I want to nominate HM Customs for a cunting.
Now if this lot were to stop drugs, weapons and terrorists from entering the country, I’d be singing their praises. But they don’t, and in any case it’s the sniffer dogs that do all the work.
No sir, their entire preoccupation is taking money off people who have found their goods cheaper abroad and paid for them with money they’ve already paid income tax on.
Free trade with Europe? Don’t make me laugh. Try bringing a van of booze and ciggies back from France and see how far you get. Even if the stuff was manufactured in the UK in the first place.
Cunts all. (Except for the dogs. The only employees doing a decent days work).
Nominated by the Duke of Cuntshire.
Anna Raccoon aka Sue Nundy is standing against Corbyn in Islington North on June 8th to highlight waste on legal fees in the NHS
Needs 10 signatures in the constituency to stand. Anyone out there’s know anyone who can help?
Twitter : @annaracoon2017
Blog : https://stopsuingthenhs.blogspot.co.za
I reckon that needs its own cunting ” highlight waste on legal fees in the NHS”
Will that issue be the biggest fucking nonsense of the forthcoming General Election.
Why dosen’t Anna Raccoon give the money needed to stand for election to a hospital instead of wasting it on her last 5 minutes of fame.
Jeez that boilsmypiss. middle class do -gooders that don’t give a shit about the problems in that constituency but go after some obscure issue just to get on the stage with Jeremy Corbyn on election night.
Coming across as a bit of a cunt there, BUO.
Given that she’s bedridden with terminal cancer I doubt she’ll be up on the stage…
I deal with hmrc quite a bit with work (I dont work for them) and I generally hate public serpents, but and it’s a big but, hmrc have suffered more cuts than is believable over the years and yet their workload has increased dramatically.
Also, imagine how many scumbags they have to deal with on a daily basis trying to cheat the benefit system for example. I couldn’t do it!
Cunts yes, but poor cunts!
Indeed, I do actually feel a little bit sorry for them.
Not longer ago, my dwp “client adviser” suggested I apply for a job with them; they had +100 vacancies to fill in their “Surge & Rapid Response Unit” (Shove it in and come quickly ??).
So desperate were they to fill these vacancies, that they categorically stated “no candidates with degrees &c.”
So the dwp obliged me to lie on my job application – first and ONLY time I’m doing that.
Went to the interview; full HMG efficiency, proceedings running at least an hour late… Never met such a bunch of desperate, sad, box-ticking numpties. If they’re seriously expected to fill the gaps created by silly overcutting of their original personnel, God help us.
Am v glad I wasn’t offered the job…
Am now retraining as a sparks. If anyone needs an electric chair (park bench) installing, I need work experience !!
The European Customs Union was intended to ensure that goods could move within Europe without hindrance or tariff restrictions. Once goods had arrived at their destination, then local duties as in tax could be levied within the National Economy.
A small individual allowance was agreed for travellers within the Union, provided it was for the individuals own personal consumption.
However, the Customs Union protects the interests of big business, and the interests of the powerful, and once again it is us, ( the little guys ) who have to scramble for the crumbs of the rich man’s table.
We should be eternally grateful for our meagre allowance, and we should be satisfied with our position in life!
Well fuck that then. Why can’t the “little man ” seize the opportunity of a little ” entrepreneurial endeavour, and make a bit of dosh to boot.
I suspect that allowing that to happen , might undermine the powerful position of the masters.
So there we have it then. We will have to continue paying our dues on everything, and we should stop whinging and simply hand over our dosh at the border.
I shall continue to be a little bit of a cunt myself….and fuck the customs! Gin is all the rage these days and i’m doing quite well with recent sales returning a modest return on my investment.
HMRC …….Fuck You!
My favourite story involving HMRC is regarding a tax return submission from a self employed guy in Surrey.
His answer to:-
“Do you have anyone dependant on you?”….. was as follows.
2.1 million illegal immigrants.
1.1 million crack heads.
2.2 million unemployable Jeremy Kyle type scroungers.
900,000 prisoners in 85 prisons.
650 idiots in Parliament and the whole of the European Commission.
HMRC deemed this response as unacceptable….so he then replied with..
“Who did I miss out?”
I love that story JR…..so fucking true though isn’t it ?
By the way….who did he miss off ?
He missed out all the tax avoiders/evaders who cost the Treasury thirty-four times more than benefit abusers.
I agree Fred, although fake benefit claimants cost a lot of money its nothing compared to the massive corporations etc who the government are blatantly letting off paying the right tax. Some government cunt(s) are getting a nice holiday and a top up to their off shore account to ignore this, and let not forget the celebrities who are part of those tac avoidance schemes, surely they are worse than some cunt claiming 60 quid a week. It suits the government for us to blame it all on immigrants and benefit fraud. Starbucks and Google are amongst the cunts avoiding tax and that cunt Osborne was saying he will go after them, what a cunt.
