Nadiyah Hussain


Nadiyah Hussain is a cunt…

The BBC’s sacred cow and PC commodity is now telling us how to (wait for it!) fry an egg… I shit you not… How to fry a fucking egg… Like there’s some sort of fucking art to it… I don’t know: wins a stupid cake baking TV show for saddos (and PC and ‘diverse’ into the bargain! Tick those boxes, BBC!) and now she’s telling us ‘riff-raff’ how to fry a sodding egg…. I might have known that Ginger cunt, Evans would have her on his show…

Anyway, we are British: and we know how to fry an egg (and bacon, sausages, bread, black pudding etc), so fuck off!

Nominated by: Norman


Uluru Kata Tjuta national park

Australia is fucking shit, that’s why all the fuckers want to come here. I went there for a month and it was a big mistake. I was bored shitless after a couple of weeks. Full of back packer cunts doing there now obligatory “gap year” and thinking they are having such a huge fucking adventure when really it is a sanitized conveyor belt transporting the spotty youths from one hostel to another.

A cunt of a country full of cunts and the only people who want to visit it are cunts as well.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

The New European


There’s a new weekly paper out called “The New European”. I caught sight of a pile of unsold copies in our local Co-op.

Apparently it’s “the voice of the 48%” and the cover story (“We want to be French” I kid you not!) concerned a family of smug suspiciously middle class looking vegetables who were moving permanently to France because of the Brexit vote. I’m willing to bet The New European has cover to cover stories of how thick the rest of us smelly oiks all are but I’m fucked if I’m going to waste money buying a copy to find out.

Not having read it I can’t really consider myself informed enough to nominate it as a cunt, but I’m willing to hazard a wild guess that it really, really is…

Nominated by: Mr Bastard