This is some 90 year old veteran who has decided to “transition”. The cunt’s G.P. has put it on oestrogen tablets (no waste of NHS funds there),it has taken to dressing in woman’s clothes,and it has joined the fucking Women’s Institute. I hope it gets fucked to death by Peter Stringfellow.
All this shite about being “trapped” in the wrong body is just fucking wrong. People are born either male or female,and that’s all there is to it. The perverts who claim otherwise are self-indulgent freaks who have a mental disorder,not a physical one. Pandering to their delusions does them no favours,and they should not be indulged. Millions of pounds are wasted just so that a bunch of weirdos can prance around making unconvincing attempts to defy nature.
Euthanaize the whole lot of them,be they 9 years old through to 90. That should save the NHS a few quid,and prevent the risk of an ordinary red-blooded male,who had possibly had a few beers too many, making a terrible mistake and attempting to board one of these decepticons.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler.
As an Antipodean I get to see these nominations first. Just coughed up me VB! FFS , a 90 year old tranny.
“Prevent the risk of an ordinary red-blooded male, who had possibly had a few beers too many, making a terrible mistake and attempting to board one of these decepticons.” Want to let us know what you’ve been up to Mr Fiddler? On second thoughts, don’t. I need to sleep at night.
I recall one of these types at work back in the 90s. He/she (or is it she/he, fuck knows) couldn’t cope with the job and left pretty quickly. On his/her last day, got completely pissed and two of the blokes had to go into the ladies’ toilets and carry him/her out.
On another note, here’s a rant about our favourite racist…
Bet you’d like a crack at her Mr Fiddler!
As has been said before, and we should never forget…if this heap of shite had been born white, she’d have been banged up for “hate crimes” decades ago. A true piss-boiler, this one…
Prince Charles needs cunting again. Was in local bookstore (“for local people”…) today, saw some of those spoof Ladybird books. About an inch away, was “Climate Change: HRH The Prince of Wales, Juniper & Shuckburgh”., publ. by…Ladybird, who are obviously now trying to muscle in on specialist publishing, cf Elsevier etc. Had to check to see if this was a spoof too; the authors sound like an unfunny “comedy” trio (Sue Perkins and flap-ears being about interchangeable and as much use as a chocolate teapot). I think it was actually a serious book; it had an inner-front with the usual “Claret House, Kensington” letterhead, and a loopy scrawl at the bottom from the scrote himself. Another thing struck me – the German-sounding name…wasn’t one of his ancestors some ten-a-penny Prince Hohenzollern Shuckburgh Vorpommern or something similar?
I’ve I’d been him, I’d at least have tried to get “Corgi” to publish this pile of cack. Much closer to home…
Ah, disrespect for our very own jug-eared, homeopathic hypocrite. Actually they are all the same – a bunch of talentless scrounging parasites. A dynasty of Kardasians if you like.
Can anyone explain why this family, with it’s multiple palaces, land, even more residences and an obscene amount of our money is even in this country? The average British person is as closely related to the Tudors or Plantagenets as this lot. Some chinless German cunt was invited to be king a few hundred years ago. Now we have dozens and dozens of the fuckers. They serve no purpose. France manages to function and attract tourists without the encumbrance of a bunch of royal parasites.
Charles 1 should have been the last of the fuckers. The honours system serves to keep us down and them up thanks to all the lickspittling cunts who want their ‘gongs’.
About time we got rid of them along with the House of Lords and all the rest of this archaic bullshit.
When NHS bosses are whinging on about budget cuts and funding, telling freaks like this to fuck off would be a start, at the other end of the scale where cunts encourage kids to identifiy as gender neutral is just sick. Never heard of ‘transphobia’ until a few years ago now every cunt is bleating on about it, obsessing over where trans cunt can take a dump, gender neutral uniforms for the rozzas and an X on passports and bank accounts.
Now that poofery has become “normal” (and you have to admire the bender battalion for pulling that one off) poncing about like a stereotypical jessie no longer attracts any attention. Instead of the law trying to lock you up now it’s on your side. Make a joke about gays, express disgust about poofery at work and you’ll be lucky to hold on to your job. There’s nothing to fight against and nobody cares about poofery anymore. So now if you want attention and you want to be a victim of society you have to be one of these abominations. It’s all “look at me, look at me” starting with parents who want their kids to be trannies so they can be on the telly and ending up with this pathetic old cunt. “15 minutes of fame”, Andy Warhol said, but I wonder if he had this sort of shit in mind?