Talking of Gideon the cunt. His families business hasn’t paid its share.
What a cunt, from a cunt family.
Taxation is theft
Aaah, Gideon the Cunt. A sort of Wetminster version of the French cunt Monsieur Macon…
My favourite customs story goes back in time , apparently when Oscar Wilde was asked if he had anything to declare whilst
entering America he replied ” nothing but my genius ” ?
There’s an even better Oscar Wilde / Customs line –
Upon arriving in Australia, Wilde was asked whether he had a criminal record and replied “I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t realise it was still compulsory…”
Classic stuff…..
My favourite was Peter Cook who, like all of us then had to fill out a form on the plane to the US which actually asked this question ” Have you at any time planned to overthrow the legal govt of the United states” [ not kidding ,it was a real question]
Cook wrote on the form “Sole purpose of visit”
Comic genius as always JRC. Your posts crack me up everytime ??
Having recently retired from practice, I would like to wish a fond farewell to HMRC Self Assessment on line. May I say to Trevor ( in particular ) that my conversations with you have been enormously entertaining, and I am most grateful that we are both agreed that I have finally settled the National Debt with the excessive payments and contributions that I have made over the last 14 years.
Trevor my friend, I shall always be grateful that I no longer have such a secure financial cushion for my twilight years. And you are so right, the increased anxiety that this causes me is making each day that I live, so much more challenging.
You may see from my earlier post that perhaps I may be engaged in an enterprise that may be of further interest to your dept. But I can assure you that my survival skills are honed to perfection, thanks to many years of “jousting” with both you and your department.
Trevor, please give my regards to that Section Leader bitch who cannot communicate in fluent English, and tell her that in spite of all her efforts to clean me out completely, I remain in good physical health , and she is ( I understand ) not.
I am so fucking pleased to hear that.
My Kindest Regards The Cunt .
It is possible to not pay a penny in income tax, quite legally. The trick is becoming a fiscal nomad, in essence do not stay in any jurisdiction long enough to be considered a resident there and never work in any country in which you stay. For example, stay 6 months in Spain, 6 months in Portugal and work in some shit hole in Africa or the middle East and you have it cracked.
Or so I’ve been told………
Is that what you’ve been up to in the Congo?
Seriously though people go on about the rich not paying tax here but can you blame them? We get no say (apart from a vote between two parties full of cunts) where all our tax goes and if you earn a lot you pay a lot in tax, which goes to housing are Somali friends and on wars we shouldn’t be involved in, and lets not forget the ‘expenses’ are MPs and the rest of the cunts get. Fuck paying tax, some advice would be appreciated? Im in the property business by the way.
I reckon it is possible, if carefully planned.
Surely the easier option is to become a ‘resident’ of a much lower tax jurisdiction, especially for globe travelling contractors and those that earn/consult online.
My English neighbour does just that, bases himself here although has a place in France and works worldwide.
Why anyone would want to stay in an expensive high tax country when they don’t have to mystifies me.
I know people who do that. One guy was resident in Malta where they have a fixed 15% income tax. However 15k out of every 100k you earn is too high a price to pay IMHO.
@B&WC. Tax is normally paid in the jurisdiction where the money is earned, so if you made money in UK you would still pay UK taxes on it even if you were not a UK resident. However, it would not be income tax, it would be corporation tax which would be much less, I think 19% at the moment but could be due to be cut soon.
Why do you think I travel so much? ?
Good point!
i’d like to thank HMRC for raiding Newcastle UTD Football club and cheering me up today…..hoping Newcastle UTD will not get promoted now for any alleged dodgy dealings! deduct 20 points off Newcastle now!
OTHER than that HMRC are cunts
…..And those thieving pals of Cameron and Johnson at the Taxpayers’ Stadium. CUNTS!
Ho Ho harry Balls….born and bred in Walker Newcastle am I a fan of the toon. Like fuck! Load of shite, bent and utterly corrupt and have been that way since after Stan Harvey.
20 points, make it fuckin 50!
Arrests have been made, so it must be serious.
If i was a Newcastle fan I’d be shiteing it, look what happened to Rangers. They ended up with a points deduction and were dropped down to the bottom tier of Scottish fitba.
Rangers made it back up in four seasons, but if it happens to Newcastle, I’m sure it’ll be tougher.
If Leeds utd, who imo are the bigger club, can’t get back then it could be years in the wilderness for Newcastle.
They’ll be playing Darlington soon.
Supposedly the raids on NU and WHU were not football related, so it doesn’t affect the Tory funding owners, eh, i mean the clubs involved league status.
