s ok to to steal the login details of women, and post nasty comments in their name. Then he can explain how, when been caught out trolling a woman suffering from cancer, he doesn’t have the decency to apologise. There is only one troll who posts on this site, and he is a pathetic sack of shit. I just wonder, if he did manage to get this site taken down, how would he fill his empty life?

      • Once the authorities look at his internet activities, he will be right up shit street.

    • I think you need some tranquillisers and a long lie down, old chap.

      • Do these helpers that the Abbott team require need to be able to lift a family sized bucket of KFC, up three flights of stairs to her scoffing chamber?

    • Hey X.
      This site is all about having a laugh.
      We ain’t trying to get things done or bring cunts down.
      We’re just conversing with each other and doing no harm whatsoever.

      If you succeeded in closing down this site, you’d just be another one who is contributing to the end of free speech.

      You don’t have to agree with everything that’s said on ISAC, i don’t, and that’s the beauty, coz that’s how its different from most other sites, shites and arsewipes.

      I know we’re pals, but I’m a bit disappointed that you feel that ISAC is doing more harm than Diane Abbott (Flabbot).

  14. Er…Sir Limply…Earnest Bevin was not Welsh; he was a Somerset cunt.
    A Pedantic Cunt, Derbyshire.

  15. Perhaps she should practice what she preaches.

    I seem to recall her tweet about ‘whitey’ dividing and conquering.

    There are racist blacks out there also.

    • Too true, Shaun. I wasn’t really aware of just how much bile and vitriol the political, social and media elites had for the common man but it has been writ large for all to see since June 24th 2016.

      It should come as no surprise to anyone that the leftists are part of that condescending elite. They have always thought they knew better than the people they claim to represent. Much is made about the Nazis killing so many 4x2s and that’s not to be underestimated. However compared to how many have been murdered or imprisoned by the left in there short 100 years it is chicken feed.

      BTW, Shaun, hope things are going better for you now. Here’s a little something for you


    • What dicks.

      No one bothers with the cunts name.
      You vote for tory, labour of whatever…

      Isn’t the mirror the one with that absolute bellend Kevin Maguire!
      Fuckin hate that cunt!

  16. On the topic of political nonentities, Michelle Dewburry is quite fit and does have some good opinions about Brexit and PC bollocks in general. She is alone save Nick Ferrari to speak sense on the nauseating virtue signalling festival that is Sky News “the pledge”. She is also putting her money where her mouth is and standing for election in her home town of Hull. I for one wish her well.

    If you feel like contributing to her campaign you can do so here;


    Carry on……

  17. Speaking of political non-entities who exist purely because they’re prepared to tow socio-globo-liberalist agenda…

    I see old Macaroon is laying the foundations of a recount early by alleging that he is yet another victim of a cyber hacking attack.

    Who would want to hack that pointless cunt is beyond me but it will serve it’s purpose – should Madame Le Pen (hopefully, sil vouse plais France) get in – for a recount/re-vote allowing the Soros machinations, et. al., to attempt to derail democracy yet again!

    Like I say: Neo-liberals = old facists!

    Cunts the lot of them!

    • I’d like to hack him.

      …hatchet, machete, shovel, …whatever happens to be at hand would do.

  18. I went to send an email to the Flabbot but found myself lost for words (shitebag/thicko?)
    Anyway, if someone comes up with a witty truth, I’ll send it if they don’t want to.

    • Just send the fucker a photo pf your knob surrounded by some fried chicken wings. That should get her attention.

      • But quorn don’t do chicken wings and my knob is white.
        But, it does have a few darkened grazes.

      • I’m allergic to watermelon.

        Get this, i’m a vegetarian yet I’m allergic to watermelon, lettuce, kiwifruit, pineapple, strawberries, citrus fruits, raw potato, and others.

        If it touches my skin, its swells up and goes a deep red.
        If i eat it, then i end up with big fat lips that stays for about four days.
        I look like Pete Burns (alive not dead) after eating the afore mentioned veg/fruits.
        I also suffer from hay fever, so add flora to the list.

        Animals don’t harm me the way some fruit and veg does.
        Maybe i should get my priorities right. 🙂

      • Ever noticed it’s the veggie/vegan types that’s always allergic to summat or another?

        (sorry Birdman couldn’t resist me auld sausage – quorn sausage though)


      • Hey, i don’t take the piss out of your allergy to pigs.
        I sympathize with yer pork scratchings.

      • @BM. I know just what you mean. I have a similar reaction to watermelon. My lips swell up to 3 times there normal size and my nose flattens all over my face and my skin turns dark brown. My hair goes all frizzy and I have an uncontrollable urge to sing “The Camptown Races”.

        If I have Rice&peas and fried chicken I have a more severe reaction and I’m liable to to pop a cap in some motha fukas ass then burn my own house down in a protest against honky pig brutality.

