Assem Allam

Cunting Assem Allam
The dark spectre of Blair,s return is becoming reality with the assistance of Assem Allam, the richest person in Yorkshire. And why am I cunting Allam ? It’s because of his history, his slimy deals, his contempt for British Culture, his attempts to buy power and influence, and a willingness to deal with the slime ball Blair and Mandelson.

Allam entered the UK in 1968 aged 20, allegedly fleeing from the tyranny of Nasser’s Egypt..Within weeks, the penniless immigrant was studying for his degree in Economics and Accountancy courtesy of the taxpayers of the United Kingdom of Benefits plc. He qualified in Economics , became an accountant, got a loan and began his Empire Building.

Within a few years, he became very successful. But he wanted more. It is known in the Yorkshire Dales that the Hull Pharoah would aspire to the Lords, or a title of Rank that would satisfy his egotistical need.

Allam as many will know purchased Hull City AFC in 2013. He immediately attempted to change the name of the club
citing that Hull City was “an irrelevance”
The fans erupted. ( case is ongoing )

Having bunged ( generously donated ) a huge sum to Ed Milliband, and taking daft Ed for a ride in his Limo, the pratt was non to discreet in stating his price. Support for the purchase of the land title of Hull City AFC. ( there is a dark reason for this )

Non too subtle, Allam has denigrated the historical integrity of a proud City and a proud County, and is impressing the “raghead mentality ” and corruption of his ilk to the fore.

A long story so far, and now you will see why I cunt this bastard.

He has agreed a deal with Tony Blair, and is prepared to invest heavily in a “New Labour Party” following the general election. Disaffected Labour MP’s who are opposed to Corbyn will be recruited to a new political party. It will be led of course by Blair. The aim of representation is to target the labour vote, the Muslim Vote and the Pro European Vote. Allam has made a financial offer of support, and is keen to be active within that party to ensure that ALL UK Muslims are represented (!) There is a price of course.

An immigrant to our country, has grown rich very rich. Not only is he wealthy but he is power mad, and actively seeking to ingratiate himself further. He is an arrogant tosser, who has little if any respect for our HERITAGE, and our ethnicity. And as he has said on so many ocassions, and with great authority, “this is MY Yorkshire ” next, it will be “My Kingdom” and it will be Islam.

Thanks for the rant. He is a cunt , and a fucking ungrateful arrogant fuckwitted greedy grabbing bastard, who has the money and the clout to fuck our country over. Cunt!

Nominated by Asimplearsehole

294 thoughts on “Assem Allam

  1. Some real bullshit and virtue signalling in this gush of ‘tributes’… Most of the fuckers probably didn’t even know that Manchester existed… And Katy Perry is an extra special cunt… ‘Broken hearted for the families’? Yeah, course you fucking are… Typical celebricunt shite…

    And, of course, not one of these showbiz scholngs has condemned mulsamist terrorism… Cunts…

    • And Pep Guardiola lived only yards away, but the Spanish news can happily report that the Guardiolas are safe and well.

  2. I’d be interested in what lib leader Mr Farons view is?

    Ahaaaaa Mr Bond. I’ve been expecting you!

  3. Gays, Christians, women, children, elderly, innocents.

    All victims of the same thing, Yes lets unite against the one thing that is united against all of us.

    Where is the real intolerance coming from in our society?

    As for the cunts posting that we only care when its white people. On the whole cunts we don’t kill each other wholesale on a daily basis.

    • Let us not forget minorities who are equally targets of these bastards.Everyone needs to stand up to this sick ideology.

  4. Just saw a bit on Spanish news reporting on how security at concerts will be stepped up with more bag and body searches.


    I have blue eyes.
    Leave me the fuck alone.

    They know what type of cunt they are looking for, so search them.

    • sadly, you’d get some cuntster like Owen Jones committing carnage just to say there could be non shite-colour islimes…

      But at least that would be end of OJ…

  5. Been making a few phone calls, numbers I have not used since the ’70s when in Northern Ireland. Lots orf the lads have croaked one way or another but those left are still active in various ways. Worth saying that most have not undergone any Ephiphany, they are still fucking psychos.
    Point is some quiet words later and an impression formed that postive steps may be put in hand to sort oit the towel head problem on Blighty’s streets. Ironic that I have kept in touch with a few alleged “men of violence” (great drinking companions when not met in a professional capacity) who are outraged by the Manchester business. One had two grand daughters there.
    In short a possible coming together (peace and reconciliation) to promote the kind of community policing enjoyed on the streets orf Belfast in the ’70s and ’80s. A towel head may be coming to a lamp post near you.
    As you know yours truly abhors violence in all its forms and as a drunken old cunt nothing I say is an incitement or can be taken as a basis in law.