Cant wait to read Karen Brady’s column this week.
How will she spin this?
Karen can spin anyway she liked whilst sat on my cock, she looks like a dirty cow. I bet she’s got underwear that cost’s more than a house in Newcastle.
And i bet she wears stockings every day.
Definitely blessed with mucky looks, that one.
Don’t exaggerate man. A flat yes…a hoose ? ……well maybe..
My favourite HMRC story is the lads over at the blog Nothing2delcare who go by the name of Smoking Hot and Zaphod who in previous times used to run the gauntlet with HMRC on booze cruises every week are now in a legal battle over container size imports of large scale raw tobacco all for personal use of course
you couldn’t make it up.
Banana boat miller has been at it again. She refuses to stand as an MP but has instead raised £300k to use to undermine Brexit.
She says:
“Only tactical voting at this election will ensure that Parliament plays its full role,”
Hasn’t parliament already had its say in Brexit? They voted to give us, the people actually born in the fucking country, the referendum the result of which was to leave the EU. They again had a say when they voted to trigger article 50 and they will have a further vote on whether to accept the final deal. I would say that is them playing a role, wouldn’t you?
She goes on to say;
‘In this election it will be about voting for candidates that will reflect the views of all of their constituents and put principles above politics. That is why last week I set up a crowdfunding page which almost 10,000 people have already donated to, raising an incredible £300,000.”
So she is raising money to “support” local democracy by collecting donations from people as like as not from outside the constituency in question? If say for example, I was in a hard brexit constituency like Boston in Lincolnshire I should feel a bit pissed off that some rich cunt in Lambeth was paying to have my democratic vote undermined. How the fuck is that “reflect(ing) the views of all of their constituents”?
She says the money would be used to “support” those candidates who agree with her. Just what shape will this “support” take? I don’t know what they are allowed to do in w@ga w@ga land but in this country there are very strict rules concerning how much and how you can “support” electoral candidates. Lets hope the banana boat cunt abides by them as it would be a great shame to see her being locked up, wouldn’t it?
Admit it you cunt, this has nothing to do with parliament or democracy and everything to do with you you you and YOU. Cunt..
The Miller cunt is filthy rich, why does she need to scab money off of other people to do this?
I wish the despicable cunt would get strung up.
Prime Minister… “get strung up ” yes, I agree, by the tit ends!
She could fund this herself but no doubt she feels getting funded by rich anonymous cunts somehow gives her some credibility.
The only credibility she has is in being a vile bitch.
Ritch people are ritch because they don’t speculate with their own money.
She is on Sky News AGAIN! This cunt gets more airtime than Treezer and Jezzer put together! I wonder if she gets appearence money? I also wonder how much of the £300k will be syphoned off as “expenses”? After all, she will have to swan about the country in a chauffeur driven Roller, stay in 5 star plus hotels and eat in Michelin stared restaurants.
I reckon the banana boat beauty wants to steal Tim Farrons ISAC crown.
At the risk of sounding racist :
Why doesn’t Miller fuck off back to Ghana?
Why doesn’t Branson come home and pay his fucking taxes?
Two prize bollocks spouting EU loving cunts divorced from reality…
The thin-lipped, pinched-face arse monkey Miller can always fuck right off to Brussels when the wheels fall off her sneaky little plan.
Her disdain for the voting majority and British democracy is breathtaking and on par with that of Robert Mugabe. Better still, she should fuck right off to Zimbabwe to see how she fares there. If she behaved there like she does here then I would be in no doubt that a well worn 205 x 75, petrol soaked Pirelli would very soon be finding it’s way around her neck.
In a caring way of course.
Yesterday a couple if us were discussing the big bang theory, a theory that I don’t buy into.
Last night on DMAX, i was watching something similar to that nonsense, they were discussing whether or not we were living in the Matrix.
Fuckin hell, there’s cunts out there that believe that if we don’t already live in the Matrix then we will in the future.
The reason that they gave for it happening in the future was that technology is moving so fast that computers will one day get tired of their programming and realise that they are computers, and then write their own programme to take over everything and turn humans into slaves that will live in a virtual world, in factories, called the Matrix.
Give me a fuckin break!!!!!!
One intellectual even said that “they say that the world is a stage, and if the world is a stage, then the universe is also a stage”
Again give me a break!!!!
Look cunts, ye were born, then ye live some, then ye die.
People who believe in the Matrix are king Kong mega mega doss cunts.
Sorry Birdman, I was busy wandering through the Matrix. You were saying?
Fucking ludicrous idea. Next they’ll be claiming that we were made by some all seeing all powerfull divine entity. 6 million fucking years and that’s the best they’ve come up with. I despair.