Read william burroughs Wild Boys its a novel It depicts a homosexual movement whose objective is the downfall of western civilization, its sadly prophetic if not 100% accurate on certain subjects
“The bender battalion for pulling that one off” arf arf chortle. ?
…. I remember a joke, I think from ‘The Comedians – Wheel Tappers and Shunters, ( so those of a certain age know that wasn’t yesterday ) …
Bloke goes round to visit his mate and finds him packing his suitcase to leave the country … “What the fuck are you up to ?” ..he asks .. Mate says .. ” It’s that homosexuality … I’m worried ..” .. Bloke .. “What do you mean ?” .. Mate ..” A hundred years ago you’d be hung for it .. fifty years ago, you’d be lashed for it , twenty five years ago, you’d be jailed for it … ten years ago, it was accepted .. five years ago, it was normal …” … Bloke .. “So why are you packing you’re suitcase ?” .. Mate .. ” I’m getting to fuck before it becomes compulsory ” …
Never a true word said in jest.. as they say…. I’m off to pack my suitcase..
I don’t give a fuck if he was a war hero,to be male all your life, and suddenly, as the pearly gates emerge in the mist, decide God was a cunt for giving you the wrong carcass, and decide to become a 90 year old tart, soiled knickers to boot.
As for the stupid fuckers who normalise all this shit. It aint fucking normal, never will be normal, and will forever fuck up the course of human development.
It’s a damn good business opportunity – there’s going to be a need for shrivelled-up or saggy tit implants for these “cases”. Sure it could be done from recycled plastic bottles / jamrags / clinical waste &c.
Born a man let me die a woman.
Stupid old cunt.
See on the news this morning that Trump has fired upon Syria. Putin is fucking furious, and is backing Syria. Stand by for some serious shit!
Trump 1, World XI nil. As the muricans are fond of saying “shit’s gonna get real”. At least the Donald isnt one for fucking about, good man.
I’d like a new bathroom. I wonder if I could get it on the NHS.
Only if you need a “special” wet-corner for ritual beheading / halal goat-slaughter…
Words fail me other than cunt!!?
Syria is a fucking mess. It says on the BBC that eye witnesses say that that chemical attack was caused by a bomb hitting a chemical munitions dump. Well what the fuck was that doing in a residential area? It should have been 10 miles away in a very secure building. They’re not supposed to have chemical weapons at all. People starving and they spend money on that shit.
Meanwhile no statement from Harold Assad, a kind of political silent comedy film actor. What a cunt!
Today’s winners are… wait for it ! TURKEY in 1st place yeah.
And in second place….THE LIBTARDS….yeah….. and in close 3rd place … yes folks….its…. ISIS….
Would it be possible to rush through an emergency cunting for the hopefully due to die of cancer of the cocks,the thieving,inbred,crack addled scum who decided to burgle a house and while they were doing it thought it would be a good idea to drown a 7 month old puppy in the bath…..may you be spit roasted by Romanian beggars for the rest of your short miserable lives you cunts.
Amen to that.
Yeah that would be a good punishment for the cunts but cut their feet off first. Do not want them to escape all that loving.
Oh fuck me, i thought that was a woman and i didn’t understand why she was called Peter Davies. Sure hope that this doesn’t give crazy ideas to my grandfather, he has terrible legs to be a woman.
Now Peter Davies is a a cunt and also have a cunt what a time to be alive.
Ps. Mister Davies salmon color doesn’t suit with your complexion or your big fucking manly face.
and he looks like that Albertus Dimblebore off the Hairy Prostate filums… J Kak Rowlinginit could look like that in…ten years time ?
Why do all these cunts look like a bloke in a wig ?
Bruce/Kaitlin Jenner anybody ?
Donald Trump is a cunt for launching a $100m airstrike against a Syrian government airbase.
This is supposed to be a message, he says, not a declaration of war. Of course, our own dear government is right behind him calling it a “measured and appropriate response”. A measured and appropriate response to what? Has there been an independent investigation into the alleged gas attack? No. Have independent scientists been to the scene to take samples and identify the gas used? No. What evidence do we have? A few shaky home videos made by the white helmets, the well known propaganda arm of Al Qaeda with links to ISIS and a few post mortem examinations of some supposed “victims” carried out by the Turks, like the Turks have been a byword for dependability and honesty for hundreds of years.
