What a double speaking two faced festering cunt Tusk is.
Brexit could lead to the destruction of western political civilisation but importing millions of Africans with no concept of politics outside of a machete and tribal warfare and adding a few million Muslims who only recognise Islam as all of the law has no fucking impact at all.
Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
So the truth about Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s sexuality is revealed.
Not a crazed homophobic but a user of gay dating apps and a regular at that club.
More a a frustrated Muslim poofta…. a moofta.
I said he was a secret batty boy t’other night. Though aren’t they all? Listening to the media trying to say that it was a homophobic attack rather than a terrorist scumbag is getting on my tits also. Even serial bastard Peter Tatchell was on the side of reason, saying that the gay community should fear radical Islam, as should the rest of us. And stop calling them lone wolves. It makes them sound edgy and dangerous. Friendless cocksuckers is much better….
The remain campaign are going overboard with their fear-mongering, but none of them can give an answer to the problem of uncontrolled immigration if we stay in the EU. They are all complete self-interested cunts who do not care about the British people. Fuck them all.
One of the few truths out of Camorons’ trap was about ‘swarms’ of migrants, and he got roasted for it. If he had then said “fuck you, cunts. I should have said invasion!” He could have called himself a man for five minutes.
You are SO right. Camoron had the chance to make a big name for himself after the last election, grab the bull by the balls and lay down the law. Instead he falls in line behind a succession of wank PM’s and plays the cunt. Liebour were on the ropes, Libdumbfucks were zombies, UKIP (unfortunately) a victim of the electoral system and the rest were just plain and simple ‘also rans’. What the fuck is it about this country that makes our leaders do the stupidest things, when the smartest thing to do is also the most obvious. All i can think of is they’re too shit scared of offending minorities whilst forgetting this is a democracy and minorities don’t count, tough?, yes but thats how it works.
Fuck you Camoron, you will go down in history as a true cunt in every sense of the word and i hope you live (for many years) to bitterly regret way you treated the citizens of this once great country.
Talking about the electoral system, the Campaign for Electoral Reform website is quite revealing.
It appears that out of most of the people making regular “interventions” in the neverendum campaign, the only interventions that have the desired effects are those by Messrs. Farage and Trump.
Oddly, most people seem to ignore Corbyn. Can’t think why…
Lowlife globalist cunt, we will be living in boxes with no food and no heat if this cunt gets his way.
Im sure that cunt was the magical dwarf in the singing ringing tree
Captain cunteye, you are spot on. Our ‘wonderful’ cunt politicians ARE terrified of upsetting the ethnics living here.
Take Dubai, a cunting rich a Muslim country. They have rules and if one fucks with their rules, like say, getting pissed, holding your other halves hand in public, showing a bit of flesh, shagging on the beach cos your so out of your box, you think your in Magaluf etc, you get thrown in jail! It’s their rules. If I went to Dubai with the rich cunts, I’d be a good cunt and follow their rules, cos that’s what I’m like. I rarely feel sorry for the silly bitch cunts who get caught shagging on said beaches and whinge to the press about it, stupid cunts!
Anyhooo, I digress, if we, in the uk have to abide with other countries rules, folk from other lands should do the same when they come to live here.
Not moan that our age old traditions offend them, Christmas anyone?
Not slip Halal meat into our maccy D’s, KFC and not tell us, so we have to rely on that Murdoch based cunt of a paper to tell us.
Expect us to moan that some cover their faces, yet we have to remove our skid lids AND our beanies in banks and shops……..sorry for the rant and I could go on….. but it makes my blood boil and it’s all down to the namby pamby politicians who allow it to happen, because they are afraid of offending them…Our country, our rules and if they don’t like it,then, fuck off. Simple….Cunts.???
Andy C, you must be of a similar age to this old cunt if you remember the singing ringing tree.?