11 thoughts on “Baroness Warsi

  1. David Cameron is fucking cunt too. A pointless fucking twat!! I’d like to see Baroness Warsi naked.

  2. I reckon she has a fanny that looks like cross between a Horse Collar and a Butchers Dustbin with the accompanying whiff of Curry.

  3. She’s a rag head in a rip. She’s having a temper tantrum cos we don’t give a fck about her lot in palestine. Fck off to palestine Warsi and cut out the middle man you twat.

  4. Speaking of cunts yep David Cameron George Osbourne and that useless fckn twat Theressa May. Theese are the pricks that are in charge of our country. Guy Fawkes had the right fuckin idea. Why the fck are we spending money on aid and military hardware on fck religeous imbiciles who as history has proven will continue to slaughter each other in the name of some non existent god from some fairy tale book. Fuck were in the 21st century stop behaving like a load of fckn Neandotal imbiciles or fck off and kill each other like we really give a fck.

  5. this evil lying cow-claiming publicly she has left the out campaign because of the harmless honest poster nonsense -she was never in either out campaign groups according to fellow tory mp’s .
    they are throwing everything at this-murder guilt hate lies threats -even ww3 and the end of civilisation and global famine-and still they cant frighten enough of us to feel secure – its a strange and frightening moment in our countries history-its beyond belief to be honest .
    this woman has never said one word I agree with-she is anti white and English and anti democratic -and why does she care it got her into the house of lords -that should keep her in luxury silken saris for the rest of her life.

    • What a load of Cox/cock these remain cunts are spouting.
      Read Katie Hopkins in the Daily Fail today – she sums it all up better than I could!

  6. She has used the phrase “militant secularism” in the past which proves what a cunt she is.

    Only a thick cunt would think the idea that people should be free to worship how they see fit without imposing their religion on everyone else is in any way ‘militant’.

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