But this cunting is of Trump and Trump alone. It could be said he acted out of self interest, to head off any possible impeachment against him concerning his alleged links with Russia. Wrong. All he has done is make it clear to his opponents that they just have to hit the big red “Russia” button and Trump will fold like a cheap suit. You could say it was to appease those in the Republican party who are batting against him, like that failed presidential candidate, McCain. Wrong again. Now those folks know if they cry they will get candy, do you think that will stop them crying? You could say he is overthrowing an evil dictator. Wrong. It didn’t work in Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya so what sane man would think repeating the same actions time after time will have a different result this time? You could say he is protecting the poor little children. Wrong. Personally I don’t think the lives of children are worth more than those of an adult, but even if you do thousands of children die needlessly every day and no one does anything to stop it. He has betrayed all those who voted for him, all those who want to see an end to Americans coming home in body bags fighting a war on the other side of the world that they cannot win and shouldn’t be having anything to do with in the first place. So for all these reasons he has been a huge cunt.
But the big one, IMHO, is that he has played directly into the hands of ISIS. We know they have chemical weapons because we know the Saudis supplied them. We also know they have been developing weapons systems to deliver the chemicals because we have found them in former ISIS held territory. So Trumps actions have sent a very clear message to ISIS; if you set off some of your chemical weapons we will help you by bombing Assads forces.
Far from protecting those poor icle kiddies, Trump the cunt has endangered them exponentially. Expect many more chemical attacks in the coming months, all carried out by ISIS but all blamed on Assad and expect Trump to react in exactly the same way he has done today. Also expect WW3 by the end of the year, seriously.
Trump, you are a CUNT!!
Sad to say, but excellent cuntinting, Skidmark Eggfart.
The Donald
The Trump
The Cunt.
Oestrogen tabletsfor this old freak?! As Harold Steptoe said, ‘Euthanasia might have been more to the point…’
I see the lass who took a dive into the Thames during the Muslim terrorist attack has croaked.
Funny thing is that she was a Romanian (gypsy?) so she dragged her ass across to the UK to do a bit of benefits tourism and ended up be squished for her troubles by one of the peaceful ones.
If she’d have stayed in Romania she’s be fine, probably being fucked by all the local peanut farmers.
There’ll be a good few white w@gs fighting over her llogging lucky heather or violin mimed to a Mantovani CD ‘pitch’ near Big Ben now…
Yep. Bet we pick up the tab and pay out the compo on this one. Fucking Cunts
No sorry, she was on “holiday”
Just a holiday that happened to last three years so far and has involved claiming every benefit under the sun while working in the black market.
Fate can deal a funny hand sometimes I guess.
How very remiss of you.!
i have to correct you there. she was an architecture student on a short break to London with her boyfriend. apparently he was going to propose to her later that day.
Fair enought, I didn’t know the lass but we all have to go sometime, it’s just a matter of a time and a place. With so much death and destruction around these days (mostly in the name of some barking mad religion) it’s hard to feel sorry for anyone.
Most of the Romanian community round here are on permanent “holiday”. This involves driving round like loonies in RO registered cars, being pissed by 10.00am and just be a pain in the ass.
It is a bit unfair to slag off a woman on holiday getting killed.
A bit unfair ?
It could have been anyone of us and might still happen to any one of us.
Celebrating the success of an Islamic murder spree is cuntish.
For the Arthur’s & Martha’s, the ‘men’ end up looking like ugly dykes and ‘women’ just a bloke in a bad wig. You can identifiy with whatever the fuck you like but biology and genetics don’t recognise pc bullshit terms dreamt up by politicians and pressure groups. Try going to a ‘peaceful ‘ country with every letter under the fucking alphabet on your passport and they’ll throw you off the terminal roof.
If you want to transition, head towards a quite room with a bottle of Jack’s and some sleeping pills and save the NHS a few quid.
Unless this freak can change his Y chromosome to an X chromosome, he will NEVER be a woman. It’s the young children I feel sorry for. They’re being confused unnecessarily by their dipshit far left, virtue signalling parents, just because they want to show the world how PC they are.
I’m surprised the BBC and SKY haven’t tried to link the terror attack in Stockholm to Brexit….
Plenty of time, M8, plenty of time.
Continuous news coverage on Sky now, usual speculation and talking to anyone who has ever been to Sweden, in fact anyone who has ever heard of ABBA or visited Ikea will do. Barrel scrapping at it’s best. Compare and contrast the bombing a few days ago in St Petersburg, a couple of minutes at number 2 or 3 spot. What a bunch of cunts!
