

Can I please nominate, Doolaly (Diwali) or Fireworks at Diwali (in case it offends) for a good cunting.

Now, I like to think I’m pretty tolerant of different cultures and their festivals, but not at my expense or should I say the dogs, but it does affect me, because of said dog.
Allow me to explain, as I’m writing this the fucking cunting fireworks have started, to be totally honest, they started at 4pm. Fucking 4pm, it was still daylight, what’s the fucking point of that?

It’s just normal fucking fireworks either, up to now we’ve had the pretty ‘Ooh and Ahh ones, fine with them, but shorty after came those fucking cunting ones that shake the ground like fucking land mines and bangers! It’s like Syria out there!
I just happened to let the dog out when some daft cunt decided let the line mine one off, the dog, mid piss, ran back into the house, still pissing, with the other half running behind him with a mop.

He tried to get behind the TV but thankfully the kids stopped him.

The other half has found a special bravery jacket, with accompanying CD and a plug-in for him, to the tune of a mere 70 odd fucking quid. I ain’t happy!

When I was a kid, they still had Doolaly, but without the fucking onslaught of cunting fireworks. Fireworks are for one day, fucking bonfire night (and New Years Eve, I’m not a total miserable cunt).

I’m now in the front room, with the bloody great dog, sitting on my knee. I’ve have to barricade parts of my front room, so he don’t knock the TV over and other items I can’t be arsed to replace this side of Christmas.

Coupled with the fucking clocks going back and actual Doolaly day tomorrow, the fucking onslaught is going to happen a lot earlier.

I really don’t mind my house looking like something from the French Revolution and the telly on full pelt and a quivering mess of a dog for one day, but this is going to go on for the next few days, weeks even and it’s fucking Halloween Monday too, so going have to screw my letterbox shut,in case some little fucking chav kid thinks it’s a good idea to shove a fucking firework though the letterbox!

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

33 thoughts on “Diwali

  1. Delhi is installing open air air purifiers for the festifal to combat the smog it casues. I shit you not. I have no problem with the corner shops and takeaways closing for the duration so those that way inclined can celebrate it at home.

    I don’t even mind if you decide to stay in Delhi.

  2. Am with you Cuntybollocks. My hound refusing to go out for a piss due to these fucking fireworks going off. Feel like uping the ante and using dynamite to pay them back.

  3. But if anyone British wants to commemorate St George’s Day or do the old Whit Walks it’s ‘Must think of others! Mind your P’s and Q’s! Don’t make too much noise! Isn’t it about time we stopped this old un-PC stuff?’ and, of course, ‘But it’s racist! They feel excluded!’
    Fuck Diwali and fuck anti-English council and Twitter cunts….

  4. Good luck tomorrow Cuntybollocks. I know exactly what it’s like, dozing of to sleep at 1.00 a.m. and all of a sudden it’s like the Red Army advancing. Diwali is a cunt and you’ll probably have a week of it. Good job November 5th is a Saturday because that puts two into one as it were otherwise you would have got a week day and a Saturday as well. It’s just wrong. Woulda thought there’d be a campaign for a law change, or enforcement of the law if it’s a contravention. The RSPCA should be on the case.

    • All those cunts advise is animal behaviour therapy and such. No sign of opposition which is what you’d expect from a pressure group. Cunts.

      • Cheers Alan, Johnson and everyone.
        To all those with pets and those without, who like a peaceful nights sleep, in a area with fucking Doolaly cunts, the very best of British to you too.

        I doubt the council will ever stop the Doolaly fucking fireworks, “It brings so much tourism and revenue into our cultural city, people come from all over, even India” ( I wonder how many actually go back?!) so we’re told every fucking year, via the local news. Fuck you too centrcunt news.

        And next year that fucking Arse wipe cunt Soulsby is Intenting to bring the golden cunting mile right down to the city centre, so more of them can enjoy it more, so I’ve been told.
        More like, so some of the fat cunts don’t have to walk far. It’ll be fucking mayhem on the roads.
        Might have to buy a tank!

        I’m shocked and bitterly disappointed that England doesn’t celebrate the day of it patron saint, it should be a bank hol.

        It’s fucking disgusting and every year, on St George’s day, some proud Brit sticks his flag up, only for our fucking ethnic cunts to moan how offensive they find it……cunting cunts.
        Whatever happened to, When in Rome…. Fucking moaning cunting bastards.
        I still think, my Cow Connon to fire bits of cow at them idea is a good one, I’m going make a Pig Cannon too, so folk can fire pork, bacon, sausages, etc.
        Don’t want to leave our muzzy cunts out, I’ll get called a racist.

      • I’ll keep on putting the pennies by and one day fuck this city off……
        To the Lotto gods…..I know I’m a sinner (and a bit of a cunt) but make me a winner!

  5. Mark Clattenburg is a fucking spunkbubble of a cunt, and Burnley are dirty ferret fucking cunts…

    • Moderation is when I put a comment on Spivey’s site saying I wouldn’t even donate an arse wipe to his begging and he won’t let the comment on because he likes comments which agree with his bollocks. Same with the Daily Mail, I point out that their headline is wrong, they don’t post my comment because they can’t let the facts get in the way of a good story. It maybe that now and again Dio has look see to make sure that a comment isn’t too outrageous even for IAC.

