I would like to cunt International Women’s Day which was earlier this week. Here we fucking go again. It looks especially lame in this part of the world where they face the tyranny of wearing certain shoes at work or the deep injustice of someone suggesting they are a bit overweight.
What I can’t understand is how gender is relevant to most situations you find yourself in. Theres a special day for everything now (with the glaring omission of Men’s Day of course) it seems. At least no cunt has asked me for a pound yet!
Nominated by Mary Hinge.
International Women’s Day is a cunt…Well, the way it is done in Britain is anyway… At work today the radio had a ‘women only’ schedule… Which was basically a load of silly cow presenters babbling endless crap and playing total shite like Celine Dion, Madogga, Lily Mong, Adele Arbuckle, Sheryl Crow and Kylie on a loop… And praise was dished out to celebricunts like Madogga, Beyonce, Concorde Conk Streep, Dog Spice Beckham, and (naturally) Saint Jo Cox, Patron Saint Of Snowflakes…
No mention of the brave women in Syria who are fighting IS (while the greasy cowardly men fuck off to Germany to go -a-rapin’ and theivin’)… Shows what a joke this ‘womens day’ really is… It’s just a chance to arselick celebricunts and dumb down and throw shit at men… Fucking shite…
Nominated by Norman.
A utter minge fest and attention whore extravaganza is what it is well cunted norman
If they had called it ‘International minge day’ that could work.
Dimitris Avramopoulos is a greasy greek cunt This EU shill had the nerve to lecture europeans by threatening fines for failing to take in refugees “In future, the Twenty-Seven will need 6 million immigrants,” said the European Commissioner. If that wasn’t bad enough He also said a blatant falsehood about jihad attacks “As for terrorist attacks in the EU, they were committed by European citizens. With only one exception, it was never done by refugees!”, claiming only one had been committed by a refugee. One cunters just one? what a stunned cunt!
Well you greasy greek bellend just off the top of my head, the Berlin attack was done by a refugee, the Bataclan was done by refugees, The Nice attack was there have been other knife and bomb attacks in Germany done by refugees. These are large attacks with hundreds of deaths And there have been others too regardless if they were bloody refugees is irrelevant because they were most certainly moslem or radicals “not real islam” as you liberal apologist poofta cunts like to say. The statement he made is a gross falsehood. Of course, the Establishment media won’t be correcting his falsehoods, as they are so eager to do so for Trump.
i think he meant the attacks were carried out by “integrated” refugees
Female genital mutilation and male circumcision, kosher and halal butchery they are all committed by religious types and are seen to be normal by them but most normal people think they are unacceptable in the 21st century. But because they are religious requirements they can get away with it. As the Manics famously sang ” if you tolerate this then your children will be next” .
“If i can shoot rabbits
Then i can shoot fa-ascists”
I never got that song, but then i am a retard. 🙂
This is what I think …
Funny how “…ists” or “…ics” only seems apply to predominantly Christian white males.
– Sexist.
– Racist.
– Homophobic.
– Islamaphobic.
I’m a fairly tolerant bloke, much of it because I don’t really give a fuck about gender, sexual preference or religious views, but being continually brow beaten with statements that claim I am not tolerant of anyone or anything – just because I happen to fit into a certain demographic of society – is making me more and more intolerant by the minute.
And I think that constantly being blithely told by these libbo axe-grinding groups that I’m a cunt is slowly turning me into one as I rebel against being categorised in this way.
They all twist and cheese off about “how unfair” shit is and then wonder why their group-think mantras are rejected and the likes of Trump get elected as President, etc.
Well here it is libbo facists, we’re basically voting against YOU because we’re fucking fed up of your continual moaning and being blamed for everything – especially when we’re the cunts who are generally out working and haven’t got time to be constantly belly-aching on TwatBook or aimlessly standing around in groups waving placards about.
So fuck off you bone idle libbo cunts! Get a fucking job and at the end of a 12hr shift see you feel about waving a cunting placard about or updating TwatBook with bullshit!
Well said. I liked Jonathan pies’s rant on Trump, that pretty much agreed with what you just said.
I always considered myself in the centre of politics. Liberal on some things, Conservative on others but now if anyone asks me I say I’m on the right.
