Today’s the day. We’re fucked!
America will decide which of the two cunts on offer will be their next president.
Amazing that in a nation the size of the USA, the best two candidates they could come up with are both fundamentally unsuitable for the job. Which one will blow the world to buggery by starting World War III? Clinton or Trump? Who cares? We’ll all be fucking dead anyway…
A nation of cunts electing their chief cunt!
Nominated by: Dioclese
How anyone in their right mind could support or vote for that lying, corrupt, deceitful old witch Clinton is absolutely beyond belief. The fact she has the bold face audacity to even seek high office is testament to how fucked America is. You simply couldn’t get away with it in virtually any other line of work other than politics. Shameful.
Whereas Trump hasn’t based his entire campaign on the most childish and easily refutable lies? He’s also failed to publish tax returns because they will demonstrate that his boasts of the extent of his own wealth are lies too.
They are both absolutely colossal cunts, but Trump has no grasp of diplomacy, is far too thin-skinned, volatile and dangerously unpredictable for the job, and only stood to satisfy his own narcissism and lust for power and status. I despise them both equally, but surely any fule kno that Trump would be a far more dangerous prospect than Clinton.
You really ought to go and do a little research on the Clintons who are like family with the Bush clan.
Trump has his faults but he at least cares about America and is not a puppet of the globalists. Out of the two he is the preferable leader ands much less likely to continue and expand the NeoCon war against humanity.
Clinton is the worst possible result for all of us.
Trump cares about NO ONE but himself, his own ego and his own status.
I never said Clinton was perfect – she is a mammoth cunt too. But Trump is by far the more dangerous on account of being so thin-skinned, so bereft of any plans, and so volatile.
and the killary bitch is priming michele obama to succeed her
You have to be joking, Fred. Clinton has made it an election pledge to respond to alleged Russian cyber attacks with military force and she also supports a no fly zone in Syria, something which top military advisers say will lead to war with Russia. The woman (?) has a history of taking the most hawkish options possible while SoS.
Meanwhile Trump says he will co-operate with the Russians in crushing ISIS.
Trump has also said he will build a wall which the Mexicans will pay for (good luck with that), has boasted of his wealth (but failed to publish tax returns), plus all of these shameless barefaced lies:
Surely you don’t seriously believe that Trump either tells the truth or will actually deliver any of his wall-building, Putin-cooperating bullshit?
Like I said before, I’m not defending Clinton, but the idea that Trump is credible, truthful or represents a safe pair of hands is beyond laughable.
Fred do go do some research on the Clintons, they make Trump look angelic, ordinarily I wouldn’t want trump near a position of power but if it’s Trump or the Clinton\Bush dynasty Trump is much the better option.
Hilary is poison, you think she is a liberal?
Hilary is the war candidate Fred she literally guarantees war and is warmongering for a full out war with russia and syria. NATO is literally preparing for war as we speak sending 300,000 troops as of yesterday.
FFS Who cares if Trump grabs pussy and says mean things. Save us from eight years of torture listening to her obnoxiously shrill bitchy bossy voice.
I agree with you, Fred. Trump is an arse hole ( am I allowed to say that?) but Clinton will start WW3. She has more or less already said she will and the MSM has been shaping public negativity against Russia for the last 2 years.
If she gets in, she will be fatally wounded by all the FBI investigations against her, congress will be against her and close to half the country who voted against her will hate her guts. What’s better in that situation but to start a war? Thatcher did exactly the same against Argentina. Only the Argies didn’t have nukes. It will be the only option available to her to forge a viable presidency.
Mark my words; if Clinton gets in there will be war between US and Russia. It may not escalate to full scale nuclear Armageddon but it will be war never the less. Very dangerous times.
My middle name is “Danger.”
You do all know that the president is just a figurehead don’t you?
The cunts pulling the strings in the background are the ones who really run the country and decide policy.
Giant douche or turd sandwich?
Tough choice.
A bit like U.K political parties then.
Bunch of Cunts, the lot of them.
“Douche or Turd” indeed. Must watch that South Park episode again…
I disagree. I think it does matter.
I read an interesting article regarding political correctness the other day. Its premise was PC exists to humiliate. If you can get people to accept lies as being the truth, even when they are known to be lies, then you have beaten that person down to such an extent that you can do anything with them. They have become a drone.