  6. Sick of hearing we can expect more, we can’t stop them all etc. Do i have to accept my family and friends are liable to be murdered on our streets? Is that what we are really voting for on June the 8th?

    • Very well put. The idea that having our kids murdered on the streets is inevitable is adding insult to injury. As if islamic terrorism was like the sun rising every morning or the winds blowing or the tide coming in, nothing mortal man can do about it.

      • It called the rule of least expectation.

        If you warn people about something that’s going to happen because you are powerless to stop it, when it does happen you can say I told you so.

        Our country in now so ruined by unwritten do’s and don’ts that the whole system is crippled. Sure the spooks get the odd plotting peaceful but they can’t catch em’all. Like terrorist Pokémon..Zapdos and Blastoid.

        If you saw the way young peaceful lads drive, act and behave round here you’d think all law has already gone out the window. They are pretty much free to do what the hell the want and treat most normal folk like dog shit.

      • The only sure fire way to prevent islamic terror is by not allowing islam into your country. Problem solved. Not rocket science, not holding back the waves or stopping the sun from rising.

  7. So was it a Muslim responsible for Manchester? It just says ‘terror attack’ and ‘lone wolf’. Hang on, some cunt left it on BBC News.

    • A “British Libyan” according to Daily Mail website. ….just call the cunts what they are….fucking muslim.

      • The thing that I find so shocking about this attack is that no one could have predicted it. I mean: Moslems? Detonating a bomb in a crowded place? Pfft really, you guys are lying this is obviously the work of the amish

    • Of course it was a Muslim.All the cunts tweeting not all muslims I doubt if diagnosed with cancer would say not all my cells are cancerous so that is fine and dandy.

  8. If you went to a party at somebodies house with a group of mates and one of your mates gets pissed up and chins some cunt, I wouldn’t complain about being kicked out along with my mate even though I’d not done anything.

    Same same with these peaceful cunts. One of theirs shits on the carpet so they all have to leave. Sorry, but you should have policed yourself a bit better. Out you go!

    • He’s old school, stiff upper lip old bean..don’t think anyone apart from close family and friends knew he was fighting cancer. Not like todays teenybopper cunts who have to instagram ever fart.

      • Expect Kunty Perry to tweet how ‘heartbroken’ she is over Roger’s passing… Everything – life or death – is a publicity slam dunk for media whores like her, the cunt…

      • I’m gutted about Moore dying, he was my favourite Bond.

        Unlike that knob Connery he never begrudged his time as bond.

        Speaking of Connery, I always thought he would be the first to go.

      • I know Fred, but I always thought Connery would go first due to his health always being seemingly worse than Sir Roger’s.

  9. Just saw Macron again on tv, what a slimy granny shagging cunt he still is

    • In that regard it was a given that the frogs voted for him.

  10. It turns out our new best friend was born in England but his parents are refugees from Libya. We take the fucking scum in and save their lives and this is what they do? He has 3 brothers and a sister, likely all cunts too.

    The cunt grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl’s high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins Zahra and Salma Halane left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria.

    Nests of fucking vipers in our midst.

    • And regime change would make Grand Cuntmaster Soros happy too….

      • Don’t know what they think it will achieve, especially when the feral peaceful cunts can’t be controlled in the way they hope.

    • Utter shambles…… They should deport all his immediate family…. fuck off back to Butt fuck nowhere…..

  11. Yes, Frau Merkin, perhaps you can now see that we have had a bit more than our ‘fair share’ of refugees.

    Pointy headed, sausage munching German cunt.

    • Don’t you mean Pointy headed, sausage munching East German cunt?

  12. Bugger I thought that cheapo photocopied Blighty Badge had vanished when Cameron slunk orf. Now it’s back again on the podium trawled oit for PM speechs oitside No 10. May has started using it now. Embarrassment.

  13. Spirit FM ( south coast) are riding the wave, there’s a candle lit vigil in chichester tonight and if you can’t make that their gonna have another stab at it tomorrow…… it’s 5 by 5 virtual signalling down here….. platitude FM is in full swing…… it’s really fuckin depressing as we know after all the words and church services absolutely nothing will change!!! Softly softly don’t upset the peaceful community…… ???

    • Platitudes are useless.
      What we need, but will never get because the powers that be are all cunts, is proper decisive action taken against these scum and the people who protect them.

      • Oh yes, heaven forbid any retribution against the nice peaceful people.

        Don’t hear those cunts coming out to condemn the shit who did this. Unsurprising.

      • someone on ITV News (slightly less objectionable than Al-Jeera BBC) said that owing to highest alert level, Army will be out on the streets. If anything serious kicks off, Plod will hopefully be obliged to take a back seat…

  14. The softly softly approach bestowed upon these peaceful cunts baffles me. We should lock up or take out every one of these cunts that sympathises or has an opinion, close down all the radical mosques which is most of them.
    When will people wake up and see what’s happening

    • When it’s far too late. Even then the fuckers will still be in denial.