@BM. Don’t believe in science, eh?
You know when Jamie Vardy slotted one past Athletic Madrid in Madrid in the 61st minute and you went fucking balistic? That was Newton’s second fucking law of motion, ya cunt. 😉
I don’t believe in magic
Life is automatic
And i
Don’t mind
Being on my own
Of course i believe in some science, but theories are what they are.
Every action has an equal reaction, but sometimes a ball just rebounds off of a boot.
I once went out with a bird who was like the TARDIS…
She was bigger on the inside…
I’ve recently started reading a really engrossing book on anti-gravity theories….I can’t put it down…
There’s a bug in the Matrix because in the first one Carrie Anne Moss looked hot as hell but looked rough as bull’s lugs come the second.
Bloody shoddy programming that mind! Mind you it probably was running on that Geordie OS called Windaz.
I tried the big bang theory once, I slipped a finger in then two, then my hand, realised I would need a thermos to do the job, gave up and settled for a blow job. (Do you know Mrs Doubleday)
Everyone, i mean everyone, knows Mrs Doubleday 🙂
What a load of bollocks that computers will one day take over the world… Just unplug the cunts.
The meaning of life?
As good a way as any of filling in the time between birth and death…
Yes Birdman,most people of today are conditioned by television,Facefuck,Twatter,e.t.c,e.t.c.;no forgetting the hundreds of “unqualified” news anchors and lefty journalists that are shoved at us 24/7………………………Now where”s me dibbler?……………………..Cunts………………….Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
“Not forgetting”,not “no forgetting”……………..What a cunt I am………………Baaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Yer getting a bit of a Scottish twang there, Jane-arse. 🙂
A cunting for Jeremy Vine,
The cunt acts scared of a girl and goes over the top with taking the cunt bitch to court. He is now involved in another ‘Road Rage’ incident on Kensington High Street.
This cunt is going around on his bike acting like a cunt, see in the video that rather than stop and let the cunt in the 4×4 go he puts his bike in the way to get some reaction. The cunt is being a cunt in and around where I live, I might drive down there and look for the cunt.
Definitely a triple distilled cunt of the highest purity.
He’s one of the BBCs highest paid presenters, he must be fucking loaded. He can easily afford a car. What a cunt.
Some cyclists can be ignorant cunts as can some knobhead drivers. Good one on youtube when some cunt chases a guy on a bike. Muppet.
I have a car cam, I don’t publish near misses,perhaps I too could become famous publishing stupid twaty cyclist stunts? The only reason I have it is to justify the death of a lemming, but it could be a cash cow.
I would imagine that he doesn’t own a car for “ethical” reasons…
I wonder how many carbon footprints, eh kids the cunt has? You could drive a fleet of hummers farting styrofome out of the window and contribute less to global warming than having one sprog. Next time I see the cunt I’ll give him a johny and tell him to do his bit for the enviroment in future. The cunt.
not sure how to phrase this, but I have just been hit with a £17 import bill on contraband from the states, they are cunts.
Not seen PMQ’s for a while but caught it today on lunch break. Though its always been like a bunch of little shits at break time with the noise, the way squeaker Bercow was going on with a mouth like a torn pocket, yelling like some Wrestlemaina announcer. That would be pretty good laugh , Commons Chaos: Parliamentary Slamdown XIII. May with Jezza ‘commie’ Corbyn in a half nelson and Eric ‘ Giant Haystacks’ Pickles clotheslining Flabbott. Flabbott in spandex would be post watershed and given one of those ‘ if you have been affected’ helplines afterwards that are popping up all over for any sensitive snowflake cunts.
Funny as fuck liberal liquadater, I said the other day he sounds like he squeezing out shut. The cunt.
Squeezing out a shit. Fucking spell predictor.
I have to say, for a democratic institution (allegedly) the envy the world over, it is a fucking disgrace isn’t it!
If folk went on like that in meetings/discussions at work (i.e. real work that politicians seldom know anything about) there’d be a lot of people eating through straws!
Fucking “spoiled little children” style twats!
We are now living in the age of the wimp.
Twatter, Cuntbook, cameras on helmets, cameras in cars, these cameras make the wimp tough and Twatter and Cuntbook allow the wimp to act tough whilst hiding behind a computer. All these cunts who speak with this in between posh and soft cunt way and say shit like “no way dude'” and “it’s so cool” fucking cunts need a kick in the bollocks. When I walk around and look at a lot of cunts I try to imagine back in the Anglo-Saxon days when a man was a warrior cunt with a fuck off Sword and Axe and I look at these descendants and think what a load of cunts.
True B&W, hipster wankers with their fucking beard grooming, stupid little fold up eco bikes can shove their overpriced craft beer up their arse.