  19. Don’t forget my comments from yesterday…DON’T FORGET MY COMMENTS FROM YESTERDAY, PLEASE.

    ‘Fugly’ wasn’t a spelling error. Please pass them on.
    Don’t forget the words R-A-C-I-S-T, H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E, and C-U-N-T. Spelling, grammar and syntax are SO important.

    Many, many thanks from the Magnanimous family.
    Merry Christmas.

    • I noticed you called her “fugly” yesterday, and i don’t want to sound like a picky cunter, but “fugly” as i understand it means ugly but fun.
      Like when a woman has a non attractive boyfriend but he’s good craic, then he’s fugly.

      The Flabbot has a huge crack but not “craic”.

      • I thought it meant Fucking Ugly!
        Doesn’t it mean fucking ugly, i.e. She’s not just ugly, she’s Fugly!

        Perhaps old Jabba is fun. After a couple of Bacardis, the edge might be taken off. She might crack a few jokes.

        Abbot: Ere, right…What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Neil Armstrong?
        Cap’n Mag: Alright Jabs, enough paedo jokes. What would the folk in Hackney say?
        Abbot: Fuck those indolent benefit-scroungers. Gerrus another bag of cheese snips, Mags darling.

        Doesn’t it look fucking weird when all Troll Boy’s comments have been removed? It’s a conversation of replies by a bunch of schizos.

      • I first heard it in the Kevin Bloody Wilson song “Super Mega Fugly”
        but since then I’ve only ever heard used in family friendly sitcoms and filums.

        Oh, she’s a super mega fugly
        By Christ she’s fuckin ugly

        Have a geez at the vastly underrated Kevin Bloody Wilson song.
        If yer unfamiliar with him, then have a geez at “Santa Clause You Cunt”, and many others that i cant remember their titles .
        He’s fuckin hilarious. 🙂

  20. @Skidmark Eggfart

    Today my Internet access is really slow. On days like these i have trouble getting into YouTube and a load of other places.
    I don’t understand it. Its not like i live in the sticks, i live about a hundred yards from the town centre.
    On days like these i miss out on a lot of links that fine cunters like yerself put up for us to view.

    On days like these, i get away with leaving two maybe three comments then i have to leave and then start again.
    I know I’m a Luddite, and clueless to most thing Internet, but its 2017 and it should be sorted.

    I also have trouble getting into Mike’s Place, which is a pity coz i really enjoy his blog.

    • Change your provider. Are you wanting a system for at home or just on you phone? Whichever, make sure it is 4G, which should be plenty fast enough to watch youtube videos.

      • Check your router or modem also check your internet settings, maybe something is disabled or disconnected? I dunno worth checking anyway

      • Apparently there’s a service in London which is 32x faster than 4G providing you wear a yellow shell suit and pretend to be black.

        It’s called the Ali-G.

  21. Since we’re talking about shitty politicians, I’m nominating Jean Claude Juncker and all the other unelected cunts at the top of the EU. Proving the old saying that scum always rises to the top, these utterly worthless sacks of shit have really been showing their true colours since May sent them the letter triggering Article 50.

    Let’s face it, other EU members have NEVER had any respect for the UK. We’ve only ever been a cash cow to them. Now that we’re leaving they’re terrified of what will happen when the UK cash tap is turned off, hence the pathetic, childish and reprehensible behaviour from EU officials, and even heads of state, like dumpy fat fuck Merkel.

    A couple of days ago, Juncker gave a speech in which he chose to speak French, because English was losing its relevance in the EU, much to the amusement of the assembled audience. It was the act of a spoilt five year old girl, as were the leaks from his office about what happened during the dinner at Downing Street, and his insulting of British food.

    Their insistence on our paying tens of billions of pounds in a ‘divorce’ settlement, is as ridiculous as it is pathetic. And the fact that they have now raised the amount from about £50 billion to £82 billion, with the very real possibility that they will raise it again, shows how much contempt those unelected cocksuckers in Brussels have for us. The fact that we don’t actually owe them a penny and there is NOTHING in Article 50 that could compel us to pay is irrelevant to them, it’s all about them being on top. The government has said that it will refuse to pay, but we’ll see.

    Now they’re sticking their noses into matters that don’t concern them, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, the General Election. Spain has become increasingly belligerent over the past few months, with a Spanish warplane flying over the rock only a couple of days ago. Annoyingly, May has proved to be every bit as spineless as Cameron on this issue, doing absolutely fuck all to dissuade to dissuade those arrogant, jumped up, bull murdering spicks from invading Gibraltarian waters and airspace.

    Now we have so called ‘outsider’ Macron threatening us, which is a bit like being threatened by a day old Yorkshire terrier puppy. Macron is as much of a political outsider, as Tower Bridge is a helicopter. He’s establishment through and through.

