I nominate Brendan Cocks for another cunting.
His “Make me your MP at the next general election” campaign was in full swing this morning and the ABBC were more than happy to oblige the cunt.
As the Batley & Spen area (like most of West Yorkshire) is very “peaceful” then obviously whoever wishes to get that seat needs to appease the “multicultural” aspect and is now shilling for his “The Great Get Together” street party designed to bring people “closer together”.
Actually we can all see that this is a barely disguised attemp to promote himself for future campaign use in his “multicultural” district.
Thing is Brendan, the “peaceful” cunts don’t much like us and while that sentiment may be mutual, is is clear – across the whole of Europe – that this “multicultural” experiment just isn’t working.
I’d say that until recent times 99.999% of the indigenous UK population have tolerated “peaceful” cunts (please don’t confuse that with “like”) but in recent times that tolerance from “peaceful” cunts has not been reciprocated, and it’s getting worse, and across the whole of Europe.
So Brendan, feel free to campaign for that seat if you must, just don’t expect me to get involved with a load of old bollocks to support you!
The direction you and your sadly deceased wife are taking us, sure you may get the “peaceful” vote and your seat in parliament (for now) but at the end of the day all that will guarantee is that you’ll be placed slightly further back in the queue to get your head lopped off!
Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!
Yeah I heard this tosser on the radio, yesterday I think, rabbiting on about this street party shit. Well it ain’t happening round my way you soppy cunt,trust me. That arsehole James O’Brien, oozing with his usual false sincerity, was practically crying and sticking his tongue up this saint’s arse. To be honest I had a little bit of sick in my mouth and felt distinctly unwell listening to this pair of fuckers taking political advantage of a corpse. Are there no depths these remoaner cunts won’t stoop to?
You did fucking well to listen to James O’Cunt for more than 30 seconds. Can’t abide to hear his cuntish tones and refuse to have LBC on when he is bashing his gums.
Yeah I know what you mean. The only thing he loves more than Muzzies, immigrants and the fucking EU is himself. When he does the odd gig on Newsnight I have to switch off. The sound of his smug voice is bad enough but I can’t look at the fucker at the same time. O’Shithead is one of the biggest cunts in this country and there is a lot of competition these days.
What a bleeding crap street party that will be if the shifty cunt is intent on appeasing people..no hot dogs or bacon, no beer, no loud music etc…when will these thick cunts get it into their heads that people prefer to socialise with like-minded others ,this multicultural society only really exists in workplaces and even then people don’t necessarily socialise with colleagues.
My sentiments too Freddie. Nothing looks so pathetic than seeing some cunt or cunts riding on the back of a tragic event for some personal gain. Cough-Hills-cough-bor-cough-ough.
I would like to give Mindfulness a good cunting. This is a concept that I’ve heard a lot about lately and is popular with employers seeking to dodge their obligations to their employees. It is what used to be called living in the moment,so when things are getting a bit much, you need to contemplate the sun shining through the window,say,or have a mental picture of a lovely place you can go to. So when my employer treated us to a course to learn about this old wank today, I imagined one cunt of a colleague trapped in a burning lift then another being repeatedly kicked in the bollocks and I must say I did feel a pleasant glow.
Am glad to have got out of that environment over 10 years ago. All that management speak bollocks had started and we were having more meetings than actually getting on with the job.
I have mates who are still subject to this and often will “reach out” and tell me what is going on. Don’t miss it one bit.
We’ve been here before. Management bollocks. I was a manager for 35 years and did courses like this regularly. Totally fucking useless. The only courses that are any use are technical. They inform and help you understand. Management ‘courses’ are an industry that serves no purpose whatsoever.
So please be mindful of that when you think outside the box from a different paradigm.
Even Stevie Wonder playing Blind Man’s Bluff in a darkened room can see what this opportunist cunt is up to. Yes I’m sure he wants ‘to reach out’ and ‘come together’ but his policies are a joke, these people reject our values, traditions and culture. They will just vote this PC fucker in as a mouthpiece in Westminster knowing he’s got the sympathy vote from gullible clueless cunts because of his wife and further their stranglehold of their backward intolerant ‘religion’ on this country.
The nutjob who did for Jo Cox Patron Saint Of Snowflakes will probably have Chapmanesque regrets about Brendan The Snake… Chapman-like as in ‘Why didn’t I shoot Yoko?….’
Why are so many of the Lords so concerned about protecting the rights of the 3,000,000 EU citizens in the the UK, over protecting the rights of UK citizens in the EU. From the off May offered a quid pro quo on this which the buffoons at the EU rejected. Now it looks like the Lords may pass an amendment to the A50 Bill protecting the status of EU grunts here, with no regard to the status of their own countrymen. They are indeed traitorous cunts!
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a balanced MSM, with journalistic integrity to ask this question But no, all we get is the supposed news about a fuck up at the Oscars, a subject that not one person I know of could give a tuppenny fuck for!