And those stupid man buns on top of their nut! FFS
And the checked shirts and skinny jeans….these are the cunts that just keep on giving.
Sky News’s mutton dressed as lamb ginger minger, Kay Burley needs to start wearing sleeves. I do not want to see your chicken skin arm pits, you dos cunt. And you are certainly no MILF or even GILF let alone the coquettish little sex kitten you seem to imagine yourself to be. Cunt.
She looks like a sour, bitter horrible cunt. I can’t stand her interviewing either.
Like a plucked chicken’s neck!
Talking of telly milfs and gilf, how the fuck did Eamonn (?) Holmes manage to bag Ruth Langford (?) ?
I don’t know anything about her personality or demeanor, but she’s well attractive and he’s well a whale.
She claims he’s like a steam train when they have sex.
I think she means its like getting hit by a steam train when he lies on her.
She could do with a couple of pies but I’d definitely put her in the hot milf/gilf category.
Yep Birdman, she’s another dirty looking older woman. She looks like she’d suck you off on the way home, in the lane around the corner after a few too many glasses of wine.
He’s a bloated fuck bag, she’s well worthy of a toxic bob facial, or pearl necklace with accompanying nose ring !!
Not as jumpable as Susannah Reid though…
I notice the McCunts were on telly again today on the 10th anniversary of missing Maddie.
Ok Kate/Gerry anything you want to get off your chest? Hmmm?
Call me heartless but I don’t think kid is even alive.
A lot of children disappear a year, what makes Maddie so fucking special?
Also the blame is on her parents for letting kids alone while day have drinks, how about being good responsible parents for fucks sake.
If it had been a couple of chavs who went out on the piss, they would have been arrested and served time.
But being a couple of “nice” middle class fuckwits, everyone felt sorry for them.
So true, AndyC.
I’ve said the same since the start and if it was the underclass that got pissed and lost a kid, they’d be getting abuse long, long after they were eventually released.
Exactly what Elder Cunt says! What about responsible parenting?
And as Andy C says if they’d been a couple from “Benefits Britain” they’d probably just be getting out of jail now for gross neglect, and with the press/meejah constantly berating them for their actions.
But no, Kate & Gerry are both doctors (and with easy access to drugs which *could* be used to “keep kids quiet while we enjoy another chardonnay” – like I say *could* not did) and after quack training during Phony B.Liar’s university liberalism brain-washing era are therefore meejah luvvies.
Two well educated bods (more degrees than a compass between them) on a minted joint income and…
Were they in the next room? No.
Well they must’ve been in the bar downstairs where they could keep an eye on the comings and goings through the foyer? No.
Well *SURELY* they *MUST* have at *LEAST* been in the same building!??! No.
Only one, or maybe two, people know exactly what happened. And if heaven and hell is not all make believe then there is a particularly nasty eternity waiting for whoever did whatever to Maddy – whether him/her/they (delete as appropriate).
Drugs which could be used to keep kids quiet…Calpol &c. My guess is that one dosed the girl up, then the other did the same thing later on without realising it. Result ? An evening out, and dead kid on return. Being a pair of medics, it doesn’t look too good if you can’t administer over the counter meds to your own kid.
Then the panic set in, then the lies…
Ten years already?
That’ll make her a teenager, and the beasts will probably give her back soon.
That’s if she is still alive.
Gerry, any thoughts about her being alive?
Ah, he must be away playing tennis.
Dead as a fucking dodo. She died in that apartment on the night she was supposed to have gone missing and was then moved to another apartment. They have 2 sniffer dogs, one a cadavar dog and the other a blood dog who verified blood and a cadavar in that apartment. They also have DNA evidence which would hold up in a UK court but is insufficient for a Portuguese court. I’m not saying they killed her, but the McCanns know she is dead and they know how she died.
Kate and Gerry McCann are nothing but a pair of shameless ghouls. Huge travesty of justice to rank alongside O.J Simpson or Tony Blair not being charged with war crimes.
Everything pisses me off about the McCann’s but probably my biggest gripe is that if, if, no one supposedly knows what happened to the tantrum throwing brat, then why are only so many ideas allowed to be said?
I always thought that the authorities were in charge, but they cunts, McCann’s, have the final say on what theories are allowed to be aired.
It has become a crime to think that they may be guilty.
Why and how???
The uk polis will not investigate them coz they claim to be innocent, and will go after any cunt that doubts the McCann’s.
Who knew that “it wasn’t me guv” is the keyword to evade investigation into the abduction and possible murder of a little girl????
It was the fuckin parents and everyone knows it.
It’s also because they are Mickey Mousers, that lot seem to be protected.
