
I’ve noticed that Allah has never been cunted on this site. Is he out of bounds then? If not, then has there ever been a more appropriate moment to cuntify the biggest villain of all sky fairies and his demented followers who take offence to everything and show responsibility for nothing?

By ‘never a more appropriate time’ I do of course mean with the exception of the Lee Rigby attack in May 2013, the Westminster attack in March 2017, the London Bombings in July 2005, the rape of over a thousand children across the last decade and the dozens of other ‘lesser’ assaults and savagery we have had to endure at the hands of the media’s most favoured religion.

As Voltaire once said “”To learn who rules over you, pay attention to those you cant criticize.” And as Allah said in response: “Kill the filthy Infidel, kill, kill, kill!”

Nominated by Megacunt

155 thoughts on “Allah

  1. You have no idea how difficult it is to get any picture of Allaaaaaah on the net!

    • Apparently it’s only a small minority of extremists. Perhaps only 1%. So in the UK that’s only 10’000 or so. Worldwide a mere 15 million or so. But when you look at attitudes it turns out that many many more are sympathetic to violence. The death penalty for cartoonists and so on.
      Let’s look at ‘extemism’ in Islam.
      Death for leaving Islam – orthodox
      Death for gays – orthodox
      Subjugation and mistreatment of women – orthodox.
      FMG – orthodox in some areas.
      Death to critics of Islam – orthodox

      So where does extremism actually start?

      But we must see this peaceful religion in the countries where it spreads peace and light. Saudi and the Gulf states – savage slave economies. Iran – a religious shithole where what might be a good enterprising population has the boot of the mad mullahs on it’s neck. Syria? Iraq? Egypt? Northern Nigeria? Pakistan? Afghan? Bangla Desh? Turkey?
      Every Islamic country is corrupt and savage .Every Islamic country is held back by religion. A religion that not only hasn’t gone through any ‘enlightenment’ but which has regressed back 100s of years.
      But the biggest puzzle of all is why are these fuckers so stupid? They come from shitholes of suppression and inequality to jobs housing and benefits of civilised societies and then want to turn these civilised countries into the shitholes they were so keen to leave.
      So, apart from their savagery they must be the dimmest fuckers on the planet.

      • Iran and Syria are both closest to a democratic society you can get for a arab nation. You are allowed greater freedoms as a moslem and christian. They protect their christian counterparts unlike some arab countries where they genocide all christians intentionally starve them also. USA and allies both want them out of the picture for massive oil and land

      • Yet our ‘abused as a child in a public school’ want to bomb Syria? How so?

  2. Well, we’ve certainly heard quite a bit about this cunt recently. This figment of imagination is responsible for most of the mass slaughters on the planet. Countless millions have died in his name ( makes him a big cheese ) and countless more will do so again in the futu. Strange guy this cunt is. He tells people not to eat pork, he tells them to fuck little boys, and he tells them who and when to rape. He is ( I believe ) a published author , writing some shite novel called the Quaran. which seems to be about a wonderful world when you’re fucking dead. Imagine, this twat actually tells people to turn the other cheek, take all the shit that life brings you, give all your goods to some other fucker, and, after you have suffered a miserable shit existence, not to worry, coz when your dead your gonna be rich. Fuck me. I think this Allah Cunt is one big tosser who is an almighty cunt.

  3. Bit difficult to cunt something that doesn’t exist. A bit like Cunting the hulk, or superman. You have to be a bit retarded to even contemplate this nonsense, so is it any wonder that it takes very little to radicalise the fuckers? Also, there is only one guide book, it’s not like there are separate editions for average nutters, and an x rated version for the jihad cunts.

    • Yes but nobody kills in the name of the incredible hulk. And more to the point, the onerous hate laws that plod so love enforcing willy nilly to protect their beloved community of murderous apes, cannot stretch to slagging of the religion.

      I can say fuck Islam, destroy Islam, screw Allah, fuck Allah until I’m blue in the face, and cannot be touched by hate laws. Neither Allah nor Islam are people, a race or even things. Muslims, cunts that they all are, are people. Albeit a mentally ill people.

      So I could have cunted Muslims but as far as our oppressive hate laws are concerned, it’s far safer to hate the ball rather than the player.