Every time I hear anything from these libtards I get further and further to the right. Which is strange because I’m certainly no fuckin NAZI.
Thats because the Nazi’s were totalitarian big State collectivist Socialists. They couldnt be more left if they tried. When you watch the footage from the Nuremberg rallies do you say to yourself wow those Nazis were all for limited Government and the rights of the individual above the power and authority of the State? Course you do. You have to if you consider them ‘right wing’.
If they all hung themselves that would help to.
Great cuntings!!
It’s just international bash the white man day.
They probably want all white men turned into minor fart so they can rule.
If we all ended up like farron the muzzies would take over then they’d be fucked!
And they wouldn’t even enjoy it as they’d have no clit!
Hi fellow cunters just seen this video and thought you can’t cunt a good cunt enough so I nominate Richard Dawkins for another cunting this cunts getting to Farron levels of cuntitudity!! https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsnight/videos/vl.605208766316129/10154355242061200/?type=1
I used to like that that cunt until I saw that.
Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt!
He’s forgetting about the two thirds majority required to sign our sovereignty away to the forth reich’s rule in the first place!
….oh no there couldn’t have been a 2 thirds majority as we didn’t even get a vote. I think the original vote was on a trade partnership only.
Dawkins is a pompus cunt.
What an atomic weapons grade cunt.
Yet someone else who regards us leavers as ignorant and ill informed.
How many more times does it have to be said that the leave voters I know all knew full well what they were voting for.
Fuck off Dawkins.
What made me laugh about that pile of shite we had to endure on the radio on ‘wimminz day’ is that not one serious (or good) female artist or protest song was ever played… There was no Nina Simone, no Jefferson Airplane, no Joan Baez, no Aretha, no Kate Bush, no Judy Collins, no Tori Amos, no Buffy Saint Marie, not even Helen Reddy with that horrendous ‘I Am Woman’ load of arse…
Instead we were tortured with Celine Turkey, Spice Girls, and ‘I Will Survive’ about thirty fucking times in one day…
Bet they never played ‘Fuck You, you’re a useless cunt’ by Sarah Bellum and the Headbangers ?
Probably too PC for them ?
Or ‘Sit On My Face Stevie Nicks’ by The Rotters…
I’ve always listened to his views on atheism but he was no match for the mind of Christopher Hitchens. However this cunt is just displaying the classic super elitist and super privilaged ultra liberal rantings of a part of our society that is willing to dismiss and forget the ordinary people that they see as poorly educated, ignorant morons who have no real idea of how the world around them should be run and that they should just sit there and passively let those who THINK they know better decide not was is best for them but what is best for their like minded and like educated cosseted narcissistic parasites. These views are actually a display of unquantifiable ignorance and a sign of complete apathy toward the MAJORITY their fellow citizens who have to budget and make compromises on every penny they spend. People have decided for a lot of reasons that the current system is not going to improve their lot but rather see it being much worse because of sneering condescending shit scum like him. They have voted to SAVE the younger generation FROM the EU. Disregard the average joe at your peril shit stain.
Why is it these hags never attack rap music?, rappers are always talking about women being Ugly bitches and whores
These women are full of shit
Why are they even protesting? Because trump made a funny comment?
What about the hundreds of anti male adverts?
Its always the same, dumb man makes mistake, clever woman saves the day
After reading yer shite ye tried to throw my way yesterday, I’d just like to know, before we go any further, are ye over the age of fourteen ?
Not a joke, i reckon yer thirteen at most.
Last night i realised that i could be dealing with spotty youth.
Ye know, coz yer “attacks” were pretty childish and piss poor.
So if ye could just confirm that ye are an adult, that would be good, and then we can get back to it, you weak cunt.
just fuck off
you are about as hard as a lettuce leaf
i called you birdbrain, you took offence like the poof that you are
i bet you drink out of a tankard and wear a flat cap
you are a sad old bastard. completely out of touch with the world in 2017
i have a great job and earn decent money
what do you do? spend 24 hours on the computer , real tough guy arent you?
the other day you were boasting about black cocks, today you are asking how old i am
so there we have it, you are nothing but a smelly old gay pedophile
,maybe we can all chip in and get a black male escort for your 70th birthday, though you will only last 20 seconds
++++++ You’re banned ya cunt ++++++
Imo 41 and yer patters pish.