      • Pmsl, that explains, why mine never get through on those ‘other’ sites too.
        Ah well, onwards and upwards…???

      • Cheers Alan,
        it’s strange, coz i was quoting The Captain saying that the young chaps of a peaceful religion were going to be “future blank taxi drivers”.
        Blank being a word for someone who likes kids , and it rhymes with speedo.
        I was just thanking him for making laugh even though it was true……

  6. Going out on a limb or the lack of some. The Maltesers advert with the wheelchair bound disabled woman. Just put a disabled person into a normal situation, okay I’m down with that, I get disabled people are people too, we are not defined by our bodies, most of what makes us people is not physical but mental, it’s thoughts, ego and the undefinable.

    Trouble for me is after she has rolled over the brides foot she then gets the best mans number. Now either this ad is inferring that disabled people are only going to be attending a wedding where everyone is disabled or that the best man is a real kinky fucker with a thing for Davros impersonators.

    This is just a glaring example of the advertising industry normalising the abnormal. Another gripe I have is the amount of mixed race couples in adverts, the percentage shown in advertising doesn’t match the reality. Advertising is now not only used to manipulate us into buying shit we don’t want or need but it is also used to push an agenda as a payload.

    I don’t hate mixed race couples and I don’t hate disabled people, I do intensely dislike being programmed by the media. This is the tip of the iceberg, the way the MSN news and current affairs is manipulated and managed shapes our view of the world, our ability to make judgements based on legitimate unbiased information has been stolen from us.

    We can no longer sit back and do nothing, we must demand better, if not we are lost in a sea of lies.

    • Social engineering like this starts with the BBC Cbeebies channel and children’s programmes in general and on to education. It’s the creeping cancer of cultural Marxism and a huge cunt. That’s the obvious. What do you do about it? And where is the fight back coming from? Not saying ideological shifts don’t happen but where’s the door the theses can be nailed to?

    • If that disgusting creature “got the best mans number”,he must be a pervert of the highest order. I’m not fussy,but the thought of porking that foul Davros lookalike is enough to dampen the most desperate mans desires.

    • I get pissed off at that Nicky Whatsername on the Beeb. Disability correspondent ffs!
      1. Why do they need one
      2. Why couldn’t they get a decent one?

      She’s crap at it and allegedly can manage without the wheelchair. Nice prop though…

      If she was able bodied she’d be unemployed

    • Every time I see that advert with the windowlicker, the only thought going through my head is “Kill it! Kill it with fire! FFS! Put it out of it’s misery!”

      Does this make me a bad person?

      • I despise that advert too… Makes me laugh, what the fuck has ‘diversity’ and ‘political correctness’ got to do with selling chocolate? These adverts are supposed to tell you how great the maltesers are, not that life is mardi gras full of PC tolerance and happy go lucky mongs… And as for it getting the best man’s number? Now that is no way true to life and goes beyond all reality… These PC cunts say they want their crap to reflect real life, when it’s actually as far from real life as you can get… Having a spaz at the forefront of an ad campaign is daft enough, getting said spaz to pull (supposedly) good looking bloke is taking the absolute piss…. If sales of maltesers drop, the cunts only have themselves to blame…

        Maybe the maltesers thingy and Lily Mong could team up… The first retarded duo since Eminem and Dido to get to No.1?….

      • The ad always puts me in mind of a story my father in law told me once.
        It involved Maltesers.

        When him and his mates where all young, they went to the local flee pit to see some movie, one of the lads suffered mild fits.

        During the film, the poor chap had a fit and my father in law was sitting next to him with a ‘family size’ box of Maltesers (and in those days they were big boxes, not the pathetic excuse you get these days)
        He said the lads arm came up and knocked the whole box out of his hand and the Maltesers showered everyone, bounced all the way down the steps, finally resting under the screen.
        By the time the usherette, a miserable cunt, by all accounts, turned up, his fit was over and she threw them out because she thought they were pissing about.

        I know it not to be laughted at, having fits is no way funny but when he said, “I’ve never seen so many Maltesers cascading down the steps” I got this image in my head of those Maltesers, it sent me into fits of laughter.

  7. Fuck me, I’ve just time travelled! The old tablet has just said, 01:59 and now it’s 01:00
    It IS possible……tell the cunting naysayers….

    • Well , go back further and bring a young Julie Christie or honor Blackman back with you……

  8. With you on this one Cuntybollocks.

    My hound had been going apeshit out in the garden last and now I know why.

    He fucking hates fireworks and I usually bring him inside for bonfire night.

    All the neighbours dogs were kicking off too. So this explains it.

  9. Mrs D has just reminded me that when we were kids you were only allowed fireworks on November 5th. None at New Year back then – but that was before Retailfest and the immigrant invasion and all this offend nobody PC bollocks…

  10. Diwali, Ramadan,Christmas etc…all just a load of old bollocks which encourages family get -togethers….. God forbid.

    • There was a bit on Sky this morning about the Mexican day of the dead. I bet the UK retailer cunts will think of a way of marketing this to the British public in the not to distant future.

  11. I was in Delhi at Diwali time and fuck me was it hectic. Little kids throwing bangers which were more like military ordinance and a thick smog of cordite over the city for days afterwards. ( which is actually something of an improvement. Cunt of a place )

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