      It also pisses Muslims off a lot more, and I’m all for that.

      • My point is, that if you believe in all that shit, you can be easily convinced to to do evil in its name. Also, as far as I’m concerned, the hulk or superman are probably more plausible than big Al. And as a bonus, if I say I don’t believe in them, no one is going to cut my noggin off. Not to mention, if some bellend is going around telling everyone these superheroes exist, the would be looked at as being mental, which is exactly how I feel about religious people, peaceful or otherwise.

  4. Cartoons and jokes don’t kill people…..Muslims offended by cartoons and jokes do….

  5. Allah will be a guest speaker tonight on Question time, which just happens to be from SALFORD. The usual suspects, multi faith etc, and Andy Burnham ( FFS ) and the audience has been chosen to represent the cosmopolitan make up of SALFORD. The 3 white people of SALFORD have declined to attend.

    • Oh I forgot, this Allah cunt has a sidekick , the cunt Mohammed. Who was a real person who suffered delusional and psychotic episodes. A cunt in real life he cottoned on to this Allah shite, and decided to exploit matters. Mohammed is a cunt, who invented semtex, made up songs to kill by and fucked a lot of goats.

      Forgive me if I am historically inaccurate, but what the fuck. Mo the cunt.

  6. Party political broadcast from. Tim Farron about Manchester.He has got a fucking nerve!

      • saw the limpdumps erection broadcast this pm… underwhelmed. wtf was all that about ? They were sensible, though, only to show ickle timmy for about half a minute at the end

    • Appalling wasn’t it?
      Has the man no shame?
      Blatently cashing in on the atrocity.
      Let’s hope it’s cost hime lots of votes…

      • re Cocklecarrot – “self confessed player of the pink oboe”… I believe that was Billy Connolly’s suggestion.

      • Isn’t he another sky-fairy follower (although not of any of the nastier ones)? One of the best things about America is the separation of church and state, whereas here in the UK we’re lied to by perverted nutters of all persuasions. Farron’s just another not-quite-good-enough opportunist, soon to be forgotten.

      • And don’t forget Jeremy Thorpe (attempted murder wasn’t it?) or Paddy Pantsdown

        The Limp Dumps make UKIP look sensible
        Actually, they make the Loonies look electable…

      • I remember Jeremy well. Got off with attempted murder and inspired the late great Peter Cook’s Justice Cocklecarrot (I think that’s the given name) ‘I cried and bit the pillow’ That was his boyfriend’s statement when Jeremy rogered him.
        Good old Libs. Always were a bunch of weirdos and perverts.

      • And the Limp Dumbarses claim they are the party for the people……. opportunistic shits….

        Fellow Cunters, perhaps we should form the ISAC party? We’d do a better job running this country than the worthless piles of excrement known as the whole political class.

    • Let us recall that the Lib Dems produced the likes of Mark Oaten , Simon Hughes and Paddy Ashdown and that they formed from the likes of Cyril Smith and Jeremy Thorpe. I rest my case. Btw Nick Clegg was the head boy at a school which was infested by paedophiles from the Head teacher down. Draw your own conclusions.

  7. Fuck Allah worshippers with sticks of dynamite and that goes for all the cunts that sympathises with them

  8. Allah,Muhammed,Jesus,Buddha, etc.,…..All gods,and their representatives,are a load of Old Cunt. If Hell truly exists,it’ll be full of religious bigots.

    • Anti christian thinking is part of the reason of the current Pro muslim attitude we are unfortunately witnessing. Why atheists like muslims more then christians I will never now why, although film, tv, music played a huge part of this in todays anti-christ thinking Christian religion has had its faults though out history but it is infused into our heritage if we discard completely it we are to be damned In my opinion

      • I certainly don’t” like muslims more than christians”, I dislike the whole concept of religion,or perhaps I just dislike the people who try to impose their superstitious beliefs,and use a load of fairy stories to justify their intolerant actions. They hide behind their “Gods” as they break every moral code. If someone chooses to believe that their particular fairy-story character is superior to anyone else’s fairy-story character,they are naive.

        The christian god is no better,or worse,than any other god…because he doesn’t exist. None of them do. There’ll be no jesus coming to save us, people can hide behind their bibles and chant as many prayers as they like. I’ll be putting my faith into something a bit more physical.

