I’ve seen it happen, many a time. How can these, and I use the term loosely, adults, many married with kids, promote themselves to make someone’s life a misery, just because they’re either shy, quiet, don’t want to join their ‘gang/clique’ or, heaven forbid, don’t want to join in the secret fucking Santa or have some kind off affliction.
It’s bad enough in schools, but in the fucking work place, it’s fucking disgraceful behaviour, when all most people want to do is earn a decent crust and fuck off home…
I’m sorry to say, it nearly always seems to be fucking women and sometimes nancyboy blokes, who haven’t got the bollocks to stand up to them, so, they join in. The fucking wankers, bleat on how they are the hardest workers, yet spend most of the day, gossiping and shit stirring.
I’ve seen a many good worker not turn up the next day, never to return and when I bump into them, tell me that’s why they left….
Fucking cocksucking wankfucking bullies………I hate them.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Quite right, my mrs works in the nhs and the fucking carry on there is unbelievable. All women organising nights out, Christmas fucking partys and yes the pathetic yank imported secret fucking santa. Not only are they doing all that shite but also spend half the time on the internet looking for fucking clothes or booking cunting holidays. One cunt even brings her Brownie shite with her and prints off all sorts of fucking stuff. You’re there to do a fucking job you idle cunts. And the bullying is bad. My mrs doesn’t get involved but she’s hard enough not to give two fucks if they talk about her and they’ve fucking learned that now. But a couple of them have been off with stress after complaining to management, on full fucking pay of course, but still the fucking stupid clucking battery hen cunts continue. That’s why the nhs is a fucking rotten pit of wasted millions. That’s only one small department in one hospital and is replicated in many other places, councils, schools etc. Makes ones piss overheat.
I have fortunately never really had to work in an office environment. It looks like a right piece of fucking cunt. All the cunts, all the politics, the knob head ‘boss’, the work your actually doing which surely no one gives a fuck about, and having some ugly bitch who fancies you. Then the ‘office party’ and a load of other shit I don’t (gladly) know about. Office work and all the cuntishness can fuck off.
As for bullying in the work place, it goes to show that we (adults) don’t really change much from when we were in the playground at school. I was a bit of a bully and a cunt at school, I’ve grown up though…. I’m only a cunt now.
The Christmas tree is a cunt,
I’ve gotta go and get one, fucking pay some cunt in a field £30 for it, put the the cunt in the motor, get home set the cunt up (which involves moving the living room around) clean all the fucking pines out the fucking motor then after two weeks have the cunting thing sat outside the house waiting for the binmen cunts to pick it up.
Thinking about it, it’s actually an upside down cunt. The cunt.
I run the risk of being termed a bully, on two occasions now I have tracked down my sick driver once to find him round his mates house and the other fishing, I allso shout “put your fucking phone away” at him a lot.
I am fed up with him.
The journalist Hannah Jane Parkinson describes herself as “a writer on pop culture, music, tech, football, politics and mental health. She lives in London and previously lived in Russia, Oxford and Liverpool. She likes reading, sauvignon blanc, laughing and Liverpool FC.”
What she fails to mention here is that she is also one mammoth cunt who deserves an immediate cunting for describing Paddington Bear as “a pro-immigration story”.
Never mind the fact that Paddington’s author Michael Bond has repeatedly stated that the image of the bear at the railway station with a small suitcase and label round his neck was inspired by newsreel footage of child evacuees heading out of London during WW2, and never mind the fact that my memory of the books is that they mainly consist of mishaps with washing machines and marmalade sandwiches (not benefits-claiming NHS-tourists or cash-in-hand Poles undercutting local wages), the idea that something as benign and apolitical as a toy bear is now being hijacked for the pro-immigration narrative makes my fucking blood boil.
What next – Sharia Law for Camberwick Green?
Pugh, Pugh, Barley-McGrew, Ashraf, Mohammed, Khan! BEEEEP!
This week in Trumpton Fucking Chippy Minton is undercut by a team of Polish plumbers .
I’m going to stick my neck out here, but there is not enough workplace bullying.
And I’m not talking about mincers gossiping and tarts on twatbook shit stirring all day, I’m talking about tyrant bosses. I was a merchant navy cadet, and there was a few Chief Engineers whom had reputations, and if you got the wrong side of it you were taken around the back of the switchboard and given a kicking. Or humiliated in the officers bar, before being twatted. If you were useless at the job, your career was over and you were off the boat next call.
