This from our dear dear friend, Mr Owen Jones;
“LBC depends on guests to function. Until they sack Katie Hopkins we should all boycott all interview requests. Enough is enough.”
Enough is enough? Enough of what is enough, Owen? Enough freedom of speech? Enough of the truth? Pity you don’t think enough dead British children is enough you sanctimonious cunt.
Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart
Owen Jones is an uppity, only gay in the village prick.
He deserves to have a prize winning marrow inserted in his rectal cavity, but he would probably enjoy it.
Nominated by Paul Maskinback
FFS! This is why I left the UK 40 years ago. What a sniveling, lickspittal lefty cunt. Thank fuck Australia has had the balls to close our borders. Mind you, we still have our share of fuckwits like this dickhead who want to put the welcome mat out.
I think we should have a campaign against the Sikhophobia of the mainstream media!
Full rant here…
I got through about two sentences of his utter crap and gave up. Perhaps Isis can stick a bomb up his arse and detonate it. They’d be doing us a favour. How anyone can defend and make pathetic excuse for what has happened in Manchester and many other places, both here and in Europe is beyond me. They must have pig shit for brains!
CMC. I was very interested in both rant and visuals.. It occurred to me only a little while later, that the positive projections of the Islamic community were too timely, too soon, and seemed peri-organised.
If you look at the timescale, but importantly the time of the links, what you see is what could be called a collage. It all seemed too engineered.Incidentally , all subsequent clips ( even today ) show similar hallmarks of a contrived and engineered “circus”
Sikhs are (mostly) top lads )and lasses and they loathe those parking stanley muslamist camelgobblers wtih a vengeance… I was told decades ago by Sikh friends and neighbours that these muzzie parkies were ‘scum’ and ‘the worst people on earth’…. How right they fucking were…
That’s what needs to be done… Every other religion (C of E, Left Footers, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, you name it) should team up against these subhuman muzzie filth….
Spot on. By and large Sikh friends and colleagues are good people and will quietly tell you that they detest people of the peaceful persuasion. It is also noticeable where I live that they don’t all live together in ghettos. While keeping to their culture they live in the nicest area they can afford and are friendly neighbours. Just like (almost) everyone else. And I can recommend a Sikh wedding for a bloody good time.
Totally agree, Sikhs and the Asians from India are great people who accept western society and do for the most part integrate. Also as you say they absolutely loath the Muslim and Pakistani’s.
I think we should (temporarily only) un-cunt Piers Morgan due to his precise slap downs of super mongs Lily Allen and Charlotte Church regarding their pathetic efforts to show ” empathy”. He can be reinstated later.
I am also inclined to think that Piers is entitled to a cunt pardon…
Anyone who so venomously goes at Madame Lily Spastique and Rugby Team Gobbler Church is deserving of a bit of slack…
I third that. I always hated Morgan, but he despises lots of people I hate too, so I didn’t know what to feel now. I just can’t disagree with him lately. Then that leftie Jock windbag Ewan McGregor refused to be interviewed by him so he could virtue signal to all his twatter followers. Morgan tore down McGregor for the cunt he is and I liked him even more.
Is a cunt always a cunt? Can they not ever be forgiven?
Can I also say that I find it very hard to dislike Charlotte Church because she has big tits. Is that very superficial of me?
Charlotte Church has got cracking tits, it’s such a shame they aren’t attached to a better person.
Or wrapped round my old fella !!!!
You’d have to stick a cork in her mouth tho’
Oooohhhhhhh…. that accent !!!!!!
“My enemy’s enemy is my friend” ?
Yes, Morgan attacks the correct people and unfolds their noxious hypocrisy. Yet before we give him a golden journalistic medal, let’s take the time to remember when he was Daily Mirror editor, shall we? The “newspaper” published photos in 2004 of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi which were fake and a hoax. Let’s remember that Morgan was rightly sacked and escorted from the building. Let’s remember that he didn’t apologise.
I am actually starting to like Piers.He used to be a massive cunt but has looked reflectively at his own side and rejected their insane shift away from logic and reason.Fair play to him for changing his mind.Not easy to do when you are in the public eye.
