I see Pauline Cafferkey is up to her fucking attention seeking shite again, as pointed out in boilmypiss’s well deserved rant.
This stupid cunt cost the nation tens of millions because of her fucking crass stupidity and her reckless behaviour in falsifying her medical record upon re-entry to the UK.
These fucking idiots who fuck off to shite ridden countries to” do their bit” should all be detained in isolation offshore upon return.( I strongly suggest somewhere like Ascension Island ) And they should be irradiated with radioactive Iodine for good measure. Any surviving flesh can be bottled and stored in Lily Allen’s Bathroom. The green glow will provide adequate and subtle light to enhance Lily’s ablutions.
Cafferkey is a cunt, a stupid cunt, and we are all fucking cunts for letting cunts like this put all of our lives in danger, and we are monstrous cunts for our adulation of specimens of shite like her.
Nominated by Asimplearsehole.
Can I throw in a ‘drive past’ Cunting to Pauline Cafferkey, the Glaswegian nurse with the Ebola virus. The Cunt is heading back to Sierra Leone to try and raise a bit of cash out there to help some local charities ….
The Cunt was on the radio recently, bumbling on about how she is feeling health wise, hoping she will be fit to travel, and hopefully be able to do her bit for the people of Sierra Leone.
How about she raises some money in THIS FUCKING COUNTRY for the cost she has caused the NH fucking S !!!! It must have run into zillions of fucking pounds to look after her and ship her around in her fucking bubble, being treated by the UK’s finest and not forgetting the fact that she could have caused a major fucking epidemic in the UK … …. Now that does boil my piss !!
Nominated by Boilsmypiss.
Been ranting about everyone’s favourite war criminal…
Tintin Macron – isn’t “investment banker” a synonym for “enemy of the people”?
I don’t know about synonyms but it might be rhyming slang for something…..
Apart from that granny he is already grabbing, I also bet Macron is taking the Miler Trollop From Banana Tree up the cadbury alley….
Look, the situation is dire for her at this point. But all she really needs to do is tell the French something like this: “Listen people do you like getting randomly slaughtered in the street by Moslems? Macron is promising you more of that. If you’d like to live, vote for me. If you want an Islamic state, vote for Macron.”
Simple as popping a pimple https://i.redd.it/ew676uil7mty.png
I’m hoping for a Le Pen win to finish the 4th Reich once and for all…
You have had a good go at cunt Blair…but you are so polite. ( fuck me )
Should’ve just left her over there to cark it with the rest of the infected.
I’d have these reckless cunts sign some sort of waiver before willingly going into a disease hot-spot. Something like “you catch it, you’re fucked, and you’re on your own”.
If this self centred bitch wants to be another Albert Schweitzer and dedicate her life to helping foreigners she has no need to go abroad. They’ll all be coming here soon enough and bringing their filthy diseases with them. Stupid cow.
The more we throw at these fucking shitholes the less effect it has in the long run. I see now we are trialling a malaria vaccine. Now, while the elite of the shitholes live in luxury courtesy mostly of aid from stupid cunts like us, the populace lives in squalor. It’s time to stop all aid and perhaps the Africans will develop their own technology and politics to combat their own problems. So far they have come up with necklacing and car-jacking. Both of which rely on colonial technology.
They have come up with ‘Rhodes must fall’ and other bits of stupidity because Rhodes and his ilk were evil colonialists and African rulers, such as Shaka, Dingaan etc were models of fairplay. Apart from towards those they starved, impaled and eviscerated that is.
Aid is systematically stolen. The aid agencies are self perpetuating incompetencies. Anyone gullible enough to go to Africa to make a difference is a deluded cunt.
I just come here because it’s cheap…
Selfish cunt massaging her fucking self esteem, and wanting “god points” for her stupidity.
In the event that she had returned, not detected and let loose, we may have begun a chain of events that may have killed hundreds or even thousands.
Selfish stupid fucking twat who should be included in an overseas travel ban. I simply would not trust her.
Another one who thought she was above the rules and could con her way back here whilst infected with a deadly disease. It could have fucked alot of ppl up if she hasn’t been caught, the sneaky cunt.
seeing as shes from Scotland should have sent her to wee jimmy krankies house and bricked them both in together .