Hell, Hillsborough seems to be held in the same regard as the Holocaust to them.
That poor kiddie is not alive, and those McCunts fucking know it… Say no more…
I see that Beyonce and Jay-Z have put a bid of 120 million dollars on some property in Bel’lend’ air L.A, complete with servants quarters. Any black people who have servants are fucking cunts, and should look at their history. This is what too much money does to people. I can honestly say that if I had £10 million I’d still do a bit of washing up, vacuuming etc, and the last thing I would have is some lazy cunt of a missus who thinks she’s above washing my dirty boxer’s and ironing the clothes.
Well Beyonce doesn’t look that black anymore.
Or maybe they’re going for irony, they want some House Honkies perhaps?
I had the same feeling about Obama when he gave his “back of the queue” speech. Sounded a bit too much like “back of the bus” for my liking. You’d think he would have read through the fucking thing before he spewed it out of his gob. Cunt.
It was Oscummer talking about the UK, he hates us because his father (or was is Grandfather) was supposedly beaten up in Kenya during the colonial era.
Remember the way the cunt kept referring to BP as ”British Petroleum” despite the fact that it hadn’t been truly that in years.
I’ve got no doubt that his uppity grandfather deserved a right good thrashing if he was anything like his grandson.
I think his grandaddy was one of the mao mao. If I recall weren’t they a bunch of nasty bastards anyway?
On the other hand the rich who don’t know how to spend it are also cunts. Like the lottery wining cunts who go back to work. Cunts.
Or that jock couple who won over 100 million on the euro millions and donated a whole load towards the SNP for their stupid campaign.
You do surprise me B&W Cunt, I thought if you were minted you’d have a few Russian fillies in servants quarters? The quarters being bedrooms and there being no requirement for them to leave them while they were “working”? ?
You’d just have to get someone in a couple days a week to keep the place tidy!
Thing is, if Bonce and Lay-Zee do get the gaff, if they have any servants of colour they’ll just say they’re helping the community employment figures – or some such shite – and the press and their idiot fans will just lap it up.
P.S. B&W Cunt – if you do get minted and you set that up, any chance of an invite?
P.P.S. Can you make sure one of them is a proper redhead? Love redhead lassies! ?
Marie McCray
Janet Mason
Faye Valentine
Milf Red (she’s British)
If I am ever that rich I’d have massive party, there would be women of all types especially redheads (I like redheads) and you would most definitely get an invite. Actually if I was that rich I’d probably have 7 different types of sexy lady ‘assistants’ who I would require ‘assistance’ from each day.
Ive realised I’d be proper debauched cunt.
Have never tupped a ginger minger. Tupped many a brunette and blonde minger though.
Aren’t they all supposed to be complete cunts to live with? Like they are constantly menstrual or something?
That lardarsed coconut ‘Queen Bey’ and her glorified low level street pimp husband can fuck right off… For all their libmong noises and ‘black lives matter’ bullshit these two cunts see themselves as royalty, and above what ordinary working people do… They’re no better than those Froggie cunts like Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette… Shame the two obnoxious choccy drops don’t suffer the same fate….
Joey Barton is a fuckin idiot cunt.
I’m a Joey Barton fan, coz we a very alike, two peas in a pod and all that, but what a doss cunt betting on football matches even games he was playing in.
That’s stupid enough but what is making him a cunt in my book is his apologizing and saying he’s going to get help for his gambling problem.
The old Joey that we ALL love would’ve just told reporters to fuck off and he’d maybe have stubbed a cigar out in one of the cunts eyes.
But it looks like that old Joey Barton is MIA and the new one is just another run of the mill apologist.
Another way to look at it is that fair do’s, a footballer shouldn’t be allowed to bet on football, but what about the clubs that take all that mega bucks from betting companies.
Surely that’s even more dodgy?
Who’s yer daddy?
Barton is a just a typical whiny,gobby Scouse wanker who if he wasn’t a footballer would be out stealing old biddie’s pensions,fiddling the sick-benefit and slavvering on about Hillsborough. Liverpool is a total sewer of a city and Barton is just another unpleasant turd to emerge from the city of “lovable rogues”.
Hope the cunt gets the shit kicked out of him when he’s out in Self-Pity City.
Like i said, two peas in a pod me and him.
No,no,no Birdman…..at least Barton doesn’t have a pushbike. 😉 .
Hahaha, brilliant Dick Fiddler. 🙂
Just reading about a bloke who been sentenced to death for atheism and blasphemy in peaceful Saudi Arabia, He had to plead insanity under the influence of drugs and alcohol which I suspect might involve him losing some body parts in any case. So I suppose that means the sane peacefuls believe in the stoning’s , beheadings, bombings, FGM, amputations, lashings and the evils of bacon sarnies.