  15. I didn’t go to that ridiculous vigil in town today…. What will lighting candles, playing classicalo music (?!?) and standing outside the town hall with a load of snowflakes and student knobheads achieve?! Saying ‘we’re not giving in to hate’ basically means ‘we’re not going to put up any sot of fight’… Standing there with some gaytards and a painted banner is not going to deter these murdering scum… Softarsed shithouses to a man….

    • They won’t mind the police and forces putting their lives on the line to save them, the snowflake cunts

      • They won’t mind, but they will be thoroughly ungrateful about it though.

    • But even you Norman must be thankful that the City of Manchester has taken such a rapid and positive response to the atrocity. Towel heads are quaking. Manchester has appointed a performance poet.

    • The same cunts’ll still be posting on Facebook and congratulating themselves on being more “enlightened”than the horrible racists who dare to mention the fact that muslims are the cause of this bombing. They can hold hands,light candles and reassure themselves that “Love beats Hate.”….Hey, they might well be right…the muslims are going to see the power of love and decide to give up on their centuries old dogma of destroying and enslaving the infidels. Wont we all look silly when we realise how wrong we were to even suggest that islam maybe isn’t the Peaceful religion after all? Well, I’m away to post a few trite cliches on Facebook,that way everyone’ll know what a caring,cosmopolitan new-age person I am.

      • Sturgeon had to say that she stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Manchester… Given her fond feelings towards the English, that must’ve hurt.

        Religion in Scottie can be pretty dodgy; I hope for her sake the “Wee Frees” don’t take an entirely rational dislike to her. She could be up the Clyde without a paddle.

  16. Cunts lighting candles and giving peace a chance. Meanwhile people are fighting for their lives in hospital and parents are grieving for their lost children.

  17. When will the political class acknowledge that worrying about you child being blown to pieces is not a phobia it is a legitimate concern.If Islam was invented last year it would have been made illegal by now.

  18. I have listened to the radio and watched the news today and I am as much as a bitter angry cunt now as I was when I first heard what had happened. Speaker after speaker saying we are a better, stronger community and we will not be divided. Hate will not win and being a diverse country is the way forward. Myself, I will not make any apologies for being a Muzzie hater, not to my family, my friends, the police or to any other cunt. I fucking hate the stinky ragheads. Enoch was right with his “rivers of blood” speech and he knew that he was going to get a backlash, even though his speech wasn’t racist people couldn’t or wouldn’t listen to what he had to say. I need to invest in some new steel toe-capped boots.

    • You are far to kind to the filthy sand nigger cunts.

      No doubt this board is being monitored by GMP and MI5 as we speak, so they can throw the spotlight off this poisonous murderous religion and onto less important issues: Those that dare oppose the state narrative that diversity is anything other than a license for ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population.

      What the fuck can I do to spite the cunts, except never use my local Muslim sodden cab company ever again.

    • All utter bollocks…… The elephant is in the room and it’s wearing a towel….. fuckin Cunts….

  19. The cunt is going to be well pissed off when he finds out its 72 virgin goats to fuck in ‘Paradise’. Enjoy.

  20. An 8 yr old girl was in the blast she died unfortunately…….. My main question is why in the fucking fuck would you bring a bloody 8 yr old to a concert like this?

    Another thing that sickens me is Ariana Grande promotes hardcore race mixing I wish I was joking but its true. 80% of her dancers are black or latino and she always rubbing her slutty stank ass against them. If you are letting your 8 yr old daughter watch Arianas stupid untalented slutface sing and dance around these dogs. Then you might as well let your 8 yr old daughter watch hardcore interracial porn cause that the message you are sending Hell 16 yr old girls shouldn’t be listening to this music

  21. What sort of god welcomes people into paradise who murder kids? Fucking shiteheads go no logic circuit.

  22. We are slowly self destructing .Like an alcoholic who keeps drinking as they just dont give a fuck.

    • Except alcoholics get dry every once in a while and usually understands their hopeless situation they are in, they either get better or accept their fate. I haven’t drunken anything in 9 days but the current news in the last week makes me want to

  23. These Tinkerbells live in a different world to me. They seem to think that if you are nice to people they will be nice back. In most cases they are probably right but if you appease everybody there is always some cunt who will want to walk all over you. That’s why you must always be on your guard. “Give peace a chance” John Lennon said. Look where it got him.

  24. Islam and all of it’s mentally ill, demonic proponents, have in effect declared war on this country by murdering these children.

    Is there anyone willing to fight for what’s left of this country?