Also in fairness to Piers his life stories program is pretty good.
What the fuck is wrong with news paper websites these days? I’ve been avoiding MSM for the last few days, have not had the TV on at all. Consequently I’m scoobied about what Morgan has said so I google it. Up comes reports from the Mail, Mirror, Express and Sun. You click on one and they all take ages to load and have embedded video and countless other bits of animated clickbait junk. If I wanted to watch a video I would have gone to something like the BBC or Sky news’ website. Fucking waste of time and bandwidth cunts.
The Daily Mail website is such a fucking horrible mess, and a depressing spectacle of the mean intellect of it’s readership, I avoid clicking on any of its news articles at all costs.
I can’t click on the Sun or the Mirror because it makes me feel dishevelled.
I can’t click on the BBC links because it makes me feel like a communist.
I can’t click on Guardian links because I have a cock.
I absorb all of my news by inference from what others have said and commented, from websites I personally enjoy.
…try Fred on , an old white boy ex USA marine & journalist who writes like a lot of the cunts on here talk, incl. me…but he has a brilliant perceptive mind.
Fred’s website has essays on most things…Top lad !
Agreed. Un cunt Piers. Owen Jones? Petulamt little schoolboy. Needs his bottom spanking… And no I am not volunteering. I is a gay but would not waste my jizz on a socialist millionare. Oh did I forget to mention he was rich?
They always are…
In the words of the alt-right, I think Piers has been red pilled.
To be honest we should all just ignore that fondue pot of STD’s Lily Allen – nothing would hurt her more.
Dropping an anvil, Wile E Coyote style, from a great height onto Lily Mongspaz would hurt her a lot, but we can all dream, can’t we?…
Lily Allen. A box of creams. *shudder*
I don’t really know anything of this Owen Jones… except he looks to young to hold any opinion on any subject. I make the assumption ( forgive me if I’m wrong ) that he has recently left school? Has he found gainful employment? I suspect that he has been posted here because he is a too young useless little prick, and that he is full of left wing shite. That being the case, the child is a cunt, an infantile little cunt, and a cunt that needs a proper job.
Yes, he found gainful employment by writing sixth form articles and knowing some people who work for the Guardian. That’s how it works among the privileged classes dahn’t yoo nuw?
Of interest this morning ( off piste sorry ) BBC interview with raghead students at Salford University ( yes they’ve got one ) Its all our fault!
Isn’t it time they changd it to the PBC?
Paki Broadcasting Corporation… They’ll be interviewing that daft bitch who was given… sorry… who ‘won’ that Bake Off thing next….
That really annoys me Norman. She wasn’t even the best contestant, but she had all the other qualifications. That Seikh lad who got booted off was far better. I reckon it was the headpiece that won it.
Remember when OJ walked off sky news? It was so funny……..
Yes. He was anoyed that the other presenters disagreed with him so he had a hissy fit and stormed off the set. Toys were thrown right out of the pram. As I recall it was after the shooting of his fellow bum boys in Florida by a lone wolf who had nothing to do with a certain religion. Seems he gives a fuck when baty boys get gunned down but not so much when 8 year old girls get blown to bits. Cunt.
Good to know that the attention whore cockmuncher that is Owen Jones has got his priorities right… Bitching about Katie Hopkins while 22 bodies of innocent people lay dead…. No doubt he little shitstabber snowflake has been swapping score settling tips and ‘get back at nasty Katie’ stories with that other easily offended PC poster cunt, Dick/Cunt/Jack Monroe….
And if I see one more paki cunt on the ABBC being asked ‘their view’ and playing the victim card, I will personally try and phone Big Don and ask him to nuke the shithole that is Pakistan (and Luton, Rochdale, Rotherham etc)…
Don’t forget Salford too Norman
Tempting…. A lot of these parking stanleys go to Salford University because the University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropoiltan Univerisity won’t have them (wonder why?)…. Salford itself has some great people, but these smelly abdab cunts are infesting it like cockroaches on crack….