Weak cunt.
Even though i think of you as the weak cunt you are, i can’t help rereading yer replies to me.
They really are the ramblings of a fuckwitt weak cunt.
They are also fuckin hilarious.
How does a fuckwitt weak cunt come up with such gems ?
“The other day you were going on about black cocks and today your asking how old i am ”
WTF ? hahahahahahaha
“I’m as hard as a lettuce leaf”
Lettuce is like kryptonite to me, I’m allergic to it and it fucks me up for a few days, so I’ll take that as a compliment.
Again, even though you are a fuckwitt weak cunt, ye still make me laugh.
Ya weak cunt.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Dawkins is an arrogant up-his-own-arse fucking wanker. I might start believing in god and heaven and all that bollocks just to wind the cunt up.
Don’t sell ya soul Fred whatever ya do? It’s all we’ve got left.
Ok I’ll take your advice but I’ll send him a copy of the Bible anyway. Either that or a lump of dogshit, which amounts to the same thing.
The pages out of a bible make serviceable cigarette papers if you’ve run out of rizzlas and happen to be dismantling a yew-tree in a graveyard next to an unlocked church…..also passable toilet-paper.
I’ve used pages of the bible to roll doobs.
It was a shite doob, but needs must.
My mates were shiteing it coz they are Catholics, and were all worried that they’d go to hell.
Christianity – mumbling to the ceiling..
Judaism – mumbling to a wall..
Islam – mumbling to the floor..
Interesting. When Cromwell formed the New Model Army he called for “Godly men….who believe in what they fight for and love what they believe.” As such every man was issued a prayer book with prayers specifically designed to soothe their Christian conscience as they butchered people and nicked anything they could lay their hands on. Unfortunately most of them used the pages to wipe their arses with. I was going to suggest that perhaps IS fighters use the pages of the Quran for the same purpose but Camel drivers have different bathroom habits don’t they.
I like to think that some of my work in the field of racing camel genetics in the early eighties, was instrumental in the breeding programme that produced the sure footed camel that re-wrote the record books in the sport.
The Saudi Quattro….
Are you sure you didn’t steal that idea from the often forgotten American rock goddess…Suzi Quatro?
What’s worse than all these feminazi cunts is men who buy into it and pander to these demented slags… Cunts like Steven Moffatt: who destroyed Doctor Who and whatever little potential Sherlock had (which wasn’t much) by letting wimmin hog the show… Also, anyone who calls that fat arsed car alarm voiced coconut ‘Queen Bey’ is a cunt… But any man who does it (see you, Bono) is a total cunt of the highest order… Spouting on about equality and ‘making poverty history’ (yeah right), yet they refer to a manufactured R&B trollop as Queen and treat her unsavoury husband and other cunts like Kayne Kunt and his slut like they are royalty and above everyone else… Celebs make me fucking puke….
If a man tells me he’s a feminist,I just think “what are you up to,you shifty cunt?”. It reminds me a bit of women who say they like football,the cunts are just being dishonest to ingratiate themselves. I quite often get into arguments with feminist cunts – well, I just like baiting them really – and when I get told I am too thick to know what is what, I just remind them of when they shagged that other womans husband and what is the feminist position on that!. Every single one I’ve met has been a disappointed slapper. Hypocritical boring load of cunt.
Why doesn’t the Dawkins cunt ask for 9 million quid of taxpayers’ money so he can put his enlightened opinions through every letterbox in the country? Oh shit no!…that didn’t work the first time did it? Here’s an idea….why doesn’t he write his shit views on the side of a bus and drive it around a bit? I’m sure that will work and cost next to fuck all. Fuck me, I’m a propaganda genius!
I like the way Mervyn King’s speaking. He’s saying that we should basically fuck the EU off and let them negotiate a deal with us. Smart cunt.
I’m all for International Womens Day.
I like a bit of exotic rump. Do we get to pick which nationality we get? Put me down for a nice Dutch bint,but to be honest, I don’t really care where she’s from just as long as she does a turn…..no Australians,mind…horrible bloody people.
