I’d like to cunt the thick cunts who do not know the difference between a suggestion and a promise.
Here is the definition of a suggestion;
An idea or plan put forward for consideration.
Here is the definition of a promise;
A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.
The two are quite different things. A few examples of a suggestion would be;
Lets go to the pub.
Lets have chips for tea.
Lets go to the seaside at the weekend.
Now these are promises;
We will go to the pub.
We will have chips for tea.
We will go to the seaside at the weekend.
You see, completely different aren’t they? Only a fucking moron would confuse the two.
Just like the fucking remoaner morons who think “Lets fund the NHS instead” is a fucking promise! It is a suggestion, you dos fucking CCCCCUUUUNNNNTTTTSSSS!
Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart.
Naturally the Remainiacs very well know the difference, they are simply trying to obfuscate an important point. Moreover (regarding the Brexit suggestion) it was said by people who weren’t in a powerful enough position to implement the suggestions, thus proving it was a suggestion. Furthermore, it wasn’t in a manifesto and therefore cannot be seen as a promise.
If credulous fuckwits can’t see the function behind words such as “should”, “ought to”, “shall we…” etc then they shouldn’t be allowed to procreate, let alone vote.
I’d like to nominate the entire House of Lords. In particular, the thieves in ermine, Swraj Paul and Paul White.
So CMC is that your website or something? just curious…
It is. I’ve blogrolled it. A better read than a good few others I’ve seen…
I’ve written on this a few times over the years…
I read it whenever CMC mentions it but I can’t log in to leave a comment for some reason.
Read your blog. Excellent go at the H.O.L. but I prefer an uncivilised approach by throwing in a few “twats” “cunts” etc….you are very polite. Spot on, but polite..How the fuck do you do it?
I save my swearing for this site. My mother reads the blog.
God that pope is such a fucking idiot what a heritic 1st he’s sticking up for terrorists and then letting moslems pray in the vatican.. didn’t mohammad want to conquer rome if I’m not mistaken?
Now hes saying populism is evil. Keep in mind few years ago he was saying positive things about communism probably at how well it works at driving fear in you and keeping you a mindless slave working for the oligarchs https://i.redd.it/c5o0k5gk5mpy.jpg
That fucking faith is the most hypocritical in all the fucking world. The things I was taught as a kid are now forgotten, were never said, were never meant, were mistaken…..the whole fucking thing was a tissue of arse wipe and shit.
As for fucking popes…..expose the kiddie fiddlers, expose the child murders, expose the child trafficking, and maybe…just maybe…the church will survive.
Meanwhile, and until then, goodnight…fuck off……Cunts
Not to mention the Catholic church were enthusiastic supporters of the Third Reich, the only Nazi ever to be excommunicated by the church of Rome, even after all the war crime tribunals was Joseph Goebbels and that was for marrying a Protestant.
And when Mighty Mo said he and the third world boom boom boys wanted to take Rome, they meant it symbolically, as in taking the whole of Christendom and thereby eradicating Christianity all together.
Brother,s just returned from Rome and tells me that there are two mosques within pissing distance of the Vatican ! Holy Fuck ! It’s over boys…we’re fucked!
muslims and catholic priests…..bet there’s not an undiddled kiddie within miles.
I can’t remember who said it,but there was a quote about the middle eastern attitude to sex – ” a woman for necessity, a boy for pleasure and a goat for ecstasy”!!
…. ‘Once in a lifetime Scottish Independance referendum’ …. Salmon and Sturgeon. Maybey they were referring to the ‘lifetime’ of a fucking Mayfly !!!!
The SNP appear to use the same referendum model as the EU..
It’s your choice unless you make in (our) opinion the wrong one, but don’t worry as (we) will give you as many chances as (we ) like till you reach the democratic?? Decision that (we) want!! …. good old democracy…
Quislings. Fuckin love it!
My pleasure ?
Maybe they just meant the lifetime of a sturgeon, salmon(d) of some other fishy cunts.
I know of a politician who made a promise and kept it. The late and very great ( in my opinion ) Enoch Powell said following his “Rivers of Blood ” speech. ” I promise you that no good will come from this ( immigration ) and the black man will have the whip hand”.