Eh, I know I reeeaaaallllllyyyyy shouldn’t say this but a certain individual went after the wrong lot 70+years ago……
Old Adolf, I presume?… He should have done a Richard The Lionheart and done for the towelheads… Can you imagine now a world without Islam?.. It would certainly be a much safer place on so many levels…
Saudi Arabia you mean the country that gobshite UN made head of human rights?
Hitler wanted peace & love but the world wasn’t ready unfortunately…
He also loved animals he wanted nothing more then the protected rights of defenseless and endangered animals http://i.imgur.com/m39oOhl.jpg
The same Saudi Arabia that has just been given a seat on the UNs wiminz rights committee?
It seems that all those old “Sunday Sport” stories about Adolf being alive and well are true…
Apparently, sticking with his artistic ambitions, he’s gone into film-making. His first production, guaranteed no crappy CGI, is “Honey, I shrunk the _ids”
Barton is a total nasty little cunt. The wanker thinks he is some kind of superior intellect but he is only comparing himself with the average professional footballer which isn’t saying much. Mind you I can’t blame him for going down the “mental illness” route. It seems to work for every other cunt so it was worth a try. I understand he is going to appeal so don’t be surprised if he wins and walks into a punditry job alongside the big eared cunt at the BBC.
Oh that’s a given, Barton is another Scouse twat and football punditry is infested with them.
Football punditry is infested with twats has got me wondering if there’s a non twat in football punditry.
Joey Barton on 5live is probably the only one that i like.
Cant think of any other one that hasn’t had me spitting at the radio.
Two of the most offensive that I can think of are those narrow minded mediocre cunts Paul Merson and Phl Thompson.
When Hull appointed Marco Silva as their new manager, these ignorant fucktards were burying him on air, saying shite like ”he hasn’t got a clue” and ”what is this geezer?”
Now, Silva as it turns out actually had a solid record elsewhere in management and has done well a Hull getting them out of the shit they were in.
Cunts like Merson and Thompson have no place in punditry with that level of ignorance and being well….. cunts.
Merse is a cunt and a pure crybaby… On one England tour, a pissed Merson kept hassling this girl in a bar and flicking his drink in her hair… Then England Captain, Bryan Robson, threatened to kick fuck out of Merson if the childish little pisspot didn’t behave (in Robbo’s autobigography)… Merse blubbed like a babby and has been doing it ever since….
And Concorde Conk Thommo is the archetypal poodle permed moaning Scouse cunt…. Only decent pundits on the box are Souness and Gary Nev (Phil is a massive cunt)…
There’s been a fuck up to do with the cunts that are administrating the “child” refugees.
Some hero there has fucked up the numbers and there’s not enough places set aside for them.
Good, innit?
Here’s the cuntline from the BBC,
“They’ve only taken in about 350, far below the 3500 that protesters called for”
I, along with others protested here on ISAC, called for NO refugees, be they children or not.
Most likely not.
Why wasn’t that included the whinge ?
Are protesters in charge?, are they fuck, so no matter what they repeatedly chant for, and no matter what is PRINTED on their placards, they should have no sway in how many refugee cunts come in.
Fuckin BBC cunt-tards!!!!!!!!
What boils my piss is that these bean headed protesters act like they are speaking for the majority. They don’t.
Why in the fuck do we have to take them anyway? Are they saying that the 3-4-5-6-7 other European cuntries they passed through are not safe? Bullshit!
Also, be careful about taking even the actual child peacefuls.
I’ll tell you a little story from the end of my middle school days some 17 years ago.
Now, we were all 12 by this point, and our assignment was to do a presentation of a religion of out choosing. I did one on Sikhism, it was, even if I say so myself, a bloody good one I put together, hell the resident Sikh student praised it and even told me that it had stuff in it even he didn’t know about. Teacher also thought did a good job there.
Just one problem.
At one point it mentioned something about some issue or another that the Sikhs had with, you guessed it, a certain peaceful mob.
One peaceful girl (also aged 12 at the time) angrily went up to me all like ”what was that you said about Muslims?!”
Me being 12 years old at the time and not politically aware or really giving two fucks about peacefuls or any other religion that matter, this completely flew over my head, I didn’t get what the big fucking deal was.
What I am getting at my dear fellow cunters is that the peaceful scummers are evidently indoctrinated form a young age to be aggressive against any supposed slights against their religion, ergo even the young ones are dangerous to take in!
Here’s my idea, let’s not take a single refugee/rapeugee/chancing cunt. Nothing good will come of this!
And we might not want to be so appeasing and “egg-shelly” around the cunts who’re already here!
I don’t care how many generations down the line they are (like that chippy, aggressive “peaceful” cunt off “Can’t Pay, We’ll Take it Away!” last week).