    What we’ve had so far isn’t even the worst of it. Over the next two years, as EU bureaucrats and heads of state become increasingly panicked and make increasingly outrageous demands of us. The fact, the likes of Juncker, Tusk, Verhofstadt and Merkel have absolutely NO intention of negotiating a deal that would benefit both the UK and the EU. This is all about punishing the UK for daring to leave their corrupt little club. Unfortunately for them, any attempt at punishing us, will hurt them more.

    The best thing May can do, is get the election out of the way, and then tell the EU to go fuck itself with a lit stick of dynamite. Save us two years of aggravation and walk away. If nothing else, it’ll wipe the smug grins off their arrogant faces.

    • The next time a dago destroyer pops into the bay, sink the cunt. Hasn’t their army only been used to crush their own people in the last hundred years? They might find someone with a bit of work in them a bit more challenging…….

      • We recently sent HMS Daring sailing through the Baltic to return the favour to Russia for sending ships through the channel. Despite my very deep hatred of the Russians (and there is a reason for it, which I won’t go into), they are not a threat. They like to show off their missiles and ships and warplanes. But, like North Korea, it’s all bullshit. A lot of their gear is as bad as ours.

        Spain IS a threat. So May SHOULD be sending at least ONE of our shiny new destroyers to Gibraltar to give the Spanish more of an incentive to back the fuck off. It annoys that she hasn’t even said anything.

      • Another spot on post. The Spanish have very little common sense when it comes to international diplomacy. I think that Mrs May should Nationalise Thomson Holidays as her first step to ramping up the pressure.
        The Spanish would recoil in horror seeing their bread and butter a Nationalised tool to fuck them over with.

    • See, that’s the beauty of ISAC.

      When i want to say something about the childish behaviour of the EU and the media applauding such behavior, my views come out sounding like i have stood on a carpet tack and jammed my finger in a plug socket.

      Nice one Quick Draw McGraw for an excellent post.

      • I find it helps to take a few deep breathes. Then a couple of glasses of whiskey.

    • Thank you for articulating a very erudite and knowledgeable cunting and one that should be read out in churches up and down the country tomorrow.

    • Well said quick draw. ….Very true!

      These cunts need us far more than we need them so it seems stupid to act as childishly as they have been recently.

      ….it’s just fear. They’re weak. They know they’re weak. We know they’re weak. They know that we know that they’re weak. And pretty soon everyone in the world is going to see them for what they really are.
      Just power hungry old cunts.

      ….an empire of Sepp Blatters.

      • Terrific lead post.
        The solution to all of this is actually very simple. Article 50, is very simply a formal notification to withdraw from the Union.
        Within article 50, is a time scale and some simple rules to prevent overun. It is a suggested framework.

        The UK does not have to negotiate if it does not wish to. The UK, like any other member state, can simply leave.

        The original Treaties are like all membership rules., they have terms and conditions. It does not have any financial agreement in the event of a member leaving.

        The Union claim , that the UK committed to certain projects which will require the UK to continue its commitment financially following its departure.

        It is this, that is causing the present angst. It is similar in essence to you cancelling your subscription to the local CIU, and them telling you that in 4 years time they had planned to build a new pub, and that you would be paying.

        Finally, with Junker, Tusk and all of the other cunts banging their drum and demanding huge sums of recompense. I simply ask you this very simple question. Would you settle your restaurant bill, before your meal, and before you have seen the menu.
        As Quickdraw rightly suggests, the EU, are fucked. The EU could only ever work if the UK joined, and only if the UK bankrolled the project. That is the reason why we were “allowed” to join following several rejections.

        We have continued to pay well above the restaurant rate, including tips, and now the dog wants to wag its own tail. Of course they are well pissed off. their extravagances are now in serious jeopardy .

        The post war elite sycophantic arsehole brigade of corrupt paedo orientated shitcakes, are fucking furious. What is needed now is someone to move forward, take a breath , and simply say two words. ” Fuck Off.” I await to see if Tess of the Doubles has the tits to do that.

        And for Macron. He is a little cunt, a slimy little shit. The type of twat you want to take behind the bike shed, and kick the fuck out of.

    • These eurocunts have dandruff between their ears.

      Emanuel Macon is a slimy, worthless, syphilitic meerkat’s foreskin, and I hope the French press go ahead and publish all the hacked dirt on him. Chances are, most of it is TRUE.

    • Great post QDMcGraw and – unlike the shit that comes from any politician of any colour and in any locale (whether in the UK or the lickspittles in Brussels) – 100% the truth!

      Your post should be required reading for the cunts in Westminster and the EU! Cunts!

    • How about a “safe place” to hide in till the nasty comments go away?

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