Sarah Gayton


Sarah Gayton is the stupid 41 year old cunt who is marrying a Syrian rapeugee she met in the Calais jungle. Said rapeugee is 17 years her junior and has just been granted a 5 year visa to stay here.

She is obviously out of the same box as those soppy cunts who go for Thai brides and some Russian slag out of a catalogue. It’s always “the real thing” for about as long as it takes to get wed, obtain a uk passport then tell the soppy cunt to piss off.

Doesn’t she understand we have enough of these bastards here already without having to legalise them in some sham arrangement.

Give it a year max and she will be Grizzlies about being used. Daft cunt

Nominated by: Johnson

23 thoughts on “Sarah Gayton

  1. I wonder if this ugly brainwashed whore would be happy to join this malingering cunt in Syria if told to do so.
    I think she should do us all a favour and prove it.

  2. They love a bit of soap-dodger cock,these female aid workers. The male aid workers prefer kids,of either sex,which is handy because there doesn’t seem to be any female refugees over the age of 11 fleeing “terror and war” Strange that.
    This ridiculous bint’ll end up ditched and diseased within a 12 month,with a bit of luck.Hope he takes every penny she’s got and tells her to go and hawk her tired out old minge under the nearest flyover.

    • …. according to ‘The Sun’ ( so it must be true ), she has an £800k house in Chiswick … so if this fucker gets himself a good lawyer ( paid for by the tax payer ) when they split …. he’ll land himself a tidy sum. Of course ‘true love’ will mean she won’t be getting him to sign any pre- nupt’s … I mean, he’s not going to leave her .. is he.

    • Whenever I hear about cunts like this, I always wonder what their families think?. Personally I would disown any friend or relative taking up with one of these cunts if they did not come to ther senses. The same applies to obviously British women who have converted to the religion of peace. What a way to repay a country where you grew up with free schooling and healthcare and many other bonuses and also safety.

  3. So this cunttress is going to marry her rapugee of her dreams. It beggars believe that they expect us to be so naive and gullible to fall for the “if people actually saw us together they would know how much we love each other”. Well fuck off you demented cunts, because no doubt about it as soon as the raghead has been here awhile, he will either disappear or his family will be entitled to join the cunt. I can see Lily the Mong and big eared lefty cunt walkers wanker Lineker buying new outfits for the special fucking day. Cunts cunts cunts

  4. Picture of sense,fucka me this skank fuck whore should be a sectioned under the mental health act and never be aloud to see the fucking light of day again,my a fucking breakfast is a ruined now ,she a kncks a me a fucking sick,shes a cunta.

      • Oh definitely, ANDZ… This ugly trollop likes a bit of greasy kebab up the chuff… Better than looking at her face, I suppose….

  5. If you wrote something like this 30yrs ago as a work of fiction you’d probably get sacked as a scriptwriter for producing utterly unbelievable shite.

    And yet here we are now, a reality. Recently we cunted shit magazines like Take a Break and the like, and I have to admit the Mrs does read that shite.

    Every week/month there’s some heinous 50+ Jabba in there fetching the 20yr old love of her life over from Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia, etc., basically any African shit hole you can think of.

    And in the same mag you see last year’s bunch of Jabbas who were jilted by said love of their life and fleeced of their life savings.

    And unfortunately said love of their lives are here legally now, no doubt fleecing the system, more Jabbas, or – worse – have used this route as a “peaceful” insurgent.

    • Viz should do another film based on this very issue… They could call it The Fat Slags And The Chocolate Factory….

  6. Kerrrching! better than a lottery win for Said!! I’m just watching BBC news special, bloke called Nesta Mcgregor investigating behind the scenes of Black lived matter, one of the protesters was moaning about her hair styles not been accepted by the UK, when he met her later she had a new hair style for her holiday – I wonder if she would be annoyed if her holiday was delayed by a Bald 40 year white mans lives matter cunt like me blocking the runway by sitting in a deck chair, Drinking some cans, having a pot noodle and reading the latest edition of Huge Tits so this moaning cows holiday gets cancelled.

