Cunting Assem Allam
The dark spectre of Blair,s return is becoming reality with the assistance of Assem Allam, the richest person in Yorkshire. And why am I cunting Allam ? It’s because of his history, his slimy deals, his contempt for British Culture, his attempts to buy power and influence, and a willingness to deal with the slime ball Blair and Mandelson.
Allam entered the UK in 1968 aged 20, allegedly fleeing from the tyranny of Nasser’s Egypt..Within weeks, the penniless immigrant was studying for his degree in Economics and Accountancy courtesy of the taxpayers of the United Kingdom of Benefits plc. He qualified in Economics , became an accountant, got a loan and began his Empire Building.
Within a few years, he became very successful. But he wanted more. It is known in the Yorkshire Dales that the Hull Pharoah would aspire to the Lords, or a title of Rank that would satisfy his egotistical need.
Allam as many will know purchased Hull City AFC in 2013. He immediately attempted to change the name of the club
citing that Hull City was “an irrelevance”
The fans erupted. ( case is ongoing )
Having bunged ( generously donated ) a huge sum to Ed Milliband, and taking daft Ed for a ride in his Limo, the pratt was non to discreet in stating his price. Support for the purchase of the land title of Hull City AFC. ( there is a dark reason for this )
Non too subtle, Allam has denigrated the historical integrity of a proud City and a proud County, and is impressing the “raghead mentality ” and corruption of his ilk to the fore.
A long story so far, and now you will see why I cunt this bastard.
He has agreed a deal with Tony Blair, and is prepared to invest heavily in a “New Labour Party” following the general election. Disaffected Labour MP’s who are opposed to Corbyn will be recruited to a new political party. It will be led of course by Blair. The aim of representation is to target the labour vote, the Muslim Vote and the Pro European Vote. Allam has made a financial offer of support, and is keen to be active within that party to ensure that ALL UK Muslims are represented (!) There is a price of course.
An immigrant to our country, has grown rich very rich. Not only is he wealthy but he is power mad, and actively seeking to ingratiate himself further. He is an arrogant tosser, who has little if any respect for our HERITAGE, and our ethnicity. And as he has said on so many ocassions, and with great authority, “this is MY Yorkshire ” next, it will be “My Kingdom” and it will be Islam.
Thanks for the rant. He is a cunt , and a fucking ungrateful arrogant fuckwitted greedy grabbing bastard, who has the money and the clout to fuck our country over. Cunt!
Nominated by Asimplearsehole
Firstly checking to see if I can post yet.
Bugger me, first time in a week. Orn to bizzo.
This Allam tosser seems to have a strong whiff orf gorgonzola between its toes. Given that the Bum Squad is turning over a lot orf honest citizens in the blog business at present might I suggest that rants are peppered with a judicious seasoning orf “allegedlys” and “it has been reported thats…” You get me drift.
reports of a bomb in manc arena
19 people dead. Holy fuck. My family like Ariana Grande. It could have been any one of us there. Every fucking towel headed, bearded cunt in this country should be expelled immediately. Bastards.
“My family like Ariana Grande It could have been any one of us there.” Why why in the name of sweet fuck do they like that mongy little wop?
“Every fucking towel headed, bearded cunt in this country should be expelled immediately. Bastards.”
Won’t happen M8 won’t happen they will be babied and coddled from criticism instead. They remove any reference to islam or terrorism from mainstream news outlets but will still admit a terrorist organization like ISIS is responsible and theresa may will say we are stronger together and diversity is our strength yada yada blah blah blah… Never ends
Indeed…BBC Fake News desperately trying to persuade everybody that ISIS is NOT behind this, mustn’t jump to conclusions, and also some daft old liebour councillor saying “Diversity is wonderful, Manchester was a better place (!!!) after the IRA bomb, we mustn’t point the finger and hate” etc.
Many fellow cunters have expressed the opinion that the game is already over (I’m sort of inclined to agree…), and that they will be glad that they won’t be around to see the UK descend into a final quagmire.
I’m getting so angry (“Oooooh, isnt’t that so, like, Hitler ??”, with tone of voice going up at the end of the sentence !!), I’m not sure that I AM going to behave myself any longer.
If anybody suggests hugging a local “peaceful”, well they can just FO&D. And if the synagogue-goers start saying “Islimes are Jews too”, they sadly deserve EVERYTHING they get.
I salute The Donald for his use of English – “Evil losers”. Sums it up.
Trouble is the evil losers aren’t losing.