      • My God is better than your God. What a load of shite. Christianity only had a reformation because as people got smarter, religion had to be modified to still have some appeal/hold. Society influences religion rather than religion influences society. Are we to believe that everyone was a robbing murdering rapey cunt before the Ten Commandments came out? However, in some parts of the world, people are congenitally thick, so there was no need of a reformation, and still isn’t.

      • Careful in those foxholes fellers religion criticism is all in well but to damn our own religious heritage and culture is fucking sickening.

        @Gutstick Japseye Exactly my point tho and we should at least be grateful for what the christian reformers did and what they sacrificed. Most people nowadays unfortunately could care less about the reformers or who they even were, most cunts are clueless

      • @TS,what I find truly sickening is that people believe that “their” religion is superior to any other religion. Although I’m pretty “clueless”, I believe that christianity has quite a checkered history when it comes to bloodthirsty zealots,much the same as islam.

      • Christians are mighty cunts and part of the ‘don’t offend the muzzies’ establishment. A pack of sandal wearing cowards. While they are busy turning the other cheek, the muzzies will be busy sawing away at their necks.

        There’s nothing cultural about any fucking religion. It’s about the suppression of ideas and human nature, not the promotion of it.

      • I have noticed the predominately poove cunts spouting shite of late. Are they perhaps related?

      • Indeed. The church in this country is bang up for taking many more refugees and economic migrants, citing our Christian duty to do so. Nutters….

      • Must admit that the idea of “Holy Wars” always seemed a bit odd, even when I was at sandpit-school, having to eat spam fritters and pink banana custard for lunch.
        “thou shalt not kill”??!
        But one death is a tragedy, six million is a statistic. Sorry, dunno if that’s Stalin, Hitler or the Satanic Trinity of Bliar, Campbell-end and Mandelbumfiddler…

      • “Thou shalt not kill” has caused so many problems. When the part of the old testament containing the ten commandments was translated from Hebrew to Greek the translator mistook the Hebrew word for murder as “kill”.
        Thus the correct translation is Thou shalt not murder this makes so much more sense.

  9. Why peter gabriel left genesis is one questions of the ages but what was he suppose to do? He could only release so many great albums before he got bored with it and the rest of the band grew tiresome of his dictator like control in the group and costume changing that too pissed them off. Most of his solo albums suck, his first one was okay tho but its obvious innit? He had to leave the band

    • Bet the cunt sang ‘Dont look back in anger’dressed as a daffodill.

  10. He’s like the fictional supervillain Keyer Soeze in the Usual Suspects, a hyperbole of bull shit, virgins in ‘paradise’ and Mommamed on his magic carpet. Cunts like al-Baghdadi of IS and Bin Laden use foot soldiers to bring carnage to the West on these Ali Baba nights of Arabia mythical jackanory shite.

  11. All religions are man-made all their believers have something missing from the lives. It’s not that the stories, because they are all stories, are such far-fetched nonsense, it’s that there is simply no proof. Prove there is something without the voices in your head or the cleverly-engineered concept of ‘Faith.’

    This particular cult was cobbled together, poorly, by bits of other ones. Like all religions, God/Allah waited a long time before showing himself – strange how he didn’t want to interfere with his creation until extremely late in the day; he withheld information knowing millions would go directly to Hell, before he gave the ‘word of God’ to an illiterate merchant on a mountain in the Middle East. It consequently took over 200 years of hearsay for it to be collated into a book.

    Moreover, let us not question the blind adoration this vain God demands from his submissive followers:-
    ▪ Praying five times a day;
    ▪ Hatred of women, especially when they are on their period;
    ▪ Aggression towards anyone who hasn’t been similarly brain-washed by this laughable dogshit;
    ▪ Not eating while the sun shines for a whole month;
    etc, etc.


    The followers of this violent, nefarious cult are especially cretinous, particularly credulous and specifically moronic, unspecial shit-dongles.

    Exceptionally vile cunt-worms, all of them.

  12. Cunting Allah?????

    Fuck that, i’m out of here to print up some #jesuisISAC placards.

    Nice knowing you, ya brave cunters.

