Jon Platt


I’d like to nominate that supercilious smug little cunt Jon Platt for a proper fucking leathering (I suppose a good cunting will have to suffice) on the occasion of his recent win at the High Court against the Isle of Wight Council (admittedly, a bunch of fucking useless inbred cunts themselves) and for striking a blow for the little man (and they don’t come much littler than that Pygmy cunt) so that we can now all fuck off to Florida during school term time so that our cunting offspring can enjoy the benefits of daddy’s ill-gotten gains, i.e. the proceeds of running his own PPI recovery firm which should make him eligible for the title FUCKING UTTER CUNT just in itself!

Thanks for giving the Government the excuse to now simply change the law and well and truly fuck things up for everyone else… I look forward to you being found hanging under Sandown Pier when your scummy little business goes tits up (and no, your kid can’t have the day off school to go to your fucking funeral!)


Nominated by: Cunty McCunt Face

15 thoughts on “Jon Platt

  1. Personally I always avoid school hols times for any holiday as the noise of screeching kids is like torture to me,so il maybe go May as I just have to Turkey or maybe September,now Im wondering if this cunt has turned it all on its head….

  2. This bloke may look cuntish and make a living from a parasitic business model but at the very least deserves a pat on the back for standing his ground.
    This British are great at fighting other countries battles yet cower to Town Hall red tape bureaucracy and I’m fucking sick of it.
    If missing a week of primary school is gonna fuck a kid up and ruin their life so badly they probably didn’t have a chance in the first place.

    • wow -I must say I totally disagree with you-he is a cunt through and through and the fact he stopped the government from trying to get our least taught kids by western standards -at least guarantees of most of their scheduled education itinerary delivered and deliverable-because the kid is there in person attending ….. is not something to be patted on the back for -so why do you say that ?
      do you not approve of schooling? do you not think people who have kids should be very slightly responsible for raising their kids in a way that isn’t overtly harmful to them ? maybe you don’t like kids? or maybe you like bad parenting ?
      this little tit has done lots of harm to millions of the poorest kids now for years and years to come – and you think that deserves a pat on the back ?
      I am happy to yield to democracy always and public opinion too-i say again “always” but I see public opinion and democracy apparently are supporting the points I have expressed and not platt the pratts view .
      if the reverse were true would keep quiet I assure you .
      I am so happy that “is a cunt ” got this guys game spotted and named and shamed the cunt as a cunt .
      and its sad that ruining the education of millions of the poorest kids has cheerleaders like yourself mr j r cuntley-please reconsider your stance and retract your support -there are worthy causes for “little men ” so supporting any “little man ” regardless of how harmful evil or stupid his behaviour or demands are is absurd-as the actual message and consequences must matter more than the messengers size status ?

      • @Cook
        One of my kids is currently taking his GCSE exams. Would I take him on hols at any time leading up to these? Obviously not.
        A seven year old missing a week of Primary school misses fuck all and gives the fridge magnets some time off from suspending shit pictures. Fred’s link sums it up.

        As a footnote new sentences begin with a capital letter.
        My kids know that.

      • More likely the child missed some vital “progressive” indoctrination sessions. The Nazis knew to get them while they’re young…

    • Christ, he DOES look a lot like Porky Pig from the Warner Bros cartoons doesn’t he. It’s only just clicked….

      Th-th-th-th-that’s (fuck) all Folks!!

      • And if they ever remake “Nosferatu” again, the other cunt is a natural…

  3. I’m a bit torn on this one. On the one hand, it seems bizarre to me that all hell breaks loose if your own child skips a few days of school for some reason. Seems a school attendance Nazi force has sprung up since I was school age. So sticking it to them via the courts seems excessive, but a well deserved poke in the eye for over reaching authority. On the other hand, I fucking hate children so keeping them locked away for known periods of time does allow a degree of freedom from their revolting presence for the rest of us.

    All that said, this cunt’s motive might have been to avoid the school holiday price hike and travel during term time instead. In which case, he is a colossal cunt of epic proportions for being a totally inconsiderate, ‘I’ve-got-a-kid-and-you’re-just-going-to-have-to-put-up-with-it’ bastard. 40 lashes for him and a Jim’ll Fix It badge for his revolting offspring.

    • Hi IY, I’m usually in synch with some of your posts but not this one.
      Who is it exactly he is being inconsiderate to?
      And who would he be aiming your “just going to have to put up with it” comment at?

      Also, insulting a child you know nothing about just seems wrong.
      Just saying.

      • JR – He’s being inconsiderate the rest of us who don’t appreciate being subjected to other people’s revolting children, especially when they have booked their vacation at a time when children should be in school and the other vacationers had a reasonable shot at not having to deal with/tolerate kids. It’s part of the ‘entitlement generation’ which seems to believe they can do whatever they like, whenever they like and wherever they like. Some examples.

        Parents of a young baby absolutely cannot guarantee the good behaviour of their child and yet don’t think twice about getting on a long haul flight and making everyone else’s life a living nightmare. If you say anything, complain, roll your eyes, whatever then somehow you’re the bastard. They’ve got a baby and you’re just going to have to put up with it!

        Parents need grocery shopping, but little Johnny’s having a tantrum. Both parents go anyway and take Johnny with them, who proceeds to scream its lungs out, runs amok in the store and bangs into someone else’s stationary shopping trolley. Said trolley’s driver then gets a bollocking from Johnny’s father for ‘harming’ his child HE failed to control. (I’ve actually seen this happen with my own eyes). The thick cunt parents wouldn’t think of one of them staying home to mind the children, while the other does the grocery run. Oh no! It’s a family fucking outing and everyone else is just going to have to put up with it.

