
Buskers are cunts….

Not only are 99% of them crap, they can’t sing or play, the cunts now use a CD of some other fucker’s work to make money… In Manchester and Bury there is this bloke ( a foreign cunt, there’s a surprise, eh?) who ‘plays’ the violin, but never plays it without his ‘backing track’… I knew the music instantly and note for note… It was a Mantovani album that my auntie Alice had when I was a kid… It was exactly the same fucking album…

The cheeky gyppo cunt actually left his ‘patch’ for a moment while Mantovani played on and the fiddle (very apt) lay stationary…. Funny last week when some lady fronted up the cheeky cunt… Like me she knew what the music was and that it wasn’t him playing it… The cunt went into righteous indignation mode squealing ‘I play! No! I play!’ But when she laid the Mantovani thing (names, title of album etc) on him it was suddenly ‘Me no speaky English! You racist!’ and all the other usual shite these Johnnies try to pull…

One day he’s going to get his fiddle shoved up his arse, the thieving gyppo cunt…

Nominated by: Norman