The argument put forward in the caption is typical lefty shite. Technically known as the logical falacy of moral equivalence it is an obfuscation it takes the form that it is illegitimate to criticize A because B is just as bad or worse. An example would be “You can’t criticise Hitler because Stalin was just as bad” Typical left wing wooley thinking.
A bit like that article from the guardian saying that Islamic misogyny should be ignored as some Christians and athiests are misogynists.I think Sargon of Akkad calls it “whatabouterry”.
That’s a good one, I used to like Sargon of Akkad but his videos became a bit too long.
In my day it used to be called “Two wrongs do not make a right.”
I was in Waterstones a few months back. There was a copy of one of Owen Jones’ books in there. I picked it up. I had a read of one of the chapters. It was one of these social commentary books. The whole thing read like a fucking alien who’d visited earth for the first time. That’s if the alien was a middle class teenage girl who’d lived in the Cotswolds its whole life and didn’t get out much. Full of pantomime villains (the eeeeeevil establishment) and fairy tale princesses (the downtrodden masses).
All I wondered was who the fuck buys this kind of drivel and why it wasn’t on the next floor with the rest of the childrens’ fiction.
I bet it had lots of pictures in it and very big writing.
For OJ’s delight and delectation, Tom of Finland piccies, no doubt…
Another cunt. I wish some of these fucking tossers lived near the peaceful camel piss drinkers and then tell us how great they are.
Stiff neck or nuchal rigidity is a cunt talk about a shite way to start the day just woke up and wow talk about pain in my cunt! It feels like somebody took a hammer to my neck while I was sleeping. I must of been sleeping in a really funny or awkward position all I know is my cervical vertebrae is rightly fucked now and slightly moving it causes all types of pain, what a cunt scenario this is!
Had a similar problem this week, TS.
Mine seemed to come and go. Minor relief was achieved by 400mg doses of Ibuprofen and by moving around as much as possible (avoiding the excruciating pain) seemed to relax the muscles and give some temporary relief.
Seems to have subsided for now, touch wood. Until next time anyway.
Just to give people a idea of what part of my neck is all wonky Look at the animation spin weeeeeeeee you see its all spinny lol
@Paul Maskinback Yeah it really fucking hurts I’ve got a icepak on my neck its also a really awkward and irritating pain too its just completely fucky I’ve never experienced this before.
Even though I’ve had past addiction problems and have been clean for a number of years I’d would totally take a demerol or something similar if it was offered right now. I had a T3 somewhere located in this mess of a room but I can’t look for it because I cant bend my neck…. FUCK!
It’s that Brexits fault Titslapper. It’ll get worse if we ever leave the EU.
Katie Hopkins is still a cunt but on some key issues she is fearless and speaks truth to insanity.In the grand scheme of things her cuntitude seems to be paling into insignificance.Same goes for Tommy Robinson.Sometimes you need to be a bolshy cunt to stand up to evil.
Hopkins is mostly a cunt. She articulates the common anger against Islam then fucks it up by using the words ‘final solution’ Played right into the hands of the all censoring media. Cunt.
As much as I agree with Hopkins I find her excruciating to listen to, especially when so much of what she says is muffled by having her foot in her mouth.
Katie Hopkins is a provocateur and narcissist. She makes a living out of making outrageous comments.
Interesting how unlike Jones there are some LGBt commentators such as Millo Yiannopolous Douglas Murray Blaire White and. David Starkey who are standing up against political Islam.Probably because they realise that should the Islamists get their way they will be first inline for execution.
Gays being thrown off rooftops is a bretty gud incentive to start protesting islam. You know what I find baffling Shaun? is these sames queers protesting for the rights of moslems to come here illegally or legally too seeing how government is obsessed with flooding us with potential terrorists and rapists.
So maybe gays deserve being thrown off rooftops for doing this I dunno but they should really stop voting against their own interests by being emotionally driven to support these types of wacky things like no borders
The gays for Palestine banners always make me laugh out of despair.
Gays for Palestine makes as much sense as Pensioners for Harold Shipman. Still, any excuse for the turd burglars to cluster in gangs so they’ve got something to shaft at the end of the evening.