Its the same with the US election. If a known liar, crook and mouthpiece of a corrupt and rotten establishment can be elected as POTUS, they will have succeeded in making a lie the truth.
As one of my American uncles told me a couple of nights ago, neither candidate is particularly popular. And the American people are basically being asked to choose between standing in dog shit or standing in cat shit.
Deciding between Trump & Clinton is like choosing your rapist, either way, you’re gonna get fucked in the arse!
I watched the BBC News at 10 last night, the first item was the US Election, 18 minutes devoted to this crap, (over 50% of the total News) then a tiny 2 minute segment regarding Brexit.
I thought it was the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
Yet another reason to stop paying these cunts via the TV License!
They (the Al-Be-Be-Cera) do report on brexit. They’ll drone on endlessly when there’s anything negative to report, or if they’ve formulated a new “risk from brexit” pile of shite that’s neither founded nor can be proven – just pure speculation – which are subsequently unfounded and disproven (but usually weeks after the speculation itself and hidden away in the back lines, unlike the front pager for the speculation itself).
So yesterday there must have been some good news about brexit to be confined to the “And finally…” bit after the local news and weather (which they can’t get right either, speculatively or otherwise – useless cunts)!
if the good ol US of A are this hard up for a president surely they would be better off sticking with Obama,at least he,s much better than these 2 cunts
O’bummer has been a disastrous president. It was his foreign policy which allowed ISIS to form and thrive and for Libya to become a basket case allowing millions of wogs to flood across the Mediterranean. He has used the NSA to spy on everybody on Earth at the same time as utilising drone strikes almost indiscriminately. But he refuses to call out terrorist attacks in his own country for what they are, Islamist. He said he would shut down guantánamo bay, he hasn’t. He has singularly failed to impose any form of gun control, again one of his stated goals. He did manage to implement Obama care, but the cost of premiums have in some cases almost doubled. And to top it all off, after the first coon president, race relations are worse than at any time since the race riots of the 1960s. He has been a cunt of a president and anyone who votes for another 4 years of the same is a cunt.
what’s to moderate?
You spelt dogs with a W….
Come into the nineties man……
Obama better?! lol no he bloody isn’t! Obama is literally the worst president in the history of Yank presidents, even most of the black community hates/dislikes him.
Obama is literally like a black George Bush but white enough that democrats can tolerate him he’s also the most anti-american president I’ve ever seen. He’s even worse then FDR who is considered by many to be the worst Yank president ever!
I reckon if Jack Kennedy had lived he’d be viewed as a right cunt, and not the great lost prince of a president that a lot of yanks make him out to be… The Kennedys were like the Clintons a lot : corruption. sex scandals, lots of celebrity support, friends in the right places etc….
His apologists claim his using and abuse of women was down to chronic back pain. WTF.
I slipped a disc at fourteen, maybe that’s why I’m a horny bastard…..
John Kennedy was a friend of mine though even though I didn’t know him I knew him just the same.
Byrd references aside your right JFK was a womanizing bastard, Jack?Jackie was his wife norm she looked fit as fuck too in that pink pillbox hat
JFK was known by close friends and family as ‘Jack’ Kennedy… The Irish often call a lad who was christened John Jack…. Even his wikipedia page names him as John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy….
Jackie O was pretty tasty back in the day… Why JFK would prefer a drug filled, manufactured, demestos dyed slag like Monroe over his mrs I’ll never know…
On a lighter note……
Didn’t trump do the U.S version of the Apprentice?
If he wins the election, not only will America have a Fart (Trump) in power, it’ll give Lord Sugar lumps an idea to be our next PM…..Imagine that!
Actually it was Sugar that did the UK version of the apprentice. For once the Yanks did it first and every time it was shown on the BBC Trump got royalties…
I stand corrected Dio, I didn’t know that.?
Clinton may well have an untidy and very possibly dishonest history but Trump is a fucking maniac wanker. Big mouthed over sensitive deeply unpleasant oaf that does not seem too bright either.
I don’t care how much money he has made, I don’t want Philip Green or the cunt that owns Sporrts direct running this country either just because they are rich.
Trump is a dangerous cunt and should be kept well away from sharp objects. Total fucking lout.
Do you really think Trump will have any power?
Democracy is a lie, people who get elected are puppets for the true power, the Federal Reserve (Central Banks) and corporations.
