Emily Thornberry


Emily Thornberry needs cunting.

Who is she? Well she’s shadow foreign secretary, well according to her Dermot Murnaghan is ‘sexist’ because he asked her to name her French counterpart. Why sexism you may ask? Well she couldn’t answer the question so like many women cry ‘sexism’ to hide her ignorance.

How the fuck is it sexist to ask her to name someone she may have to discuss things with if Labour ever got back into government.

Nominated by: Chris Horner

Labour’s shadow foreign minister Emily Thornberry is a cunt.

She was on Sky and accused the presenter of being sexist for asking her to name the French foreign minister or the South Korean president. Needless to say she knew neither.

But far from being ashamed of her own incompetance she sees this a a sexist attack because, you know, vagina. CUNT.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

20 thoughts on “Emily Thornberry

  1. Projected cause of death…
    Run over repeatedly by a white Transit van covered in England flags.
    Well, there’s always hope…

  2. It is with great sadness that I announce the death of Arnold Palmer.

    “The King” is dead. Long live “The King”.

    We need a new Dead Pool.

  3. Champagne socialist fat labour cunt,probably sends her kids to the same private school as Diane Flabbot…

  4. Corbyn is a cunt leading a bunch if cunts, she is a perfect example but far from being the only one.

  5. “according to her Dermot Murnaghan is ‘sexist’ because he asked her to name her French counterpart”

    No fan of Emily “White van man” Thornberry, but when did you ever hear a male politician asked a fucktard question like that?

    • Spot on Fred; if your failing to win the aurgument shout racist or sexist works every time. Why do people elect these fuckingmongtards; way beyond my understanding, but I’m only a madman.

    • It’s a perfectly fair question to ask anyone who had just said they were going to have a meeting with the fellow in question.

    • Not getting your meaning Fred? Do you mean that politicians shouldn’t be asked questions directly related to their role? I have heard plenty of politicians of both genders asked questions and worm out of them, from all parties.

      The Labour party seems to of cornered the market in no nothing cunts. Their shadow chancellor was this morning talking about borrowing and raising taxes to pay for it.

      The cunt called socialism never learns.

    • It isnt a fucktard question.It actually showed the audience she is an incompetant cunt.Can imagine Paxman and the like asking men those questions.

  6. Fucking woman is more like Hyacinth Bucket than a Labour MP. Snobby,whiny,condescending old minge-bag. I hope someone kicks her right in the cunt.

  7. Typical Labour cunt. Lives in North London in a gaff worth about £3m apparently. No problem with that but then the snobby cunt looks right down her nose at the “lower orders” who actually love their country and are proud of it and also who work for a living unlike that fat faced cunt.
    She is a monumental cunt and should be shot.

    • Back in the day the labour leadership were mostly working class people often coming thru the unions who understood their voters concerns and most importantly listened to them, nowadays most of the labour leadership is made up of middle class liberal elite wankers who actually look down their snotty noses at the very people they allegedly represent, thornberry fits the bill, living the high life, big house in dez Rez London, married to a judge I believe?, her live is far removed from the people she claims to represent. Was dermot right to ask her the names of her French counterparts?? Everybody will have a different opinion but should she know their names?? FUCKIIN right she should!! That’s her job, to be on the ball, she tried to change the subject, and then hid behind the sexiest card!! Pathetic cunt….
      Other labour MP,s have been humiliated in the last couple of years..
      Ed balls on news night was asked what business leaders had agreed to labours fiscal policy??? His reply?? Bill somebody ??
      Jacqui smith on Andrew Neil show was shown a photo of all Eu presidents ?? Failed to name any of them!! Then asked Neil if it was a prank!! At the time she was shadow Home Secretary I believe.. utterly FUCKIIN clueless CUNTS…. real labour voters deserve better than these self serving, detached liberal fuckers

  8. She’s a typical hypocritical, fat, lying gargantuan gutbucket.

    She and her kind make me sick to the core of my stomach.

    Hopefully a heart attack will kill her off soon and the local crematorium can toast her worthless, fat carcass. Like a big, fat two faced oinker frying on a hot plate.

    Fuck her to hell.

  9. ‘if Labour ever got back into government.’ – which thanks to the legions of stupid cunts joining at £25 a go to vote for Corbyn, is a long, long way away. Thank fuck.

  10. Oh man I despise this cunt more than most of the cunts on my big list of cunts. You just have to look at her smug self satisfied face to know she is a cunt. When she opens the rats arsehole that passes for a mouth she confirms your worst fears and more.

    Typical of Labour she despises the working class, the only use they serve is voting for her and her socialist cunt chums. She is the personification of everything wrong with labour and the trendy lefty cunts that have destroyed it as a functioning political party.

    Did I mention she is a total cunt?

  11. Sorry! Correction to earlier post.. it was Harriet Harmon who failed to recognise Eu presidents?????

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