We’ll never get anywhere while we play by the rules and they don’t…
Well as someone posted on twitter earlier “I keep getting robbed, but to lock my front door would hand victory to the burglars”
My kids like her in Sam and Cat. She makes music for children. There can’t be anything more harmless than that. Cmon.
Yes 19 so far, at least 50 injured. Loads of unaccompanied kids at the concert. Majority of audience. Parents no idea what is going on. Reports of numbers of nuts and bolts flying around as part of the blast. Foyer of the Arena and merchandising area deliberately targeted at a time when people were leaving in large numbers. More to be revealed.
Time for dedicated hit squads to take these bastard cunt towel heads out.
Facebook post says it all. Poster got blood and shite splattered in her hair so that will be the bomber cunt gone then;
Just out of The Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester,I thought we would leave seconds before the last song finished in order too get home quicker instead of waiting longer for a taxi,As we where leaving a bomb or explosion went off meters infront of me.
Peoples skin/blood&Feces where everywhere including in my hair & on my bag,I’m still finding bits of god knows what in my hair.I am fine & back in my hotel I hope everyone involved and in front of me is okay.We are being told it was a balloon/sound system but I can assure you it was not,You never ever expect these things too happen too you but this proves it can happen too anybody.
That sound,The blood & those who where running around clueless with body parts & bits of skin missing will not be leaving my mind any time soon or the minds of those involved.
Again,Hope everyone is alright I am very,Very lucky too be where I am just now
Shit that was close.
Know how you feel. I walked past the Westminster tube station bomb about 90 seconds before it went off. Corbyn’s friends nearly got me that day. Makes you realise that life is a lottery when it comes down to it. Shakes you up doesn’t it? Chances are that it will hit you worse today than at the time. Delayed shock is a cunt.
Be aware of it and look after yourself accordingly…
Or alternatively, 19 crisis actors pretended to be killed at Manchester Arena (was it the real Ariana Grande or was she a crisis actor also?). Over to you, Spivey, you ignorant cunt.
Funny you say that Fred, I just saw a interview with a concert goer and was she was smiling while being interviewed and questioned. Yes she was Fucking cheesed up and Smiling FFS!. I have never been in a bomb blast ever in my life but I wouldn’t smile like this bewildered chavy tart did.
I’m not disputing the death toll btw I just thought that was rather very odd behavior for someone who was in a bomb blast
Believe me, in those circumstances you behave oddly…
I was in a car crash once and afterwards all I could think sbout was getting some shampoo.
Shock has a strange effect on people. Some laugh, some cry and some people just shut down.
Or she could be just a chav!!!!!
The effects of being near an explosion can have pretty strange effects on people. I used to serve with bloke who would laugh hysterically every time an RPG or a Mortar landed near us Afghanistan. It’s not because he found it funny, it was out of fear.
if Spivey comes out with his usual shit, ‘ never happened ‘ crisis actors’ ‘ government did it to raise anti -Islam feeling ‘etc fuckin etc. it will surely be the end of him even fuckwits like Dogman will finally see the light. won’t he?
What makes you think Dogman isn’t Spivey?
First of all thoughts with all the families affected and secondly what a bunch of cowardly cunts these scum fuckers are. Sadly TitSlapper is right in what he says. We will now hear we are stronger together blah blah fucking blah, lets all hug a fucking raghead as they are all totally innocent and misunderstood. I don’t want to lose my country to this type of shit, but no one in power seems to give a real fuck.
No doubt Amber Dudd will chair some emergency meeting or other where the need to keep any reference to our peaceful friends to a minimum is top on the agenda.
Wonder where the Lib Dems stand on letting 50k more lof these cunts into our shithole of a country now? an election winner no doubt.
Hi Spanky. Amber Rudd was on the telly just as I read your post at 0715 She was shite, and needs her arse kicked.
Agreed!! Amber dudd was absolutely useless, she’s off to a COBRA ( cabinet office briefing room A ) meeting, I bet that’s got Isis shaking?? Maybe while they are sorting out the towel headed Cunts responsible for this cowardly attack they can bring in some effective hard hitting counter measures?? Don’t bet on it, we don’t want to upset the peaceful ones……
Where’s Francis Urqhart when you need him?
4 years to the day since Lee Rigby was murdered. These cunts like their symbolism. Just like 9/11 was the aniversary of the battle of Vienna when the islamic invasion of Europe was stopped.
