So it turns out that buying a Prius isn’t as ‘green’ as the thick cunts who buy them thought they were.
Have you also noticed how some cunts put bollocks like this in their email signature: “Think about the environment before printing this email”. Jezus christ on a bike! The vast majority of paper is made from trees grown on tree farms specifically for the purpose of…..wait for it……making paper. So, if we all used less paper, the demand would drop which would lead to fewer trees being planted on these tree farms. Last time I checked trees absorb CO2 and produce O2. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? So wouldn’t we want more trees rather than fewer trees.
Bring back triffids I say. And set them on Prius drivers and muslims. It’s the right thing to do.
Nominated by: Imitation Yank
A valid point, my “old” not so green fully paid for slighly better made car is fround upon by one of my up his own arse new company car every year neighbours, well twat face think how many greenhouse gasses are produced every year to furnish you with your pride and joy compared to mine 10 years ago before you disturb my environment further with unnecessary emissions from your gob about how green your cars are.
Car 20 years old, motorcycle 40 years old and emergency reserve moped 50 years old. I could summon up the funds (well, credit anyway) to buy something modern and supposedly “green” but fuck that. Keeping something old running for as long as possible is much more environmentally friendly (both the greenies and the manufacturers would rather keep quiet about that).
Sadly I fear we can look forward to punitive legislation in the future to force older vehicles off the road with the aim of flogging more products… er I mean “to save The Earth”
I did explain to the fucktard next door that my old Healey is a lot greener that his Toyota Pious or whatever the peice of shit is called.
Making that battery takes a lot of energy and generates sulfur oxide and is full of noxious chemicals.
Stupid twat thinks the car is grown like a fucking mushroom or something.
Whereas my old car is over 50 years old, is made of steel, rubber tyres and leather seats. Thats about it. It also looks great, goes fast and handles like a go-kart.
No to mention getting rid of the highly carcinogenic lythium which is in the copious batteries which makes pretentious cunts feel great about themselves.
Who had Zha Zha Gabor in the dead pool?
Watching some fat balding cunt union man go on about industrial action on GMB.Why do these cunts all look and sound the same?
Because their all dull leftard cunts sucking out of the same trough.
Agreed Jochen Peiper. This particular breed of Cunt is the fat lazy waster at work who’ll quite happily put their name down as ‘the union rep” to get out of even more fucking work, whilst the rest of us carry the cunt yet again!!!
The rail drivers think that striking over Xmas lends more sway because it impacts on the ordinary folk trying to get to see loved ones over Xmas.
No, all it does is make you out to be cunts and will allienate you from those people who might have had a modicum of sympathy for you but not now, you’re just cunts.
Also if you wanted to “target” a strike to have most impact just do it between 6am and 10am on a Monday morning and 3pm and 7pm on a Friday night on any normal working week – especially in “The Shitty”.
Targeting the Xmas commuters will evaporate any support you may have had quicker than the crying junior doctors, you cunts!
Fucking good one that, the service round here is so fucking bad the cunts must have been on strike sinceWW1.
Just seen that the child tweeting from Aleppo has been rescued.
The besieged populations are also all over Facebook downloading videos.
I would ask how they have smart fones but seeing every “refugee” has an iPhone then I’ll leave that point.
How are they getting mobile fone signals?
I can’t even ring my gf unless she is standing in her front garden and she lives in a town in Hertfordshire.
How have they got at least the 3G or wifi needed to download videos?
Are the buildings decimated but the mobile fone towers are fine?
How are they charging them when the buildings are rubble?
I would imagine there’s no lekkie let alone plugs.
Something fishy is afoot
I’ve mentioned this before.
Yesterday i was seeing more footage, and again up comes that question.
I don’t get a signal at the back rooms of my flat, and i live in a city centre.
I cant phone the missus when one of us is in Gibraltar and the other in Spain. I can on a landline, bit not on a smartarse phone.
The WiFi signal for my block is shit, and when i use my credit , its gone rapidly.
Every scene is the same, it could have been filmed anywhere, all rubble and grey.
The media should have a duty to verify the footage they show and explain how they got it.
Until then i believe nothing.
That wee Syrian poster boy covered in blood in the back of an ambulance, is just sat there with a dour look in his face. No sign of pain or discomfort.