    I’ll be on Sky news tomorrow as a friend (or foe) of the dead.

    • I’m still waiting for the thunderbolt to strike me down for blasphemy. A bunch of outraged sandwogs and god-botherers should be the least of my problems compared to the combined might of all of the different gods…Fuck them.

    • By the sounds of it you’re already on Sky news. Working in the newsroom cranking out the state narrative that to slur the muslim deity is sacrilege. Yes. To muslims. I’m not muslim and I refuse to be bound by any of the terms of their religion.

      • The other week the emoji was cunted and even though i pointed out that the emoji helped set the tone of the comment, I’ve tried to calm down on the emoji, as have others, and I’ve already noticed a few cunters taking some comments the wrong way.

        My comment was sarcastic.

      • I’ve always defended people’s right to believe and worship as they wish and condemned their ‘right’ to ram it down other peoples’ throats…

    • I seem to remember cunting Mohammed and Islam in the past. Oh and Muftis, the Haj, Islamic Jihad, the Koran…
      We’re still here – the place where people speak what others are thinking perhaps?

      In the interests of balance we’ve also done Jews, Catholics, The Cunterbury Archbish and loads of others.
      I ran a series at my place a couple of years back on wacky religions – and yes, I did include Christianity
      I particularly liked the Church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn. Their credo was “Give me a proof that my God does not exist, and I’ll apply the same test to yours”

      “May her heavenly hooves never be shod”

      The flying spaghetti monster who created the world by a touch of her noodly appendage?
      Kid you not. They’re all real…

      • Personally, I’d cunt all religion – biggest cause of war throughout history.

    • She’ll be quite the hero amongst her twitter and facebook friends,so she’s got what she wants. Attention-seeking bitch.

      • Surely they should have been singing ‘We took the wrong step years ago’ by Hawkwind,

    • I’d never draw attention to myself in such fashion.
      Cunts like this believe they are more grief worthy than others even though they were no more affected than anyone else who wasn’t even there.

      I’ve never spoke about my experience on the day on the day of Indian Ocean tsunami untill now.
      I was paddling on Clacton beach when suddenly a wave that was at least a foot higher than any other splashed my ball bag.
      It was freezing. I could have died….

      Attention seeking wankers….

      • They have adopted ‘conservative’ Islam there now and are publicly flogging people who breach Sharia law. Pity the whole lot didn’t drown.

    • Sung by a cunt who is scared to look at the carnage behind the curtain.

      • I turned off as soon as “Audio courtesy of The Guardian” appeared.
        I’m sure it was excruciating though…

      • A shit song, but perhaps more appropriate would be ‘we’re not going to take it’ by Twisted Sister.

  13. I seem to remember that a certain Jim Jones managed to persuade a thousand of these feeble minded god botherers to drink cyanide and wiped them off the face of the earth in about thirty minutes. Surely there is some cunt smart enough , given the time and resources, to perform the same trick on a much bigger scale? After all the dumb cunts would be happy because they’d be in paradise fucking whatever, and we’d be happy because we don’t have to put up with these wankers. Now all we need is a snidy cunt liar who could talk his way out of the Spanish Inquisition. I know!!! Come on down Tony!!!!! All is forgiven you cunt!

    • Fantastic analogy and spot on. That is exactly what is happening here,

  14. Katy Perry is a monumental cunt….
    As if her ‘Heartbroken for Manchester’ fakery on Twatter wasn’t sickening enough, this immense slag now demands Britain opens its borders and co-exist with IS…. This thick as pigshit whore would do and say anything to gain publicity and more online ‘fans’…. Her shameless media prostitution and endless brainless bullshit stinks as bad as her overused twat… Fucking cunt…

    • I wonder: could they let Mark Chapman out for one night, and let him do for that Perry cunt?…

      • She has been getting shagged rotten since The Mickey Mouse Club. Another music industry whore.

    • And that skagbag cunt Madogga can fuck off and all… A ‘tribute’ message three days late?! She’s been too busy posting self promoting pics of herself and her ‘brown babies’ holding up swear words on cushions (very clever, eh?)… Just croak already, yer old slag..

      • Madonna is a fucking WHORE. Abused all, the way through her ‘career’.