If Greater Glasgow and the snazip had gone tits up through extreme “natural causes”, no great loss…end of wee jimmy krankie, fish-face salmond, assorted neds…
Pauline Cafferkey and Hannah Ryan (the Doctor who took Cafferkey’s temperature, saw it was high and still allowed her to travel because they didn’t want to “…miss their plane…”) should be imprisoned for endangering the lives of 1,000’s of people by this willful act of ignoring the regulations, for no other reason than to avoid waiting a few extra hours for the all clear (or NOT as it was in this case).
If a cunt cane into this country with a bomb or an aerosol can of sarin gas – even if they didn’t, or get chance to use it – then you would expect them to be locked away for many, many years (unless they’re “peaceful” where they would obviously be misunderstood and a strong ticking off would suffice as they’re allowed to stay FOC in the UK to plot further attacks on its people).
I see no difference in this and what Cafferkey and what Ryan did! And yet how much jail time have these cunts enjoyed? Well about the same as a “peaceful” cunt would have – not one fucking day!
And now Cafferkey is heralded as a Saint (which is what she was after anyway – the cunt) second only to St. Jo of Cox!
Sorry Pauline, you’re not a Saint, you’re a cunt! A dangerous, disease ridden CUNT!
It’s the God Complex some doctors seem to inherit from either a fucked up childhood or six years at Uni.
Well said Bob. It’s a heady combination of the two, from my experience.
A cunt who will doubtless do well out of the book and film rights – or am I just being cynical?..
I’m just waiting for one of those “poor desperate people” flooding across the Med into Europe to be carrying ebola, or something even worse.
this fucktard would have been the ultimate unintensional terrorist had ebola spread and I think once she had the all clear her and the doctor that didn’t follow procedure should have been given 20 years each for stupidity or even better a live burial at sea…..kick the cunts off the back of a boat in the channal
At the hight of the ebola outbreak I was in Republic of Congo, that’s good Congo. From there I flew to Cape Town for some R&R. Upon landing we were issued with a health questionnaire from immigration. Have you been to x,y or z countries in the last 2 weeks? Check? Are you suffering from any of the following symptoms including the shits and a head ache? Check. I handed it in to the Flabbot lookalike at immigration who didn’t even look at it, just placed it on a big pile of other unread cards and waved me through. Typical SA, typical Africa. A white man will implement procedures but unfortunately they are performed by kaffas.
Agreed. The security at Capetown, Durban and Joburg airports is laughable. Particularly when contrasted with the measures at Schipol on the way out. However, to put in high tech systems that would be broken beyond repair within days of being installed is probably pointless.
All those do-gooding types are cunts,but particularly this selfish bitch who was so determined to show everyone what a “brave Angel” she was,that she was prepared to risk a pandemic in this country ,just to get her bit of glory.
Anyhow,there are far too many starving and sick gollies in Africa. You can’t open a paper or put the telly on without being bombarded with begging campaigns from some naive arsehole. A good disease is the right medicine to help cure whatever ails Africa. Wiping out a good swathe of coons should free up food for the other starving ones.
In fact the more I thin about it,the better an idea it is…..reduce overpopulation,free up resources, reduce the migrant stream,keep “de white woman” safer from rape, reduce obesity from less demand for fried-chicken shops,and finally, enable a white man to win a fucking running race.
Where’s my fucking Nobel Prize for solving all these problems in one fell swoop?
Wouldn’t have any of these starving African s if Zimbabwe had never been so dumb to kill all of its white farmers and there family’s , and then give the land over to uneducated native s who let it all go to ruin in only months .
Once known as the bread basket of Africa and with a healthy economy to boot. Is now another failed state run by a war monger with his own hitler stash .
Don’t come begging to me for help when you have yourselfs to blame for fucking up a major food provider for the continent, go and over throw that black hitler and get those farms back up and running and the problems will be dramatically reduced.
Doesn’t bother me if he has a heart attack or stroke,in fact I’d nominate him for the Dead Pool except for the fact that nobody’ll care enough when he karks to even bother informing the authorities. It’ll be down to the smell to tip-off the binmen that some lump of shit is festering.
I really wouldn’t waste my time, he is such an insignificant little tit. I’m even regretting wasting the 10 second it took to type this.
Only received limited medical training myself.
Attended a course with Bill Cosby.
Face – has her face fallen on one side, is she conscious?
Arms – can she raise her arms to protect herself?
Speech – can she call for help?