Bag of shite……….
Quite right Lord F, something is definitely fishy about the information being thrust down our throats by both the left and right wing media. All the so called reporters are fucking miles away from Aleppo and rely on the likes of the syrian observatory for human rights. This is run from a garret in Coventry by Rami Abdul Rahman, a Syrian Sunni Muslim who owns a fucking clothes shop. The cunt makes it all up and they believe every fucking word. Reporters are stupid cunts and should be derided at every opportunity.
You’re not wrong buddy…Major Information Ops going on… to whit the heroic “White Helmets”, selfless characters the leftard Cunts of the media suggested to be worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Leaving a side for the moment the fact that their goodwill and selflessness only operates within “rebel” areas, take a close look at the next WH appearance… their kit is both uniform and spotless and appears just out of the packet, Totally inconsistent with the conditions in East Aleppo. The publicity shots are all neatly posed and perfectly composed. You can see the “media advisers” coordinating events. I think the White Helmets are a media front for hard line Islamic groups operating in Aleppo. I wonder who’s funding them. I have a few ideas. What do you think folks?
The gutsy freedom loving rebels are known within their own circles as “The army of Conquest” and include Al-Nusra, half brother of Da’Esh. Stuff the BBC and Sky fail to mention. Strange that…….
I drive a Prius but I didn’t buy it to advertise my eco-correctness or to make an environmental statement. These hybrid battery production emissions may well pollute the atmosphere, quite frankly I don’t give a shit, by the time they’ve done it to any significant level I’ll be long gone. What bugs me is that I’ve had to have the battery replaced three times in eight years.
Set the Triffids on Muslims. What, all Muslims? Regardless of whether they are radical or not? Just because they’re MUSLIMS??? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM…?????
Why not ?
They hate my existence, and yours.
They are taught from an early age that infidels are worthless and to be killed, every one of them believes this.
So my reaction to that is ditto goatfuckers……..
Yes. A radical Muslim will get your head off. A moderate will want a radical to cut your head off.
Their beliefs all along the spectrum are totally exclusive of the rest of us. The death penalty is orthodox Islam for people who leave the faith. Women are inferior. Sharia overrides national law. Democracy isnt recognised. Their loyalty is to Islam and no other entity. They wont integrate and want to absorb the rest of us. Fuck em. Just because they are Muslims.
ITN does actually have a reporter in Aleppo but on to more important (selfish) matters regarding cars. I’ve just had a bond mature which was paying 4.5%. They asked me if I wanted to ‘re-invest’ with the new interest rate of .75% ! I told em to stuff it and give me my money. Gonna get a car, was thinking of an Audi A3. Any thoughts?
You deserve a cunting for thinking about owning a German car, Im afraid
……. Mrs BMP treated herself to a one year old Audi A1 three years ago. Sound, we thought, that’ll be bullet proof for the next ten years. In the past three years ( it hasn’t done 35k miles yet ), over and above regular servicing ( maybe keep some sort of ‘warranty’ on it, fuck knows why as you’ll see later)… it’s needed a ‘slip ring’ (£400) under the steering wheel ( the one all the electrics on the steering wheel passes through ) deemed component failure by the Audi Tech., a recirculation valve in the exhaust manifold (£700) and recently a 10″ piece of fuel pipe (£100), with fittings at the fuel filter under the bonnet .
Audi wouldn’t entertain fuck all, understandably it was out of warranty, but even as a goodwill gesture. A stiff reasoning letter of these faults to Audi, and just a polite fuck off from them. An unfortunate / unlucky Audi experience I don’t know. She now drives waiting for another light on the dash to come on saying – ££££. Her 1980’s Cavalier was more reliable than this fucker. Toyota for us the next time and Audi can stick any of their finest where the sun doesn’t shine …. Vorsprung Cunts Technik
…. and that’s not a Toyota Prius !
Why don’t you buy British and get a Nissan?
…. Fair point … her 20 year old Micra, which should have died many moons ago, still fires up and gets hammered 1/2 a mile to the end of our farm track and back for the milk and the mail. I’d still have to put some Morris badges on it though, as my Dad would thrash me senseless as he’d have nothing to do with ‘The Japs’ … after what they did to his Uncle as a PoW. … and Yes he did vote Brexit !