        You’re in a nice restaurant, it’s mid to late evening. You’ve had a hell of a week and want to unwind with some fine wine, mood lighting and some sumptuous food. Half way through appetisers, Damian – who should have been in bed hours ago – starts up and absolutely destroys the ambiance of said restaurant. Thus ruining the experience for everyone. Once again, complaining or saying anything automatically brands you and the unsympathetic, inconsiderate bastard and the we’ve-got-a-kid-and-you’re-going-to-have-to-put-up-with-it crowd wins again.

        Not understanding what you’re not getting about how unfair this is, JR. To cap it off, money is taken from me by force in the form of tax and given to these parasites. If that has to be the rule, then the onus should be on the fucking parents to not burden the rest of us with the presence of their bloody kids. That’s not the way it works though, is it? Parents and their bloody kids get free pass after free pass and the rest of us are just expected to put up with it.

        Rant over. 🙂 Cheers – I.Y.

      • “Other people’s revolting children”
        I take it that means any children that aren’t related to you or wife’s extended families or your friends children or grand children.
        I can’t imagine you’d say to their face that your kid is fucking revolting.
        Didn’t think so.
        There’s shit parents with annoying kids across the globe but you can’t tar us all with the same brush.
        I’m guessing if you had your way no more children would be born so you wouldn’t have to fund them but if you do the maths (or is that math) in most Western societies taxes paid in a person’s lifetime massively outweighs the sum taken as any form of child benefit. So in the grand scheme kids help a society make a profit and keep your future taxes down. A numerical and financial fact.
        Don’t believe me? Look it up.
        Also it’s highly likely one of these revolting children will be the person that provides medical assistance and maybe saves your life when your old and crusty.

        You say how unfair it all is.
        Life isn’t fair, but you already knew that.

      • Hi JR –
        You’re right, I wouldn’t say it to their face that I think their child is revolting. There’s nothing to be gained from being the aggressor. I have long lived by the principle of never throwing the first stone. I’ll react to something, but I won’t instigate it.

        When it comes to children in my own family circle, it’s pretty limited. I don’t have any kids myself by choice, obviously. My sisters both have children. They’re all grown up now, but my interest in them is such that I couldn’t tell you how old they are or even when their birthdays are. I can’t even remember the last time I saw 2 of them! It’s been at least 10 years and I don’t care. Everyone in my immediate family knows I hate kids and they just accept it. By way of example, way back when I still lived at home with my parents and my sisters would visit with their bloody kids in tow, I’d go out and stay out until I figured it was safe to go back home (i.e. they’d gone). I kid you not (no pun intended). As for friends, to be honest I don’t have any in the US. I don’t socialise by choice. I find people rather tiresome and like to limit my interactions with them as much as possible. The one friend I’ve kept in touch with back in the UK does have a son. Again, he’s older now but I’ll give him his due, he’s been raised properly and has always been quiet, well behaved and super polite whenever I’ve been around.

        You mentioned tarring everyone with the same brush. You’re exactly right again. A recent cunting was for cat owners. I own a cat (or rather my cat owns me). I didn’t get all bent out of shape over that cunting because my cat’s an indoor cat and thus is not free to roam the neighbourhood defecating in other people’s flower beds. I happen to agree that’s not right and understand people’s angst at having to endure it. Nasty. I can’t abide cruelty to the cats though.

        As for taxes, roughly 80% of my property tax bill goes to the local school authority. That’s insane. I didn’t use the US school system, will never use the US school system and strongly object to subsidising it at the same level as those who DO use it. Obviously I was educated in the UK and no I didn’t go to the local comprehensive. From age 11 I was educated privately. My mum and dad made enormous sacrifices to afford the school fees in case you might think I come from a super rich upper class family. I don’t. By way of example, we never went on a family holiday together – ever!).

        My point is this, if people want to have kids then fine. I’d just prefer it if they stayed away from me and my wallet. One of the things I value most in life is peace and quiet. Kids are the antithesis of that. In years gone by, there were places which were exclusively for adults. For example, when I was a kid, you had to be 14 to even be allowed in a pub. These days, your local drinking hole is a fucking creche. Apart from your own home and maybe strip clubs (one assumes) I’m struggling to think of many places where you can go where you’re not forced to put up with other people’s fucking kids. For people like me who hate kids, that’s infuriating.

        As for the medical argument, I’ve heard that one before. If I was allowed to not subsidise anyone else’s kids and one of those kids saved my life, I’ll buy them a fucking yacht. How about we do it that way?

        Finally, I’ve never understood the “math” thing. The word is an abbreviation of mathematics which is plural, so using an abbreviated singular doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Yank, eh? Cheers – I.Y.

  4. Schools, education authorities and the courts throw their toys out of the pram when someone takes their kid out of school for a week during term time.
    They are committed to ensure each and every child gets the best education the system can provide.
    If this is the case why are children in Britain given an extra 5 days off as so called “inset” days.
    An acronym for IN SErvice Training where teachers attend school for training.
    It’s clearly too much to ask the teachers to do this during the half term week off, or the two week end of term break, or during the six week summer break.
    Can’t eat into their holiday.

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