Time – time to remove her knickers, the Rohypnol’s kicked in….
like it
What a bleeding heart do-gooder, yes all medical cunts should be banned from jetting off half a world away to ‘ do their bit’ unless they quit the NHS and then reapply when they come home, if they havn’t been eaten inside out by some parasite first.
That goes for any cunt working in war zones, famines, plague of bloody frogs. Its all about ‘look at me, the selfless humanitarian’, just another box ticked for their CV.
Off topic but it’s nice to be single again, there’s too many quality specimens of women of all types on London. Time to get stuck in.
Don’t be such a saddo. You are single again and all you can think about is getting hooked up to some other fucking bitch? Enjoy your freedom, which doesn’t mean getting balls deep in the first piece of arse to tip you the wink. MGTOW.
Give yourself some time and enjoy the beauty of silence and peace, things that are very bloody difficult to have when you are balls deep with a a woman.
Thanks for the advice cunters, I have no intention of getting in a serious=stressed relationship. It’s weird sometimes getting used to being on your own again. I am looking forward to it and having a few quid in your pocket means you can enjoy London. Although I will end up balls deep in some lady, Ive no intention of getting into another fucking long term relationship. I’ll wait till I’m 50-60 when it’s nice to have a lady to drink fine wine with and chat shit to. For now though the next couple of years will be about setting up the Black and White cunt empire as I don’t want to be struggling and pissed off when I’m early forties. So much of the world to see as well, looking forward to it.
That’s what I thought, until…
Met Mrs D, after 4 days buggered off to Greece, thought about it, came home and got engaged. Last week was our 30th wedding anniversary.
Things never work out like you expect them to…
Congratulations Dioclese, I think it’s very rare to meet someone you can make things work with for that amount of time.
Same here mate also in London in the ” Sarth Eess” lol. Plenty of nice girls in these parts and most ain’t uppity cunts either.
Fill ya boots ?
Welsh women and cucks are demanding that Wales be rapidly transformed into an Islamic State and they want welsh nationalists and racists to get out. The crazy thing is their mentally retarded Prime minister is okay with this mongy agenda
Everywhere in Europe (except Russia,Poland,Hungary) is already a “migrant sancutary” so what the bloody fuck are they actually talking about doing? if not just turning it completely into an massive european Islamic State? https://twitter.com/LeanneWood/status/766955856919429120
Hang on. Weren’t these the cunts who burned down the 2nd homes of English in Wales? So they didn’t want the English in their country but welcome islamist scum?
According to a poll yesterday the Conservatives are going give Labour and Plaid Cymru a kicking in Wales. Good.
Me thinks that cunt Blair has a few tricks to pull yet, and I remain deeply suspicious of Tess May. ( any cunt who borrows to give away to ragheads nig nogs spics and coons and defend it is in my opinion fucking suspicious )
Noted from Titslappers thread, at least the locals are going to protest, and there is going to be a demonstration against “peaceful ones” taking houses that belong to Welsh people.Also , the proposed building of a mosque has got the gander up!
Go for it Welsh Nats! Kick the raghead fuckers into touch. I wish the English would do something like this.
Why is England the only UK country without its own Parliament and only one where ‘nationalist’ is a dirty word?..
This is a prime example of how out of touch these cunts are. She certainly doesn’t live among her precious fucking refugees but is happy for the poor cunts that do to take more. This is a true mickey mouse assembly of unemployable fuckwits.
I have Welsh in my family going back to the 1500s, I might invade Wales and claim it for myself, I must have an Ancient Welsh King in the ancestry and if not fuck it I’m related to Shirley Bassey.
Is Tom Jones related? I only know two famous welsh people,Shirley Bassey and Tom (My wife dying is heartbreaking,but I’ve spent the last 50 years treating her like a fool) Jones are the only welsh people I know.
Fuck the welsh,I went there once and the fucking pub didn’t open on Sunday,had to sit and listen to the second Mrs Fiddler yammering on all fucking day…Cunts.
Quite funny the two most famous Welsh people are Black and White cunts.
I’d forgotten how anti-English the welsh were until I took the Mrs and kids to the Royal Mint for the tour so the kids could press the button to mint their own £1.
I felt like a muzzy at an edl march, but these fuckers forget that their little shitholes (scotland wales and nordern island) would be fucked without us.
When this election’s done I’m setting up a petition to take England out of the UK and to monacco londonistans ass.
Is troll baiting still allowed??