I see today an empowered creature of the Flabbot kind that simply is here to stay….need I say more ?
The Labour Party are monumental cunts… They suspend Ken Livingstone for saying Nazi Germany and Zionists worked with one another, yet their scruffy cunt of a leader was up the the arse of the IRA and, only a matter of days ago, was eulogising that (now dead) murdering cunt, Martin McGuinness… Not OK to upset J*ws (which doesn’t take much!), but OK to condone and suck up to murderous Fenian cunts?…. What a bunch of twats…
Yeah Norman. Blair is an evil cunt, and that display of cock sucking the corpse of McGuncunt was truly revolting. As for Ken, he has an opinion and he shouldn’t be fucked over for using it! As for the Jews…well at the minute they’re being a bit naughty I hear…something to do with a territorial claim in London…using telegraph posts. Dont understand it….but I hear it upsets the muzzies and irritates the Elected Muzzie of London…..Can’t be bad then? Can it?
Anti-Semitism is rife in the Labour party as they generally sympathise with the peaceful lot and this gets them votes. Particularly fraudulent votes which is ‘cultural’. Feminism is also rife unless applied to the religion of peace when repression, fmg etc is also accepted as ‘cultural’.
Israel does do some bad things but all things are relative. Without Israel the land would just be a barren shithole of sectarian murderers. In other words Islamic.
Ain’t that the truth!! ?
Exactly right!! Every Cunt from clegg thru to cambell have when interviewed mentioned the RED BUS!!! and the arse wipe interviewers have never ever questioned it! It’s really fuckin irritating…Cunts
I suggest that all politicians are arseholes.
I promise to cunt politicians.
CUNTs all politicians are cunts.
Has Frankie Boyle had a cunting yet? He deserves one for the following, just a 2 sentence excerpt from a magnum opus of cuntitude to be found here;
“It’s not hard to imagine England relishing the prospect of a war. Look at how much they enjoy hurting Spanish people in their spare time.”
Not at all racist that, is it you ginger gobshite cunt? The English relish a war because we English are war like people, is that the jist of it? Not at all like the peace loving Scots who regularly hospitalise any cunt for having the wrong accent in the wrong pub in the wrong part of town.
Not only are we a warlike people, the English, but we enjoy hurting the Spaniards. And how exactly do we do that oh wise speccy bastard? By spending an average of £1300 per family in Spain? By being the largest group by far to visit with 17,840,292 Brits visiting Spain in 2016 thus contributing 11% of GDP to their beleaguered economy?
He must be hard as fucking nails, that cunt. He must have fought off thousands who would give him a proper pasting. Still, we live in hope….
Skid..spot on as usual… this labial prolapse is begging to be cunted!
Boyle is a cunt but come on – where’s your sense of humour? He is being clever rather than indulging in his usual paedo tourettes . Cant think of any other clever or funny Remoaners, particularly not scotch cunts.
I have cunted Frankie Boyle before but it was never accepted or its buried deep within the queue or something He makes some good points on the useless labour party and funny stuff about gibraltar despite him being a cunt
Anyone’d develop a sense of humour if you were unfortunate enough to be woefully shat out into the World looking like that. His face looks like it smells of shit. Even Boyle’s hair looks angry, as if it’s rebelling against having sprouted from such a putrid skin; as if it knows it is Scottish.
He’s Irish.
Born in Scotland, but to Irish parents.
He has claimed to have been racially abused due to him being Irish.
Another mouthpiece who doesn’t understand the meaning of race.
I’ll admit that when I have seen him on YouTube, I almost piss myself.
Very funny guy.
And he has plenty of Harvey jokes.
That’s always fun. 🙂
Frankie Boyle has made me laugh a lot over the years, but I still think he’s a massive cunt. A sort of lefty version of Clarkson…
Truth manipulation & political double speak, ie lying is as easy as breathing for these cunts. The no mark moon faced cunt Nicky Morgan is a master, everything from grammer schools, gay marriage and the EU and preformed so many U-turns she is now more Lib Dem or Labour than Tory who are only using the clueless fucker to frustrate from within.