Most people are probably gasping in horror reading that, but the one thing you learn from that (not so much a problem for me, I learned that mostly at home) is to respect your elders and learn when to open your mouth.
Fast forward to today, If I ran a job like that I am certain I would spend 7 hours a day kicking the fuck out of mouthy, useless millennial wank stains who want to discuss the far end of a fart and take in all the options and opinions of the HSE Manager, HR Manager, blah blah, whilst actually avoiding making the decisions and doing the work they are supposed too. This is why everything these days costs a fucking fortune and takes forever to get done.
Work is far too cushy for 99% of these piss taking employees. This is the side effect of becoming a PC ‘wet’ society. This is what happens when you give out participation trophies to useless idle bastards.
And secret fucking santa… I will let you into a secret, he is not real! I don’t buy presents for my family, so I’m not buying them for cunts at work. Oh, and speaking of Christmas, have you been to church the preceding 51 Sunday’s this last year? No, fucking thought not. See you on Monday 26th December you lazy fuckers, no ‘pretend’ holiday slacking for you. Unless your religion is rushing home like a cunt and then ignoring your family whilst flirting with colleagues on facebollocks, whilst being totally shite at everything else in life, then yes, you are devout.
And if you turn up for work even remotely smelling of alcohol, you are fucking fired. Cunts. I don’t even like it when people say ‘bless you’ when I sneeze, so what the fuck makes you think I’m going to wish you a happy religious cuntfest that is not real and you don’t believe in anyway?
But don’t let my ‘negativity’ or lack of christmas spirit as you see it get in the way of the actual facts at hand, you pathetic bunch of cretins.
Hear fucking hear!
And what you will find is that the cunts who are the most fucking useless at their jobs are also the ones most clued up on their entitlements, HR bullshit, disciplinary proceedings, etc.
One useless cunt was brought up for being a useless cunt and was advised they would be receiving a disciplinary hearing. Now were they all sheepish and embarrassed about being a useless cunt? No, the bare-faced cunt immediately demanded that he receive a formal copy of the disciplinary allegations and that a copy be also sent to his workplace representative.
The manager (a weak cunt himself anyway) was completely thrown by this response and scuttled off to check all this with the HR Stasi.
It took the company 6 months to get rid of the cunt and only then after the cost of a tribunal and legal costs, etc. In order to get rid of the cunt he was given 2 months severance. Good “toe the line” workers get 2wks notice!
If he’d put as much effort into his job as he did avoiding doing any work and defending against being sacked he’d have been the employee of the year! Cunt!
+1 from me, only wankers get bullied at work. When I initially started in my first place I ( actually 5 of us) turned up on the day we were sent to the T-Bar and it began. We sat down, literally shitting ourselves, blinked and were set upon by a mob of gobshites. Stripped naked (it was November) tied to a propeller and driven around for about 5 hours. It continued like this until the next bunch of unfortunates arrived. One particular cunt who was the shift “hard man” took things a little to far from time to time so I squared up to him and he gave me a right good kicking. Later that evening me and the other 4 underlings broke into his room and tuned the prick to a C sharp. Not a word was said by anyone, and we hammered the cunt. The moral of the story is Man the fuck up or shut the fuck up. Shame I don’t take my own advice with my Mrs, the things she makes me do just to get a gob job and give her the occasional anal pounding.
Sounds like a good gay time was had by all at your work. Fucking paedos abusing young lads under the cover of ‘initiation’.
Spot fucking on Captain.
I’ve been accused of bullying and intimidation on many occasions at work,mainly by young fuckers who’ve been on some stupid college course and think that they know better than me. The job we do is inherently dangerous,and the last thing I need is some wet behind the ears wanker trying to tell me that they know better than me.
The only good thing about these wet farts is that they are too soft to actually do anything about my outbursts except say that they feel “intimidated” and fuck off crying back home to their mummys. Best place for the soft cunts
After leaving HMF I was called into the office about “staff relations” basicly I was told not to speak to someone “Like that”.
I asked them what we paid the person to do, and then what they actually did, I got an honest answer on that and we agreed that should X have a grievance about my management and need to take it up with my superiors then we might need to raise the subject of their workplace performance in the same meeting.