They call it ‘lobbying’ in the US and in the UK, but they use ‘party whips’ to tow the line.
Do you really think anyone in politics has any power?
In a real democracy , no one should have total power and money drives everything so I expect the B of E or the Fed to have significant imput but that doesn’t stop the boss making policy or worse; Hiroshima ,Falklands , Vietnam , actually allowing a vote on a referendum, loads of initiatives are started by PMs or presidents .
So who is there does make a difference, not always and not on everything but it has to start somewhere and if it starts with a fucking stupid looking and sounding nonce like Trump, you better care who is in that chair.
Check out this out
And this, check em bruv
If trump gets in , it’ll destroy everything Obama has achieved in the last eight years and destroy everything that is planned for the next eight years.
Not my words ,but Obamas.
This delusional cunt believes he has achieved stuff.
You’d have to be the biggest Beyonce fan to believe that shite.
Where is the change he promised?
PS. Trump for me.
I’d take the village idiot over the wide eyed psycho ,any day.
Even though Trump is a bit camp…..
“Change you can believe in”
What change, still fighting illegal wars in the Middle East. still trying to decimate Islam like they did with Christianity in the US.
Still pushing the Globe & Space lies via NASA and their fake CGI crap.
I always thought Nixon was the best US president
FDR for me.
Kennedy the most overrated.
I suppose the Yanks will basically have to choose between a clueless cunt and a dangerous cunt.
Whichever cunt gets in, their single term in office will be a non-event as neither will get enough support in The House of Representatives to be able to achieve anything.
So it’ll be two years of nothing followed by two years of campaigning for term two, hopefully followed by…someone else.
Nothing ever gets done by these politicians, coz they focus on the future.
When the future comes (tomorrow) they harp on about the….future.
And then the future , and after that they focus on the future. Again.
A particular favourite with Michelle (he/she) Obama, whom i predict , will be running for office in eight years with a promise of a better ,cleaner, brighter, squirrels singing in the forest, birds whistling on the sill , supa dupa mega hypa choka bloka future…….
“tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow”
Creeps in this petty pace
From day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
Did it for A level!
Barack Hussein Obama- “Yes We Can’t(allah ackbar I mean god bless america)”
Thank you Satan
I remember that…. funny track
Today Twitter is full of USA political experts who’ve never actually been there, but watched a box set of Friends and voted Remain….Fucking mongs…
Not usually a fan of the old Krauts, but a pint is due to the one that did this:
Couldn’t have said it better myself Norm, one of my neighbors left germany because the country has turned into a anti-german lefty-woman run puddle of shite infested with women hating moslems, how ironic.
Hilary has publicy stated that merkel is somebody she admires and her illegal/legal immigrant plan to flood her country with violent deplorables is something she herself wants for america.
What alot of people are also overlooking is Bernie sanders was a bloody fucking plant the whole time!
Trump is the safest bet – here’s why…
Democrats stand behind their leader no matter what. If (when) Hillary starts up the corruption machine and sells out the US to whomever will pay Bill the highest speaking fees, the Democrats will not hold her to account.
Republicans have already shown they are willing to throw Trump under the bus. If Trump even farts at the dinner table, Republicans will lead the crusade to impeach him, of course supported by the Democrats 100% and Mike Pence would become President.
Having just spent a relaxed(!) half hour in the garden scooping up dog shit, it occurs to me that dogs and politicians have a lot in common.
They never pick their own shit up
They happily feast on shit from other dogs
As soon as you have finished picking up their shit, the fuckers lay some more
With apologies to our furry friends…
Who’d have thought twenty years ago, we’d be picking up dog shit .
If aliens came down tomorrow and saw us following our pooches with a bag and cleaning up after them, they’d be wondering who’s in charge.
There was a time when the first rule in life was to stay away from dog shite.
One day i was buying shite bags out the pet shop and i noticed they had different sizes, but couldn’t think why, until i saw a guy pick up a heap recently deposited from his great dane. Fucking massive, the cunt should have brought a spade, sorry ,shovel…….
Bag o shite…………
We have come a long way.When I was growing up in East London during the fifties people used to let their dogs out for a walk by themselves and the streets were full of dogs shitting wherever they liked.
Dogs are not free range anymore perhaps this would explain the disappearance of the legendary white dog turd.