Nicky Morgan wants a good fucking! ( but not by me )
My dogs up for the job?
Must be a blind dog – and I don’t mean a guide one.
The bus wanker argument is so laughable it isn’t worth gobbing on. I seem to remember that, for years, politicians on both sides promised us an EU referendum but always found a reason not to keep that promise. I seem to remember that archremoaner Cleggy swept to power promising no rise in University fees…good job he didn’t write it on the side of a bus eh? A few years ago we were told to buy diesel cars and given financial incentives to do so because they were better for the environment. Now we’re told they are choking us to death so Suckdick Khan is going to hammer us with an “emissions charge”. ( Uber cars excepted of course) I seem to remember the Pigfucker and his Home Secretary, The Mayfly promising to reduce immigration to “the tens of thousands”. Oh how we laughed. Fuck me, when it comes to politicians’ promises I am reminded of the Native American chief Red Cloud….”They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one…they promised to take our land and they took it.”
Ha ha! Suckdick Khan.
…Didn’t think of that one.
Actually I stole it from someone else on here. I like to be honest…..wouldn’t make much of a politician would I?
When trolls target us cunters for being keyboard warriors and no life cunts, they never praise us for the many variations of cunts names we come up with.
Credit where credits due, and all that.
This whole Brexit ‘they promised this’ bollocks by the left is desperate and getting tired now. Fuck off you cunts.
Updates and updating is a cunt,
Notice your phone/tablet/computer slows down and seems lethargic when it ‘requires’ an update? They want you to keep up to date because it contains many security updates blah blah blah… Fuck off you cunts. Apple are taking the piss as well, I’ve used Mac’s since 1997 way before the ipod cunts got involved and now they’re beings cunts. I use mostly high end third party music production software and an expensive Audio Interface (which relies on software to operate with the computer) and every fucking time Apple bring out a new operating system all the third party developers have to update or sometimes rewrite the code. So you may say ‘don’t update then’ and keep the same operating system. Well that’s all good but you need to clean your mac every year and reinstall the operating system after zeroing all data anyways Apple only offer the latest operating system to reinstall or maybe the one before if your lucky. I use two older operating systems you cannot download from App store anymore as they work solidly with all my third party software and its stable (a rare thing in computer based studios). So I’ve had to buy a USB stick off ebay with the OS’ I need as Apple won’t let me get them anymore. I am going to stop using my main computer on the Internet now, and I won’t get all this update bollocks. Anyways rant over, updating is a cunt and when in twenty years you have to take your car in for a software update and it fucks up and decides to drive you over a cliff don’t say I never warned you about updating. What a piece of cunt.
Thats the problem with every year new software cycles, they release it to soon and may times with bugs…and the user gets the bill with constant updates, heck even windows 10 is pain with upgrades and automatic anti -virus who turns on by itself.
I have no idea if Claire Suggitt from Hull is a cunt or not. However she has just been on All Out Politics on Sky News and I can confirm she has huge tits.
She can suggit. 🙂
More like Claire Sucktit then Skidmark
Brian Matthews has died.
What, the turkey bloke? Boo’iful!
I’m generally an honest person except, when the opportunity arises, I’m likely to say “I promise I won’t come in your mouth.”
Superb cuntings eggfart.
These remoaners have used every shite excuse they can against brexit and they all failed.
That bus is one dead horse that they just can’t stop flogging!
It pisses me right off!
You’re right. Saying “let’s spend it on the NHS instead” is no where near a promise to pour all the money into the health service.
Fuckin deluded, shit for brains, desperate, remoaning CUNTS!!
What is also obvious (to me anyway) is that those on the side of the leave argument were not in government so promises could not be made in any event.
The cunts like Campbell and little Timmy Farron are either thick i.e. not understanding the difference between a promise and a suggestion or they are cunts who bend words to mean something they dont.
The latter I think.
Things are definitely heating up in Gibraltar.
As of Friday, all persons crossing the border into Gibraltar will need a valid passport.
That sounds fair enough, but for years the Spanish and Gibraltarians have been able to cross with a EU identity card.