Chief Constable…blah blah…we have a long history blah blah…tolerant society blah blah…all inclusive….embrace.
In other words the usual official response to an attack upon the people. Next ( no doubt ) we will have that tosser Brenda Cox on the box gushing the usual shit.
In the meantime , we have fellow posters on this site ( our brotherhood ) who live, reside or work in Manchester who may or may not have been affected. Our support and concern as always, with our thoughts.
Treezer May
“We must demonstrate our resolve by doing precisely fuck all”
Comrade Corbyn
“I refuse to condemn this bombing but will instead condemn all bombing including our bombing of Dresden in 1945”
COTY little Timmy
“The only way to beat the terrorists is to accept more refugees”
All the major political parties, and the LibDems are suspending their campaigns today out of respect for the victims. My fucking arse! If you had any respect for the victims islamists would be hanging from lamposts by the end of the day.
That’s probably about right….???
Death toll now 22 with 59 injured. Single male suicide bomber using home made explosives. Just a wild guess but would his name be mohamed?
Could also be…Mohammed, or perhaps Muhammed…could even be Mohamid..but I feel you may be right skid….it ain’t Fred
Terry or john either….
But he may come from Kent.
Probably has psychiatric issues – possibly Norwegian.
BBC Fake News talking a lot about young people… Well, Mo and his ilk do seem to have an overdeveloped interest in fucking kiddies…
Andy Burnham came over as being a right twat, too… his speech was monosyllabic, badly-delivered, covering the entire range of human emotions from A to B. Rather like an inept Plod; Cuntstable Savage, p’raps ?
Wont be long until we get the “I am Manchester” and other ineffectual Twitter and Facebook outpourings. The usual “lone wolf” crap,appeals for the community to stay united,a tame raghead wheeled out to condemn the atrocity….and still absolutely nothing will be done to deport the radical muslims who condone this type of act.
Bring back internment without trial,all those gloating sods with their weasel- words carefully selected so that they stay on the right side of the law. Internment or deportation should be the choice for anyone who the Security Services deem a risk to the security of this country.
“Je suis Manchester” please.
We must be at one with our friends in the EU…
I think this whole “city as victim” thing is pretty nauseating. This didn’t happen to a city, it happened to people who may or may not live in that city.
This tendency diminishes the plight of the victims (dead, injured and bereaved) and encourages a sense of victimhood in people who were not affected.
Or, as Merkel Muffley might say, “Ich bin eine Manc”.
Thank you, you lardarse, deranged bint with your perverted ideological problems, for swamping Europe with all these medieval, psychotic fuckwits.
Let the platitudes roll……
Nothing will change….
Business as usual…
Candle lit vigil….
And wait for the next attack….?
Im sorry to ask this at a time like this, but watching BBC reports this morning several “asian” types are prominent and are “positively presented ” The indoctrination is incessant .
Sadiq Khunt
“We must accept this as part of going to a pop concert”.
Cressida Penis
“We must gaurd against blaming those who were responsible for this outrage”
Andy Bumham
“When I first got news of this tragedy I went straight round to my local halal fast food outlet to offer them my 12 year old daughter as an act of solidarity”
Fuckin hell SE are you writing their public statements?? You can almost hear those Cunts saying it….. ?
0810 Andy Burnham; What a useless fucking waste of fucking space..”.we are strong ” messages of support etc”.spirit of Manchester will hold us together ” “terrorism will never win. Leese “pulling together, “united” “all communities”
The above sound bites are repeated several times. and the BBC are echoing all of this shite.
Once, just for once, I would love to hear the BBC say it for what it is..
” some cowardly ragheaded twat has murdered kids today, fuck em all ”
I may have to wait a long time to hear that.
Conveniently overlooked and not mentioned in case it upsets Corbyn and co is :
Wasn’t that terrorism as well – or just an act of patriotism by the warriors of justice responsible for the lasting peace in Ulster?
So when we’re all wearing towels on our heads, speaking arabic and bowing to the east five times a day – about 2025 I reckon – we’ll celebrate last night’s atrocity as a glowing symbol in the fight for the rightful islamification of the west.
History is written by the victor.
Remember you heard it here first…
In a similar vein, we’re approaching the anniversary of the murder of Jo Cox and are braced for a massive outpouring of cuntishness. At the forefront of this are bound to be IRA cheerleaders Corbyn and Abbott. Has the country forgotten two far more distinguished MPs (not to diminish the suffering of Cox and her family – they were all people), Ian Gow and Airey Neave being murdered by the IRA?