I thought it got banned along with fox hunting and badger baiting?? Mind you they both became illegal when scientists proved both of those animals possessed a primitive form of intellect, so seeing that our troll cretin had neither the cunning of a fox or bravery of a badger I guess it is……
I would think so….a rikmoron is poorly described in the medical journals and only basically qualifies as a life form….something at the level of amoeba I think. So rikmoron is a cunt cunt cunt!
The cunt takes every opportunity to attack this site when he finds I’m travelling. He thinks that gives him a good chance of getting through because he never managed to better me.
Unfortunately our Rickie is too dim to realise I don’t admin this site now and there’s 3 very capable new guys looking after it, so he’s got even less chance. He’s never forgiven us for publishing his name and address which, despite his protestations, is accurate.
Basically, he’s a narcissistic sociopathic brain dead little cunt…
Don’t sugar coat it dioclese tell us what you really think of him..?
This nurse should’ve been locked up, not praised.
The problem with Ebola is it is just not deadly enough. On average it only kills 50% and if caught early that can fall to 20% fatality. And those who do die of it tend to do so quite quickly. Also, it has a relatively low incubation period of only a couple of days, although this can be much longer in isolated cases. This means someone would have to contract the virus just before they boarded a plane in order to have time to get into the general population at their destination. It isn’t so infectious either, its only really by close contact with the infected that you can catch it. It would be much better if it was airborne.
What you really want from a doomsday bug is something that kills 100% of the infected but does so slowly, so it keeps medical facilities full. It should also have an incubation period of at least a week thus allowing it to spread and it should be airborne, so it can spread without physical contact.
I’ve no doubt such a bug will turn up eventually. We shall just have to be patient.
Yes, that’s the idea. A huge cull. Sounds good to me.
I wouldn’t be sure of not getting infected, no one would. That’s the point. If you could protect yourself from getting infected it wouldn’t be a very good doomsday bug. And in any case, what would the world be like if you did survive? Not very nice, all those millions of dead bodies laying around. Probably better to cop it in the first wave.
Thought the same myself SE when considering whether to dig a fuckoff nuclear bunker.
2-3 years couped up with the mrs and kids eating rations waiting for the fall-out and radiation levels to drop, to come out in a world where the only other fuckers with a bunker are public serpants and officials. Erm no thank you.
I think that you are all missing a very valid point,
Taking into account the fact she shrugged off a little case of ebola to travel to the UK, which you have all correctly identified as “Irresponsible”, have any of you given much thought to what might be lurking in her underwear? if she shrugs off ebola then god knows what sort of knob rot she harbours between those thighs.
Ps Ricky your Mrs takes it up the arse, if you don’t believe me I will let you have a sniff.
I doubt very much that Ricky has a Mrs to take anything anywhere.
Alert! Breaking news. Blue Riband wafer biscuits are moving to Poland from UK!
Fucking bastard globalist cunts. Fucked Terry’s Fucked Cadbury’sFucked everything……No no I will not eat fucking Hershey bars…stick it up your crack Cunts
One of the problems with this country and particularly with the Tories is that we sell off fucking everything, no sense of keeping fine British brands British.
My beloved Aquascutum,
Aston Martin+ most British car brands,
Even fucking electric and water supply. What the fuck is a company in New Zealand doing owning a British water company?
It’s all a cunt and this country sold its soul long ago, the day they sell off Fray Bentos I’m fucking off to Ecuador.
We own something? Fuck me, that’s a surprise. We’ve been selling everything of ours to the Chinese for years.
Hershey bars taste like sick.
That means there are 298 Poles who won’t be coming here. There’s always a silver lining.
Tony ‘cunt of the millennium’ Blair is at it again,
Talking about voting for pro remain Tories or some bullshit.
I’m tired of this cunt, and he’s gone beyond being a cunt. We have to find a new description for him, cunt is an insult to other worthy cunts.
Just £1.75 ….yes ….just £1.75……. full jacket, 4 grains think about it…just £1.75 and he would be gone
Can we get a cunting for Oxford university who have released a list of “micro aggression s” for the faculty to adhere too. Including that its “everyday racism” to not make eye contact with students.
What in the fuck has happened to the Oxbridge uni s, they are some of the oldest and most revered centre s of higher learning in this country and possibly the world. Should say was .
they produced Stephan Hawkins, Alan Turing and many other brilliant minds who went on too change our lives and history for ever for the better .