    • I think she and Corbyn should pop off to Syria or Iraq and sit down for a nice cup of tea wth ISIS.
      Seems like a plan…

      • Shit Dio, if they were to do that, I’d personally drive the cunts to the nearest airport!

  15. i actually think most Muslims dont actually know whats in their so called ‘ glorious’ Quran. 1 in 5 verses are total nonsense, apparently the Stars are missiles sent to shoot down Demons, the Earth appeared before the stars, there are talking Ants ( really ) the Sun sets in a muddy pool, embryos are made of clods of mud, its unadultered shite oh and Muhammed was a murdering fuckin paedophile who had his son in law murdered and then married his wife. on other sites i’ve debated with Muslims. you just cannot get through to them, they are scarily brainwashed.

    • You are being too generous when you say 1 in 5 verses are total nonsense. I forced myself to read the Koran and I would say three-quarters of it is pure gibberish. And most of the rest is about infidels going to hell.

      • We had numerous copies in various languages. Apart from the bog roll escapade, we got time to read some of the English versions.
        The Scots have a similar publication called “The Peoples Friend”. Both are complete gibberish and fucking shite.

    • I think it was Casablanca I was in when the guide explained the school system. Their primary school consisted of two years of Religious School where they learned the Koran.
      As the Kaflicks say “Get ’em young enough and you’ve got ’em for life”

    • You forgot the bit about the flying, white horse.
      “Don’t cut your nails after Midnight or snakes will enter your home.”
      “If a woman is on her period, she’s not allowed to touch the Quran.”
      Anyone who accepts this dogshite in the lives shouldn’t be allowed to breed.
      Some of these cretins believe in angels.

      The more superstitions you have in your life, the less intelligent you are.

  16. Question tine tonight with Burnham Rudd and a supposed peace activist.God I feel angry already.

  17. At the risk of being arrested for thought crime, my opinion of Mohemmed is that he was a minor warlord who headed up a heretical christian death cult, when not occupied with slaughtering anyone who got in his way, enjoyed fingering his 9 year old bride

    • Not too far from the truth, actually. Except he was clearly a schizophrenic. God only talks to schizos, blind people in deserts, lepers, and cripples.

      Jesus “cured” lepers. Why didn’t he just cure “leprosy”?

    • Mohammed isn’t the problem. Words can not hurt you. I have books on martial arts but do not go around kung fu kicking. What I mean is I have the sense to determine what is acceptable and what is not.

  18. Watching all the feckless libtards and simple minded idiots singing in Manchester this evening “Don’t look back in anger” They might as well be singing “do it again” or “We want some more ” Waving flags and lighting candles will never deter, it will only encourage.

    If the silly twats want to sing something ,how about “fuck off you cunts ” to the tune of auld lang syne. Better still. “Suck my cock,suck my cock till the mornin” ( old salvation army favourite ) or simply “Islam is a load of shite, a load of shite , a load of shite “.

    I must watch QT tonight, I want a new telly!!!

      • Exactly. Get angry. Simple but true. I can’t get my head around the fact that such an dreadful crime against humanity has been committed by that murdering cunt and the whole country suddenly seems to have gone all peaceful (definately not a pun) and lovey dovey. Wierd.

    • Or ‘Fuck Allah! La-La-La-La!’Banana Splits theme…

      Or the anti-City Man United ‘nick nack paddyawhack’ song reworded:

      ‘Fuck Iraq! Fuck Iran! Libya! Syria! Pakistan!
      With a nick nack paddywack, give a dog a bone
      Why don’t muzzies fuck off home?!’

      And how about that old Smiths standard, ‘Panic’…

      ‘Hang the Muzzies! Hang the Muzzies! Hang the Muzzies’ etc…

      The flakey wakey libmongs could have sung a reworked Joy Division tune….
      ‘Wogs… Wogs will tear us apart again…’

      • Or a bit of Slade’s ‘Mama Weer All Crazee Now’ redone as

        ‘Al – Allah, yer can all fuck off now!’

  19. Tories only 5 points ahead of Labour with Labours support increasing.Fucking hell.

    • Ah, don’t worry it’s just a slight pre election wobble…..common sense will prevail on the day.

      Fucking hope so anyway.