In those days the idea of bags to collect dog shit in would have been the stuff of science fiction
I haven’t done any research, but i think the lack of white dog shite is because they don’t get a real bone from the butchers anymore.
The shite was white coz of the calcium.
Either that or white shite is racist……
That’s my theory out the window.
I believe this is correct, but it doesn’t explain the demise of Blakey’s.
I’ve always picked up my own dog shite, even before I was ‘told’ to.
Comes from living in a terraced house as a kid and having accidentally stepped in someone else’s dog shite, walked it all through the house……fucking disgusting, me ma went mad!
It’s your dog, you know what goes in it, pick it up, nowt worse than having dog shite full a evil cunting germs in the tread of ya trainers.
Having said that………I leave a weeks worth of shite in my yard, don’t care if the neighbours smell it, I can’t stand the cunts.
I kinda figured that if a fucking chav burglar cunt tries to do my house over via the back door, he or she will have to master the mine field of shite first and, hopefully, get fucked off and leave.
Well, that my assumption anyway……….
Like your style Sir! a layer of stinking turds across one’s garden is a proven ecologically sound anti theft device. Another use for the piles of foulness is area denial. For example a liberal besmearing of semi solid dog shite in an alleyway used by congregations of noisy fucking kids etc will drive the cunts off faster than garlic does a vampire. If you listen you will hear them arrive, begin their evenings cuntishness then realise that semi solid turd has been lathered on the fence/wall they are leaning on and their new nike fuckster aerosole trainers are covered in shit. Job done the alleyway in question is then avoided.
I have read that a council in Yorkshire put a layer of cow shit all over the floor of a small copse on a housing estate as the copse was used by druggies, pervs and other naughty types, worked as well. Seems we have actual proof that for area denial shit works.
You are most welcome, Black biscuit.
Like the shite in the entry and cow pats putting off the druggies and the like, I have noticed the fucking chav kids next doors footballs no longer seem to frequent my back yard.
Can’t think why, maybe it must have been, when they thought they were being polite, it must of killed them as well, and hammered on my door to ask for the 15, yes, fucking 15 balls back.
I kindly offered to throw them back, as the good cunting neighbour that I am, only because 10 of them had landed in the shite…I was carefull throwing them back and after they thanked me, I could hear, “Ewww, fucking hell they’re coved in shit”……yes I think that must be it.
I remember those good old days where dog shit was everywhere. Early 80’s riding my Raleigh Burner through the grass and I went straight through a huge puddle of sloppy shit. Back tyre went over it and sprayed yellow shit all up the back of my shirt like an oil leak on a Spitfire. My poor mum was heaving her guts up putting the shirt in the old twin-tub. Happy days. Long before Generation Snowflake was even heard of.
Obama, when he steps down, will become the new Gandhi, Luther King, Mandela type messiah.
Famous and revered the world over for the rest of eternity.
Yet not one of these cunts achieved anything of note .
India and Pakistan are constantly at each others throats, american blacks still feel aggrieved, and the only blacks in SA getting anywhere, are the ones in the ANC.
I think there is a common denominator there. Can’t think what though….
Gandhi was actually a huge racist. When he was a lawyer in South Africa he wrote at length about how bad it was for coloureds like him to be treated the same as the Blacks. In his eyes he was far superior to any black (probably true) and wrote criticizing the blacks numerous times.
Here is an example
“Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.”
All perfectly true of course, but as Eric Blair would have said;
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. “
Gandhi was… yes a racist but you want to know something? he was right about black africans being violent savages you can’t correct that behavior not usually. Their primal instinct is to fight, rape and kill
This article explains his “racism” pretty well also the fact one of his aunts or cousins was brutally raped by one
“Their primal instinct is to fight,rape,and kill”
I think you’ll find it is fight, kill and then rape…….
In other news; Wee Jimmy Krankie has been acting the cunt again. She is going to get Sotchlands best legal mind to intervene and disallow HM Government from appealing last weeks travesty of justice at the (English) High Court with the (English ) Supreme Court.
Thats just as soon as they sober him up a bit and get him some clean kecks….It might take a while.
How long is it since someone last attempted to assassinate the US president? I can see it happening again when it’s been decided which one of these third-rate wankers has got the job.
The last shooting involving a president ended up all over Monica Lewinsky’s dress…..
I’d rather Wee Burney got shot at instead of Kilary or Trump….
