Bin men


If I have to tell the fucking bin men to stop deliberately putting the emptied bins up against my car (so they blow on to it, like the other day, for the third week in a row) I’m going to follow the cunts home and execute them in front of there families before dismembering them and throwing them in numerous bins.

You empty bins because you are thickoid no hoper cunts, with no other options for employment in society. Its your station, so get used to it. At least people will always need bins emptying, I have 22 years experience in my engineering field and I’m currently unemployed…

Its that parasitic socialist sense of entitlement that they all display, ‘I work for a living too therefore I also demand a new car and you should pay for it too’ not realising of course the amount of effort one has to put into education and the said job to attain such levels of independence. This rebuttal is usually met with with ‘you think you are better than us’ comments from the knuckle draggers in question.


Nominated by: The Captain

9 thoughts on “Bin men

  1. I truly hope that you throw the dismembered bodies into the correct bins, otherwise you will get a visit from the “refuse gestapo”, who will put a sticker onto the offending bin for all the world to see and give you a stern telling off and lecture on the importance of correct disposal.
    To my mind, these are the true cunts of the refuse collection service, paid to snoop on your disposal habits like the informers of the Stalinist era

    • Yeah, it’s limbs on Tuesdays, heads on Thursdays, and garden waste on Fridays.

  2. Totally agree with you about bin men, but what’s this “socialist sense of entitlement”?

    For the most nauseatingly abhorrent sense of entitlement you only need to look at Chicken Dave, Gideon The Towel Folder, Boris the Buffoon et al – the smug Old Etonian and Oxford Bullingdon Club cunts who can’t articulate why they entered politics beyond mumbling “I thought I’d be rather good at it”. And I very much doubt either one of them would describe themselves as “socialists”. If ever anyone ever demonstrated a sense of entitlement, it’s the upper classes. And no one tops those three (though I wish someone would).

    As I’ve said before, cuntitude has no political allegiance. Adding “left wing” and “socialist” (or indeed “right wing” or “Tory”) to the cunting adds nothing beyond making this site resemble Daily Mail Online…

  3. Where I am now the grey bin gets emptied every three weeks… This of course is particularly annoynig in the summer months when the files decide it’s party time….

    I once lost it with some council knobhead… I did my garden from top to bottom and the brown bin was chocka with gress, twigs, leaves and all that… Nothing but garden refuse in there… But, unknown to me, some twat passed my bin and chucked a pepsi can in there… Needless to say the soft arsed bin buggerers didn’t empty it… The daft cow at the council said it wasn’t emptied due to an ‘inappropriate item’ (ie: a fucking coke can!)…
    I went mad and demanded that the bastards return to empty it…

    We also needed an extra bin when my late mother had cancer and was nursed at home… The Bin Nazis at the council wanted to inspect what we had to throw away, and they also wanted to see bank statements… I told them to fuck off… I wasn’t having those nosy bastards going into what my mum had to go through just to go to the bog in her last days… As for bank statements, bollocks to that too..

    f someone does get one of these extra bins (it is easier to get cack from the cow off The Magic Roundabout!) the ever so discrete council give it a bright red lid… A bit like painting a big yellow cross on the door during the black death… Bin Nazis are just naother part of Britain turning to shit..

  4. In point of fact, our binmen are quite obliging and generally careful where they stick the empty bins, it is however, the rat-faced little git from the council, whose job it is, is to periodically have a nose in the bins to see if the populace are adhering to the rules that I take exception to.
    My fervent hope is that he manages to fall into a wheelie bin on one of his tours of inspection and ends up in the compactor before anyone gets a chance to see him.

  5. Are you shitting me?

    In my part of the world the bin men come twice a week or we get a rat infestation and there is no recycling.

    That is what I pay my taxes for. Other people to separate the glass from the tins.


  6. I like the bin men where I live. Very often I bung them a few quid to take away my garden waste and other stuff I would have take to the local tip. (They chuck it in their dustbin lorry with all the other domestic rubbish) Ha ha! Calculated (in cash terms) the saving of my valuable time and effort to drive it myself to the tip is 50%.

  7. Extrapolate from bin men to ALL fucking council employees all of whom are total cunts. Traffic wardens are cunts; planners are cunts; building control are cunts; councillors are proper and complete cunts; the fuckin woman who answers the phone and goes “H’what department does hw’one require” is a cunt; the cunt that inspects the bins should be placed in the extruder from which said bins are, well, er, extruded as he is a nazi, fascist, blowfly loving cunt; the council van driving cunts are all cunts, in fact even the council offices are cunts. And the library. And the fucking cunting swimmin baths. They are all………..CUUUUUUUUUNTS!!

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