      • Must be one of those rogue polls, just like with the Jock’s independence vote, you know, the one which scared Cameron into giving them even more devolution.

      • Cameron is a cunt AND as far as I am concerned the strange death of one of his advisor pals in a portaloo at Glastonbury has never been properly explained. Yes Dave we all know what really happened here, don’t we .

  20. I want to know where this Allahu Snackbar is located. These beardy extremist types like to shriek it at high volume when they get fired up and hot under the burka.

  21. Apparently we are not to ‘look back in anger’ at the fact that an 8 year old child was blown up at a pop concert in one of our cities. I cannot find the words to appropriately cunt this sentiment. Dear fucking God.

    • Don’t you get it? The cunts want us to be more ”accepting” and more ”understanding” of the peacefuls from Fuckheadistan or whatever shithole they crawled out of.

      • Just caught that on ITV news. Stoopid old moonfaced hag.

        Mores the pity that no one just told her to shut the fuck up!

      • Another ‘meme’ that is getting spread by arseholes. ‘Don’t let them divide us’. Don’t divide what exactly? We are totally united in our and anger and hatred of this utterly evil mind set which is hell bent on killing us all irrespective of our faith or none. Who the fuck is spreading this meme of deception?

      • I propose she should be taken on a visit to the mortuary before she starts up the next verse.Seriously.

  22. I think I will pass on Question Time tonight, I don’t need to have that level of rage induced right now……

    • I agree, got it on now, but Andy Burnham is a shite gob, a cunt shite gob, a mouthpiece for shite!!

      • Mid Staffs Burnham……. how this cunt ever got another job after that I will never know.

      • His main concern will not to be offending the muslim population who themselves are probably shit scared of the extremist cock sucking cunts amongst them.

    • Fucking right. That fucking fucking fucking Burnham cunt has already turned it around to not having enough police and some cunt in the audience has said that there aren’t enough police so ‘This sort of thing will happen, what do you expect?’ Fuck me. Cunts.

      • Sod the police issue, this sort of shit wouldn’t happen if we didn’t let every single cunt from shithole cuntries with less than pleasant intentions towards us in.

  23. Burnham learned his lesson when the Anfield crowd booed him at one of their endless weepfests. Now he knows when to cry at the right time the bullshitting fucking cunt.

  24. Amber Rug muncher is a fucking shite. ” Its not about resources ” “Police cuts of 20.000 have no impact whatsoever” Ex Policeman says differently, but the Rug Muncher implies that he doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    If this is the way in which we, the people , are to be protected by those in power ( Rug Muncher for example ) then WE are fucked. The arrogant detached from reality cunt licking bitch is as much use as a fucking one legged man in an arse kicking contest.

  25. It’s odd when we have to believe that a deity could be vain or insecure.

    He refuses any criticism. Salman Rushdie wrote ‘The Satanic Verses’ and consequently had a death sentence placed on him. Because of a book.

    When some artists lampooned him, they were all sprayed in their office. Because of a cartoon.

    He demands to be worshipped all day long.

    He wants gratitude all the time for things he supposedly created.

    This Allah sounds terribly vain and woefully insecure.

    • I’ve met a few vain and insecure people over the years and unsurprisingly, they were all massive,unbearable cunts…

      • Exactly, but can they be content subscribing to their own fairy world? No, they have to try to embroil everyone into their nonsense, these paper-thin, hateful devil-dodgers.

  26. Question ‘A Cunt’ time, what a piece of cunt.
    A load of cunts treading on eggshells, talking a lot but saying fuck all.
    Whoever the fuck started sing “Dont look back in anger” the other day is a fucking twat stupid cunt. All this grief and unity is all well intentioned but it’s bollocks and whoever the terrorist cunts are must watch it and think what a load of soppy cunts.
    Too many weak cunts, and this country has become a joke.
    Example: In Jamaica they raised petrol prices and there were riots and people ended up dead.
    In Britain they raise fuel and we have the fuel protest and fuck all happens. The government and whoever else have won and turned the majority into a load of pussyholes.

    • That guy who had the leaflets from the Mosque was ace though.Of course Dimbleby shut him off.

      • Exactly, Dimbleby is so biased its a joke. He needs to fuck off and retire. He looks about 107.

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