Stephen Fry [3]


Steven Fry is turd-burgling cunt. Not content with foisting his bumsex demands about puffs getting ‘married’ on the 99% of the nation that would rather not take it up the arse, he is now demanding control over the Olympic Committee’s decision to host the winter olympics in Russia as well as the right to scrap Russia’s non-queer president and the ability to re-write any laws the Duma pass that he doesn’t like.

Fry, a self confessed player of the pink oboe, should shut the fuck up about his perverse bedroom habits and realise that the vast majority of the human race do not find other people’s excrement sexually appealing.

Fucking nonse couldn’t even manage to top himself properly, despite the massive intellect we keep hearing about, which obviously can’t be that towering if he cannot tell arse from quim.

Nominated by: Termujin

7 thoughts on “Stephen Fry [3]

  1. Well said. But if Fry topped himself there would be no cunt to immediately get on Twitter and start tweeting about “My dear sweet friend Stephen, what a tragedy, RIP, etc” – THAT’S what I detest about Fry: his fucking non-stop Twitter obituaries.

  2. Kids

    Who gave these pram weilding fuckheads permission to assume they can bring their spawn to a place where hard working people are paying to relax. Not to be bothered by noisy, squeeling tempremental stinking loud cunts and simply expect everything is ok do let them run cry and scream and we all simply sit there and bear it.

    Bring back the slap for fucks sake as i assure you if you are not prepared to unleash one on that cunt making all that fucking noise, i will.

    • Hopefully the mutant genes you and your sister produce will result in any pregnancy that arises failing.

    • I agree, kids should be slapped hard. My fucking ol man used to beat me half senseless with his belt nearly every day; never did me any harm. If you did that today you would get arrested. Where is the justice in that?

  3. Sometimes I like Fry (I have in another comment directly called him a cunt ….so I’m being even handed when I say…) I fucking loved reading in Peter Hitchens usual ranting drivel in every other article he writes … “Stephen Fry idiots idea of an intellectual”.
    Sum’s it up pretty well.

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