The BAFTAs are cunts…

These chinless twats have now decided they will now exclude films that are ‘non-diverse’ from nominations or voting…. So basically they are saying the film has to have someone black, muslim, or gay in it to be even considered…

So a masterpiece like David Lean’s Hobson’s Choice or any of the early 60s British classics (Poor Cow, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner etc) would be excluded because they aren’t ‘diverse’ enough (ie: there’s not enough blacks or pooves in them)?! I’ve never heard such bollocks…

A film – and especially a period piece – is supposed to reflect and portray a particular set of life and times… A film about Henry VIII for example should have no black people in it because there were no black people in the Tudor Court, simple as that… But these cunts don’t care about history or art, they just want anything and everything to reflect generation snowflake, and blacks and queers to be in absolutely everything that comes out…

There aren’t many (if any) white people in those horrible Bollywood films, but will they be excluded? Oh. that’s different, is it? Fuck right off… Just as leftism is the new fascism, diversity is the new racism…

Nominated by: Norman