The clever girls who organised International Womens Day deserve a pat on the arse and a treat off their man. Perhaps a day off doing the cooking and cleaning would be a fair reward.
Put me down for a Scandinavian or two Dick, just don’t tell the Mrs.
‘Fraid Diane Abbott is the only female left, GB….you can have a go once I’ve finished teaching the saucy minx a few new tricks…course she’ll be ruined for a “normal” man by the time I’m done.
Oh bollocks Dick, how can I compete with you. I don’t suppose Gemmma Arterton….
You leave the delectable Miss Arterton (the next Mrs Fiddler,lucky girl) out of your vile thoughts. ….it’s a reamed-out,semi-conscious niggapotamus called Diane for you GB.
My Mrs, the Flabbott and me Dick, what more could I want.
As he’s not biting yet, I’d like to nominate Is Obama’s Feces as a cunt.
Not only a cunt , but a dumb weak cunt.
Yesterday i was called “retard” and “thick as shit” by this weak cunt.
Nothing wrong with that, flattery is like piss in a pool to me, but this is the weak cunt that in his first comment wrote
” how do i leave a comment. I’ve tried different names but it doesn’t work. Somebody tell me how to do it. Tell me how to do it CUNTFACE.”
Also when he called someone “illiterate”, the weak cunt fucked up his spelling.
Nothing wrong with spelling mistakes, we’re all guilty of that, but when yer having a go at illiterates, ye better get yer own spelling sorted.
Also the comment about me thinking I’m hard coz i use “outdated terms” like “shite” and “ye”.
Holy fuck !
This is a clueless weak cunt I’m dealing with here.
How could he add that up in his twisted head ?
Utter fuckin nonsense.
Shaun and Fred.
I know the rules about trolling, and if this comes across as trolling, then i apologize to you two, but the weak cunt was being a cunt.
PS. I cant believe i forgot this little beauty of a comment
“You claim to hate blacks, but your named after a famous rapper ”
Priceless, utterly priceless.
I could maybe, maybe understand that beauty if i had claimed to hate blacks ( a claim i have never made, coz i don’t hate blacks) and i was trying to join the BNP or NF.
Also, if i did hate blacks, it wouldn’t prevent a black guy and a white guy having the same name.
I no nothing of this famous rapper , but do know that I’ve been called birdman by everybody except family since i started keeping and breeding birds as a kid.
The same name as a black guy, come on.
What a weak cunt.
I always though the nickname came from the Birdman of Alcatraz:the film starring Burt Lancaster…
I am named after the excellent filum, but as I’m from Dumbarton, they started calling me the Birdman of Dumbarton, eventually shortened to birdman.
Its not the best nickname and i wish it was a reflection of my prowess with the ladies. 🙂
See when I realised i had used my known name instead of a screen name, that’s when I felt like a thick as shit retard.
But hey, I’ve got nothing to hide.
Hi birdman, sounds like he needs a chill pill.
Sounds like he needs to stop slurping on the cock of his new uncle Ndildo that his mater has brought back from “holiday”, and get back to his homework.
I don’t think you’ll hear any more from the cunt. Just a feeling…
Anyone have John Surtees in the dead pool
The greatest man of all time.
Really pissed off that IWD coincided with National No Smoking Day. Double whammy! Can’t even have a fag after a second rate shag…
I like to combine the two, I rest my ashtray on her forehead.
Today on the radio somebody played a ‘song for all the men out there’… Nice one… I hadn’t heard the song in years, brought a lot of memories back…. Nice to hear it again, but I bet the DJ loses his job because he dedicated a song to blokes called ‘When You Are A King’….
Feminiazi?… Shit ’em….
My keyboard is a fucking cunt….
Ahh, i thought Dickie was back, but i was stumped as to how he managed to get the same picture.
Today on the radio somebody played a ‘song for all the men out there’… Nice one… I hadn’t heard the song in years, brought a lot of memories back…. Nice to hear it again, but I bet the DJ loses his job because he dedicated a song to blokes called ‘When You Are A King’….
Feminiazi?… Shit ’em….
And played by a band called The white plains… so basically white male privilege Nolans did a cover of it but I like the white plains version more
Woman’s day? I shall celebrate it by logging on to Xhamster, pornhub etc.. Spoilt for choice.