Workplace bullying, never had much of a problem with that when working for a large company some years ago. Word got round that I had spent 3 months in a psyche hospital everyone more than happy to leave me alone. Only one person tried to wind me up he fell down the stairs and was off sick for a while. Still got his front door key, though he must have moved by now.
That fuck corbyn looks like he gets a bullied by Abbott.
I worked in factories, shops, warehouses, all kinds of places before I got into office work, and my attitude was the same, roll up my sleeves and get stuck in. But I found that people who have never done anything but office work have a different mindset. For them the job isn’t important, it’s all about watching other people and forming alliances. They behave like it’s a social club, not a place where they’re supposed to earn their money. Managers are the same, all they want to do is to surround themselves with people they like. I’ve seen people forced out, not because they couldn’t do the job, but simply because their face didn’t fit.
Most office workers are a joke and would never recover if someone made them do a proper day’s work.
I would like to give the good old Office Christmas Party a sound cunting. My work had it’s outing last Friday – I didnt go. Today I have had to hear all about it. The usual weirdo cunt taking hundreds of photos uncomfortably close-up so he can post them on Facebook later. The usual grudge that has been brewing all year resulting in the cunts having a brawl when they’ve had sufficient booze. Manager cunts spying on everyone from the corner. The office slappers dangling their tits in front of any new male employee. Piss poor buffet food being picked up and put down at least four times before it gets eaten. Today I learned also which cunt is now not speaking to that other cunt because of something they said or did on Friday night..what a monumental sack of boring festering old cunt!
The outcome of one of my suppliers christmas do’s was new office staff in the new year.
As I explained to one of the staff there the manager’s job was to make them do the job and not do it herself, well it seems that to make the manager look a cunt he did a work trivia quiz (as in how many components go into this ect) the manager did very badly at it and words were said that then dissolved into a slagging match and a load of P45s being issued.
New year new staff and I don’t think they had a christmas party this year.
Spot on Allan, and I think this is what the original cunting was on about, Get more than three women together with one of of them in a position of power, and you get a matriarchal society based on ass kissing rather than merit. And because it is admin work, and not measurable as such, they get to hide in their cliques.
I will never work for a split arse again in my life. And if that makes me a mysoginist so be it. But at least I will be productive and happy at work.
i’ve heard their blobs synchronise too
In between closing my second firm and building a new one,I worked for an old friend of mine for a year to supplement my income.It was a larger concern that what I was used to,and being worker as opposed to the boss was an eye opener for me.After just 2 days busying myself with the other 4 lads,I was approached by a lad of about 30 who shouted towards me-“we don”t do things that way here mate”,to which I replied,”listen to me young man,I”ve forgotten more than you”ll ever know about this trade,and you”re a cunt,and if you carry on at me in that tone I will take you outside,20 years your senior or not!”……5 minutes later I was summoned to the office and told by 2 bosses and said “manager” lad not to behave like I did,and not to call him a useless cunt.”But what if I thought he was a cunt?”,I asked.To which the director replied,”You can think what you like”.”Ok”I replied,turning to face the lad,”I think you”re a useless cunt”……………I got my coat………Baaaaaaaaaah
Re: This secret Santa bollocks as mentioned above.
Some of my in-laws have decided that this is the way to go this year, with a tenner limit.
I’m no bah humbug cunt but feel like I’ve been strong armed into participating.
But as luck would have it, due to the secrecy of the whole thing, I feel I have great opportunity to belittle the occasion.
The person who’s name I pulled out the hat is notoriously well spoken and has never sworn to my Knowledge, and although she has no connection with the Tourettes syndrome I thought a printed t-shirt I spotted on line would liven things up.
It says…
What do we want?
A cure for Tourettes
When do we want it?
….they won’t know who it’s from so I should be ok.
Hope they get the irony…
They do “Secret Santa” at our gaff where each gift is to the value of £10 quid. I do not partake but even that gets really contentious at times (if you can “Adam and Eve” it)!
Some cunt takes time and care to get summat appropriate/decent for the recipient up to £9.99 and they in turn get some £1.99 plastic novelty piece of shite not worth the wrapping paper it’s in.
Then you get the endless moaning: “I spent a lot time on that and for my efforts I got a placcy cup holder. It’s a disgrace!”
And yet they do it every year! Feckless cunts!