Gays for fakestan? How fucking stupid are these cunts! Gays are about as welcome in fakestan as a pork chop at a mosque…. Would be turkeys voting for christmas.
I’d definitely give Blaire White one.
Blaire still has a cock though.
They can soon remove that and fashion a nice new ladycave from the leftovers.
It’s still got two other orifices,and I’m not a discerning man…..
Never try, never know…..
The other week, Skidmark Eggfart, you asked me what I’d prefer, a young tart with a flawless body or an old tart with saggy bits and liver spots.
You added that even though you don’t mind viewing an older tart getting rooted on Zgerbal, it would always be the young tart you went for.
Saggy bits and liver spots beat cock’n’balls everyday. 🙂
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. (C) Ted 2
The muzzies are shitting themselves.
They know bombing kids at a concert is a new low even for these savage motherfuckers and I reckon they’re fearing reprisals.
And I hope there is.
Before I’m cunted for saying that and being told “we must be better than that, you’re playing into their hands” let me say I don’t give a fuck.
Nothing else works.
Carry on as normal, we’re told.
Knowing you could have your body ripped apart any second is not normal. So fuck that.
Poetry? Fuck that.
Candles and hash tags? Fuck that.
Any cunt the authorities are suspicious about should be rounded up now.
This cunt responsible for Monday night was on a watch list.
What are they watching? the cunts wanking…
Kick some doors in, round the cunts up, bang ’em up and keep them separated…..
Enough is enough…..
Agree entirely, JR… And although the ‘official’ ABBC or Sky version will not say this, I have it on good authority that a good few anti-human filth songs were aired in Stockholm last night… One particular gem being the ‘Banana Splits’ song, worded ‘Fuck Allah! La-La-La-La!’
If the Swedes can start waking up, maybe there’s hope after all…
Banana Splits’ theme to the lyrics of ‘Fuck Allah! La-La-La-La!’?
There’s a Youtube video waiting to happen.
The Swedish are the biggest faggots in Europe, fucking losers the lot of them.
Oh well, my fault for not following the footie…
Over 400 jihadist who fought for ISIS in Syria are now walking the streets of Britain. WTF is going on? 400 known terrorists are just allowed to walk the streets? Lock up every one of the cunts or send them back to the country they came from. Big Phil has it right;
I for one really believe that ISIS works for the EU and the deep state parliament and they did this as payback for brexit. Correct me if I’m wrong but majority of manchester voted brexit. I dunno but I do think that the politicians who vigorously supported moslem illegal immigration should be sued for their betrayal and hanged for treason.
All Immigration should be put on a permanent halt because uk is slowly turning into france seeing how troops are out on the streets in full force. These political traitors are unbelievably incompetent, there shouldn’t be a government if they can’t protect you and instead of dealing with the problem they just call white people racist for being raped, run over with trucks and blown apart by bombs… this is like the twilight zone of absurdity
The entire system is rotten to the core. Democracy is an illusion and we are really being ruled by shady characters working behind the scenes to undermine the nation state and impose a one world government and they will stop at nothing to make it happen. Ever wonder why terrorists don’t bomb the Bilderberg group meetings?
JC if a Bilderberg wankfest was blown sky-high… just LOVE the idea.
Saw Merkel Muffley and a load of twatty, gurning eu tosspots and wankstains on the box today, while Trump was opening the new NATO centre.
Mutti Merkel has such a base-battable face.
I agree with J R Cuntley. We are being asked to just wait around until it happens again, which it inevitably does. And it always turns out that these murdering cunts are ‘known’ to the security forces. So maybe there’s a case to be made for internment. It was reported the other night that police were out executing warrants. I’d prefer them to be out executing terrorists.
100% correct……
Jones is a juvenile, arse-reaming gobshite who deserves a thorough twatting with a rough sawn piece of 4 x 2″.
Every time he opens his nasty little piehole, he feels he must create division and inflict his sixth form, lefty brand of politics on any poor cunt who may be listening.