Targeting an event where children were the vast majority of the audience? Another example of just how “Peaceful” the religion of islam really is. There’s no negotiating with religious zealots,they wont be happy until Europe is an islamic caliphate.
The politicians of this country should acknowledge that we are in a war which we are losing. Pandering to islam only confirms their correct assumption that we are weak and have no stomach for a fight.
Think this calls for another candle lit vigil. Take that you naughty misunderstood minority of peace loving folk!!
We can expect more words, we can expect to hear about unity. We can expect to hear about love and harmony.
Words are cheap and so apparently are the lives of our children.
I don’t know if I’m more angry or sad for those that have been lost due to the inaction of our so called political class.
Yes those who set policy are to blame no question of that. When are the masses going to realise and do something to restore the rightful balance in this troubled Isle. We are at war with these raghead fuckwits and have been since their so called religion spread out from the desert shithole it started in. Lives are more important than a few votes and a fucking massive welfare bill, time our “leaders” realised.
Oh yes, more than fuck all will be done. Saggy May will tell us to unite and stand together, etc.
A Facebook page will be set up. The sale of tea lights will rocket in the Manchester area. The Mayor of Manchester will spend thousands of pounds of taxpayers cash on some shitty memorial.
A red white and blue light display will be arranged to show those evil towel heads that the ‘British resolve is strong’.
You would see some action if one of these cunts managed to bomb the HoP, no mistake.
Not only will there be a candlelit vigil in Manchester I’m pretty sure London will lead the way for solidarity….. suckdick kunt will be looking at this as a huge opportunity to show us how united we are/ should be….
Now I know what your thinking…what is knowlegable and respected political commentator James Corden’s take on the heinous attack in Manchester? Well here it is.
Why does it always turn into a competition of who can grieve the most in public? He’s acting…he’s got to be acting. He sounds like a lost little boy. It’s sad, it’s fucking tragic…I feel terrible for people involved…but come on! All this bullshit about ‘community’ and ‘spirit’. Fucks sake! This is a city of millions. Tramps, junkies, footballers, bankers, every ethnicity under the sun. There’s a load of good people and a tonne of cunts too.
Still, I guess the media machine has done its job. Someone blows up a bunch of innocent kids in the name of fuck knows who…and I’m angry at Corden.
Blame averted!
Vomit inducing. The fat cunt can’t resist the chance to shoehorn his way in. Stand well back,we’re in for a tsunami of cunts competing to see who can signal the most grief. Probably the same ones who are urging more immigration and tolerance…Absolute Cunts.
Cordens a proper cunt!!!
Where’s big ears lineker???
Banana gob Miller
“This sort of thing was bound to happen after Brexit”
Shitsack Flabbott
“There has been a 5000% increase in hate crime after this attack. Or was it 500%? 50%? Errm.”
What the fuck has Brexit got to do with this ????????
Some cunt has just been ont’ radio to launch “Je suis Manchester”
“Je suis…” FFS! This is fucking ENGLAND not fucking FRANCE.
It’s precisely this sort of dilution of our national culture that encourages these cunts in the first place.
You couldn’t fucking make this shit up could you?
What a cunt…
Erm, I kind of made that bit up about Banana gob Miller blaming Brexit. But I’d bet that’s what she thinks.
You are psychic in your predictions tho’
This just in from Saddick Kunt :
“terror attacks ‘part and parcel’ of living in a major city”
His views are, of course, in no way coloured or biased by him being a muslim. I would never suggest such a thing! Absolutely not…
On another note sensitive leftie luvvie actor Colin firth has applied for an Italian passport, apparently he and his friends like Emma Watson are angry and hurt by the country’s decision to leave the EU??
If brexit is having that effect on him and his friends I say more of the same please!! Mr darcy has become mr arsey!! Cunt…..
Good riddance to the cunts.
Credo to Firth.
One of the few who’s taking his money where his mouth is.
When are the rest of the “If we get Brexit, I’m leaving the country” mob going to follow his example.
Firth is a cunt, but at least he’s a principled cunt.
Bit old for a snowflake tho’
I bet he doesn’t go!! The Cunt…
his wife is Italian so although crying about big bad brexit he can always fall back on that….
I wonder how many of those celebrity democrats in America have actually left since wonky haired tango boy rolled into the White House?? Bleating Cunts!! Don’t talk about it!! Just fuck off….