Good man!
The Japs were cunts in the war but they dun’arf knock out a reliable motor! ?
I’ve had several Volkswagen Audi Group cars in the past, none of them had any staying power. Designed to be reliable up to a certain mileage, then to systematically disintegrate. The “legendary” Kraut build quality is just a myth.
Yes, and he’s a total cunt. I can sort of get why he is biased against Assad and the Russians ( although I dont agree with that view ) but not sure why he chooses to misreport the local psycho Islamist freaks as cheery rebels,
Fiat 500 1.2. 8v fully loaded. Does 48 to the gallon, £20 a year car tax and fully comp insurance for Mrs. Balls and I, is less than a day’s wages.
Don’t buy a Twat Panzer. Ugly cars for ugly people. And all German car badges are symbols of German nationalism.
I would never own one, because I don’t drive like a cunt.
lol BMP, you’ve dented my confidence a bit there even though i was planning to get a new car which hopefully would be more reliable.. i’ve never owned a new car, thought i’d have one before i shuffle off. i know about the instant depreciation once you leave the showroom but fuck it, its only money and its impossible to get any decent interest. on the other hand i could just keep my 14 year old Clio which is very reliable. incidentally i ve NEVER had it serviced ! car servicing deserves a cunting . fuckin racket.
I actually have a grudging respect for Froggie motors, even the old 2CV flying dustbin is stronger than it looks.
I drive a new Focus RS, 340 BHP and currently doing around 18.9 to the gallon.
Fuck eco cars, fuck people who drive them and fuck the people who think plugging a car in is carbon neutral.
Saying that, I saw the new Tesla at the weekend plonked into a lifeless shopping mall, what a machine. Like a two ton Gameboy.
I drive a vehicle with “Fucking Old Cunt” and a surprisingly accurate sketch of an erect penis drawn in the grime…. My family really are delightful.
I hate these fucking “green” cars as well. My Nissan drinks petrol and runs like shite if I put anything in other than shell nitro plus, has to have 98 RON min. So I am wasting the resources of the Earth and my money and, I do not care. Spanky have you ever been accosted by an eco person when you were say waiting for someone outside the shop and your engine is running?..I was but had a job hearing him over the exhaust noise, dump valve blowing, supercharger whining as I blipped the throttle a couple of times to “clear the plugs”. Know what, he called me an arsehole and stalked off, walking like he had a chair leg up his arse. Tickles me when I think back to that noisy summers day and how being different makes one stand out like a muslim in a pork butcher’s
…. I’ve to confess to having a Yank pick up with a 5.7 Hemi … with a decent load on my trailer I can get just under 3 mpg on a rather steep hill nearby coming home. It’s comfortable and makes me laugh when I drive it …. fuck the dolphins.
Have a look at some.. ‘Rolling Coal’ … videos on YouTube. A bit extreme but one in the eye for the green brigade.
The Prius, looks like something a dyxlestic mongol has designed, what a piece of shit. I’ll stick to my gas gussling Jag, comfort, style and a pleasure to drive.
I like my old Volvo S40 because it feels just like the Ford MK1 Granada that I had in me twenties. Thanks to banger racing knobends they are virtually extinct now…
Since ducking out of having company cars close to twenty years ago, I’ve never spent more than £2,500 on a car and never had a repair bill over a couple of hundred. I don’t do a lot of miles and would sooner pay for my motoring in petrol than tax, interest or depreciation. It’s not like you miss out on equipment buying old – my 13 year old Jag has a smooth petrol V6, four wheel drive, climate control, cruise control, leather seats and a smooth and quiet ride, all for £1200.
Aside from that these tucking praises are always driven by cunts who take 30 seconds to get to 26mph and then the cunts sit at that speed making the poor bastards behing eventually have to floor the accelerator to get round him… regular occupancy in Cardiff so average 3 hard overtakes in my old 5and a half litre v8 petrol merc on every trip to work twice a day, must cancel out any benefit(of which I can’t see any) of owning one of these Ikea fuckboxes….so its ozone nasty putting praises on the road, it would be better to drive a normal car normally and stop being an eco count….. it would work if everyone drove them, but they don’t……. so duck off ecocunts