This new ruling has bewildered me coz many, many Spanish cross border workers don’t have passports.
Without the mass of Spanish workers, Gibraltar could come to a stand still.
And don’t think the gaps left will be filled with gibraltarian workers.
Gibraltarians are very choosy about their employment.
The service industry us beneath them.
For years threats have been flying back and forth with nothing ever happening, so I’ll wait until Friday and I’ll let ye’s know.
I’m sorta hoping to witness a riot, whilst I calmly pass by with my BRITISH passport held aloft.
Speaking of passports Stonewall are crying like little girls because they want passports to have an “X” gender classification for freaks to travel when they are in the middle of their “transition”. Just fuck off you attention seeking fucking pervert cunts. Nobody wants you in their country so stay home and die cunts.
I would doubt that. Have you never heard of Bacha Bazi? These are adolescent boys sold by poor families to dress up as girls and dance suggestively for rich men. Then the cunts make a selection and fuck them up the arse. It’s been part of Islamic culture for centuries. I suspect they would welcome some nice young trannies. Frank Maloney might struggle though.
Very common in Morocco, that practice.
British squadies serving in Afghanistan have been instructed not to say anything about their Afghan compatriots keeping young boys chained up in their rooms. Bad for morale and all that.
Yes, and who would have thought this barbaric practice would turn up in places like Rochdale and Rotherham? Of course, we have a different name for it.
Which side has imposed this new measure? It doesn’t really make much sense to either side. I know the dagos occasionally impose stringent checks leaving the Rock causing long tailbacks and the border used to be completely closed, again by the dagos.
Gibraltar, it seems.
The missus got a message sent on Facebook from some government office this afternoon.
It doesn’t make any sense to me either.
Spain always make threats, but its the first time I can remember Gibraltar making one.
You never have to show a passport to British control when you leave Gibraltar, and they haven’t the facilities to do so.
I don’t think this has been properly thought through.
The deigos will never shut the border because there are too many Spanish living in Spain and working in Gib. Shutting the border would result in the Spanish rioting as they’re thrown out of work overnight.
As for Gib shutting it, well that;s a turn up for the book. See how the fucking Spanish like it. They threaten us, we threaten them back. Seems fair to me – although both sides are bullshitting…
Is it just me or are the cunts who insist that ever i is dotted and every t is crossed before classifying a terror attack as “islamist” are exactly the same set of cunts who are accusing Assad of a chemical attack without a stitch of independent evidence?
Some Ivan general reckons that the syrian air force bombed a rebel munitions dump and the that the chemical weapons or their constituents were in there and got blown up with the rest of the stuff
if the syrians still had sarin etc you’d think they’d have used used when ISIS retook Palmyra
i watched some of the UN security council bullshit slagging off syria/assad on al jazeera and came away thinking our rep matthew rycroft and his french counterpart are a right pair of cunts – and that american slag who replaced samantha power
Bad Vlad and Big Don should just flatten that Syrian shithole and split it, East/West Krautland style… They should then warn Merkel that if there’s any more shit out of her that wall will be going back up again…
The timing of this doesn’t add up. Chemical weapons are used as a last resort when you know you are losing. But Assad is winning, so it doesn’t make sense for him to use them, if indeed he has any left after the Russians forced him to give them all up. The rebels, IS, Al Nusra, et al have chemical weapons for sure and it would make more sense for them to use them, especially as they know the west will pin it on Assad and likely give them more aid as a result.
If you look at some of the language being used, it is all very obtuse. Like Boris saying “No evidence to suggest Syria chemical attack was done by anyone but Assad” That is as may be but it does not prove anything.
If you use the old Roman method of investigation, cui bono? Those who benefit most from this attack, if indeed it actually took place, are the terrorists wanting to turn secular Syria into a full on sunni hell hole.
Labour once again exhibits its complete incompetence and unsuitability for power. Either Ken Livingstone has said something anti semitic ( which he hasn’t ) or he hasn’t. If he is guilty as charged he should be expelled from the party and if he is innocent he should be vindicated. Instead they choose to fudge the issue and just suspend him for a year. Useless fucking cunts.
I took stick for years for hating labour.