Trump’s a massive bell end. The cunt isn’t even that bright. He might be good at shittin on some porridge wogs etc and makin a few underhand dollars here and there but as for actually being able to engage with other politicians around the world should he in the unlikely event of becoming head honcho of the land of therapy you might as well ask abbott or fuckin costello. Unless he is being really smart and just using it as a massive publicity project ala richturd gobblin branston does to promote himself and extend his empire even further then I can at least give him a little credit for his affrontery. Don’t get me wrong Clinton’s a fuckin disaster waiting to happen. Close your eyes when she’s screechin and ya can see granny fuckin clampett sitting on her porch in a rocker holding a fuckin hunting rifle. The world’s well and truly fucked up and there aint no god that’s gonna save us. Shower o cuntz..
Disappointed that Trump won? I am, but no less so (actually, slightly less so) than if Clinton had. I think waking up to news of a double assassination would have been the happier outcome.
However folks, you can cheer yourselves up by picturing the faces of these cunts right now :
Michael Moore
Polly Toynbee
Russell Brand
Beyonce Knowles
Jay-Z (it pained me to type that)
And a cunting is due for opinions pollsters. When will they learn that if supporting one side of an election marks you out as probably greedy, selfish, stupid, bigoted and generally evil, while the other as in all ways virtuous, you may be a bit shy of revealing your intentions.
Third time this year I’m on record as predicting a result.
Predicted May would be PM although I voted for Leadsom
Predicted Brexit vote
Predicted a Trump win
Let’s hope I was wrong about WWIII…
Fucking hell, really?
Gonna have to get the kids to score me drugs then, at least we’ll all die happy…….
I must ask – are you the same Cuntybollock biker who terrorised South Essex in the early 80s?
No, Sorry Harry, I am not, I wasn’t quite old enough for a real bike, only my pedal bike
(no stablisers)
I was still playing footy with the other street urchins in the early 80’s.
I called Brexit and Johnson for Foreign Secretary but couldn’t be arsed to bet on either.
WWIII is probably a little less likely today, though my Autocomplete wanted to change it to “WAITING”. I hope it’s less prescient than Dioclese.
Two Cuntybollocks – who’d have thought it? Next we’ll find out there are two Fred Wests.
I forgot Geldoff and Bonzo
Add MSM to that list. The way they are reporting Trumps win this morning is akin to their nearest and dearest dying. They couldn’t be more upset and downbeat.
I know, it’s almost wank worthy!
Katy Perry and Scarlett Johansson will be a bit upset too… But I could think of a way of cheering them up… If only, mind you….
I think that kipper stench old slagbag Madonna lost Clinton voters in droves when she said she’d give a BJ to anyone who voted for Kilary….So nice one, Sladge… You did old Don a big favour….
And asking Jay Zed about the outcome would be futile… One can see it now: ‘Mr. Z, what do you think of Trump’s victory?’ ‘Nigga! Nigga! Muthafucka! Nigga! Gangsta! etc….’
To be honest, all the musical artistes supporting Clinton are one I think are crap.
Still, Christmas is coming and we can look forward to hearing Springsteen murdering Santa Claus again. This year no doubt he’ll sound even more miserable when he sings it…
I can’t stand Springsteen, what a phony boring bellend he is, he’s like the billy bragg of america
The Boss?! you mean the boss of delirious cunts!
As one of The Stone Roses said in 1989: ‘Springsteen? Nah! He always sounds like he’s having a shit…’
What makes me sick about Springsteen is if he makes crap like ‘Glory Days’ or ‘The Ghost OF tom Joad’ he is arselicked by chinstroking cunts for ‘celebrating old Americana’ and ‘glorious nostalgia’… But if an English artist does something similar about Britain (like Ray Davies or Roger Waters) they are seen as ‘bigoted’ and ‘stuck in the past’…. What a load of shite…
No great admirer of Trump, but the MSM and Twittermong hysteria this morning is hilarious and nearly as funny as the Brexit butthurt…. I dislike Kilary even more though, but she could always ask Gina Miller for advice… In fact, Clinton and Miller could form a new movement: ‘WWDGTW’ aka ‘Wimmin Who Don’t Get Their Way’…. And all those showbiz celeb cunts with their ‘I’m With Her’ pro-Kilary crap now look like right wankers… Welll, more wankers than they usually are anyway…
First thing old Don should do is rid the world of its evil influences: like Assad and especially that monster, Wee Burney…
Looking forwards to Wee smells of piss Nicky telling the US President he isn’t welcome in Scotland.