Tommorow shall be Bald, unemployed alcohol smelling 40 year man day.
If logging onto xhamster is how to celebrate International Wimmin Day, then I’ve been unknowingly celebrating it most days.
Last night i celebrated with a download of a FFM threesome scene starring the beautiful redhead Marie McCray, her good friend Ellie and some guy who sometimes got in the way.
Best FFM threesome I’ve watched in ages.
The missus is on nights, the daughter is staying at her pals, so I’m going to be celebrating some more later.
No other cunts invited though.
Well, what else am i supposed to do with my “sad old bastard, kid fiddling, northern, tankard drinking, flat cap wearing, sad old bastard, out of touch with 2017 real world life ?
PS. I’d never wear a flat cap.
I wouldn’t want to mess up my luverly hair. 😉
I want hair! I wonder how many people on ‘is a cunt’ are bald?
Ye don’t want hair where I live.
99 days out of 100 its gale force.
I have to keep it shortish, if not, i end up looking like Geldof, and no one wants that.
When there’s no wind its quiet as fuck.
IWD? I ignored the silly bitches like I do for the other 364 days of the year, they only do it to get attention from men. Men do not pay any heed to this silliness, first women then hoovers. Before you know it all of the domestic appliances are wanting attention just because they do a few minutes housework occasionally.
‘Such hypocrisy Stinks.’…….of fish ?
I have a nurse friend who told me a very good story about a bloke paying too much attention to his hoover.
Did anyone see the BBC news this morning. I am a rugby league fan, not overly keen on the kick and clap stuff but academics have said that England rugby union fans should stop singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot because of the insensitvity to the injustice of slavery. Well I say fuck off you cunts, people aren’t ignorant or arrogant about the history of the song. Fucking waste of money, waste of space academic cunty wankstains.
Yes I saw that, I nearly spat my coffee when the cunt professor recommended the program contains a 500 word essay on slavery.
No mention of the black slaves though.
I keep telling myself not to watch BBC Sixdog, but it seems like a drug that I have to keep going back to. When I do, I wish I hadn’t fucking bothered. I try to calm myself by looking at imaginary blue balloons floating in the sky.
Was watching BBCEarth recently cause sometimes theres a good animal documentary or show on. But theres this cunt presenter who’s just a smug smiley bastard, Brian Cox I think his name is…. can only watch the fucker for more then a 1 minute before I get irritated and switch it off Cunt!
Slavery was well ingrained into african society long before the British got involved. Still is in many places. Never spoken about though.
I’d like to cunt either the show or the 2 cunts that present it. I’m talking about the film review on 5 live on friday afternoons with Mark Cum-mode and Simon Salad Cream. What a fucking boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring BORING waste of 2 fucking hours of wireless airtime by these pair of self indulgent, arse sniffing, japs eye poking cunts. I’d love to see the listening figures. If the figures include the presenters then I guess it would be approx 2!! Who in their right mind would willingly subject themselves to listening to these pretentious outpourings of a couple of cunts who like most critics long to be in the film industry but have minus talent and the only way to nestle within the bosoms of their idols is to con some shit thick BBCunt executive into wasting our fucking money. If I am interested in a film I’ll look at a synopsis of it and make my own mind up and not have some sycophantic twat trying to pretend that they can see some deep messages within that us soft cunts can’t. If you need to produce this shite keep to the written media and let some cunts who insomnia use it in a beneficial way. Please go and get to fuck you cunts.
I don’t listen to the show, but i have heard the ads for it.
It’s advertised as if its the most important show around.
And if ye miss it, yer gonna be left clueless.
Peoples opinions of filums are mostly pointless anyway.
There’s a lot of filums i think are great, yet the reviewers said they were bad.
Example = The Pain Gain
Most of the blockbusters they release are not that great, yet a lot of indie filums are.
Also the Oscar best picture.
Look back at the last twenty years, and imo, ye’ll find that there’s a lot of bad filums there.