Now they are full of Libtards who have thrown away reason ,logic and facts to only deal with feelings and beliefs .
This is why education should be funded by the tax payer and for only those who are the cream of the crop . While these Uni s are being funded by the Libtards and there parents, they hold our education system by the ball s and hence our future’s.
Uni should be for STEM and other verifiable subjects. Not critical thinking, not philosophy, hair dressing, twilight or social studies and feminism like “professor” Melisa Click .
If the subject and its research cannot be reproduced and/or verified it has no place in education at all. FACT!!!.
Good point, but what has Stephen Hawkins done?
He’s no better than JK Rowling.
Just another fantasist.
I know his work in physics and quantum mechanics have led to the first quantum computer and many other things to do with technology we all use today in computers and phones.
plus the big bang theory, and is like albert Einstein in that he has mind where he can actually take the raw mathes and actually visualize in his mind how it would work.
Hate the Big Bang Theory,except for that blond lass with the big tits.
I don’t believe in the big bang theory, worm holes, parallel universes, time travel etc.
In a couple of years a new “theory” will come along which will be the same but have a different name.
Just a new religion in my book
Your right, BM. The deeper you get into it the more like a religion it becomes. Take for example the search for dark energy. They say it must exist otherwise all the sums don’t work. Sounds a lot like a priest saying God must exist otherwise religion doesn’t work to me.
And what about the multi-verse theory? They just fucking made that up, no evidence for it what so ever other than to keep the books balanced. Old Shylock the dodgy book keeper has got nothing on these cunts when it comes to a little book cuisine. Cunts.
Didn’t they prove that dark energy actually exists?
I’m sure they detected a minor energy tremor between the dark star Flabbott Major and the Corbynista nebula??
I don’t believe in any theories to do with the earth and universe and i think little potato cunt face Noel Gallagher got it right when he sang
“All we know is that we don’t know”
Universities are a business…they’ll take almost anything with the dosh to purchase a poxy degree.
The solution is get rid of all but 4 Universities, offer only degrees that are of value, and exclude any fucker who is leftist, liberalist, and certainly exclude all the spawn of any fucking politician.
another of Bliar’s monumental cock-ups…everyone has to have some sort of cert., just so they don’t feel dumb / thick / offended.
Total waste of time setting up 3-year degree courses for employment where apprenticeships or on-the-job training had been successful for many decades.
Didn’t Hawking build the Daleks…?
No he was just the prototype.
The UK audiences wouldn’t go for a yank accent and so they nicked the voices from the Smash (powdered taties) robots for the Daleks instead.
Sorry Sherriff,but can’t agree with” education should be funded by the taxpayer”,Can’t see any reason why I should pay tax to fund a bunch of pretentious arseholes to study. Stephan Hawkins creeps me out,and Turing was some kind of of bum-bandit…to fuck with the pair of them.
Truth is i don’t really like the idea either . But I would rather have it so we have some control over what is being taught .
Rather then by these libtards and their parents who will pull there money out of the college uni if they don’t teach what the snowflakes want them to. Rather then having them be held by the balls my them , I would prefer if we did instead .
turring built the first super computer which lead to the device your using now , and also was the lead on breaking the enigma code at Bletchley leading to many thousands of life’s and years being saved in in WW2.
Defo a bum bandit but a great man and horribly treated with hormone replacement therapy to cure him of his gayness, eventually leading to his suicide .
I once went to see a film about Turing,but then I realised that Cumerbatch was playing the lead role. I immediately left before he could start haranguing me about the plight of “poor child refugees.”
Seriously, I know Turing was treated appallingly,but different age,different values and pardoning people who broke a law which was valid at the time seems bizarre, particularly when they are dead,and unlikely to any longer care one way or the other.
and I think Emma Twatson was there before she fucked off to some swanky place in the US…
Apparently blairs looking to run in the election? He wants a seat?? I’ve got one for the Cunt of the century, easy jet to Timbuktu…..
Old Sparky would be even better…
Can Ebola reactivate after you’ve been infected or is it some harmless variant like Chickenpox and shingles? If so she should be banned from travelling. Imagine putting her on a plane with 200 other cunts? One false sneeze and she could infect the others. Stupid and dangerous. And I hope her and that other cunt have been struck off the medical register. At first I felt sorry for her but now she’s endangering others and that is unacceptable.