  7. Every time I see someone with an “add to basket” wife, I don’t think “he’s doing well with that young Filipino hottie”, I tend to think “he couldn’t find anyone western to put up with him, so he had to go on the internet, and find some desperate bint from a poverty stricken shite hole, who would fuck a rotting corpse for a green card”.
    Same goes for these dumb broads who end up importing some hollowhead from shitty holiday destinations, or in this case, a rapeape training facility. How their failed love lives enrich our society.

  8. Told you about the ugly cow I saw in a department store, doting on this weasel-like w** and spoiling the non-English speaking greaseball with anything he wanted… It’s happening all over the place… How can this demented harridan say ‘we love each other’ when the kebab up his arse cunt probably doesn’t even speak English?…. And I bet all her ‘compassion’ and ‘aid work’ willl go to fuck now, because she’s getting a bit of migrant knob…. Some women are so pathetic, I have seen it many times… They lead a normal life, yet when they get ‘a fellah’ (no matter how crappy, ugly, grasping, and as much of a wrong ‘un he may be) everything else can go to hell in a handcart…. Friends, family, finances (except his), even pets… Nothing else counts… It’s all ‘I love ‘im, and that’s all that matters…’ Some daft slags would murder someone just to get a shag and’ ‘feel special’ (ie: be called a stupid pet nickname and get humped every other month)… Sickening…

  9. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.. Obvious answer fucking never. Never have been able to understand why these dopey women get hooked by these dodgy visa hunters. Surley to God there are enough useless cunts born in this country to satisfy their sickest desires what about pikeys plenty of them total cunts and they have the benefit of eu membership once we leave. Bit of knob, reams of bullshit, passport and half her goods ,chattels and house when the taxpayer funded divorce is over. Sometimes nuclear fucking war seems an attractive option; how much longer will our lives be cursed by these total knob ends. At least with men buying a bride they can wank over the memories once said bride buggers of and not get too emotional. Cos in their heart of hearts they always knew “short and sweet”

  10. I think 12 months is a stretch. The reffo would already be receiving advice from family and friends on how to fleece her. The bint must be dumb as a bag of rocks if she truly believes he “luffs” her. Also, if the property she owns is worth 800k and she’d actually worked for it herself rather than having it given to her, she’d not be mug enough to expose herself to having half of taken away. Finally, even while they’re ‘together’, he’ll be importing as many family members as he can to live under her roof. What an horrible thought … Being outnumbered and outgendered in your own home by a bunch of teatowelheads.

  11. Oh Christ. Yet another sad tale of a desperate soul who seemingly wants her soon-to-be-forgotten bit of attention in the mind gaming meedja. I agree, assuming that a situation where a woman who worked her arse off and fought tooth and nail to own such assets whilst beating off leeching cunts in the process, she would be very shrewd and surely wouldn’t even entertain an idea as crazy as this, as the “no way in fucking hell…do you think I’m as dumb as fuck” alarm bells would ring out?

    “A foundation built on unproven fantasies, will crumble like dry shit in a gale”.

    The general rule is that affluent people who’ve had it handed to them on a plate by mater and pater are usually thicker than a dungeon floor. These people won’t ever learn because their rose tinted bottle-rimmed glasses paint a rosy idyllic portrait of a little SJW utopia, where unicorns prance and pixies play the flute. What a basket of week old fox shit.

    All this “we’re in love” crap is just another example of loveblinded fairygarden bullshit of the highest order, especially when he ships his massive extended family of roughly 400 half-brothers and sisters over, and the hippy SJW soldiers will no doubt wank over it until their socks can’t hold anymore and claim it as a moral victory and an even bigger boost to their Wankbook and Instacunt profiles. This country is a fucking joke.

    “Welcome to the UK…home of the SJW progressive thinker and the free meal ticket”. For Christ’s sakes. A chap I knew several years ago, always said “You mark my words…in a few years the Englishman will become an outcast in his own country”. Proven right.

    Where will these SJW cunts and stinking blue-haired hipster morality drum-beaters be when the British people born and bred are in the minority and the shit hits the fan bigtime? Let me guess…I have a sneaking suspicion they might panic and bolt faster than a spaz chariot tumbling down an escalator. Can the last normal person to leave Britain please turn the lights off.

    • Anyone with blue hair should be thrown into a lake of crocodiles…
      Last week I saw a student cunt, and he (fucking he!!) was doing that mannequin challenge shite, and he had bright pink hair…. This country is fucked…

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