While I’m on about 5 live that Nihal Arthanyake who’s on every fucking lunchtime is a cunt too. The bbc have given the cunt a platform to be as anti brexit, anti trump and whatever anti he wants to be. He has a voice that I want to punch, a horrible snivelling Uriah Heap of a tone trying to give the impression of total empathy with whichever minority hard done by cunt of the day he’s got on. And the twat always manages to slip the word ‘migrant’ into the conversation even if they are talking about fucking flower arranging. I fucking hate the bbc.
Load of bollocks. There are plenty of songs which could be highly offensive but no cunt listens to the lyrics. I seem to remember Ronald Reagan thought that “Born in the USA” was a hymn to American patriotism whereas it’s a complete slagging off of American foreign policy. The Jethro Tull classic “Aqualung” includes a verse about some dirty old paedo eyeing up little girls in the park…..”Sitting in the cold sun…..watching as the frilly panties run.” My favourite is the Pistols’ “Bodies” about a young girl performing an abortion on herself in a public toilet…”Fuck this and fuck that….fuck it all and fuck a fucking brat.” Then there’s endless “gangsta rap” bollocks about stabbing and shooting cunts and beating the shit out of ‘hos and bitches. No…let’s have a pop at drunken old rugby toffs singing a song they learned in the music lessons at their posh schools. Easy target and the daft wankers might even listen to us.
You ever seen Julian Clarey go into hyper mince when God save the Queen is played?
Unions need a good cunting..they obviously have forgotten that members pay subs to them, the cunts. I learned today that the union I belong to is encouraging it’s members to attend an antiracism demonstration in central London. The cunts have arranged coaches from major cities to take the cunts there and back and are buying train tickets for other cunts to get up there..a day return from Bristol is about sixty quid!. They are meant to be fighting a pay campaign for the members. I do not want my subs spent on this shite!. Fucking tea-leaf socialist cunts.
Fuckin theiving cunts!
Man United fan banned from ground for tweeting… Katie Hopkins sued for tweeting… Some pro-Trump celebrities suspended for tweeting… Snowflake lynch mobs hounding others online because they are ‘offended’ and don’t like their tweeting… This country is closer to Stalin and Hitler’s policies than at any other time since the war… Leftism is the new fascism, and social media is from Satan’s arse….
I’m no Hopkins fan, but this is just unbelievable….
Harry Cockburn? lol
£300,000 in fucking legal fees? Thats a absolutely disgusting misuse of justice if you ask me Laurie Penny and Jack Monroe are fucking scumbags
All Katie did was protect the dignity of war veterans . Laurie Penny threatened her by virtue signalling and Monroe demanding 5,000 to save migrants for her “hurtful comments” directed to Penny
How can a false accusation (that wasn’t even aimed at you anyway) cause ‘great distress’?…In real life if someone is wrongly (or mistakenly) blamed for something they usually just say ‘No I didn’t! Fuck off!’ Done and dusted, honour defended, life goes on… But we now live in a world where a tiny shove is seen as an ‘assault’ and posts on social media can be a crime…. The war (and even the post-war) generation is long gone and this country is now filled with softies who get up in the morning just to be offended… It’s like when footballers get an arm brushed across their shoulder, and they go down screaming and holding their face.. Then they get up and wave imaginary red cards at the referee… A lot of society is sadly no different…
That said though, Hopkins is a bit of a nutter, and this latest one will have snowflakes in meltdown… And the other one is no saint either… I never liked Cameron, but I don’t use his son’s death to have a go at him…
Cunt who comes from privileged background (and when Edwina Currie pointed this out, said cunt openly called Currie ‘scum’), cunt then chooses to leave job (chooses, mind you, not sacked), then lectures others (and far poorer people) online about how to survive ‘poverty’ on benefits, decides to become a lesbian and give herself a man’s name (err why?!), and (for all the anti-austerity noise) shacks up with rich lesbian restaurant owner, makes nasty remarks about ex-PM’s dead son but then goes all cry baby when nasty Katie tweets something.
Cunt! Cunt! Cuntity Cunt!
One more time… Get those violins out….
And as old Jimmy Cricket might say, ‘C’mere… There’s more…’
Fascism always was of the Left. It is a collectivist philosophy based on a big strong State. Classic left wing.
I was at a networking event at ui today and met with a local MP who said Corbyn would only ever be useful at playing cards in a nursing home.Hahahaha.