The best one I can remember was an Xmas card wrapped in Xmas paper and inside was a fiver (not tenner) with a note: “Merry Xmas, Have a drink on me! Cheers, Secret Santa.” And another with a card saying: “Your gift is a donation of £10 to Guide Dogs for the Blind! Merry Xmas, Secret Santa.” – no one was Christian enough to believe that this had actually been donated. I fucking pissed myself at their poor wee crestfallen faces! ? Gullible cunts.
That was so noteworthy that a group wide email was sent out on “The Spirit of Secret Santa” setting out some basic ground rules on Secret Santa and the gifts to be bought! FFS!
How much time and effort is wasted on this shite? And if you say (as a non-partaker): “Why don’t you just buy yourself summat for a tenner and wrap that up. No hard feelings then.” – you get labelled as a Scrooge and miserable git. Well all I can say to that is BAH HUMBUG, CUNT!
I’ve worked for plenty of cunts but never in an office environment, but I’ve also worked for a couple of decent employers. People might say “Well look on it as a learning experience, it builds your character. Those negative people have shaped you”. Partly true as it’s made me an antisocial cunt. They were unreasonable cunts, pure and simple.
There’s been plenty of people who’ve seriously shit on me over the years, but I say bollocks to them all and carry on. I pissed in some cunt’s tea a few years ago and he drank it, none the wiser. Satisfaction.
As to this Secret Santa cuntishness, it would be fun to see some more colourful gift ideas being used in workplaces up and down the land…
“Your present is a chilli-rubbed buttplug…Have a warm glow you gossiping cunt”.
“Here’s a 20-bore with one cartridge…use it on yourself and think of me you fuck”.
“Here’s a bluray scat movie…enjoy, you backstabbing cock saddler”.
“Secret Santa has given you a box of partially digested curry…knock yourself out you wank ambassador”.
Christmas can smoke my showered cock.
Some cunt bought the office skunk (you could high on his BO and stunk like a polecat even in winter) a boxed set containing a Lynx shower gel, deodorant and mini aftershave.
The cunt was made up about it…because he re-wrapped it and gave it to his Dad as an Xmas pressie. The rest of us got pegs for our noses – smelly cunt!
I mean I don’t mean to be cruel but how can these cunts not know they stink? He wasn’t homeless or owt and the works had its own shower room and everything. No fucking excuse, dirty cunt!
Worked with a real flash cunt a couple of decades ago.
Apparently he’d pulled some rich posh sort and was spending the weekend with her, at her parents place in the Cotswolds, leaving straight after work on a Friday.
Cunt shouldn’t have gone to lunch and left his weekend bag lying around, as some of the lads thought it appropriate to put some skidmarks in his new crispy white Calvin Klein’s with marmite. Also added a dozen loose condoms, some gaffer tape, some KY jelly and a balaclava.
Wether or not the the bird had reason to look inside the bag we’ll never know, but the cunt was not too happy on the Monday.
Obviously I thought it all rather childish….
Bully’s are the fucking lowest of the low. I taught in a referral unit for 10 years and I can tell you that the bullying that went on was enough to make you go on a fucking rampage. Some poor cunt who just wants to get on with their education is battered physically and mentally on an almost daily basis just to make some insecure cunts feel better about themselves.
Worst thing is that it was all perfectly mirrored by the staff, 50% of which were so fucking useless (and they knew it) that all they did was belittle other, less popular, members of staff so that the spotlight was moved from their own incompetence. You can also guarantee that the majority of these pricks are right up managements arseholes as another distraction tactic for their ineptitude.
People who are comfortable and confident in themselves dont need to bully anyone, the truly cool kids in school were genuinely popular with others because they left each to their own and got on with their own shit, like probably fingering the hottest girls while bully’s stand around together measuring their cocks desperately praying they weren’t going to be the smallest.
All of you cunts defending bullying you need to have a fucking word with yourselves, get on with your own shit and live and let live.
The only time I ever encountered anything like workplace bully I offered to take the cunt outside and kick him round the car park.
The secret to beating workplace bullies is to be a specialist consultant.
They need you more than you need them.
That really pisses the young ‘Alfa manager’ cunts off.
Wimen are fucking poison in the workplace.
Spot on about ‘wimmin’… When I used to go out on a lads night out with my workmates at Xmas there was the usual hijinks, but on trouble… But every ‘works do’ with women they always end up with blubbing, fighting, spitting venom, and pissed up slags on the pull… Fuck that… And that’s why I haven’t been to one in years…
no trouble , that should say…