Notice that Jones never attempts to understand anyone else’s views. He just shouts, stamps his feet and plays the gay victim anytime he feels his opinion may be at risk of subjugation, no matter how bollocks it is.
Makes one wonder if he will grow up one day and turn into a professional journalist. Perhaps he may get some frustration relief if him and Judge Rinder each take it in turn to insert pieces of fruit in each other’s rectal cavity. Would be more entertaining than having to listen to what dribbles out of his left wing, inclusive mouth.
I’m not sure the term left wing and right wing are useful any more, if indeed they ever were. The terms were first used to describe the French parliament in the time leading up to the revolution, the republicans sat on the left part of the chamber and the royalists on the right.
I think far more relevant are views on liberty and freedom where you have libertarians on the one hand and authoritarians on the other. The cunt in question is definitely an authoritarian, he has a blinkered view of the world informed only by socialist dogma and refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view, like when he stormed off the set because the other presenters disagreed with him. This shows a very narcissistic personality typical amongst authoritarians like him.
I’d never heard of the cunt,so I just looked up and read a selection of his articles. He writes with all the life experience of a naive schoolboy. The “wicked” system,the “brave” downtrodden working-class. Everything is black and white in his smug,self-satisfied world. he obviously thinks of himself as some kind of literary Robin Hood,bravely defending the “Masses.”
What condescending bollocks most of it is. He has no idea of how the real world works,it’s a case of everything should be cuddly and cute,with no clue about the real cost,either financially or morally. He should realise that his pathetic sixth-form politics have no place in an increasingly dangerous world.
Grow up,and open your eyes to the realities that face this country,you self-important,narrow-minded,juvenile fool.
P.S. …hope the peacefuls chuck you off a nice high building.
The boy Jones has got to be the most irritating little cunt of the moment. He is always on TV,why do they even listen to him is beyond me., his school boy simplistic opinions make want to tie him to the back of my car and take him for a scrape round Brighton and Hove.
Then leave his grotesque carcus outside Caroline Lucas gaff to use for winter fuel.
It seems humans are not all descendent of w@gs after all. Hurray for science for finally putting the record straight.
Great stuff
I’ve seen this sack of liberal leftie shit on TV a few times, when jones speaks you have to listen!! When the opposite side of the argument tries to speak he talks over the top of them!! One of the most odious, self righteous, bigoted wankers I’ve ever seen…
I wish you could post pictures on this site. Any chance, Shaun?
You can post a link to pictures but not picture comments.I am bad with technology so you would have to ask the eye or dio whether it is possible.I have no objections to it though.
You can on the Eye’s other place.
No you can’t
You can put a link to a YouTube video or a picture somewhere on a hosting site, but you can’t put a picture directly in the comment.
Chas C used to use a public folder in Dropbox but they’ve fucked up now by changing how that works. He’s now using GoogleDrive instead. I know he wasn’t too chuffed about having to change every fucking post on his music site! Not sure if you can do it with Pinterest but I would have thought so.
If you got the picture off the web, then you can include a link to that site. If it’s your own artwork/photoshopping then try GoogleDrive…
You mean inbedded in the reply SE? just copy url and link it, it wouldn’t kill people to just open another window Pics and gifs on the page could get glitchy and screwy probably causing some with slower systems to crash
Fuck me admin! Are you ‘avin a laugh? Putting me post straight into moderation. Enough to make a chap join forces with the troll.
FYI Spamshield picks up long posts as possible spam. I suspect that’s what happened. It sits in the the spam box until released by admin.
Don’t blame admin. They didn’t write the software. Blame WordPress…
The only people who patronise Oh-when and his vapid commentary are other lefty cunts. They are the only people who buy his books and invite him in for interviews. It matters not that what the cunt says, as long as what falls out of his foam flecked, petulant gob keeps everyone looking at the left.
The left being a cult, their attitude to the output of their own kind is identical to that of Christians. Christian books, christian speakers, christian rock. Whatever keeps the economy of cunt flowing.