Too true….We now have a media that regards Iraqi transbenders, social media bullshit, a Jamie Vardy look-alike, and the neverending coverage of a muzzie who won a cake baking competition as ‘news’…
With luck the “lords” will be going the way of the Dodo, sooner the better I reckon. Silly cunts have no real power anyway; they exist to claim expenses, waste time, talk bolloclks and drive sane people mental at least the shower of shite that currently have seats. I almost wish we could return to the days when the House of Lords was filled with persons who if not totally devoted to the benefit of plebs at least had an iota of class. John Prestcunt, Chuckyermucky, for fucks sake massive pisstake and we are on the recieving end, my piss boils
Quite so.
Just wrote a piece on it over at mine :
If I’m not mistaken, this was one of the many amendments discussed in the commons which was categorically voted down. If the unelected Lords then add the very same amendment and return it to the commons, MPs would have no choice but to vote it down a second time and then return it to the Lords. Technically, the Lords could then add the amendment again and return the bill to the commons a second time, but that is unlikely.
In the end of the day, all the Lords can do is delay the bill, they cannot stop it or force the commons to accept amendments to it, especially given the majority the bill passed by, unamended in the commons. Making the Lords a right honourable set of cunts.
Read your piece Dio, nail on head mate, nail on head. Read something that the eu are going to pay money into the lords pension racket?
The Remoaners will do anything to subvert Brexit. They are determined that we give our negotiating positions away, thus rendering them ineffective. Then they will say – look what a mess this is, we want another vote.
The vested interests of these cunts should not be underestimated.
They want their gravy train and fuck the rest.
I actually believe a huge percentage of them want this country to fall flat on it’s face just so they can yell “told you so.”
Fuckin trators.
Absolutely everyone with 2oz of sense and a bank balance significantly less than these paid for nothing cunts knew it would be a quid pro quo deal for ours out there Vs theirs over here.
The House of Paid-For Cunts – interfering with democracy yet again – now means we have to keep all of the EU cunts here with no guarantee that ours will be afforded that same courtesy once we do leave the EU.
This is foolishness of the most sublime and I just hope that any of ours booted out of the EU are relocated in the UK out of the coffers of the House of Paid-For Cunts and hopefully that will bankrupt the cunts into extinction.
Utter, utter CUNTS!
The irony for me is that many of the poor expats voted remain.
The BBC cunts really are warped fuckers… They’re actually promoting this shite, and approving of these cunts?!… No surprise that there’d be a stupid bitch who’d want ‘two husbands’, but are those two blokes fucking mad?! It’s a recipe for total disaster and a steaming pile of shit waiting to hit a very big fan…. If she can have two blokes, what makes those two stupid sods think it will stop there?….
Some daft cunt reading a poem to her two hubbies… And why do the BBC feel they have to put this in peoples’ faces?… Because they glory in weird shite like this, and they consider the normal (one woman man, working class white bloke) as abnormal… Let’s teach kids to be bigamous, is that what they’re after? Snowflake scum…… And for all their liberal crap that’s what it is… Polyamorous?… Bollocks! It’s fucking bigamy and cheating…..
You may be on to something here. Anything even slightly anti norm is fair game to them and I would like to bet there is some clever cunt at ABBC HQ having exactly the thought that you have had.
Little by little they are chipping away with their liberal agenda. As long as they perceive it as anti British and/or pro “peaceful” they will be all over it like a rash.
Absolute cunts.
Love is Love, say it with me Love is Love…… except it isn’t when its abnormal degeneracy lol https://thecolemanexperience.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/fry-and-hubbie.jpg
Fry’s husband looks about as pleased to be touched up as Trump’s Mrs!
“So, what attracted you to the MILLIONAIRE Stephen Fry?”
Fuck me TS thats child abuse that is. Fry is a right dirty bastard. Was it not Oscar Wilde who said “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is by jove a duck or cunt in Frys case” could have been Mahatma Ghandi said that, I am sure if Fry was to go back in time with his wife said gentleman would agree he is a cunt and dirty. This cider is well strong and not fizzy my fucking head will hurt come morning.
And now that daft cunt Justine Greening wants to teach kids as young as four about ‘relationships’… Which basically means they want to brainwash kids about poofters and transbenders… Kids will eventually think that actually being attracted to the opposite sex is wrong… Are they trying to build a nation of faggots?! ‘But won’t the population die out?’ I hear…Not with our ‘peaceful’ sandsambo friends around to breed like rabbits on viagra…
All in all
They’re not gonna
Stop him building
The wall.
I’ve always sneered at American Presidents and politicians, but I love this guy.
Just watching him live on Al Jazeera of all places.
The cunts at Al Jazeera are gonna be having a right whinge when he’s finished, and that’s when I’ll turn over.
Build the wall
Build the wall
Build the wall
The wall will be bloody beautiful fuck the haters, all in all you’re just another cunting brick in the wall
In for surgery this morning.Wish me luck!
Good luck Shaun.
Take care, pal….
Good luck mate. Be back kicking a ? in no time.
Certainly do Shaun. Will be thinking of you matey…
All the best. Look forward to early post op cunting.
Best of luck Shaun…
Fuck luck you got this Shaun Well unless … you have wayne rooney as your surprise surgeon for today otherwise I think you’ll be fine
Good luck Shaun. Come back cunting stronger than ever.
Good luck mate.
Good luck Shaun.
May your luck grow big.
Good luck Shaun…………………….Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Good luck Shaun