If anything Russians have more reasons than anyone to fight ISIS.
Bjorn borg? ?
Germaine Greer was absolutely right a man will never be a woman no matter what messing about occurs. and for that she was banned from most student union debates in the country. bonkers.
Despite being one of the most batshit insane feminists around.
Wasn’t this in “Life Of Brian” ?
Ha ha ha ha.
Nice one fiddler.
…like it!
And very true there is nothing physical about the problem, it’s a mental dossorder!
It you want to walk around in a wig and a dress that’s fine. Wear a fuckin monkey costume for all I care. But don’t then claim to actually be a monkey and make the taxpayer supply you with bananas!
If it comes to WW3 the place to be is London. Since Russians own half the property in London we are literally as safe as houses. I mean, they’re not gonna shit in their own Dacha are they? I knew there was a reason why these politician bastards were selling their own country down the river. They’re smarter than I thought.
I worked in Sweden back in the 90s, it was a seething cess pool even then of smelly criminal types from far flung lands. The cops all thought they were T J Hooker.
It must be fucking hell on earth these days.
One day, countries like Sweden and Germany will wake up and realise what the fuck they’ve done to their countries.
TJ Hooker… Always wanted to tap Heather Locklear in the 80s…
I never heard about his transition until the other day.
I hope he doesn’t cut me out of his will when he receives the”Happy Birthday Grandad” card i sent him .
Personally I blame that pink beret dress wearing freak Eddie Izzard for part of this acceptance of cross dressers and the tolerance now given to Transsexuals.
The funniest bit of comedy he has said was in 1992 when he said ‘cross-dressing is not a sexual fetish.
He has since uttered other howlers such as
Most transvestites fancy women
A transvestite is a male lesbian
He has also described himself as “a lesbian trapped in a man’s body and describes himself a complete boy plus half girl.
Yep! Definitely Blame Mr or is it Mrs Izzard
He said he is transgender which is a lie seeing as he has never done anything to medically transition.
What we can be sure of with Izzard is that he is a massive cunt.
What I don`t get is why on earth are they funding this tranny to get hormones at 90 when the NHS is stretched to the limit.Let him pay for it.No problem with people transitioning do what you want but when you are using taxpayers money for this surgery on a bloke who will be dead soon instead of helping fund clinical trials for cancer ridden kids then it is ridiculous.
Don’t forget the Health Warning for these trans whotsits…
“May contain Nuts”
I’ll get me coat…
Another drain on the NHS!! , if this Cunt wants to be a fuckin sissy although odd that’s his business , but why should he get a penny from the taxpayer to fund his strange fetish? Woman in a mans body?? Oh fuckin please! The more you pander to this kind of nonsense the more you encourage other oddities to step forward…. freak show!! Shit shower!! Man/ woman Cunt….
I don’t know if any of you cunts saw a C4 “reality” show “Chicken Shop” a few years ago. It was just filming a load of cunts sitting around talking shit while they stuffed their faces full of more shit. One of the customers was this fucking old trannie who liked to strike up conversations with teenagers and always ended up slagging off their clothes, hair and general appearance. I was shocked that they always tolerated the old perv, I would have told the disgusting cunt to take a look in the fucking mirror.
The shop is in Clapham and I mention this because he’s started popping up round my way. I first saw him about a year ago when I was coming out of the station. He was on the other side of the road, pushing a bike and wearing a tiny little skirt and massive false tits. Some Irish builders on some scaffolding shouted “feck off ya doity bastard!” And some woman shouted “you’re frightening the children”. He jumped on his bike and fucked off. I’ve seen him about 6 times since then always on the other side of the street. The last time I saw him I was in the library and he came within about 4 feet of me. I put the book back and fucked off immediately. I tell you seeing these cunts on the telly is one thing but when you get up close it gives you a very weird feeling. I’m used to seeing fairies everywhere and so I suppose I’ll have to get used to this new wave of fucked up cunts. Better than pikeys I suppose but that’s not saying much.
I’ve never understood why people get slagged for “blacking-up”,but freaks like this can parade around and be treated like some kind of a hero. Never mind frightening the children ,they fucking frighten me.
I saw that programme, Chicken Shop…..fuck me,black people do seem to enjoy their fried chicken.
Nah…..The Flabbott is up market these days, as befits her exalted position…Nandos!