I doubt anyone who has ever purchased a copy of this taffy pricks hyperbole has ever bothered to read it cover to cover. It’s probably only brought out as pretend reading material when a student wants to posture on public transport. After that it gets tossed into the loft to fester with the insulation where it so deservedly belongs.
Perfectly in-bred, always in a “safe place”, always too afraid to discuss anything with people whose opinions might differ from their ow(e)n…
Sheep-shagging, valley-dwelling catheter; permanently taking the piss
Seems to me that these days in order to get your own radio or TV show, you have to demonstrate that you are a left wing, objectionable, self opinionated, intolerant, loud mouthed, bigotted brain dead half wit with absolutely no talent whatsoever.
Owen Jones, Jeremy Kyle, James O’Brien…. the list is fucking endless
All cunts, the lot of them…
I think that just about covers it ?
Ariana grandes manager scooter Braun deserves a quick cunting, I just looked on sky news and saw scooter?? ( are you fuckin serious) saying how he was going to ” fight on” WTF!! But the best bit was he arrived home last night and took his parents out for dinner ” it was great as I haven’t experienced joy in days” what a Cunt!!! Poor scooter! He hasn’t felt joy in days??
If he’s fighting on, why did his darling charge fuck off back to the States at the first opportunity?
My heart bleeds for the poor cunt. It can’t be easy being called Scooter, can it?
Directly embedded photos and music files are no go. Perfect way for a troll to embed shiteware at the same time. For security you have to leave it to admin. Incidently one orf the dodgiest propositions oit there are the “free music sites”, many orf whom can be traced back to some feral server in Trollistan. My security software has multiple orgasms if I go anywhere near one orf those.
There are lots orf free image hosting sites oit there (I won’t say which I use in case Rickie trys to fuck me over again but Google/Bing ’em) with solid built in security where you can park your photos in praise orf the female form and link them to this site. I often suggest a lead photo alongside a cunting for admin to use with a link that way.
Never ever go AWOL orn security. Dodgy times. Have learnt a lot from the troll cunt trying to steal me key words, passwords and his attempts to hack me emails. Google, Yahoo and Bing are good BUT NOT PERFECT at giving the wink when this wank is goin’ orn.
Consider Yandex, a russkie oitfit under Kremlin control (so it must be good) for secure email secure in the knowledge that every pop will be read by GCHQ (how safe is that?).
Seriously keep your own mucky traffic safe and thus keep this site secure. You Lucky People.
Ariana Grande is numero uno in this weeks singles charts after a campaign by fans.
(big fuck off sigh)
Poetry, candles, placards, hashtags, keep calm and carry on, and now campaigns to get a song number one.
They ishits cunts must be shiteing it.
I’ve been angry as fuck these last few days. I’ll admit my heads not been right as i feel that enough is enough and some serious action must be taken against these murderous cunts and the their supporters.
Many thoughts on how to defeat these cunts have been entering my head, but not once did i think of campaigning for a tart to reach no1.
As Dioclese pointed out, she flew all the way home, yet her tour was called Dangerous Woman.
I suppose they airplane peanuts may pose a danger to some poor cunt.
I can honestly say but for islime I would have been completely oblivious to Ariana Grande. For that alone, islime requires a serious cunting.
Fucking snowflakes make me sick.
This is a typical reaction from a bunch of naive tosspots. Buy a record. That’ll piss off ISIS!!!
I’m guess dear little Ariana won’t be donating the royalties to the Manchester victims appeal? Maybe she is and I’m being unfair to her?
I think we should be told…
0 :Best response I have seen to the terror attacks.Those who say now is not a time for anger.Well when the fucking hell is?
0 :Proper link.
She’s got a point…..
Can’t argue with that…..
Yeah – spot on I thought.
Why is it that only the women seem to have the balls these days?
Very powerful rhetoric but what precisely is she suggesting? Genocide that will be talked about in 1000 years time? She’s a fucking loony!
Yeah Skidmark I agree with that but the fact remains that if we dont obliterate these extremists they will conquer us.
How do you obliterate an ideology? It isn’t even extremist. It is very hard to find anything of note that ISIS is doing from anything mo the mighty did and he is held as being the perfect example of a human being. This is mainstream old school islam. The radicals are the moderate ones who are trying to reform islam.