Maybe the Yanks will prepare an extra special missile with Wee Burney Krankie’s name on it…
That Trumps a cunt…
Of course he is, he’s the President. Just like all the others.
Can I nominate me for a massive cunting after my post yesterday when I said Trump had no chance of becoming President. What a thick cunt I am. I was the same over Brexit despite being a big Leave supporter. I can also give shit tips for the gee gees if required.
Didn’t see it really happening but we’ll have to see wot transpires over the coming months if he can dodge the fuckin bullets. Let’s hope he’s got more sense than I give him credit for. To be honest tho this could be a big boost for the UK with regards to Brexit. I can see wankpot Clegg and thick as fuck Farron with their heads between their legs fuckin wailing as they see their political careers sailing further over the horizon as this will weaken the ties between the failing EU and USA. As Trump sez UK will be at the head of the queue when it comes to new deals. Theresa May’s been cleverer than all of the leftie dopes by not slagging him off. So fuck the single market and fuck TTIP and fuck all those uber cunts who keep telling me I dint know what I was voting for when I voted Leave. I knew egg fuckin zactly what I was voting for thank you very much. Condescending shallow lying pricks.
Only observation is that the Trump win has seriously pissed orf the EU and the Frogs in particular. Got to be a result just for that.
And I love the fact that nothing panics quite like a yank…!
A post-Brexit trade deal (if we get that far and thwart that Miller bitch) with the US shouldn’t be a problem now Trump’s in charge… I also like the fact that Steppenfuhrer Merkel is far from happy with the new president of the USA…. I hope old Don and Big Bad Vlad make Merkel’s life a fucking misery… Same goes for that muslim loving garlic turd, Hollande, in France…
Better get rid of the Muzzie Mayor though
Has Lily Mong claimed she was attacked by a man in a Trump mask yet?
Lily Mong has called for a rerun of the American election, after she got up this morning and something had turned her pubes orange….
That gobshite Alistair Campbell was on 5 live tonight whingeing about The Donalds victory. He said that the worrying thing is that elections can now be won on lies, like Brexit with the 350 million on the side of a bus. You cheeky CUNT. You have the temerity to accuse them of telling untruths. Can I just mention Iraq for one. You and your ilk are are fuckin shittin yerselves now because millions of tax paying, bill paying, fine paying normal people are fuckin browned off being told what’s good for us and that s you know best. Just go and fuck off and get a proper fuckin job. Depressive prick.
The celebrity cunts that have come out ‘protesting’ about Trump’s victory are a fucking joke… Not only are these cunts patronising: they live like fucking debauched emperors, nor will they be affected no matter who becomes president… Yet they are telling ‘ordinary’ people to protest and ‘rise up’…. They are also laughable as so-called political animals… That crusty snatched slag, Madonna, has lavish dinners with Netenyahu and copies that murdering radical chic cunt, Che Guevara, yet she has a go at people voting Trump? Fuck off, you dried up old witch… And a cheap famous for nothing slut like Miley Cyrus seen as a ‘go to’ person for opinions on the American Presidency is like Monty Python’s deadliest joke in the world sketch… And as for Chickboy Gaga? Her ‘protest’ was all about publicity for herself as always… And Gaga having a go at Trump for his views on women is taking the piss… This is the same Lady Gaga who uses sex to sell herself at every opportunity, uses men as sex objects in her videos, blabs to the press about her own dubious sexual antics (with both sexes) and who with that other hypocritical coconut cunt, Beyonce, did a video that reveled in the simulated torture and killing of men…All three of the aforementioned trollops all use sex to further their careers and all have the morals of an alley cat on crack… As I say, a total joke and fucking cunts…
Too True friend, thats mainly why I’m so happy bout trumps win, the end of political correctness.
It brought nagging liberals/dems out of their comfort zone and he even exposed his own party for being backstabbing cunts and openly and secretly praising/helping the other parties candidates.
The republican party will have to be rebuilt from scratch, I just hope Trump sticks to his guns. Great song about corruption, cunts, hypocrisy and renewal, its definitely relevant
Thanks for the song, TitSlapper pal… Very true indeed…