We really should start to adopt a mantra of: “Listen CUNT! If what we say or do does not rest well with *YOUR* ‘peaceful’ sensibilities them I’m sorry, we don’t live in a ‘peaceful’ fucking country! Oh, and if you don’t fucking like it, please feel free to exercise your democratic right to fuck off to any ‘peaceful’ country of your choosing!” (and fucking good riddance too!)
It is absurd how we bend over backwards for a minority, especially that nasty bigoted little minority.
It’s like people always say, they come from shitholes and want to turn our country into one.
Also, it’s worth noting that the non-wits who demand we take the rapeugees in all happen to be people who don’t have to deal with the consequences.
Exactly. Which is why you only ever see those privileged “Tristans” and “Poppys” on telly (or the thick as day old porridge slebs – Lily, Adele, etc.).
If they went to a normal hamlet where folk work hard to make ends meet – whether breadline or doing ok – the response to: “Do you accept that we should be encouraging more undocumented, mostly “peaceful”, 40yr old children into this country without so much as a by your leave?”
I’d say 99 times out of 100 the response would be: “No, fuck ’em off!”
Most folk are also more than aware that these “fleeing masses” become economic migrants as soon as they leave the country in which they destinated as “refugees” or “asylum seekers” – and that being the case:
a) Why are they waiting in Calais to come here (having traversed at least 3 safe countries to get to Calais in the first place)? A: cos we’re Fantasy Island benefits wise. Cunts get here with no documentation in their hands but I bet the fuck they have a DSS form in their hands within 2mins of arriving!
b) What obligation do we have to let the cunts in anyway, just because they managed to “get here”? A: None whatsoever!
Also have you noticed that the swathes of “peacefuls” going across the Med always make it (or are taken to) Italy or Greece, both Christian countries and both of which are fucked financially (especially Greece)?
They never seem to make it (or get taken to) Turkey do they? A fellow “peaceful” country and as affluent as you’ll get in Europe these days. Why is that? Well because the Turks aren’t soft gullible cunts like what we are that’s why!
I’m afraid it is more like the other way round, m8. “This is our country now so if you don’t like sharia courts, halal meat, muslim only schools, wiminz forced to cover up in public and child rape then fuck off!”
Sad but true…..
and the irony is that so many snowflakey, libtard bottyboys who support this mass invasion by Religion of Peado types will be the first to benefit from a bath (in nitric acid) and air-drying (on their way down from the top of a multi-story car park).
And who will be there to stand up for them… and why the feck should I ?? The libtard cunts invited the medieval lot over in the first place, they can d/w…
Instead, I shall be saving giant black rabbits from dodgy US airlines, because black rabbits’ lives matter !!
Linda Sarsour is a cunt.
First off, she organized the women’s march while wearing a hijab, a legit symbol of oppression, while claiming to fight for women’s rights. Not only that, she has supported Sharia Law on Twitter (Those tweets are now deleted but archived), and has openly mocked the Charlie Hebdo victims and said Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a victim of genital mutilation, does not deserve to have a vagina.
She also is a preacher and the downright face of “intersectionality.” which is basically feminism + oppression olympics. It’s basically where white women get shat upon for having a platform and that somehow silences women of color (when the women of color could’ve easily created their own platform without this intersectional hysteria). This white women abuse has gotten worse after the election, cause apparently 53% of white women (who voted for Trump) have internalized misogyny and benefit from the ‘white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.’ So that gives the right of intersectional feminists to bully white women into submission. Linda Sarsour is no exception, saying if you’re not following the women(s) of color; you’re in the wrong movement. And after all the shit said about ‘the white women.’ Sarsour has the audacity to say ‘don’t leave us.’ cunt move right over there.
Recently people have been waking up to Sarsour’s BS. She’s been under fire from the Jews (who would’ve thought) after she made some Anti-Zionist comments. And people have been attempting to shut her speeches down (Which, I personally think is unwarranted. The best way to topple ideas is with better ideas).
Linda Sarsour is nothing more than a hypocritical liar that shows how far the left has fallen. The downright fact that many progressives follow her blindly has a symbol of women’s liberation is startling. It’s time for a radical change of the left and leave her and anyone like her in the past.
I would like to nominate HMRC because apart from being everyone’s favourite cunt they keep fucking my tax up so they can steal my money and then tell me to “try” and claim it back a year later. Fucking cheeky cunts. Well they would’ve told me that but their twat cunt computer answer phone cut me off as it was a busy time and not before nicking 10 minutes worth off telephone charges off me first. Fucking answer the phone you lazy cunts If there’s actually any cunt left in that office or has the new computer system eaten every cunt?