“Why is it that only the women seem to have the balls these days?” @ Dio #StopBoomsplaining
I’m so sick of you baby boomers man shaming other young men. While we are being overtaken by mentally retarded feminists and women flooding us with terrorist rapeugees so don’t give me this “women only got balls nowadays” bullshit They are the cause of alot of todays problems including the manchester bombing
That really you, Titslapper? Sounds out of character.
Women caused the Manchester bombing????
Bollocks. It was fucking ISIS which ever way you look at it!
And FYI, I’m not a baby boomer…
Oh – nearly forgot :
(1) Where did I mention YOUNG men? All men are wimps these days, seems to me.
(2) WTF #StopBoomsplaining ?
That’s typical wooly thinking. Let’s start a hash tag on Twatter criticising a demograph who are not going to see it because THEY DON’T USE TWITTER.
So when ISIS have overrun Europe and are camped on the other side of the channel waiting to invade, let’s not bother to take up arms. Let’s just start a hashtag #noISISinvasion. That’ll show ’em…
(3) “mentally retarded feminists and women flooding us with terrorist rapeugees” – fair comment in the case of Merkel but name me another EU leader who’s female? Who opened the floodgates for Britain to be invaded by these cunts? Oh – let me think. Tony Blair. Last time I looked he was a bloke… and not a young one!
“fair comment in the case of Merkel but name me another EU leader who’s female?”
They are other femenazis from the eu but first lets talk about our own UK gutless female politicians who are even worse Amber Rudd, Diane Abbot, Wee Burney, Saint Jo Cox, Thersa May,
Thats just the current short list of these stupid slag traitor cunts. Women in politics what a fucking joke
Men in politics, what a fucking joke…
Have to disallow Cox on the basis of being — er –dead?
Abbott isn’t in power — so we have to disallow her as well
Sturgeon only applies to Scotland and is a fanatic
Rudd – hard to argue that one
May might be many things, but weak ain’t one of them…
Want some men?
Corbyn, Balls, McDonut, Timmy, Nutall, Brown, Clegg, Osborne, Cameron, Tusk, Juncker…
And how about some from the past : Heath, Wilson, Callaghan, Foot, Kinnock, Paddy Pantsdown, Jeremy Thorpe…
In my book, Cameron comes top of the bill for no balls. A nine year old could have done better! Totally pitiful.
You might hate her, but Thatcher had huge balls.
Too many cunts to count, eh?
“That really you, Titslapper? Sounds out of character.”
Out of character oppose to what? sometimes I write sarcasticlly or satirically Of course its me don’t take it so hard I was only expressing myself and I was boomsplained by others this week
Sorry – just didn’t sound like you.
Thought it might be Rickie glove puppeting…
I agree T.S. Women are the ruin of Western Civilisation. It has been downhill ever since wiminz got the vote.
“May might be many things, but weak ain’t one of them…”
May is incredibly dogshit weak she won’t change immigration policy following 3 massive terrorist attacks and has constantly coddled the moslem in a completely sickening way. She has countless times promoted immigration from various countries throughout her political career
She is also Pro EU as fuck always has been always will be. Her delaying, avoiding brexit procedings into a oblivion only proves what a ironbitch she is Also Eric Idle & John Cleese in drag looks more like women
We’ll agree to differ…
Douglas Murray and Maajid Nawaaz talking sense.
Well according to various fuckwits posting on Facebook (where else?) the Manchester bombing and other incidents are our fault.
We created ISIS with our bigotry and hate, transforming little lost camel shagger souls into murderous nutjobs with our racism and nasty name calling.
Not Tony Blair’s or gormless George Bush’s fault but ours, horrid everyday hetero white man, because we are prejudiced, uneducated, ignorant, blah blah blah…
Funny, all the cunts posting this tripe looked like pasty little white boy silver spoon sucking spoiled rich twats, in the vein of the little runt to whom this thread is dedicated.
Fuck the lot of em, and fuck Facebook too…