Having essentially bullshitted her way back into the UK from ‘heroically’ nursing the ‘needy’ in Sierra Leone by deliberately not declaring that she was running a temperature indicative that she too had gone and picked up the bug herself, she subsequently swans around potentially exposing who knows how many to contamination before finally succumbing to the symptoms herself and then expects the good old tax payer to shell out an undoubted fuck load of cash for her specialist treatment under strict isolation conditions, and on more than one occasion… cash that could have gone towards treating more deserving cases than that of someone who chose to put herself in harm’s way supposedly to ease the suffering of others abroad but then doesn’t give a flying fuck whether she goes on to cause another epidemic herself once back home.
Now facing formal nursing misconduct proceedings, the criminally reckless bitch is claiming that early symptoms of the disease would have impaired her judgement so there’s no evidence she had been deliberately dishonest in concealing her condition. Pull the other fucking one, love.
Cunt should be made to pay back every single fucking penny it cost to cure her.
Nominated by: Cunty McCunt Face
hmm time for a conspiracy theory… she was actualy deliberatly infected by MI5 in an attempt to unleash a plague on the newly indipendant scotland (or that was the plan anyway) unfortunatly the scots didnt vote for indipendance so they fixed her.
sounds pretty crap dosnt it, (home time 14 mins!)
What I don’t get is these medical folks that will fuck of to Syria or Africa at the drop of a bomb or infectious decease and work for nothing but then stand on picket lines striking because they may have to work a Saturday as part of their standard shift pattern.
Another group of public servants merrliry waving the middle finger to the people who pay them whislt they will server fuckers in other countries for fuck all and risk bringing ebola etc home for us all to enjoy.
Yes, exactly this!
They only do stupid cunt things like this to feel great about themselves, like the career version of a “selfy”! Pretentious cunts!
I hope you get your heads lopped off or die pissing blood from every fucking orifice. I won’t shed a tear from any of my 3 eyes!
Oh, and when you do “buy it”, while the popularist luvvie press fawn over your corpse and declare you as “heroes”, please understand that in my neck of the woods you are called “idiots”, yes, “idiots”!
Kenneth Clarke is a cunt. The fat Tory piss artist has been emailing his constituents telling them that the EU referendum was only “advisory”, was “not binding” and that parliament will not permit the UK to leave the EU. The poll tax riots will seem like a Buckingham Palace Garden Party if he’s right.
What a fucking cunt. Anyone got him in the Pool…?
Like most senior politicians he regards any vote as only advisory. Whichever side of LabCon gets voted in their stated manifesto goes straight in the bin and the policies they are told to continue carry on.
Uncontrolled mass immigration
Deeper integration into political union with Europe
Fighting wars that have fuck all to do with UK interests.
Monetary policy
Foreign aid
The core polices that really shape our world don’t change, either side just plays to their core vote when elected and fools us into believing we are getting what we voted for.
David Cameron believed until around 4am UK time on the 23rd of June he had met his masters requirements and squashed any chance of UK exiting the EU and also been seen to payback all the potential UKIP voters for the votes he purchased with said referendum.
I imagine there was a moment that morning when he felt the same feeling he would of felt if he had walked into his office and caught Boris and George spit roasting Mrs C.
Well cunted Sixdog.
Ken’s only chubbing because he’s been greasing his EU Gravy Train wheels for the last 30yrs, and now the gravy’s dried up just before he was about to retire to “Ex Politician Cunt Fantasy Island” on €300,000 a year for doing fuck all.
No the wonder him and those Kinnock cunts are spinning at the prospect of retiring as mere millionaires – having never done a day’s graft in their lives – when they could get even more!
Any politician who’s chubbing about leaving the EU is basically a greedy, selfish cunt and nothing more!
Unlike the poll tax riots, I’ll be right at the front. Because I’m fucking sick to the back teeth of whingeing remain cunts, especially the likes of Clarke, Heseltine, Ashdown, Cameron etc, PISSING all over democracy, and telling everyone that the referendum was only ‘advisory’. Well get this, fat fuck, the majority of the voting British public ‘advised’ you ignorant, corrupt cunts in Westminster that we want the fuck out of the EU.
It’s an organisation that NOBODY in the UK EVER voted to join. It is corrupt and undemocratic. It is unfair, far too expensive, anti-British and anti-freedom. Cunts like Clarke have forgotten, or rather, been allowed to forget, that they work for US, not vice versa. They need to be reminded of that. And if it takes a riot, or even a civil war, then so be it. Like I said, I’ll be right on the front line.
These political types like cunt Clarke used to have the decency to rely on lying a little way into the scandal.
Now it’s there first port of call.
The cunt is a liar…..
The lords have just decided that we can’t Brexit unless the MPs say it’s ok.
What a bunch of doddery, scheming undemocratic cunts.
Everyone with half a head knows that the MPs are firmly up the EUs arse and would never vote for Brexit.
If this is the case then why a referendum?
Just ask the people with the final say.
If Brexit is betrayed, then I hope the nonchalant British public finally snap and burn down parliament.