They were for the working class and shite rainbows, was the usual crap I’d hear.
How smug I feel to watch the cunts implode.
The labour party is and always has been full of deceitful cunts, who seem to love fuckin people over for their own benefit, whilst masquerading as our saviours.
The Tories have some cunts as well, but they don’t hide it.
One of the slimiest cunts of the labour party is Hillary Clinton Benn. He manages to just slip under the radar, yet at the same time stir the shite with a fucking big paddle. This cunt is lurking around for an opportunity, a shot at the leadership perhaps? Who knows. Slimy….very slimy.
The Labour Party is fucked beyond repair. Half of them are Tories with red ties and the other half are Islington liberalati who only care about diversity, the Palestinian problem, gay rights, trannie toilets and hate crime. Kier Hardie must be spinning in his grave. The working class can kiss their arse, as somebody nearly said. What really pisses me off about both sides is that they have the fucking front to call themselves socialists! Every fucking single one of them. How can a socialist be pro-EU? In what fucking world can that make any sense? They need to get down the library and look the word up in a dictionary. A pity they closed them all down or turned them into taxpayer funded branches of Blockbuster fucking Video the cunts. I suppose they could always buy a copy. (On Parliamentary expenses, of course) useless fucking cunts.
Hilarious Benn got destroyed by Andrew Neil a year or two ago, I think it’s still on you tube under the headine hiliary Benn car crash interview?? A complete and utter fuckwit, his old man hated the Eu and there’s plenty of you tube clips where he piles into them…
Hiliary Benn is a weak willed, lily livered, EU toady Cunt!!!
As always spot on. A fuckwit of the highest order.
My dad was no Thatcherite by any means.. But he said in 1983: ‘If Labour gets in, they will let every fucking foreign cunt in here (The UK) and they will overrun, the country, the health service, the streets, and the welfare state… They’ll be like fucking locusts….’
Saw an African family today… Been here for years, none of them (apparently) speak English, all four of them had walking sticks (to claim benefits no doubt! The amouint of ‘disabled’ yet able bodied sambos with walking sticks is astonishing!), yet they’re always about blowing money in the shops (they obviously don’t work (and never have!)… Nice one,Blair, you fucking cunt…
Like that Polish cunt who got his head kicked in, been in UK for 6 years and couldn’t speak a word of English.
Talking of the aforementioned Um Bongo drinkers, these ‘disabled’ fog inspectors always do the pig ignorant routine and claim to be illiterate as well as skiving cunts… Every fucking item they pick up in any shop, they go up to the checkout and say’ ‘How much for dis?’ Exasperated staff will point out the price and regardless of what the price actually is these Bogo-Bogo-ers always say ‘I give you one pound! I have for one pound!’ I have seen this several times in different places, and it’s always the same sambos: ‘Me no understandy! I give you pound!’… But of course if any establishemt attempts to ban them the council and other snowflake scum will sound the ‘racist’ siren at full volume… Migrants’ Fuck them! Diversity? Bollocks!
I’d like to give a cunting to High-Fiving.
I felled a large beech tree a few days ago,and after it was down,the home-owner approached me with a raised hand while saying… “Way to go Dude”. I’m not a fucking 18 year old rapper from downtown Los Angeles,and neither is he….in fact he’s a fucking 40 year old middle-class architect from northern England.
I ignored the wanker….. Fucking idiot.
What about when cunts grab yer hand and then push their shoulders into yours ?
If I’m not wearing a sideways baseball cap, don’t do it.
What is it with modern society and modern strangers touching each other.
Fuck off, leave me alone or ye’ll get a repeated clenched five.
A distant relative of mine did that to me some time ago. I head butted him. What was I supposed to do I thought the bastard was attacking me. Needless to say I do not get many invites to family “do’s” or parties for that matter. I will die a mean lonely cunt thats one thing I’m sure of, but hey fuck it all.
Perfectly reasonable behaviour, BB. 🙂 . Your old car still going ok ?
Thank you DF, I knew someone would understand. The old car is still going well, scaring the shit out of me and pissing off the neighbours.
I was having a smoke with a couple once.