Just make sure that they are stripped of their UK passports, and tell Border Control that any attempt to rer-enter UK should be met with a “Shoot to kill” policy.
Personally, I don’t believe that Emma Twatson is human, surely such sounds could never be produced by a human’s vocal system ? Suspect she is some sort of Chechen Islime meerkat (and have you noticed how even meerkats on tv all seem to be BLT or similar / “gender-neutral” ??!)
Saggy May will no doubt feel very relieved this mourning (sic) after her spectacular overhead kick of a home goal on social care followed by unloading her 12 gauge Purdeys into both feet with a U turn. Even the Torygraph says so, so it must be true. Musn’t it?
Corbyn is shitting himself, he may actually win and have to deliver on his pie in the sky bullshit.
Plod of the Yard has stated that ‘we are treating this as a terrorist attack’. No shit, Columbo.
Plod has also asked the public not to speculate or share names. These tossers are more concerned for reprisal attacks on the peaceful community than the atrocity itself. Priceless.
Wasn’t some suspicion aroused when there was a bloke at a Ariana Grande concert?
Just read that there was a four hour warning given on Facebook.
Find that hard to believe as these cunts don’t give warnings.
Manchester is a city with many shifty looking cunts.
Just have a walk round Piccadilly Square late in the evening. In amongst all the tramps, dossers and the usual up to no good late night miscreants are some massive gangs of peacefuls. They seem to congregate around a McDonalds there and basically intimidate everyone.
Not a fan of Manchester these days but I’m forced to go there sometimes or have no contracts.
As long as other people are dying, politicians won’t care. If a few plebs kids get killed in pursuit of their ideals, so be it.
These people are sick.
Just wait, lefties will be out this afternoon, anxiously telling us that Islam is THE religion of peace and that we shouldn’t blame muslims. The muslim community itself will be more concerned about a backlash against muslims than it will about the victims. Corbyn has issued a statement in which he managed to avoid condemning the atrocity. Don’t worry though everyone, he’s going to talk to ISIS, have a nice cup of tea with them, and everything will be sorted out.
I might try a cunting on this issue later. I need to calm down first though, because my youngest daughter and my niece were at that gig last night. Physically they’re ok, but we’ve been up all night because they’re terrified and in deep shock. And I’m trembling with rage.
Glad to hear your family are OK QDM.
Hope your family recover QMD.All the platitudes in the world can’t mitigate the terror that those kids must have suffered. I’m just listening to some preacher on the telly saying that he is praying for the victims. Less prayers and weasel-words,what this country needs in some positive action.
Thinking of you and yours mate.
Hope your girls are OK, QDM… Right about the muzzie ‘community’ and fear of backlash… But isn’t it about time there was one?…
Hope your daughter and niece are doing ok QDM, thoughts are with them, family and friends.
Hope the girls are okay QDM.
A backlash against the peacefuls is long overdue. Pity it won’t happen though.
Sorry to hear that QDM ….
happy to hear your girls got home safe qdm
I’m going to avoid all TV and MSM today. I already know what they are going to say and I don’t have the stomach for it. We are all just sheep to them, gullible, mindless and expendable. Cunts.
I agree completely. I don’t have the stomach for it either and I can’t bare to seek out a single news station. I’ve got my own outlet and I will be taking to it with renewed aggression against the religion of a million pieces.
Candlelit vigils, Facebook/Twitter solidarity and “We will not let them win” speeches. Fuck off.
Time this pussyhole government got real.
Time to stand up and say ‘FUCK ISLAM and ‘FUCK TOLERANCE’. We are ‘TOLERANT’ of cunts who behave themselves as guests in OUR country. Take your fucking pathetic belief in fairies back to the shit hole it belongs with the moronic brainwashed imbeciles that are too fucking stupid to be able to think rationally for themselves. Thick cunts!!!
Kendo. I have never been tolerant of Islam, Muslims, and imported varieties of ragheads etc. I don’t think I will ever change and I shall continue to be the horrible litt ethnic whiteman from England
Sorry, forgot to say, I agree with you in all respects.
I did meet 1 nice one a while ago!
No career politician is brave enough to risk their privileged position and put their head above the parapet to get to grips with this problem.
Trump tried but the snowflakes, yogurt knitters and lefties screamed ‘racist’.
Realistically we have Bob hope in this country of getting to grips with this when we have spineless politicians and millions of peacefuls, non reflectives and home grown bedwetters positively promoting this shit.
Yes folks, we are well and truly ronnied.