Why can’t we just get some honest cunt to lead this.
Its what we voted for now do it, you bunch of spineless, self serving, scheming, useless, treasonous cunts.
The queen should step in and bring this to a close.
That’s Pauline Cafferkey in that pic? I thought it was that bloke from Smokie….
Would you want to meet her at midnight?
David Cameron has announced he is fucking off, no doubt has a cushy EU job lined up or will tour the US lecturing cunts on how to be a cunt. Anyways as he is the most cunted of all the cunts, surely he can get a final cunting which is an achievement he can add to his other achievements. The cunt.
It’s actually pretty easy to avoid catching Ebola. If you see someone projectile vomiting, shitting their guts out and hemorrhaging from every orifice simply walk in a brisk fashion in the opposite direction and your laughing. Its not fucking rocket science, is it?
You’re surely not suggesting that we just seal the borders and wait until it dies out are you?
Works for me!
Incidentally have you watched that American shit ‘Containment’? I gave up on episode 4. Absolute shite it was!!!
No, never even heard of it, that’s how shit it must be.
Of course allowing 100,000s of wogs from Africa into Europe, no questions asked is the best way to stop the spread of horrible tropical diseases. Way to go, political elites!
Not to mention TB, which we had eradicated, now making it’s way back to blighty courtesy of our “guests”.
Mind you, don’t they cull badgers with TB? So, on that basis…
Sounds like some of the holidays I had in Magaluf when I was a younger cunt than I am today. But I don’t think it had anything to do with ebola.
The Scots once again demonstrate their complete invincibility at football. Is there no stopping these leviathans?
What a cunt she is nuff said ….Dozy fucking bitch…..
These virulent viruses tend to burn themselves out within a few days, a few fuckers die, get their carcasses burnt. All very sad, but that’s the way of things.
Unless you have leftard cunts jetting in from all four fucking corners of the globe, turn up for a couple of days, take a few selfies, shag a few ethnics, get bored, then fly back and infect everyone
Katy Perry is a cunt… Apart from singing like a dog with flu, this self important tart now wants the world to know she ‘delivers babies’… Meaning she was present as her sister gave birth… But anyone who thinks she had any hand in the actual delivery of a sprog must be mad… Perry probably just made squeaking noises as the maternity staff did their jobs… And of course the daft bint has to tell the entire world how great she is for ‘delivering babies’… I bet midwives all over the world are thinking ‘You fucking stupid cunt!’ These celebrity cunts think they can do everything, when they’re not even good at one thing…
Would still give her a rogering, mind you…
The so-called ‘British Heroes’ of the Paralympics are cunts…
This event could have brought a huge spotlight on how the disabled in the UK are treated by the Tory pigs (ie: like crap)… Each one of them could have said they weren’t going to go to Brazil, as a protest against a government that treats the disabled like dog turds and even hounds some of them to their deaths… But these ‘athletes’ are all usually wadded, so they won’t give a fuck if Maximus or Atos have persecuted some poor cunt who has only one leg or who can’t see… Twat trumpets…
The Paralympics is a cunt because there’s no decent events. Someone mentioned on here the thalidomide javelin contest. The morbidly obese high diving would have been a good event too and I’ve always fancied seeing Tourette’s Weight Lifting having thrown out a random “BASTARD!” and “CUNT!” meself when lifting heavy objects such as the odd piano. I’m cheerfully spaggy as well now with a lame foot, progressive deafness and cataracts not to mention other shit. Having bronchiectasis, I fancied competing in the blow football competition should it have been an event. I can hear the commentary: “There’s some phlegm on the pitch, they think it’s all over…..cough splat!”
Is having an extremely large penis considered a disability? I’d walk the 3 legged race if it was. How about the macromastia trampoline? Sure to be popular.
Senor Huevopedo, you would have no chance in the three legged race against those cunts from the Isle of Man.
i reckon to understand ebola better instaed of lab rats they can use that cunt Pauline caffarty,try different drugs until she dies or they find a cure win win senario…..moniter her in a glass box which can be set on fire if there are any problems or even drop it out of the back of a chinook…..maybe in the Calais jungle cunts
She’s a cunt, an interfering, disease ridden, lying bitch of a cunt.
I see that this selfish shitbag has been cleared of professional misconduct. Fucking unbelievable! She puts other people at risk by telling lies and is cleared, the stupid bitch should be fucking swinging from the gallows. CUNT.
Bet she fucks off to the jungle again cos she is a hero who loves mankind. Not because she is a ego junkie who loves the fame.
Cunt is on the telly now as I type this.
She just wants to work as a nurse. Fucking get on with it then and fuck off my screen.
Outrageous result, fucking outrageous.
The sainted Nurse working for the fucking sainted NHS fucked up, potentially putting the entire country at risk. But that’s ok, it’s the sainted fucking NHS, beyond reproach
You can’t have a pop at a NHS hero ! Oh yes you can. She is a cunt just like the junior doctor cunts and just because she,and they, work in the NHS, doesn’t mean they are not gigantic cunts.
We should all take legal action against the cunt for endangering all our lives .