She got up from his side, walked over to me and bent down, cupped my face and came in close.
I looked over her shoulders at her boyfriend and he just smiled and nodded, so I thought “fuck it, he don’t mind, I don’t mind”.
At the very last second I noticed the end of a joint in her mouth.
She was giving me a blowback.
A fuckin blowback.
That was a close one.
did the pair of you have saucepans on your heads a la homer simpson and the rest of the simpson caln males
I want to support this nomination. Fucking American cultural imperialism. All that high 5ing, fist bumps, man hugging (poofs) and all the language. Yeah get this up there, I’ve got a lot to say about this bollocks. Way to go dude!
Anyone who uses the word ‘dude’ is a prize cunt…
Peter Capaldi never had a hope as Doctor Who: what with that pube headed snowflake cunt, Moffatt, and the other ABBC libmongs… But when he had to do a story wearing shades, playing an electric guitar, and shouting ‘dudes!’ he was fucked there and then…
what a superb cunting
as i crossed the street the other day a chugger raised his hand and actually said the words high 5 bro
i was fucking livid and told the cunt in no uncertain terms to fuck right off fucking high 5 bro cunt
Hi -Fiving, fist bumps the preserve of rappers and twats which amount to the same thing.
What a cunt! I hope you charged the idiot double…. I hate any wigger shite!! I heard a couple outside Tesco,s the other week week, one actually said to his mate ” let me arcs you sumfing “?? CUNTS……
one of the biggest culprits is that fuckin twat plan B!! ” yeah man! Dis dat and da other” prick!!
Aks, as in “I aks you” is actually olde English.
It changed a couple of hundred years ago, so believe it or not, they lazy mouthed cunts have actually got something right.
“Ask” is the bastardization.
That’s according to a language expert on Up All Night.
The same dude also said that the “H” was always silent until Queen Victoria started pronouncing it.
That makes sense, coz southerners still drop their H’s.
Finally the penny has dropped for Left Wing comedian cunts, Stewart Lee and Marcus Brigstock to name two, report audiences outside of London walk out when they do any anti Brexit material. If you stand there and say 52% of the UK are racist bigots what the fuck do you expect? There’s a whole world outside your gluton free, soya bean, fair trade fucking coffee Guardianista reading Islington bubble.
I saw that too…. fuckin cocks!!
Stewart Lee, a comedian? I thought he was just some rambling, underfunded Performance art act. Laugh? I nearly started.
i’m more concerned that any proper brexiteers paid to see these up their own arse cunts in the first place
All good, but arcs ain’t shit!! And sumfing, dis, dat and da other isn’t English!! It’s utter nonsense..
What is English?
One thing that makes our island different from the rest of the world is our regional dialects and colloquialisms.
Celebrate it .
I had some cunt on here the other week telling me my language was “outdated”.
If we all spoke the same, it would be boring and 1984ish.
I like most regional accents,not Scouse,obviously,but this talking like some coon from “da hood” drives me fucking mental. Who the fuck admires the cunts so much they want to imitate them? I’d be appalled if some cunt mistook me for an American sambo when I was talking.
Birdman,you’re just not down with the kids like us hip dudes. :). .
Americanisms are cuntish, I agree with that.
If ye hate the scouse accent, see how much ye hate it after watching Tanya Tate.
She’s a scouse porn star doing her tang in LA.
She looks American (blonde/big tits) but still has the scouse accent.
I like all British accents.
Boring and 1984-ish is what the cunts want, the bland utopian future they have planned for those of us who might be allowed to survive.
I really do hope I’m just being paranoid, honest…
Agreed birdman but white people trying to sound and act like black homeboyz are in my book anyway CUNTS!! That’s not regional dialect etc etc that’s just acting the twat!! Try listening to the irritating Cunt plan b?? Garbage talking prick that he is……
Totally agree, wiggers are undoubtedly cunts.
Their parents should have slapped the cunts whennyhe change started.
What they need is electricution lessons….. fuckin idiots!!
that cunt Charlie Sloth is the worst cunt in the world for chatting wigger surely the fat cunt is old enough to know better and that he sounds like a complete cunt which of course he is