Ben Duncan


Ben Duncan. Until recently, this saggy buffalo scrotum was a Green party councillor for Brighton and Hove. I say until recently because he’s been sacked as a Green councillor and is now an Independent. His crime? Apart from being from being a far left fuckwit that is. Well, he decided to tweet his distaste of Armed Forces Day. And apparently, it’s only the latest in a series of dipshit tweets.

This is one of the reasons I hate the left wing. They constantly harp on about the right to freedom of speech, whilst slagging off the very people who ensure they keep their freedom. Often with the most despicable of comments. They truly are the definition of ungrateful cunts.

His exact words were, “Armed Forces Day has certainly brought the hired killers onto the streets of Brighton today. Hard to explain to my son”. Actually, it’s pretty easy. “Well son, those people wearing their uniforms are the reason that people who don’t wear a uniform are allowed things like freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom itself basically. We owe them our gratitude”. See, easy.

I’ve mentioned in the past that I served in the British Army for 18 years. Including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. So obviously, this little piece of shite has offended me greatly. Especially since I lost two good mates. One in Basra and the other in Nowzad. Men of honour.

I don’t particularly give a fuck that he doesn’t like military personnel. I despise left wing cunts like him. So I guess it makes us even. In my opinion though, the right to freedom of speech, does not necessarily mean you have to use it all the time. Some things are best kept to yourself, and Duncan’s recent comment comes under that category. Then again, Liberals are usually the most vocal. And they always talk shite.

I don’t mention my service to try to big myself up by the way. I just want you to understand where I’m coming from.

What saddens me the most, is the fact that this dick actually has children. I mean that poor little fucker is going to grow up believing that being an ungrateful, mouthy, obscene little cunt, is a good thing. It isn’t. It just means you’re an ungrateful, mouthy, obscene little cunt.

I will always be proud that I served my country. Even though I now consider myself a stranger in that country. Ben Duncan is incapable of understanding what it is that makes people decide to serve UK rather than just take from it, like he does. He might consider people like me to be ‘hired killers’, but I consider myself to be a better man than Duncan could ever hope to. He’s nothing more than a far left traitor.

I should mention as well, that I think the Green party’s action here has motivated, at least in part, by a threat from a right wing group to march through Brighton in protest at Dickweed Duncan’s comment. Personally, I think those loopy Green cunts all agree with him.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

7 thoughts on “Ben Duncan

  1. The irony is that if this useless streak of a homeless man’s piss got his own way, he would one of the first against a wall facing a firing squad made up of the cunts he is trying to appease.

    Hopefully while his son, Hugo / tarquine / Noah (Insert stupid left wing middle class name here) looks on in horror and screams for a big burly bloke in a uniform to do something about it.

    The cunt.

  2. Typical thicho army rant ,the british arm from the Crimea war to ww2has shown nothing but complete in inaptitude it has lost no end of battles and has relied on the Russians or Americans to bail them out. The generals were cunts and the politicians are cunts.

    • Cunts the generals and Politicians might be and in some cases criminally inept in their direction of battles and the numbers of soldiers slaughtered through their arrogance and stupidity, but I fail to see how that makes the OP a Thicko.
      Curious to know how and When the Russians have ever bailed us out, perhaps you would enlighten me?

      • The Russians have never bailed us out littlebluestars. In fact, the opposite is true. Were it not for the Atlantic convoys, the Russians would have been fucked. Fave is just a piece of shit.

    • What an repulsive, ignorant, piece of shit little troll you. Stick to fucking your mother you worthless little shite.

  3. the total value of the aid sent to Russia was just ten percent of the overall material on the russian side, if you knew anything about ww2 you would know that ninety per cent of the german war effort was directed against the Soviet Union. the british could not defeat the Germans in a equal contest ,Dunkirk, Greece ,Crete ,market garden,they took the rest of the war to conquer Italy.And now they rule Europe without firing a shot.

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