John Beggs QC


John Beggs QC is a despicable CUNT.

He’s representing Surrey plod over their total fuck-up in investigating the 4 army cadet deaths / murders / suicides at Deepcut between 1995 and 2002. The father of one the victims has been trying to get to the truth since 1995, whilst the establishment (courts / plod, MOD etc) have lied, obfuscated, obstructed and covered up. The girl apparently shot herself in the forehead with a rifle but plod lost the bullet within 24 hours and allowed the clothes/uniform she was wearing to be burnt, i.e. lose all the forensic evidence.

At the latest inquest / inquiry whatever, CUNTY Beggs had a go at the dead girls dad for “pestering” Surrey police and distracting them from the Milly Dowler invetstigation. I think the coroner/whatever mildly rebuked him and told him to move on with his questioning, but what a mammoth CUNT.

Nominated by: Frottom

11 thoughts on “John Beggs QC

  1. Superb cunting. Seems to be a new tactic in public life – when you’re losing an argument, reference Milly Dowler.

    • Yep, Mrs found some questionable messages from other women on my phone the other week. After about 2 hours of argument I resorted to “For Gods sake! Would you just stop thinking about your own problems and maybe spare a thought for the family of Milly Dowler?!
      She quickly saw the error of her ways and made me a bacon sandwich and promised to never mention it again.

  2. 1984 is behind us and we’re into uncharted territory now; Cunts like this seem to be faithfully following the script though. Bit of a mystery man with no wiki page and lots of ‘getting nowhere’ links on t’web in general. He’s definitely one to watch.

    It’s all a game to these cunts.

    My voices say: he’s a Cunt!

  3. Meanwhile, I see the Met have caved in over operation Midland and let the buggers off the hook (not surprising as it was all based upon some dumbfuck called ‘Nick’). Good old Hogan Howe, he can’t get anything right the cunt. They are all at it, simultaneously accusing, backtracking and covering their arses, which is no surprise for the mysterious Nick. Wasn’t QC a cheap British sherry, decent enough for a quick hangover.

    • and did those moron plod cunts give nick a polygraph test? if they did it never made the MSM

      • ‘Nick’ was able to describe correctly and in detail the interiors of the apartments and houses to which he was allegedly and where the abuse was carried out. He was also able to describe the décor as it was then (rather than as it is now).

        Frankly, Plod was never going to uncover “concrete evidence” of sexual abuse that took place 30-40 years ago, but is anyone (other than Harvey Proctor and Leon Brittan’s brother) actually suggesting that Plod simply shouldn’t bother to investigate such allegations…? Why would anyone waste time with a polygraph test? This isn’t the Jeremy Kyle Show.

  4. QC – something legal, methinks… Gawd, another wankstain cunt of a prime minister in the making, I suspect. Public enquiries, biggest fucking load of whitewash EVER. This man deserves to be tied to a tree in Thetford forest and buggered by jihadis until he drowns on spunk.

  5. Oh your understanding of Beggs cuntishness is nowhere near accurate. I was at uni with him and know some of his secrets, like the young girl he drove to suicide with his cuntishness. And his direct involvement in organising animal rights activites for which some people were sentenced to 7 years inside. We always thought he was just lucky the way we all got arrested and/or questioned but he never did. Now I suspect he was ‘remarkably blessed’ in some unexplainable cuntish way.

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