    Show me where to sign up.

    • Very hard to comment on without harming this site, but my self restraint is wearing thin.

      I mentioned earlier that our pissfull cousins would be their usual smug selves today and from what I’ve seen, I’m right.

      I walk by bars/cafes and people are looking at the telly and discussing the “situation” with glum faces.
      My daughters classmates have expressed their fears.
      My missus and her spanish colleagues were glued to the telly all night at work. (Skivers)
      Fuck, even every flag, and there’s loads in this town, were at half mast.
      A Guardia Civil officer even nodded sullenly at me as i walked past the compound.

      But they pissfull cunts were carrying along as normal.
      Shouting, whistling, and ogling young girls walking through the square.

      My only decision now is sign up or go it alone.

      • You are a braver man than me. I daren’t even look at the mindfucked windbags on the news playing the ‘let’s avoid the I and the M words’ for fear of kicking in my TV set.

        I came here to vent my angst because this website, despite it’s humorous purpose, is the only site I know of that has people with similar views to my own, where I can express myself moderately freely without being leapt upon by a bunch of neo-liberal drones.

        I never thought it was possible to hate Muslims more than I already did. How wrong I was. It makes me feel impotent and in turn even more enraged. I cannot be alone on that score.

    • I’m getting on a bit, but if gas is needed, I can produce it cost-free, as Nature intended…

  25. He’s not even the richest guy in Hull never mind Yorkshire. A bloke called Healy is worth about five times as much as this vile fucking sandwog . Him and his oily shit of a son are almost universally hated here in Hull. A thoroughly deserved cunting if ever there was one.

    • Is Allam still trying to fuck over the Hull AFC ground. He wants the leasehold so he can “improve” the “Club”. (bollocks ) Cunt.

  26. In my honest opinion all fucking goat fondlers should be thrown out of Europe. All these cunts do is leech, rape and kill. I for one am sick of fucking paying for them to hate me and kill my countrymen

  27. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

    What does God think of children?

    If you’re a Catholic, you’re bombarded early on so the claws can be inserted before the child has had a chance to form their own thoughts. Meanwhile guilt is drenched upon the child to maintain its submission. God can ‘forgive’ a child, therefore absolving the individual of any moral responsibility. He, or she, (for as we know any ‘God’ is man-made) can inflict any number of grotesque diseases on the child. Is this some kind of tease? Here is your life! This is what you COULD’VE had…

    If you’re Jewish, you will have your foreskin savagely removed in a public ceremony. This nonsense genital mutilation has no proved health benefits and is merely a gruesome ritual.

    If you’re unlucky enough to be born into certain Muslim parts of the World, adults will legally take stones to a girl’s vagina to excise the labia; subsequently there is often infibulation, the barbaric ‘sewing up’ of the vagina to only allow out blood and urine.

    Child abuse (or systemised rape and torture of children) has been practised by the two biggest cults, and we know who they are. Catholicism quietly moves its priests on to different parishes; as to the other cult, well….Rotherham?

    This time, a quicker solution must’ve been required. God whispered into one of his/her ‘peaceful’ followers to destroy as many as possible in a public, cowardly, horrifyingly violent manner.

    God really hates children.

    • I was a catholic as a child. I had no say in the matter, that’s what I was. My childhood was ritualised with observing all sorts of rituals that I did not understand. Was I scared ? yes I was, the fear of God was instilled in us all. As soon as I grew up, I learned. I learned how to question. and I learned to be free. Do I believe in God? No. Am I a better person because I do not believe? Yes. If other people want to believe in whatever, then that is up to them. Threaten me with your religion, attack my family, attack and kill my friends and so help me, I will hunt you down. And when I find you I will end your miserable life. Religion is a cunt, I make no apologies for that statement. Islam is the current and most imminent threat. Eradication by whatever means is valid and imperative.

      • That’s what disappoints me most. 5 million years of evolution and look what we’ve ended up with.

    • When my classmates were being brainwashed into believing in God, i was never having any of it.
      Growing up in the west of Scotland, i was surrounded by religion, but not once in my life have i believed.
      It amazes me that very few ever had their own ideas or even questioned what they have been taught.

      I have been in a church when i was christened, twice with the school, two funerals and that’s it.

      Breaking into churches on the other hand, I’ve done that loads of times and even arrested once.
      We used to break in and move all their shite about to fuck with the ministers head.
      Never stole or damaged anything, just some mind games.

      • I fucking detest priests. Hypocritical con-artist perverts. I’ve got it written in my instructions that when I die I’ll have no religion involved in the disposal of the corpse. They can chuck in to the pig-pen for all I care,at least they’ll be pleased to see me.

  28. Why no photos of the terrorist? Not one photo of the cunt. Why not?

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